Everything will work fine for a while, then all tools will stop working and the only thing i can still use is the eraser. If i select another tool, it selects it on the toolbar, but its still just still the eraser. The only thing i can do is shut the program down and restart it. I have tried reinstalling and this makes no difference, same with restoring all defaults. It DOESNT do this in cs5, just the latest version. Do i need to just ditch the latest photoshop and go back to cs5?
I'm using a Wacom Intuos2 tablet with GIMP 2.6.12, and it works fine except as the subject says, the eraser works like a brush. In Photoshop, I don't recall exactly what it does, but I believe switching to the eraser (meaning flipping the pen over to the "eraser" side" switches from the foreground color to the background color, so that it effectively works like an eraser.
How can I do that, or something similar, in GIMP? I've searched everywhere and most of the posts have to do with getting the tablet recognized (check) and implementing pressure (check).
I'm using Photoshop cc and cursor changes to and is stuck on eraser. I tried resetting prefrences and no change. I restarted computer and it switch back to normal for awhile, then it changed again. I wasn't really doing anything except placing one photograph on top of another. It just switched automatically.
When I open Photoshop, no matter what tool I select, it seems to be stuck on the 'Eraser Tool'. For example, I can seemingly select the pointer or marquee tool ok, but when I tried to do something on the art board, it's as if the eraser tool is selected.
Deleting Preferences didn't work. Reinstalling Photoshop didn't work. Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7
All the tools on my toolbar are working/acting as the eraser tool, ie. attempting to crop erases, using the type tool erases. I've reset the tools and tool presets but the issue still stands. I am not in quick mask, the issue starts immediately when I open Photoshop.
Would like to add improvement to assit drawing in Photoshop
1. flipping wacom pen to pressure sensitive eraser photoshop switch to eraser tools, but the top menu did not switch to eraser properties
* would like switching to eraser tip, top menu also change to eraser options together, when flipping back to pen's tip, photoshop auto switch back to previous tool options this implies current workflow would be drawing and erasing with toolbox or shortcut B, E together with wacom pen tip rather than quick switch to eraser side. (if you need to change eraser options)
2. Photoshop CS5, CS6 for windows, while using wacom eraser tip to change Size or Hardness slide bars from the top, would remove the integer number inside the dialog, it causes a dialog would pop up with "An integer between 1 pixel and 5000 Pixels is required. Closest value inserted."
Click OK and popup will disappear, Size/Hardness would be filled with correct selected number again, it is troublesome, as size and hardness changes a lot while drawing. have to keep clicking OK on every changes.
(on screen opacity and flow slidebars works fine) Same changes to Size/Hardness slide bar work with normal pen tips side, and if using pen tips alone, (not using eraser tip) it is wonderful with new brush size & color picker shortcut added from CS5
#2 has been tested in mac version photoshop CS4, both Size and Hardness slider works fine without problem.
#1 + #2 made me work with pen tip + hot keys B,E all the time, eraser side is almost not in use, except erasing with the same size & hardness from last used
I was using my eraser and airbrush tools on a small image on a larger layer and I moved the image and, after that the eraser and paintbrush tools stopped working on all layers. When I went back to a previous version of the file the tools worked fine.
All brushes have been reset and are set the same. We are running CS5.5 Master Edition on a brand new 27" iMac 3.4 ghz Intel Core i7 Quad core using a Radeon AMD HD6970M.
This is a sample of how the tool is not using the entire diameter. This could be either erasing or painting a color.
Up in the Xara Xone a discussion cropped up that started us talking about the eraser tool. So I thought I'd get a thread going here where everyone can share tips and tricks regarding the eraser and the shape builder as well
The eraser tool is available in Designer Pro X, and Photo & Graphic Designer 2013 And the Shapebuilder is available in Designer Pro X
To start things off here are a couple of handy tips:
You can force the eraser to produce an opacity mask and non destructively edit vector shapes in two ways. 1. set some softness or 2. group your vector object with it's self.
You can use the H key to toggle the node view on and off . If you have Designer Pro X the shift key toggles between the shape builder and eraser tool for handy editing.
the brush, stamp brush and eraser tools are giving me a hard time the actual working area from the tool is so much smaller than the outside frame of it URL....
i'm using cs6.the picture i'm working with was enlarged to 400%.the brush, stamp brush tool was at size: 12px, hardness 100%.opacity 100%
in the presettings i saw the brush was set to normal size.also i played with the jitter sizes, to no avail.
i have cs5 suite. last week everything fine in photoshop. this week, only the tools that are showing are available to use. i can not access the tools when i click on the corner of individual tools. i am running version 10.6.8
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?
I'm just starting using CS6 for real work. I have a file that is stuck at 'Saving 0%'. It's been like that for 24 hours. I've managed to duplicate the file (Image > Duplicate) and re save it, so all is OK. How can I avoid this?
When I go in to photoshop, and click to get to the color selection, the window that I am to select colors from is half cut-off, if that makes sense. In other words,
I cannot click cancel or okay, nor can I select my color. So I'm stuck with photoshop open until I close it with ctrl + alt + del.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom cintiq, and the brush size is stuck at 1 px, it won't change size no matter what -even if the brush size is set to 1000 px, the brush will paint a scraggly thin line...
I've changed brushes/ opacity/ flow/ pen pressure/ restarted photoshop/ restarted computer/ shut down, etc. It doesn't changeIt works just fine in the mixer brush tool, but not the regular brush tool..
Im on windows 8 64bit. I'm currently on the CC trial but was planning on signing up for the subscription this week. However After updating my apps this morning I have been unable to load Photoshop CC. It gets stuck at "reading preferences..."
Premiere Pro and After Effects were updated and were running fine afterwards.I have tried restarting my system, reinstalling the app and I have also uninstalled everything and done an adobe cleanup tool run and reinstalled just photoshop. But still the same issue?
I'm having a strange reoccurring issue with 3D items in CS6. Lately, it's been involving 3D postcards. Whenever I merge them with another 3D layer, hide then unhide them, they reappear in a completely different position and get "stuck". When I try to move or scale them, they snap back to the previous location.
I have a jpeg file that has black & red graphics in, the boundary between the two colouts is anti aliased with reddy black pixels.
When I open this same file on two different machines I get a different CMYK representaion of the anti-aliase pixels.
In one case they are missing about 15% C. It's the same jpeg file, both machines are using PS v7.0 I can only guess it's some sort of set up difference in the installations but I have no idea where to look.
When i was working in PS CS3, i pressed the 'b' shortcut for the brush tool. Instead of giving me the brush tool, it made the screen slightly brighter. Thinking it was strange, i pressed it alot and the screen is now around 50% brighter/blown out. Which is not good when preparing images for print!
When photoshop is open, all of my windows, whether it's firefox, or the desk top, are bright as well. As soon as i close PS, it goes away. I've reinstalled Photoshop with no luck, and the brightness factor isn't effecting any of my other CS3 programs.
Occasionally my PS gets stuck in Move Mode. Only the hand icon appears in the picture I'm attempting to edit. If I select another tool via the tool bar, or short cut, the tool bar on the top line changes appropriately, but the tool icon in the window remains the hand (move tool). The only way I have found to resolve is close PS and re-boot the PC.
I have a multi layer psd and when I try to select a layer object and copy it, the copy function is greyed out and the only thing I can do is paste.
If I let it have its way, it pastes in a previous copy. After pasting, I try to copy again, but the paste function is the only one active. I can not get PS CS3 to let me do a copy.
The cursor displays the Hand on any image I open, regardless of what tool is selected. I can select other tools, change the pallette and the cursor is normal but I go back over to the image and it goes to the hand and I can't do anything.
I can no longer access the organizer function of my PE 8. I received an error message and it just doesn't open. I sent back the error....no one has assisted. The Edit function still works and pulls up. The old photos are still in the system, but I can't pull up my albums.
however the eraser tool and other methods of getting to transaperency are not working. Perhaps it is a problem with locked background colours or something, however my eraser tool is defaulted to erase to white not transparent - see picture.
have tried ctrl+shift+alt at start up to restore to factory settings, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but no luck.also when i go to refine edge after a quick selection, there's no transparent option
Eraser and background eraser won't work when I'm in the midst of editing in Photoshop, but if I save the image as a jpg then I can use eraser. Is there something wrong with my Photoshop settings or something I'm not doing right? I have version CS 5 Extended 12.1 x64.