AutoCad :: Calculate Large Areas Using Fills - Hatch Not Showing Area
Jul 10, 2009
I've been trying to calculate large areas using fills but I keep encountering a problem with some of the hatches not showing an area and thus ruining my calculation. I've found out that I can correct it by removing certain crossing point between lines as is shown below in my screenshots. Is there any reason this is causing a particular problem and can I avoid it to save me having to go back over my hatches checking for these malformed hatches?
What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?
Trying to calculate a catchment area to allow me to size some culverts using Civil 3D 2012 Sp#1.
" The specified location results in a Catchment with no area."
After sitting for 15 miutes I keep getting the above message. The surface is huge and there is an obvious catchment area (or I think it is obvious). The surface was generated from contours and cover an area of approx. 8Km x6.5Km but the catchment ares should be around 15-20% of that area.
I tried another one upstream about a Km and it worked fine. So the one I am doing now should encompass the upstream area as well as from that point downstream to the Discharge Point.
I have a drawing which contains about 100 "areas". These areas are closed polylines. I would like to get a total area of all these polylines.
I have tried using AutoCAD 2002's AREA command, but I am only able to select one item at a time, (AREA, Add, Object). This is fine for calculating a few areas. It gives me a running total of each item that I select.
Using the LIST command works OK for a few items, but you still have to wade through all the other information to get the area info for each item.
Is there a way to select crossing ALL the areas that I have, and have it return a total?
I have an urgent need to calculate the foam fill inbetween two slabs on different planes. Also, the foam will come in 4x8' pieces. I am fairly good at family creation but am a little perplexed as how to start this one.
How do you get the spacing you want for a hatch? For example if using ANSI 31if under pattern scale you have 1.0 what spacing does 1.0 represent? If you want your lines 1'-0" apart how to you know what scale to use other than trail and error?
i created new polygon´s SDF (ACAD Civil,Map2011). And created new feature from geometry (from 2 closed plines - island). See on attached picture. If polygons are more complex =erroneous result from calculation ("Round ( Area2D ( Geometrie ), 0 ) "). It means ACAD calculate sum 2 areas together, but It should dedust island from main polygon.
If I want to calculate the square mm of an area, how do I do so? I know this should be really simple but I can't get the results I want. Let's say I have a rectangle (2D) and I draw somew circles and polylines within it that are 'cut out' from the does one calcualte the remaining square mm?
We do a lot of chutes (for mining). They need to be painted on the outside only. They also need to be lined with rubber sheet on the inside. The area given in the physical tab in iProperties is the total area.
The area of the edges of the plates are small enough that we can ignore them, but is there a way to calculate half the model's area and get that result in the drawing in a text note?
We've only recently switched over to Inventor (used to be on Solidworks, where we had the same problem).
I have a cast aluminum part I need to calculate the surface area for our plating process. I have done a simple area, its not right (.015ft^2). I have derived it as a surface but can't get a volume calculation.
I have contoured an irregularly shaped site that is required to be covered completely by a liner. Is it possible in autocad 2002 to get the area of the surface i have created?
I have a bench which I have drawn in CAD, and I want to calculate the area.
The bench is a sort of "S" shape.
In the past I have only calculated the areas of straight objects and so have been able to pick points, but i'm not sure how to go about it when the object includes a curve.
I do a lot of township layouts and it is cumbersome to calculate each properties size and type in into an excel sheet. Is there a faster way to calculate all the stands's sizes into database?
Lately I reset my Photoshop 5 preferences because some functions were completely mixed up.Now I have the problem that whenever I fill in a path made with the pentool, the content gets really pixelish around the edges.This is not the case though when I stroke a line made with the path.
I want to calculate the total external surface area of the attached manifold. When I use the iProperties tool, it give me the surface area including internal surfaces of tubulars etc.
I have a drawing with multiple layouts which is of a road plan and profile in 2 view ports.
When I publish the multiple drawings to DWF the 2nd viewport with the profile in it is completely black, but when I plot to DWF a single layout, it works fine which I don't understand. Surely the publish command publishes to DWF with the same settings as when you do a single plot to DWF, no?.
I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen.
Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies.
I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black.
So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command?????
I have an acad document connected to some .shp files, which contain polygonal shapes with some meta-tags.
I want to achieve the following: draw a polygonal shape and select all the tangent areas (I already know how to do so)take a property of those areas and calculate an area-proportional [or: area weighted] average value (proportional to the partial area defined by the drawn polygonal shape). I tried to achieve this by splitting the objects and merging them again with defined splitting (area proportional) and merging (average) options. The problem is: splitting & merging doesn't work until I disconnect the data files (checking the objects out doesn't work) and even then I can't split the areas. And, more important: This doesn't create a weighted average and I don't even want to manipulate the objects! I just want to get one value out of all these steps.
I appended a screenshot of my file. E.g. I want to take the value 923.2 and multiply it with the corresponding area percentage it represents in the drawn shape. So the calculation would look something like 0.02*923.2 + 0.2*926 + 0.12*945,9 [...] until all the 100% are covered and I get one single representative value.
I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 on an Intel Core i7, 12GB RAM, 64bit Win 7 Pro SP 1 PC.
I was just wondering why when I try and calculate an area using a polyine, I am getting a readout of 1.80401967E+07, when I have it set to give me the calculation in square feet? It is an area of approx. 246 this because the area is so large? I am not sure what the "E" stands for or the "+07" at the end....
How to calculate the AREA of cut and fill analogous to the volume of cut and fill between surfaces, but instead only between the alignment and the road profile in the prolfile view. From what I've read of similar posts a few people have had the same question but have been instructed how to do it with volumes as opposed to area. Also how to insert a table of cut and fill area analogous to the one you can inset from the volumes dashboard.
Is there a way to have a table that calculates cumulative hatch areas of certain layers? And if I change the layer of a hatch, the table then automatically updates?
My plans are printing fine, but elevations and any 3d view print with the majority of the drawing missing. I'm guessing it has to do with the raster images used on walls for textures, but besides that I'm stumped. I'm trying to print in realistic view, because of the material textures that need to show up.
I've turned on sun lighting, as well as tried various PDF printers, but no change. When I go to the print preview it appears to preview incorrectly. The file is pretty small as the project is just a modest house. Pretty much all the settings are 'right out of the box'.
When I shift back to just 'Hidden line' mode and look at it in print preview it seems to print the drawing fine, but then the titleblock and firm logo dissapear. The actual PDF when printed is fine.
I'm working on revit 2013, in WIndows 7 inside parllels on a macbook pro.