When I open Photoshop, no matter what tool I select, it seems to be stuck on the 'Eraser Tool'. For example, I can seemingly select the pointer or marquee tool ok, but when I tried to do something on the art board, it's as if the eraser tool is selected.
Deleting Preferences didn't work. Reinstalling Photoshop didn't work. Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7
I'm using Photoshop cc and cursor changes to and is stuck on eraser. I tried resetting prefrences and no change. I restarted computer and it switch back to normal for awhile, then it changed again. I wasn't really doing anything except placing one photograph on top of another. It just switched automatically.
Everything will work fine for a while, then all tools will stop working and the only thing i can still use is the eraser. If i select another tool, it selects it on the toolbar, but its still just still the eraser. The only thing i can do is shut the program down and restart it. I have tried reinstalling and this makes no difference, same with restoring all defaults. It DOESNT do this in cs5, just the latest version. Do i need to just ditch the latest photoshop and go back to cs5?
In Indesign CS6 using Mountain Lion, the hand tool appears and I can't select or work with any other tool. All I can do is move the document around. After trying the space bar and other key commands I restarted and it worked for a while. Then it happened again. I work on a Macbook pro, so when I removed the mouse and worked only with the trackpad there was no change. When I quit and reopened, no change. I then deleted prefs and restarted and it worked, but it's been happening from time to time. Any other fix without restarting or deleting prefs.
I ahve been trying to use the eraser tool to remove the background from a photo. When i select the tool I get a black Mark instead of the erase pattern. Is Photoshop set up incorrectly?
I think i did something, changed a setting or something. My eraser tool won't erase. It keeps making a black mark. I changed the color to white, restarted,
I've selected my image from the BG, and it looks ok, but there are some parts that have been taken out, "along the edges" that I'll like to have as part of my image? is there a way to restore the "lost specks" using any of the tools?
I have 2 layers, the first is the background layer. Then 2nd layer has a picutre that I have used the ellipse tool on. My question is how can I use the eraser tool on everything outside of the ellipse tool? I can only use it inside.
My eraser tool is acting strange.Whatever pattern I erase, the tool turns it into an entire rectangular area as soon as I take my finger off the mouse. For example, if I draw an 'S' shape, it measures from the farthest corners and just erases the entire area in a neat rectangulare shape [].
I often use the background eraser tool, however, I have opened two images of layouts which are on a white background and for the first time, none of the eraser tools will work at all. By selecting them they do not erase anything.
For some reason, the top of my tool pallet/panel is now stuck behind the menu bar at the top of the screen. I can't access the top several tools or the "grab" strip at the top of the panel that allows me to re-position the panel. I've tried a number of workspace commands, closed and opened the tools panel, and restarted PS, but the panel stays put. how to reset the panels or otherwise get a handle on this thing?
Occasionally the cursor becomes stuck on the hand or move tool. I can click on other tools but they do not respond. The system is not completely frozen, just the cursor/tool. The only way to fix it so far is to restart the computer. Plus it is happening more often now.
I really need a solution since I fear I am spending more time. Restarting computer than actual work!
My rectangular marquee is stuck in some sort of scale restriction mode. It will only do narrow horizontal rectangular selections. How can I free it up?
Im having trouble locating the background erase tool. When the drop menu opens on the erase button, the only options are eraser tool, scissor tool, knife. Where can I find the background eraser tool?
I have a background layer and then I create a second layer (a blank one). I then try to erase the background image through the new layer and it doesn't work. What can I do?
Photoshop CS6 gets stuck in "hand mode" after being open for a few hours. Suddenly, I can't use liquefy because Photoshop gets stuck in hand mode. I can't use ACR to the full potential because I can't use the adjustment brush because all I have is the hand tool. I try to open files, but all I get is the hand tool!
I know it's not an issue of pressing the space bar, I have tried that. I have closed all the Adobe programs (Bridge, Lightroom, Photoshop), then re-opened Photoshop and it does not go away. It only goes away after re-starting the computer, but that is not acceptable. I am on a 17" Macbook Pro, Mountain Lion 10.8.1, using CS6 products.
I was coloring skin textures on a drawing using a spatter brush with flow at 25%. Then i switched over to the blur tool to smooth it out. it was ok.. but not quite what i was looking for, so i switched to the smudge tool. Using that tool with the "sample all layers" box checked, made it look really nice-- so i drew some freckles on the face and the smudge tool really blended them into the skin without making them look blotchy.
So here's the problem: I clicked on the "finger paint" box to see what other effect it would give but it seemed to pick the foreground colors and smear it across the drawing. I didn't like it so i unchecked the box. it was still smearing across the drawing. so i checked and unchecked again... nothing. I searched the internet and all i could find was if any weird behavior arises and persists, restart Photoshop, and while its booting up, hold Ctrl, Alt & Shift to clean out the Preferences. So i did. Same thing.
How to get this tool to function as it was initially. The smudge tool seems to be 'stuck' on the "finger paint" option or feature no matter if the box is checked or unchecked.
Working onsite on a clients pc - and suddenly using the erraser toll it has gone all pixleated !!I have open PS with resetting all tools, the just resetting the eraser tolls. cannot for th elife of me able to get it back to a smooth blend ?
I am using PS CC on Windows7 with a digital board (don´t know if that is correct english, but - with a digital pen, instead of a mouse)When I try to erease, clone or write with the pen tool, nothing is happening where the cursor is, but instead rather far below that point.If I use the mouse, it works well, also the digital pen could be used without any problems to perform other things as changing tools, close an image by clicking the "x", or chose layers or whatever.Changing to PS CS6 the problem disappears - everything works fine.
I have reset the settings by holding shift-ctrl-alt while starting the program.
I recently bought PSE 10.I have an Intuos 3 Wacom tablet and whenever I switch to the Eraser tool, in the brush preview icon (top left corner) I see this ~ type of a shape with narrow-pointy edges, indicating that the size-pen-pressure feature is on. This is always true, even when I switch off all the per-pressure options via the Brush tool.
how to control or at-least disable the pen-pressure feature while in the Eraser tool?
I am trying to set a black layer mask and use the eraser tool to edit it. Unfortunately the eraser tool is not responsive. I recently did a round of software updates for CS6.
I have an image of clouds against (multi)blue sky. And i would like to remove the blue sky, and show just the clouds. I clicked on Eraser, then selected a brush.
But no eraser circle appeared. how can i use the eraser tool?
my Adobe Illustrator CS3 where I'll be using the pen tool, and out of nowhere (usually after I've undone a couple of things it seems), the program will get stuck on the hand tool, and won't switch to any other tool. Time seems to be the only remedy because the problem will persist even if I try to work on another file, or restart the program. It also carries over to Photoshop.