I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012. While using the hatch command, the contextual tab pulled up in the ribbon as expected. But when I went to pick an internal point AutoCAD froze. After closing ACAD and trying to open the drawing again it asked me to recover the drawing because of errors. After recovering the drawing the ribbon still had the contextual hatch tab in it although if you try and hatch ACAD will freeze again.
So as it sits now, no matter how many times you open or close the drawing the contextual hatch tab will not go away and is not functional. If you try and hatch the drawing crashes. I have duplicated the problem on multiple computers so I know its not a problem with my computer as much as it is a problem with this particular drawing.
I just upgraded our office from 2010 (architecture package) to 2011 and I was very excited to use the new hatch improvements, but whenever I try to use the hatch command I don't get the contextual tab. I tried playing around with HPDLGMODE, and I can get the old style dialog box, but I was really looking forward to having all that on the ribbon. I looked in the CUI and I found the hatch creation one, and it's empty. I also noticed that many other contextual tabs are empty. I think maybe it's because of some setting I had it import from my previous release maybe?
We have multiple seats where I work (I'm in charge of everything computer related) and mine is the only one where this happens. Everyone one else that I set up has the contextual tab.
Should I just reinstall it without pulling in my settings and re-build my ribbon the way I had it?
When I try to access a hatch pattern from the Hatch Creation Ribbon Contextual Tab, C3D stops working and I have to force the program to quit. I've tried repairing the installation, which didn't work. I've also compeltely uninstalled and then reinstllaed the program, and have applied the Service Pack 1 update, but the problem persists.
However, accessing a hatch pattern after using the "Hatch" command from the command does seem to work.
Is there any way to turn off the Contextual tab state. I tried changing a lot of them in the CUI Ribbon Properties from Full to Merged but now when I select anything the program slows down to a crawl. My reason is that its really not that convenient for ACA to keep switching back and forth just because I select an object. I use a lot of hot key’s but there are many commands on the Home Ribbon tab that I use 99 percent of the time at selection and I find it a royal pain in the ars to keep switching it back to get to the command I need. I’m using 2011 ACA. OS is Windows 7. 64 bit and 10 GB of Ram
I'm a right clicker. Contextual ribbon tabs pop up every time I touch an object. They require additional clicks and mouse movements. I don't want them. How can I stop them? I just want the default ribbon. I was able to do this on a previous version but now I forget how. Version upgrades do not bode well for old people.
So I've got a Construct that is the building model. I also have a View file for my 2D extracted elevations. I've just 'Refreshed' one of the elvations based on some updates I did to the construct model. But when the 2D elevation refreshed, it's surface hatching (roof tiles) scaled itself down considerably. What controls this? I need to have that hatching scale back up and don't know how.
I have a viewport that is not showing the hatch pattern. In one layout tab, the hatch shows. In another tab, the hatch does not. The layer is not frozen or off, on the sheet or in the viewport.
Other items and hatch patterns on that same layer show up. The display is set to 2D wireframe. I even cut - paste a viewport from the working layout tab to the non-working layout tab and the pattern disappears.
The hatch appears correct on the screen, but when printing there are voids created on the printout. These voids appear in different areas for each print. Our plotter is HPT790, that has all the software updates.
I have Autocad Architecture 2014 installed on my office PC and Laptop.A drawing with a hatch pattern set to a scale of 1 on my laptop needs to be changed to a scale of 25.4 to look the same on my PC. Both versions of ACA are US metric.
I have a drawing from an architect, and they have used a user defined hatch pattern. But I cannot use it. I can find it's name, it shows up in properties and in the hatch tools. But it isn't in any *.pat files and I can't copy it into my tool palettes. where I could find it, it shows up just fine in the drawing, but I can't figure out how to use it in other areas, not even within the same drawing.
I have a CAD station that is having all sorts of issues all of a sudden. When one of our architects opens her drawings she gets the "Hatch - Large, Dense Hatch Patterns" dialogue box.
When I we choose the "Do not convert these hatch patterns" and open the drawing, it converts all the hatch patterns to solid anyway. This is mostly affecting the walls and converting all the hatch into one solid blob of a hatch.
One weird thing is this only happens in the medium detail display configuration. I can go to any other display and it is fine. The other weird thing is that these same drawings open fine on any other computer so it has to be a system problem.
The other gremlin I solved yesterday was that the system all of a sudden was not recognizing the LTYPESHP.SHX file. I had to add the DataCache support folder containing a ltypeshp.shx file to the support file search path.
I have two created wall styles, one is a stud wall with gyp bd each side, the other is a cmu wall with gyp bd each side. I want to use a solid hatch which I am able to do but the problem is one wall style the stud hatch is HATCH 1 and in the other wall style the CMU hatch is HATCH 2. It seems as though the two wall styles are tied together some how for if I turn on / off a hatch in one of the wall styles it turns on / off the hatch in the other wall style.
Another little problem off the big list. Up until now i have been using Autocad Architecture 2009 but recently upgraded to 2012. For some reason though, my hatches are now no longer linking on wall corners like the attached drawing shows.
When I add the hatch pattern to the tool palette and then try to use it, it defaults the boundaries add command to pick points. Is there a way i can have it default to select objects?
Not sure if this is possible, but a coworker said he remembers doing something like this. I want to hatch an area that has been rotated. But without knowing what the angle, is it possible to hatch the rotated area so the hatch is orthogonal? I've attached a pdf to show what I want.
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I would like to add a hatch file but all the hatch files are located in the following file C:Program filesAutodeskAutoCAD Architecture 2012ContentPackscp_ADT_UKsupport. Adding a hatch file?
My Computer just recently jusst got switched to a new server...
Somethings are just acting weird now, like my hatching...
All my old hatches that were associative are acting like one seltions like if i hatch a polyline now when i go to select that hatch it now selects the polyline as well.
This never happened before abd the only way to edit it now is to either make it in the properties not associative then i lose my boundary or just to explode it then i a ihave an exploded hatch...before i made it assoc. and i could just edit or select the hatch only i think its an option setting...
I inserted a design component of a concrete wall and the hatch pattern came in with ansi31 instead of a concrete pattern and it is filled in. I dragged another wall style from tool palette and instead of the conc pattern, I'm getting the ansi31 pattern. Also tried the 3" base course with a gravel pattern and got the same thing.
URL.... I cant set the hatch in quick cross section in the wall. I have installed sp1 for ACA 2013. It nothing change. I'm architect from Poland.I use Autocad Architecture five years.
When I draw a brick wall in the north-south or west-east direction, the pattern is at 45 degrees, but when I draw a wall at any other angle, the pattern is still at 45 degrees but not relative to the brick wall.
I have a shed roof with a series of beams. The roof has a hatch. In the RCP, how can I show the beams "in front" of the hatch? I've tried changing the view to Hidden, but that gives me the top of the roof, not the underside... Also, many of the floor items (such as kitchen cabinets) are showing.
I am working on my electrical plan with the floor plan xref'd. I am able to get the entire floorplan to plot lighter using the 25% saturation feature in layers. The walls print ghosted, but the hatch that is on the same layer as the walls stays dark. I tried creating a seperate wall section All layers on the floor plan dwg that are xref'd in are the same in the layers dialog.