Photoshop :: Using Background Eraser Tool On A Layer
Sep 15, 2012
I have a background layer and then I create a second layer (a blank one). I then try to erase the background image through the new layer and it doesn't work. What can I do?
I often use the background eraser tool, however, I have opened two images of layouts which are on a white background and for the first time, none of the eraser tools will work at all. By selecting them they do not erase anything.
Im having trouble locating the background erase tool. When the drop menu opens on the erase button, the only options are eraser tool, scissor tool, knife. Where can I find the background eraser tool?
I've been trying to use the Eraser Tool to erase a background sky and it won't erase. The Alpha Channel is turned on, the Selection Tools work, but the eraser does nothing.
I've converted hundreds of photos to B/W and used the eraser tool or masking to bring out the color detail from background.
I received one last night exactly the same image information that was on the other files. It was taken from my daughter's cell and previous pictures she sent never had a problem.
.jpg 72 PPI RGB-8bit channel
Duplicated the background converted it to B/W in the Effect>Photo Effects>Black and White Film Clicked on eraser and instead of my daughter's white teeth there was an orange transparent area where I erased.I tried masking with the same effect.
I am trying to set a black layer mask and use the eraser tool to edit it. Unfortunately the eraser tool is not responsive. I recently did a round of software updates for CS6.
I'm trying to figure out the Background Eraser tool. I understand that I am supposed to trace around the subject of interest without allowing the centre mark to touch the subject. I notice that it draws a puffy white border around the subject. Then what? What have I done? I don't see a new layer, new channel, or selection. I am able to "paste", which creates a new layer. This new layer shows my selection with the background painted white.
Why might the Background Eraser tool have stopped working? The settings I am currently using are Sampling: Once; Limits: Discontiguous; Tolerance: 100%; Protect Foreground Color: checked.
I wanted to remove a head and shoulders photo portrait from a background, and to do so, I generally followed the instructions on a YouTube video tutorial by Ali Baba entitled How to Remove Background Around Lots of Hair Photoshop;
which showed to use the eraser tool.
My background was an off white color, with a shadow from the subject on some of it. I made a layer on top of the photo and filled it with red (instead of the dark blue in the video, so it would contrast more with the black hair of my subject); then I copied the photo into a layer and put it on top of the red (unlike the video where he erased off the original.) Then I erased away the background. Then I took the steps shown to work around the hair. At that time, the background was still not closely erased around the ears and shoulders and I put the job away for a while.
When I came back, I used the Quick Selection to select the area from the entire right side that wasn't erased yet. But I didn't know how to erase the selection, so I went back to the Background eraser and erased the rest of the right side away. Then I deleted the selection.
For some reason, however, I am not able to erase any more on the left side, and I am stymied as to why not.
I scaned an iron on pattern. Now I want to remove the background color which is white. I thought I could use the magic eraser tool. It does a good job for most of the project, but I have to click on every small area. The reason that I want to do this is to being able to print on any color card stock. Is there another way of doing this.
I am reading a tutorial about the background eraser, and in this tutorial, on the screenshots, the erased parts are in red. It is the same red than the default one for the mask mode.
Is there a mode to see the mask color instead of what there is beneath the layer ?
Note : Maybe the tutorial author put a red layer beneath the current layer...
I ahve been trying to use the eraser tool to remove the background from a photo. When i select the tool I get a black Mark instead of the erase pattern. Is Photoshop set up incorrectly?
I think i did something, changed a setting or something. My eraser tool won't erase. It keeps making a black mark. I changed the color to white, restarted,
I've selected my image from the BG, and it looks ok, but there are some parts that have been taken out, "along the edges" that I'll like to have as part of my image? is there a way to restore the "lost specks" using any of the tools?
I have 2 layers, the first is the background layer. Then 2nd layer has a picutre that I have used the ellipse tool on. My question is how can I use the eraser tool on everything outside of the ellipse tool? I can only use it inside.
When I open Photoshop, no matter what tool I select, it seems to be stuck on the 'Eraser Tool'. For example, I can seemingly select the pointer or marquee tool ok, but when I tried to do something on the art board, it's as if the eraser tool is selected.
Deleting Preferences didn't work. Reinstalling Photoshop didn't work. Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7
My eraser tool is acting strange.Whatever pattern I erase, the tool turns it into an entire rectangular area as soon as I take my finger off the mouse. For example, if I draw an 'S' shape, it measures from the farthest corners and just erases the entire area in a neat rectangulare shape [].
I have chosen to use the eraser with fuzzy edge to remove the background from a dog subject. I created an Alpha channel and made a copy of the original image as suggested in the tute. When I begin to erase it works for a few stroke then stops erasing. By trial and error I found that If I select back and forth between the original and the copy it will erase a little on each but this seems to be an irregular way of doing the job and this is not what the tutorials show. What I erase shows up on both the original and the copy, that is they compound the erasing. Should this occur? Why can't I complete the erasing on just one image. While it does achieve the removal of the background I feel I am doing something wrong.
Working onsite on a clients pc - and suddenly using the erraser toll it has gone all pixleated !!I have open PS with resetting all tools, the just resetting the eraser tolls. cannot for th elife of me able to get it back to a smooth blend ?
I am using PS CC on Windows7 with a digital board (don´t know if that is correct english, but - with a digital pen, instead of a mouse)When I try to erease, clone or write with the pen tool, nothing is happening where the cursor is, but instead rather far below that point.If I use the mouse, it works well, also the digital pen could be used without any problems to perform other things as changing tools, close an image by clicking the "x", or chose layers or whatever.Changing to PS CS6 the problem disappears - everything works fine.
I have reset the settings by holding shift-ctrl-alt while starting the program.
I recently bought PSE 10.I have an Intuos 3 Wacom tablet and whenever I switch to the Eraser tool, in the brush preview icon (top left corner) I see this ~ type of a shape with narrow-pointy edges, indicating that the size-pen-pressure feature is on. This is always true, even when I switch off all the per-pressure options via the Brush tool.
how to control or at-least disable the pen-pressure feature while in the Eraser tool?
I have a jpeg of two people standing in front of some foliage. I want to use the background eraser to remove the foliage.The tool removes most of the foliage but leaves small unerased areas all over. I have to go over it many times to remove everything which takes ages.I am using the default settings for the background eraser tool. The only setting I have changed is the size (to 150).It certainly does not seem as easy to use this tool as the Corel tutorial on background removal makes it seem!