AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Turn Off Layout Tools Contextual Tab
Feb 4, 2013Is there any way to turn off Layout Tools Contextual Tab in 2013? I tried the same options that worked for 2013, but it didn't work on 2013.
View 1 RepliesIs there any way to turn off Layout Tools Contextual Tab in 2013? I tried the same options that worked for 2013, but it didn't work on 2013.
View 1 RepliesHow do I disable the layout Tools Contextual tab in Civile3d 2012 so that is does not become active every time I change to Paper Space. I would like the ribbon to stay focused on the HOME tab when in paper space.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I disable the layout Tools Contextual tab in Autocad map 2013 so that is does not become active every time I change to Paper Space. I would like the ribbon to stay focused on the HOME tab when in paper space.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a bit of a problem with Autocad map 3d 2012. When i try to insert a scale bar or a north arrow or any other carthographic element i simply can't find the layout elements that are supposed to be in layout tools tab. I've done a lot of research online and can't come up with anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I switch to a layout there is a panel "Layout Tools" that grabs focuse. I've never had it before, where/how I turn it off?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to layout a road profile. I have created a profile view with my existing surface. I select "Create Profile View By Layout" in the pulldown to create my vertical road geometry and I get the Profile Layout Tools pop-up but all the buttons are greyed out so I can't do anything with it. I am using C3D 2008.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs this still an issue in Civil 3D 2014? (Looks like it's been broke since Civil 3D 2007). URL.....
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm a right clicker. Contextual ribbon tabs pop up every time I touch an object. They require additional clicks and mouse movements. I don't want them. How can I stop them? I just want the default ribbon. I was able to do this on a previous version but now I forget how. Version upgrades do not bode well for old people.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter installing and running the Rail Track Layout tool, the only turnouts that are available are European turnouts. Is there a way to get the standard US turnouts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using the parcel layout tools to set a minimum frontage and lot sizing. In the table creation tools for parcels, you can bring in the parcel name, area, perimeter, and all of the line segments. Is there anyway to include only the frontage versus all of the line segments?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am looking for the options to turning on/off contextual alternates in Elements.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I select a design object such as an alignment or corridor the contextual ribbon fails to appear. I'm working on C3D2012 and the ribbon has always appeared before.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i click on an alignment, the ribbon tab at the top doesn't show up. Here is my cui settings for Ribbon-Contextual Tab States-Alignment single selection.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to access a hatch pattern from the Hatch Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab, C3D stops working and I have to force the program to quit. I've tried repairing the installation, which didn't work. I've also compeltely uninstalled and then reinstllaed the program, and have applied the Service Pack 1 update, but the problem persists.
However, accessing a hatch pattern after using the "Hatch" command from the command does seem to work.
I am looking for tools be it tips and tricks or lisp that can make the most of layout tabs especially when I have many layout tabs in my dwg.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I turn on the equivalent of VP tools in Model space. ie [+] [Top] [Wireframe]
View 6 Replies View RelatedWe just received ACAD 2012 and I would like to turn off the layout tab preview option/function. We have drawings with upwards fo 60-70 layout tabs in them and the preview is annoying and is causing some issues. I can't seem to find the system variable to trun it off.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would like to turn off the express tool visiblity in the menu bar. I have turned them off in the CUI. (in all workspaces, I have removed the aecmain.lsp witch i see loads into the toolbar, I have unloaded the partial cui and reloaded). If I set the workspace to one which it is turn off it goes away. Problem is that when I open again "its back". Is there another place that I don't know about that controls?
I "do" want to load the express tools. I don't want them to show in the menubar nor the ribbon. I want to allow command line or custom menu macro to call. I was able to do this in 2010.
AutoCAD command to turnoff the Model/Layout tab in autocad 2014 or which function i need to call from will trunoff the modellayout.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have 2 quick questions:
1- How do I turn OFF the display of Layers in Layout viewports, but they remain ON in the Model?
2- How do I rotate a group of objects to match my orthogonal UCS?
How do I turn off the apply to layout button in thi window
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to turn on the ctrl shift alt and space bar options for the selection window like it works with the shape tools?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I click on an array to edit it the contextual tab does not display. I am able to see other contextual tabs, just not this one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012. While using the hatch command, the contextual tab pulled up in the ribbon as expected. But when I went to pick an internal point AutoCAD froze. After closing ACAD and trying to open the drawing again it asked me to recover the drawing because of errors. After recovering the drawing the ribbon still had the contextual hatch tab in it although if you try and hatch ACAD will freeze again.
So as it sits now, no matter how many times you open or close the drawing the contextual hatch tab will not go away and is not functional. If you try and hatch the drawing crashes. I have duplicated the problem on multiple computers so I know its not a problem with my computer as much as it is a problem with this particular drawing.
Is there any way to turn off the Contextual tab state. I tried changing a lot of them in the CUI Ribbon Properties from Full to Merged but now when I select anything the program slows down to a crawl. My reason is that its really not that convenient for ACA to keep switching back and forth just because I select an object. I use a lot of hot key’s but there are many commands on the Home Ribbon tab that I use 99 percent of the time at selection and I find it a royal pain in the ars to keep switching it back to get to the command I need. I’m using 2011 ACA. OS is Windows 7. 64 bit and 10 GB of Ram
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am still trying to learn the basics in AutoCAD. Here is an example: I have many lines created in a drawing that all are different in collar,layer,line type,. Now I want to start drawing a new line But with the settings of a specific line . instead of changing every attribute(collor,layer,line type.) How can I simple pick a line I like from the drawing and then the line tool adopts the settings from that line? The same question for other tools for example text, dims,... Is the a tool the simple picks the objects attributes and make those current ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I cannot open any of my creation tools, nor can I create anything like alignments. I am a relatively new user. I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have a main line (1 Alignment) and some junctions on that main line (other Alignments), and out GOAL is to create GL (General Layout) sheets, showing Shading, Setting out and Dimensions..ETC.So every VFG (View Frame Group) i can generate cut sheets from it, the Question is
1- How can i "connect" all the VFGs you see in the image attached into one VFG so that i would create them together ?
2- OR should i make separate VFGs like you see i did already , and then create cut sheets for each VFG ?
3- Or am i the only one facing this Problem ?
I am trying to use Plan Production Tools. While creating frame I new what my start station was, but was not really sure how far to go so i let it create frames to the end. After i seen where the frames landed i realized i needed to erase one frame. Then i Created sheets. While looking at the sheets i have noticed i did not delete the matchline. Is there a way to delete this matchline or do i have to do all that work again?
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
Civil 3D point cloud tools (ribbon) are different than AutoCAD's. Is there a way to bring up AutoCAD's point cloud ribbon in addition to Civil 3D's ribbon?I guess if the commands are the same, I can just copy the ribbon from AutoCAD's CUI and plop it into Civil 3D's CUI.
But, is there a better way or is there something I'm missing?I'm looking for the clipping tools and the point cloud display otions (scan colors, elevation, normal, intensity, etc.)
I just upgraded our office from 2010 (architecture package) to 2011 and I was very excited to use the new hatch improvements, but whenever I try to use the hatch command I don't get the contextual tab. I tried playing around with HPDLGMODE, and I can get the old style dialog box, but I was really looking forward to having all that on the ribbon. I looked in the CUI and I found the hatch creation one, and it's empty. I also noticed that many other contextual tabs are empty. I think maybe it's because of some setting I had it import from my previous release maybe?
We have multiple seats where I work (I'm in charge of everything computer related) and mine is the only one where this happens. Everyone one else that I set up has the contextual tab.
Should I just reinstall it without pulling in my settings and re-build my ribbon the way I had it?