AutoCAD Architecture :: Hatch Not Showing In Viewport
Jan 23, 2011
I have a viewport that is not showing the hatch pattern. In one layout tab, the hatch shows. In another tab, the hatch does not. The layer is not frozen or off, on the sheet or in the viewport.
Other items and hatch patterns on that same layer show up. The display is set to 2D wireframe. I even cut - paste a viewport from the working layout tab to the non-working layout tab and the pattern disappears.
I'm drafting for an office that likes to create just one single main drawing with everything on top of it (ARCH, STRUC, MEP) and just work frezzing layers on each viewport so of course I have to use "maximize viewport" icon all the time and enter model space from there to work. The problem is when I try to apply hatch it just doesn't show (like if applying hatch to a frozzen layer), I'm very careful making sure that the layer is not frozen or off and still just simply doesn't show, however when I go back to model space is there.
i have one of the drawing have hatch problem the problem is that my solid are not shown in print but other hatch are shown in printing only solid hatch are not showing i check fill command my fill is on and also check fill mode my fill mode is set to 1.
He's got a series of roadway plans where the North arrow shows up fine on some sheets, but the fill (solid hatch) in the arrows doesn't display on others. The arrows are blocks, all the elements in the block are on layer "0" (zero).and the blocks reside in model space.
Just for grins. I had him expand a viewport (where the arrow looks fine) to capture a problematic arrow and... it looks fine. So, it's not an arrow/block/layer issue. It's a viewport issue.
Hatch is not showing up on my drawing anymore. I use hatch command, pick area, pattern, color, scale etc and then when I press enter or preview nothing happens. Hatch works on my layouts though but not in model view.
Before all that happened, AutoCAD crashed and stopped working so I had to force close it.
What do I do now? How can I make hatch work again?
Autocad LT 2007. I pasted an ole object into model space and when I create a viewport in my tab I see the outline of the ole object but the actual image does not show up.
I installed a brand new install of 2013 Product Design Suite Premium on a new machine. When I go to run Inventor everything seems to work fine. I make a drawing of a part and export to DWG. That's a requirement here. When I go to open the file in AutoCAD, the hatch pattern doesn't show and it looks like the boundaries for the hatch move to 0,0,0. Very stange and I haven't been able to figure this out. I installed Premium on another machine and performed the same export. Works fine on the other machine. The other machine however, has 2012 installed as well. Could this simply be a bad install?
I have a master drawing with multiple xrefed building sketches. Looking at the model space on the "master" I can see all the room identities. However, if I go to the sheets that I have created and look at the view ports. The room identities are not there. The layer is called A-Room-Iden and it is on and not frozen...
I'm using AutoCAD 2010 and I tried creating an annotative dimension but it won't show up in my viewport unless ANNOALLVISIBLE is set to 1. Both my annotative and viewport scale are set to 1/8"=1'-0".
I have a piece of my 3D model (it's a square tube with rounded corners) that I'm trying to display in a viewport in 2D but there are too many surface lines on the corners. Is there a way to display the rounded corners as sharp edges and the hidden lines of the object?
I have Inventor Series 2011 and regarding my AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 have it updated to Version 3 (Product Version: E.208.0.0).
I am trying to work on some drawing in my AutoCAD and all the sudden the Hatch Creation Ribbon has decide it is going to rule the day. All day, and likely tomorrow too. I am not working on any hatches but why it has popped up. And it WILL NOT CLOSE! If I select the “Close Hatch Creation” panel button on the ribbon, it simply executes the last command that was ran. So, I figure I just close down the drawing and close then restart AutoCAD and I should be good to go. Nope. Reboot the computer. Nope. Soon as I fire AutoCAD back up and open any of my drawings.
I've been trying to calculate large areas using fills but I keep encountering a problem with some of the hatches not showing an area and thus ruining my calculation. I've found out that I can correct it by removing certain crossing point between lines as is shown below in my screenshots. Is there any reason this is causing a particular problem and can I avoid it to save me having to go back over my hatches checking for these malformed hatches?
I've got a drawing that contains an XREF. I've got a field reading the viewport object's Custom scale>Use scale name. However, whenever the drawing is loaded up all of the XREF's scales get imported. Since they contain the same scales, the field changes to read the XREF scale instead of the one it was set to. They are the same scale, but the field reads the XREF one first. Here is a screenshot showing what I'm talking about. Notice that the viewport's properties never show the scale as 1:20_XREF, but the field does.
I've been having to click "show all scales", do a SCALELISTEDIT, remove the XREFs, then do a UPDATEFIELD. I have to do this every time the drawing is open. It stays that way until C3D is closed. This becomes a problem when I go to PUBLISH a sheet set. If I haven't opened all the sheets in the sheet set and changed the scale list then they all get the wrong scale list shown.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
For some reason my line type is not showing up properly in my viewport. In model space my lines are dotted, but when I go to viewport they show up continuous??
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012. While using the hatch command, the contextual tab pulled up in the ribbon as expected. But when I went to pick an internal point AutoCAD froze. After closing ACAD and trying to open the drawing again it asked me to recover the drawing because of errors. After recovering the drawing the ribbon still had the contextual hatch tab in it although if you try and hatch ACAD will freeze again.
So as it sits now, no matter how many times you open or close the drawing the contextual hatch tab will not go away and is not functional. If you try and hatch the drawing crashes. I have duplicated the problem on multiple computers so I know its not a problem with my computer as much as it is a problem with this particular drawing.
So I've got a Construct that is the building model. I also have a View file for my 2D extracted elevations. I've just 'Refreshed' one of the elvations based on some updates I did to the construct model. But when the 2D elevation refreshed, it's surface hatching (roof tiles) scaled itself down considerably. What controls this? I need to have that hatching scale back up and don't know how.
The hatch appears correct on the screen, but when printing there are voids created on the printout. These voids appear in different areas for each print. Our plotter is HPT790, that has all the software updates.
I have Autocad Architecture 2014 installed on my office PC and Laptop.A drawing with a hatch pattern set to a scale of 1 on my laptop needs to be changed to a scale of 25.4 to look the same on my PC. Both versions of ACA are US metric.
I have a drawing from an architect, and they have used a user defined hatch pattern. But I cannot use it. I can find it's name, it shows up in properties and in the hatch tools. But it isn't in any *.pat files and I can't copy it into my tool palettes. where I could find it, it shows up just fine in the drawing, but I can't figure out how to use it in other areas, not even within the same drawing.
I have a CAD station that is having all sorts of issues all of a sudden. When one of our architects opens her drawings she gets the "Hatch - Large, Dense Hatch Patterns" dialogue box.
When I we choose the "Do not convert these hatch patterns" and open the drawing, it converts all the hatch patterns to solid anyway. This is mostly affecting the walls and converting all the hatch into one solid blob of a hatch.
One weird thing is this only happens in the medium detail display configuration. I can go to any other display and it is fine. The other weird thing is that these same drawings open fine on any other computer so it has to be a system problem.
The other gremlin I solved yesterday was that the system all of a sudden was not recognizing the LTYPESHP.SHX file. I had to add the DataCache support folder containing a ltypeshp.shx file to the support file search path.
I have two created wall styles, one is a stud wall with gyp bd each side, the other is a cmu wall with gyp bd each side. I want to use a solid hatch which I am able to do but the problem is one wall style the stud hatch is HATCH 1 and in the other wall style the CMU hatch is HATCH 2. It seems as though the two wall styles are tied together some how for if I turn on / off a hatch in one of the wall styles it turns on / off the hatch in the other wall style.
Another little problem off the big list. Up until now i have been using Autocad Architecture 2009 but recently upgraded to 2012. For some reason though, my hatches are now no longer linking on wall corners like the attached drawing shows.
When I add the hatch pattern to the tool palette and then try to use it, it defaults the boundaries add command to pick points. Is there a way i can have it default to select objects?