Using CS6 on Windows 7 and Illustrator has decided not to acknowledge my Ctrl key, Shify key or space bar.
I have tried resetting Illustrator and even deleted the App data files but it didn't work. I found people with similar problems but never a solid solution. I even uninstalled evernote when some person said that worked for them. Â At the moment if I try to undo I get the Zoom tool and I can no longer save with Ctrl + S, I can't bring up the hand tool with space or use any of the more common shorctcuts. This problem only affects Illustrator in all other programs the keys work fine, including other programs in CS6.
I want to "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File", but at startup when I hold down [ctrl alt shift] I get the "scratch disc preferences" window instead. It was fine for a long while and this just started recently. Â I have Windows and Photoshop CS5. The scratch disc preferences is on the first selection 'start up'.
I really got used to the short cut of editing text pressing ctrl+left SHIFT + t , this brings me right into the
text box where I am able to quickly access all the text features, now since last update every time I make a text change in that window my text drops one line down and even though I will hit the cursor to front and back space it bringing it right to top when I hit OK it still drops my text one line down, this has become very annoying...
I love this feature but I am unable to bring it back to its original functional way. I did reinstalled corel , and yes I did reset the application still the same thing is happening.Â
So this really doesn't have much to do with objects in a drawing. Say for instance, I go into the PURGE dialogue box, and I want to select multiple layers to purge, but not all of them. If I click a layer, and the hold CTRL and click other layers, the only one that stays highlighted is the one I just using CTRL doesn't allow me to highlight multiple entities at the same time.
It's gets a little more weird using SHIFT. The conventional SHIFT method (works in Windows Explorer and other applications) is clicking an object, holding SHIFT, and then clicking another object further down the list...this will highlight both of those entities clicked, plus every single entitiy in between them. In AutoCAD (use the PURGE dialogue box again for reference), if I click an object, hold SHIFT and click an object down the list, it will highlight the last object clicked and everything in between the two, but it will deselect the original object. Also, if I use SHIFT to select multiple objects, and then go back to the original that was deselected and hold CTRL to select it, the last object that was selected using SHIFT gets deselected.
I have the following drawing in illustrator:Â Â Right in the middle of the drawing there is a gray area that denotes a transparent part I believe or where there is no path. I'm wondering, how can I change this into a path so I can fill it in with color? (don't want to use Live Paint, creates too many paths).
The two selection tools in CS6 Illustrotor not working properly. They don't select the object when I click and drag a box around them and the handles on drawing path won't stay highlighted when I use the direct selection tool so I can adjust them
I cannot turn on a circle or other shape in Illustrator CS. I can select the tool box and draw a rectangle and there is no additional choices for shapes.
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time. Â For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
Version: Illustrator CS5.1 System: Mac OS X 10.8.5 Â Whenever I use a Shape tool for which the up and down arrow keys change its attributes, the up and down arrow keys skip several states. So for example, a star can go from 5 points to 12 points if I tap the up arrow key once, skipping 6 - 11 pointed stars entirely. It happens with polygons, spirals, and the flare tool as well. Â I tried using a different keyboard, but the problem persisted. I also used my keyboard with another computer and Illustrator behaved just fine. So it's definitely a problem with the software.
I am using Revit Arch 2011 and it is more natural for me to use shift to add to a selection and control to subtract from a selection. Can this be changed and how?
I've made some lines/paths using a broad 20pt stroke which tapers to a point (using variable width profile). Â is it possible to turn these paths into filled shapes so the paths would become the outer edges of the current stroke? Â using CC
I was wondering if there is or is a way for example to untick a setting so that I can turn off anti-aliasing for some shapes, and leave anti-aliasing on for other shapes?
I have two PC's side-by-side, running the same version of CS6. On one PC, I can see my Libraries from the "save as" and "open" dialogue boxes and on the other I have can't have have to dig down to find the folders I want to save to. I don't have any plug-ins installed, and I have not edited the registry.
As of today's update to Illustrator 17.1 it seems that you cannot use the spacebard while in the middle of drawing a shape (a rectangle, circle, etc.) any more. I don't see a preference to turn this back on. This was an incredibly useful feature.
Everything will work fine for a while, then all tools will stop working and the only thing i can still use is the eraser. If i select another tool, it selects it on the toolbar, but its still just still the eraser. The only thing i can do is shut the program down and restart it. I have tried reinstalling and this makes no difference, same with restoring all defaults. It DOESNT do this in cs5, just the latest version. Do i need to just ditch the latest photoshop and go back to cs5?Â
I was trying to make a selection using the magnetic lasso tool and every time I get about half way done my screen goes blank. I can hit enter and return to the original screen but then ive lost my selection. I have used other tools to make a selection and have not had problems, only with the magnetic lasso tool does this happen.
When I do double click to open a file of Illustrator, the application starts with a little interface and then a dialog box that says "Not enough space for the window, increase the size of the document and try again" appears.
I try to copy+paste a shape from Illustrator CS5 to Photoshop CS5 (Windows). My goal is to recieve a shape layer I can use in photoshop. But it just copies it as a VectorSmartObject and I can't convert it to a shape layer. I read, that "normaly" or at least in the Mac version a dialog box should appear, which let's you choose how you want to paste it in ( SmartObject/ShapeLayer/...). This doesn't happen. Is thia bug?
Can we have an option in the Options/Selection tab in AutoCADÂ to "Use CTRL to add to selection"?
Essentially, so that I can set up AutoCAD to select objects in the same way that Revit does.
At the present time, when I switch back to AutoCAD from Revit, it's easy to forget when I've got objects off screen selected when I select a new object to modify. Having the option to set both packages to operate the same would be good.
Unfortunately, this won't stop me from trying to use AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts when I'm using Revit
after selecting with any lasso tool , in CS4 (Windows XP), I'm unable to use either the keyboard shift key or the alt key to add or substract in the selection.
I use autocad architecture 2013 and it works just fine until the save turns to qsave whenever i want to save a drawing by save, save as and ctrl+s it works as can I turn it back to SAVE ?
when I pressed ctrl + 0 in Photoshop, an image came to fill up the available window space within Photoshop. Now, ctrl + 0 causes the image to become roughly 3 inches tall. If the image is twice as tall as it is wide, it becomes roughly 1.5" x 3". If it is twice as wide as it is tall, it becomes 6" x 3". But it never fills up the entire window space, which is about 5". I don't know why the image is defaulting to this size, and it is too small to work with. Did I inadvertently change some setting? Is it possible to restore ctrl + 0 to make the image fill the available window size again?
Hi guys, I have been using CS2 since its release but I didn’t discover this small nuance until yesterday, and needless to say it unnerved me quite a bit. In PS7 I used to use a trick to achieve a certain effect in some of my designs, making a pattern or single-color image on one layer, ctrl-clicking that layer to make it a selection, and then using that selection to delete other parts of my image. I liked this method as it allowed for me to save the particular selection, and always have that layer available to go back to in case of future use. Since I haven’t done graphic work in a while (mostly digital painting at the moment) I didn’t realize this change was made, either that, or I don’t know how to achieve a similar ends using CS2 that I did with PS7. If anyone understands what I’m asking, and can offer a bit of assistance it would be much appreciated, I am doing a menu layout and design for a local day-spa and I was hoping to do something interesting with their preexisting logo.
For some reason when I make a selection using CTRL+Click it never fully matches the cutout of the layer I am mimicking. There is always trim. I've posted a picture to best describe what is happening.Â
Fig A. I've made a cutout using the background eraser. Because of this you can see how the cutout appears to be somewhat transparent around the edge.  Fig B. When placed on 50% gray the hair trim is as detailed as I wanted. It's a satisfying result.  Fig C. I now make a selected of this semi transparent cutout by cimply CTRL+Clicking the layer.  Fig D. I now duplicate the original (not cutout) and use this selection to cutout again (don't ask why) but the cutout doesn't match 100%. It's close, but it simply doesn't match. I've also tried using this selection to make a mask on the non cutout image and the edge is exactly the same.  I thought some auto anti-alias may be turned on but I can't seem to find anything. I really need a duplicate of this cutout to match precisely.