AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Use CTRL Or SHIFT To Select Multiple Things (not Really DWG Related)
Sep 4, 2013
So this really doesn't have much to do with objects in a drawing. Say for instance, I go into the PURGE dialogue box, and I want to select multiple layers to purge, but not all of them. If I click a layer, and the hold CTRL and click other layers, the only one that stays highlighted is the one I just using CTRL doesn't allow me to highlight multiple entities at the same time.
It's gets a little more weird using SHIFT. The conventional SHIFT method (works in Windows Explorer and other applications) is clicking an object, holding SHIFT, and then clicking another object further down the list...this will highlight both of those entities clicked, plus every single entitiy in between them. In AutoCAD (use the PURGE dialogue box again for reference), if I click an object, hold SHIFT and click an object down the list, it will highlight the last object clicked and everything in between the two, but it will deselect the original object. Also, if I use SHIFT to select multiple objects, and then go back to the original that was deselected and hold CTRL to select it, the last object that was selected using SHIFT gets deselected.
I have a drawing where i am not able to select multiple grips using shift/pick to make the grips "hot". I'm not able to make even one of the grips of a poly line "hot". However, while trying to solve the problem, i've opened another drawing where i AM able to make grips "hot". It doesn't appear to be a system setting issue.
Right now, when i click one object and then another, the first object becomes deselected. Holding shift is the only way for me to select multiple lines right now (other than dragging of course) but that's not what I'm used to and it annoys me a lot. At first everything is fine but then after a while it does this without me changing any options at all.
I know this problem is really simple, but I just can't seem to get it to work. I should be able to left-click on a layer, hold in the shift key while left-clicking on a layer further down the list to select multiple layers. It doesn't work, I can't even get the (Alt-Left Click) command to work, allowing me to select individual layers.
Both these commands work in Image Ready and Flash just fine.
I have checked the keyboard settings, but I am not really sure what to look for - nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Is there a way to select things on an angle? The default selection tool is a rectangular shape, I need something linear that I can draw. Like draw a line through several elements and everything that line touches it selects.
Using CS6 on Windows 7 and Illustrator has decided not to acknowledge my Ctrl key, Shify key or space bar.
I have tried resetting Illustrator and even deleted the App data files but it didn't work. I found people with similar problems but never a solid solution. I even uninstalled evernote when some person said that worked for them.
At the moment if I try to undo I get the Zoom tool and I can no longer save with Ctrl + S, I can't bring up the hand tool with space or use any of the more common shorctcuts. This problem only affects Illustrator in all other programs the keys work fine, including other programs in CS6.
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
I want to "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File", but at startup when I hold down [ctrl alt shift] I get the "scratch disc preferences" window instead. It was fine for a long while and this just started recently.
I have Windows and Photoshop CS5. The scratch disc preferences is on the first selection 'start up'.
I really got used to the short cut of editing text pressing ctrl+left SHIFT + t , this brings me right into the
text box where I am able to quickly access all the text features, now since last update every time I make a text change in that window my text drops one line down and even though I will hit the cursor to front and back space it bringing it right to top when I hit OK it still drops my text one line down, this has become very annoying...
I love this feature but I am unable to bring it back to its original functional way. I did reinstalled corel , and yes I did reset the application still the same thing is happening.
I have been using AutoCAD 2010 for a while now and then all of a sudden, I am unable to select multiple lines. The only way to select more than one line for a command is to hold down the shift button and then select more lines. I think someone was playing around with the computer and must have changed a setting?
In 2007, I was able to select multiple polylines before typeing in PEDIT. When I was done with the command, I could then type in PEDIT and L for last and it would select the multiple polylines I had first selected. We just got 2012, and when I do L now it just selects one line. Can I change this?
Tools / Options / Thumbnail Preview Settings / Sheets and Views.We had our "Performance Accuracy" set to high.Setting it at the half-way mark improved things greatly.
HOWEVER, this setting turns back to "high" when AutoCAD is restarted.So, we saved the settings to a new Workspace.It there anyway to get the accuracy to remain as set?
I'm relatively new to the software and have somehow managed to delete/remove the bar/ribbon with all of the functions related to the actual drawing of..well a drawing.
I am using photoshop cs2 and have a question about the Ctrl + LClick Layer Select feature.
In PS9, the function will highlight the layer within a folder. However, in cs2, it selects the folder that contains the layer.
Is there a way to make it like the older version of Photoshop?
-----edit Sorry, let me explain myself better.
I mean, Ctrl + LClicking the actual layer on the canvas, not the layer palette/window.
In PS9, When you perform the above function, in the layer-palette, it highlights that specific layer for you. In CS2, it highlights the folder that contains the layer. -----edit
I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.
I frequently use ALT+TAB or CTRL+TAB to toggle between drawings open in one AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 session. It usually works great, until it doesn't. It will tease me by showing the desired drawing (for 3-30 seconds, without a command prompt) and then switch back to the one I wanted to leave. Once this problem occurs I use the QuickView button at the bottom of the screen to force the change. The appropriate drawing will be displayed but it still takes a while for the command prompt to appear (3-30 seconds). This problem is not drawing specific or session specific, and it cannot be predicted or reproduced on command. Is this a known issue or is my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 installation compromised somehow?
How can I select ALL non-transparent pixels from a layer?
- Ctrl + click doesn't work (it seems to have a 50% tolerance - my opacity 7% and 40% pixels don't get selected);
- The magic wand tool with 0% tolerance does work (when I click on a transparent pixel it selects ALL opacity 0% pixels around it and then I just have to inverse selection), BUT my image has a lot of holes with transparent areas and selecting them one by one would be tedious.
In the earlier versions of acad the "ctrl-w" toggled object snap tracking on or off, but in 2012 it is changed to Selection Cycling on or off. This is quite irritating, because I got used to toggle object snap tracking with it and still automatically use it for that purpose. But I tried my best in the user interface to find it and change it or even disable it. But can't seem to find it anywhere or change it for that matter.
I am trying (without luck) to shift-select all of the photos in a folder to bring into a folder that I've created in VideoStudio Pro X4. I have the folder showing up a highlighted, then go to browse, then to the folder, but with I try to drag the folder into Video Studio, it then stops showing the folder and I get a circle with a line thru it. How does one easily bring in a batch of photos to use as you are building a project??
I don't know what happened when i opened my autocad it looks like the image below Untitled.jpg
also if i will right click on the drawing space, nothing happens, but below or in the command window, i can, also for example i drew a line, and i want to redo, the "CTRL" function using ctrl+Z is disabled, what happened with this one?
Just yesterday one of my computers has had it's ctrl+S command making a file read-only. Using the save icon and typing "qsave" work fine. I tried looking at the save options and everything looks ok as well as looking at the shortcut keys in the cui. Everythign looks like all the others that don't have this problem. Is there something I'm missing or has something become corrupted?
I notice that if I use the CS6 feature of holding down the shift key while pickwhipping a new parent (to get the child to move to the parent), it deletes any keyframes I have set (position,scale,rotation). Is this normal behavior?
I just got a new dell inspiron laptop and installed ACAD 2011. Normally I draft with the ortho lock on and hold down shift when I want to disable it temporarily. With my new laptop this doesn't work. Holding shift down doesn't seem to make any difference at all.
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.