Photoshop :: Window Is Stuck

Jul 8, 2006

When I go in to photoshop, and click to get to the color selection, the window that I am to select colors from is half cut-off, if that makes sense. In other words,

I cannot click cancel or okay, nor can I select my color. So I'm stuck with photoshop open until I close it with ctrl + alt + del.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Single Window Mode / Toolbox Stuck

Nov 15, 2013

I'm using GIMP 2.8 on a windows machine. In single window mode I accidentally dragged the edge of the toolbox across my window and now it won't drag back. I get the resizer double-headed arrow but the edge won't move. I don't know what to do. It's entirely unusable in single window mode now, which is what I usually use.

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Photoshop :: ACR Window Too Large For Laptop Desktop Window?

Apr 5, 2012

I have just installed my newly purchased PSC5 extended software.  When I try to use the ACR it will load and I can use it but when I try to open, save or cancel my image I cannot.  This is because the ACR window is too 'long' for my Sony desktop window and the buttons I am trying to access are in the 'shadow' of the desktop window.  When I try to resize the ACR window to access the buttons it will let me adjust it on the vertical window edges but not on the horizontal window edges.  I have to reboot the laptop to do anything at all.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Saving Stuck At 0%

Oct 10, 2012

I'm just starting using CS6 for real work. I have a file that is stuck at 'Saving 0%'. It's been like that for 24 hours. I've managed to duplicate the file (Image > Duplicate) and re save it, so all is OK. How can I avoid this?

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Photoshop :: Caps Stuck!

Jun 21, 2005

I've never had this happen before, but in PS I can only type in caps.

It won't let me type in lower case even when caps lock is off on the keyboard, and when I hold shift it just makes the letters bigger. :]

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Photoshop :: Brush Size Stuck At 1 PX?

Nov 12, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom cintiq, and the brush size is stuck at 1 px, it won't change size no matter what -even if the brush size is set to 1000 px, the brush will paint a scraggly thin line...
I've changed brushes/ opacity/ flow/ pen pressure/ restarted photoshop/ restarted computer/ shut down, etc. It doesn't changeIt works just fine in the mixer brush tool, but not the regular brush tool..

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Photoshop :: Cursor Stuck On Eraser?

Jul 30, 2013

I'm using Photoshop cc and cursor changes to and is stuck on eraser.  I tried resetting prefrences and no change.  I restarted computer and it switch back to normal for awhile,  then it changed again.  I wasn't really doing anything except placing one photograph on top of another.  It just switched automatically.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Stuck On Adding A New Layer?

May 23, 2012

I am using the trial version of cs6 and when ever I trie to add a second layer for text it throws me back to the first layer..

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Photoshop :: CC Stuck On Loading Screen

Jul 24, 2013

Im on windows 8 64bit. I'm currently on the CC trial but was planning on signing up for the subscription this week. However After updating my apps this morning I have been unable to load Photoshop CC. It gets stuck at "reading preferences..."
Premiere Pro and After Effects were updated and were running fine afterwards.I have tried restarting my system, reinstalling the app and I have also uninstalled everything and done an adobe cleanup tool run and reinstalled just photoshop. But still the same issue?

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Photoshop :: 3D Object Stuck In Place

Dec 1, 2012

I'm having a strange reoccurring issue with 3D items in CS6. Lately, it's been involving 3D postcards. Whenever I merge them with another 3D layer, hide then unhide them, they reappear in a completely different position and get "stuck". When I try to move or scale them, they snap back to the previous location.

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Photoshop :: Stuck On Eraser Tool

Sep 13, 2012

When I open Photoshop, no matter what tool I select, it seems to be stuck on the 'Eraser Tool'.  For example, I can seemingly select the pointer or marquee tool ok, but when I tried to do something on the art board, it's as if the eraser tool is selected.
Deleting Preferences didn't work. Reinstalling Photoshop didn't work. Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7

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Photoshop :: Stuck On A Colour Issue

Jul 1, 2004

I have a jpeg file that has black & red graphics in, the boundary between the two colouts is anti aliased with reddy black pixels.

When I open this same file on two different machines I get a different CMYK representaion of the anti-aliase pixels.

In one case they are missing about 15% C. It's the same jpeg file, both machines are using PS v7.0
I can only guess it's some sort of set up difference in the installations but I have no idea where to look.

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Photoshop :: PS Screen Brightness Is Stuck On Max

Jun 14, 2008

When i was working in PS CS3, i pressed the 'b' shortcut for the brush tool. Instead of giving me the brush tool, it made the screen slightly brighter. Thinking it was strange, i pressed it alot and the screen is now around 50% brighter/blown out. Which is not good when preparing images for print!

When photoshop is open, all of my windows, whether it's firefox, or the desk top, are bright as well. As soon as i close PS, it goes away. I've reinstalled Photoshop with no luck, and the brightness factor isn't effecting any of my other CS3 programs.

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Photoshop :: Stuck In Move Mode - PS CS3 - Win XP...

Jun 25, 2008

Occasionally my PS gets stuck in Move Mode. Only the hand icon appears in the picture I'm attempting to edit. If I select another tool via the tool bar, or short cut, the tool bar on the top line changes appropriately, but the tool icon in the window remains the hand (move tool). The only way I have found to resolve is close PS and re-boot the PC.

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Photoshop :: Cs3 Stuck In Paste Mode

Jun 13, 2008

I have a multi layer psd and when I try to select a layer object and copy it, the copy function is greyed out and the only thing I can do is paste.

If I let it have its way, it pastes in a previous copy. After pasting, I try to copy again, but the paste function is the only one active. I can not get PS CS3 to let me do a copy.

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Photoshop :: Cursor Is Stuck On Hand...but It Isn't

Mar 7, 2006

The cursor displays the Hand on any image I open, regardless of what tool is selected. I can select other tools, change the pallette and the cursor is normal but I go back over to the image and it goes to the hand and I can't do anything.

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Photoshop Elements :: Stuck With No Access

Feb 17, 2013

I can no longer access the organizer function of my PE 8.  I received an error message and it just doesn't open.  I sent back the one has assisted.  The Edit function still works and pulls up.  The old photos are still in the system, but I can't pull up my albums.

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Photoshop :: Paths And Selections Stuck On Inverse?

May 11, 2013

Every time I fill a closed path, it fills the inverse of the path instead. YES, "add to path area" is selected on the options toolbar rather than "subtract from path area". Also, I know I could just make a selection from the path, invert the selection, and then fill it. But that would be taking 3 steps to do something that should take one step, and it's slowing me down a lot.
Is there some default setting that I accidentally toggled or something?

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Photoshop :: Cc Tools Stuck / Only Eraser Works

Oct 3, 2013

Everything will work fine for a while, then all tools will stop working and the only thing i can still use is the eraser.  If i select another tool, it selects it on the toolbar, but its still just still the eraser.  The only thing i can do is shut the program down and restart it.  I have tried reinstalling and this makes no difference, same with restoring all defaults.  It DOESNT do this in cs5, just the latest version. Do i need to just ditch the latest photoshop and go back to cs5? 

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Photoshop :: Tool Panel Stuck Behind Menu Bar

Apr 11, 2012

For some reason, the top of my tool pallet/panel is now stuck behind the menu bar at the top of the screen. I can't access the top several tools or the "grab" strip at the top of the panel that allows me to re-position the panel. I've tried a number of workspace commands, closed and opened the tools panel, and restarted PS, but the panel stays put. how to reset the panels or otherwise get a handle on this thing?

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Photoshop :: Logo Needs Two Letters To Be Stuck Together Or Merge

Dec 23, 2012

I am designing a logo and the logo needs the two letters to be "stuck" together or merge together somehow. Is there anyway you could explain to me how to do this?

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Photoshop :: Sliders Getting Stuck To Mouse After Release (Mac OS)

Jan 3, 2012

When dragging various sliders in Photoshop CS5, very often these sliders get "stuck" and move with the mouse even though you have released the mouse. Say you are dragging a slider to set the brush opacity to 50%. When you have set it to 50%, you release the mouse and move it away from the slider, only to find that the opacity still increases or decreases as you move your mouse. You have to click again to fix this, but then of course you have to go back and do it again.
Below is a small illustration (I can't take a screenshot of my mouse) of an example of when this happens:

This happens to me around once every 5 times I use a slider, i.e. extremely often. As you can imagine, it's very annoying and frustrating.I use a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet, and I never use Photoshop without it so I cannot confirm whether this bug happens with a mouse or just the tablet.It doesn't just happen like on the above illustration, but also with any slider such as those in Adjustment Layers and Filters.The bug does not happen when using tools on the canvas. So the Brush tool, and every other tool, works fine and never gets "stuck".I have the latest version of Photoshop CS5.This is a bug that has always been in CS5 since the first version, and it has not been in previous versions of Photoshop. 
Late 2008 15" MacBook Pro
OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.7 (but the problem has existed way before 10.6.7)
Photoshop CS5 version 12.0.2

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Photoshop :: Program Getting Stuck On Hand Tool?

Mar 27, 2013

Occasionally the cursor becomes stuck on the hand or move tool.  I can click on other tools but they do not respond.  The system is not completely frozen, just the cursor/tool.  The only way to fix it so far is to restart the computer.  Plus it is happening more often now.
I really need a solution since I fear I am spending more time. Restarting computer than actual work!

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Photoshop :: Texture Stuck In Copy Mode

Nov 16, 2008

I try to copy other textures and it still shows up. A few times I've been able to get a new texture, but for some strange reason it shows back up again. I don't even know where it comes from. I'm on a MAC and the I keep my textures in a few files on my desktop. It is not in any of the files I have.

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Photoshop :: Rectangular Marquee Tool Is Stuck

Oct 26, 2008

My rectangular marquee is stuck in some sort of scale restriction mode. It will only do narrow horizontal rectangular selections. How can I free it up?

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Photoshop :: Cs3 ...font Size Stuck Under 18px?

Aug 5, 2008

Sometimes I get an error saying that my font cannot be over 18px. I've used this font before with over 18, why do I keep getting this error? It is on different fonts, not just one, and only happens every once and a while but is a pain when I am needing to use a particular font but cannot because I cannot get it to a bigger size. Any one run into this error, is there anything I can do about it? I've shut down/restarted Photoshop,

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Photoshop :: Button Set - Stuck At Making Selection...

Apr 24, 2009

I have been trying to create a button set with a foreground shape. What I am trying to accomplish is when this guy creates a selection with pen tool and deletes part of gradient from the button set, this gives it a shape/theme to the button set – This way I can create any shape on the buttons and they look like a theme. (maybe I am not explaining well but you get the idea) Where I am stuck is when I select all buttons and apply gradient to all, it only applies to a single layer (button) instead of all even though I can see all selected. Also when I make selection with pen tool and delete the gradient, it deletes from only one. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Stuck On People Recognition?

Nov 26, 2012

just upgraded from elements 8  to 10 and it wont allow me to work in the organizer, stuck on installing people recogition

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Stuck In Taskbar

Mar 28, 2013

I recently reinstalled Photoshop Elements 9 on my new Windows 7 sytem which replaced my old XP system which was hit by lightning and destroyed. It worked fine to start with, then on the second day after the system had gone into sleep mode( not the first time) and I woke it up, I could not bring the organizer up out of the Taskbar. I tied to restart the system to recover but it hung up say saving settings and eventually I was forced to hit the reset button to get going again.When I try to start the organiser again from the welcome screen it just goes into the taskbar and stays there. The editor comes uo fine, but thats not much use without the organiser. I noticed when I tried to bring up the organiser the Task Manager showed that the organiser was running and using 49% of the CPU time but that eventually stopped and the organizer still won't come up.

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Photoshop Elements :: Loading Project Stuck On 100%

Mar 1, 2013

I will load a project and then have to wait and wait. and wait
Eventually the project will load, but first it will prompt with "Where is the file 0000026.MTS" . I just click skip then. This issue is probably unrelated to my loading problem though....
My PC has 16GB of RAM. Intel Core i7 - 2600 @ 3.4GHz I have a Sony camcorder that creates the avchd format
Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? So far I have disabled Antivirus scanning. I have also loaded latest drivers and firmware for all PC components. Adobe Premiere Elements 9 is also up too date with patches

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Photoshop Elements :: Type Is Stuck In All Caps

Mar 13, 2014

My type is stuck in all caps - Photoshop Elements 12. I cannot find a reset tool - there doesn't seem to be any option to reset in the tool options fly out menu.

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