Photoshop :: Ctrl + Click Doesn't Select ALL Non-transparent Pixels

Jun 18, 2012

How can I select ALL non-transparent pixels from a layer?
- Ctrl + click doesn't work (it seems to have a 50% tolerance - my opacity 7% and 40% pixels don't get selected);

- The magic wand tool with 0% tolerance does work (when I click on a transparent pixel it selects ALL opacity 0% pixels around it and then I just have to inverse selection), BUT my image has a lot of holes with transparent areas and selecting them one by one would be tedious.

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Photoshop :: Ctrl+click Doesn't Work

Jun 5, 2008

I am helping my intern with a project. I use CS2, but he has CS3. for some reason, I cannot get ctrl+click (to select all pixels in that layer) to work on his CS3...

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Xara :: Ctrl Click To Select Single Item?

Jan 31, 2013

I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.

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Photoshop :: Ctrl+Click For CS2

May 5, 2006

I installed the other day Photoshop CS2.After a while working with it i wanted to select a layer but s the Ctrl+click command didn't do nothing. Anybody knows if there is another shortcut to do this?

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Photoshop :: Ctrl + Click, Not Working (CS 4)

Mar 20, 2009

For some reason Ctrl + Click for layer select does not work any more or should I say properly. When I use Ctrl + Click instead of going to the layer it only jumps to the folder containing that element rather than the layer it's self. Is this new with CS4 or is something not working?

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Photoshop :: What Happened To Ctrl Click...

Dec 1, 2007

to select content on my layers in CS3?

I have clicked everything and looked online at adobe live docs.

how do I select what's in my layers real quick?

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Photoshop :: Emulate Ctrl / Click Curve CS6?

Jul 14, 2013

i love the ctrl+click in the curve dialog in photoshop cs6 is missing
is there a shortcut to enable it or enable/disable targeted adjustament tool ?
windows 7 64bit , cs6 64bit last updates

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Photoshop :: CTRL+click Layer Not Selecting In CS2

Aug 10, 2005

In PS CS1 i used to be able to hold Control and click a layer to make the contents of that layer a selection but that don't appear to work in CS2.

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Photoshop :: Ctrl + Dbl Click To Open New Document

Dec 19, 2008

What happened to this shortcut? Now it just opens the Open dialog. I used to always use this.

Any way I can add a custom shortcut for this?

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Photoshop :: What Happen To Ctrl+click On Layer?

Nov 24, 2005

just starting using cs2 v9.0 and found out that the usual layer selecting by pressing ctrl and clicking on the layer did not work. it really drive me crazy. and why they change the linked layer feature, there are no longer little box to linked layers anymore.

ctrl+click thing

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Illustrator :: Type Tool Doesn't Select Type By Double Clicking Or Click And Drag

Mar 18, 2013

My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists.
Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it.
Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it.
Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.

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Photoshop :: 7 To CS2 (Ctrl + Click Layer Used Make Selection)

Apr 15, 2006

Hi guys, I have been using CS2 since its release but I didn’t discover this small nuance until yesterday, and needless to say it unnerved me quite a bit. In PS7 I used to use a trick to achieve a certain effect in some of my designs, making a pattern or single-color image on one layer, ctrl-clicking that layer to make it a selection, and then using that selection to delete other parts of my image. I liked this method as it allowed for me to save the particular selection, and always have that layer available to go back to in case of future use. Since I haven’t done graphic work in a while (mostly digital painting at the moment) I didn’t realize this change was made, either that, or I don’t know how to achieve a similar ends using CS2 that I did with PS7. If anyone understands what I’m asking, and can offer a bit of assistance it would be much appreciated, I am doing a menu layout and design for a local day-spa and I was hoping to do something interesting with their preexisting logo.

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Photoshop :: Making A Selection Using CTRL+Click Layer Accurately

Feb 27, 2012

For some reason when I make a selection using CTRL+Click it never fully matches the cutout of the layer I am mimicking.  There is always trim. I've posted a picture to best describe what is happening. 

Fig A.
I've made a cutout using the background eraser.  Because of this you can see how the cutout appears to be somewhat transparent around the edge.
Fig B. 
When placed on 50% gray the hair trim is as detailed as I wanted.  It's a satisfying result.
Fig C. 
I now make a selected of this semi transparent cutout by cimply CTRL+Clicking the layer. 
Fig D.
I now duplicate the original (not cutout) and use this selection to cutout again (don't ask why) but the cutout doesn't match 100%.  It's close, but it simply doesn't match.  I've also tried using this selection to make a mask on the non cutout image and the edge is exactly the same.
I thought some auto anti-alias may be turned on but I can't seem to find anything.  I really need a duplicate of this cutout to match precisely.

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Photoshop :: Can't Ctrl-click Layers When Unlinked Mask Selected?

Oct 2, 2013

I frequently encounter this problem across numerous versions of PS (CS4 - CS6)I like to CTRL+click on my layers to select them for convenience. If in the layers panel, I have a Layer Mask selected (that is, the white border highlight is around the alpha mask thumnail) and the mask is unlinked from the layer itself (there is not a link icon bewteen the layer thumb and alpha mask thumb), the CTRL+click feature seems to be disabled.
I have to relink the mask to the layer in order to restore the functionality. This occurs regardless of the order of any of the layers in question.Is this correct?

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Photoshop :: Ctrl + LClick Layer Select

May 20, 2006

I am using photoshop cs2 and have a question about the Ctrl + LClick Layer Select feature.

In PS9, the function will highlight the layer within a folder. However, in cs2, it selects the folder that contains the layer.

Is there a way to make it like the older version of Photoshop?

Sorry, let me explain myself better.

I mean, Ctrl + LClicking the actual layer on the canvas, not the layer palette/window.

In PS9, When you perform the above function, in the layer-palette, it highlights that specific layer for you. In CS2, it highlights the folder that contains the layer.

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Photoshop :: Select Highlight (ctrl+shift+alt+~) Not Working

Oct 22, 2008

in all previous versions there was a brilliant shortcut for selecting light areas of the image - ctrl+shift+alt+~

In SC4 it doesn't work.

Did they changed it?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Enable Object Selection On Ctrl + Click?

Nov 16, 2011

How can we enable object selection on "Ctrl + Click" in CorelDraw X3

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Illustrator :: AI 5.5 / What Is Brown Select Rectangle Appearing When Click Select Tool

Oct 9, 2012

When I click the select tool, a brown selection type of rectangle appears in a particular area of the illustration, even though I have not clicked on the illustration yet. I assume it is some type of warning indication, but don't know what. P.S. It is draggable and scaleable - I can move it off the artboard. An example:

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Photoshop :: Why Won't Quick Select Tool Select Transparent Canvas

Jul 15, 2013

I remember being able to select anything on the canvas with my Quick Select tool in CS5.5 Photoshop Extended. Recently, making the switch to CC, the Quick Select tool will show my slection as I drag along the canvas, but once I release the mouse, the selection seems to be reduced to the visible pixels. I was intentionally trying to fill the transparent sections with my effects as well.
Mind you, the magic wand will select transparent pixels just fine, but it also adds unintentional sections which is irritating. I should probably also pint out that I already looked into the "lock transparence" option in the layers, but I did not activate anything of the sort.

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Photoshop :: Delete All Transparent Pixels

May 7, 2013

I would like to delete all transparent pixels surrounding my irregularly (non-square) image.  The TRIM function only trims to a square surrounding my image and not to the edge of the image itself.  Is there a work around for this?  I have looked around and haven't found one. 

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Partially Transparent Pixels

Oct 1, 2011

I have an image (of many layers) which are mostly solid color, and solid alpha. 1-bit alpha, which is exactly what i want. However there are a few parts which are slightly blurry, where it fades between the two. this is causing problems in my end result. The common white halo effect.

I've tried the flaming pear solidify plugin, and it's totally not what i want. I don't want to fill everything with color or mess around with alpha channels. What i want to do is convert all partially transparent pixels, to either 0 or 100% alpha, with no middle ground. Essentially to make the image alpha binary. ideally some plugin which lets me define the threshold for one or the other would be nice.

I'm saving as an 8bit png, which naturally forces everything to be 1-bit alpha. this is unfortunately resulting in a lot of pixels being white where they show as almost invisible in Photoshop, so i want to fix this problem author side. Ideally i'd like to not mess around with alpha channels - i like the png format because i never have to touch the alpha channel, it's all done for me which speeds up workflow dramatically. I know i can save as a 24 bit png which will store the partial alpha information, but this also increases file size which is not an acceptable compromise for my purpose.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Only Resize Transparent Pixels?

May 8, 2008

I'm interested in doing a non-destructive "resize" of an image, whereby only the transparent pixels are traditionally resized and the non-transparent pixels remain the same size (but move relative to the resized transparent pixels).

As an example, imagine an image that consists of stars on a transparent background. If we were to do the above to this image, the physical space taken up by the image would increase (due to the resizing of the transparent pixels), but the stars themselves would remain the same size. In short, the stars would appear to spread out to fill more space.

If it helps, here's an illustrated example: ....

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Use CTRL Or SHIFT To Select Multiple Things (not Really DWG Related)

Sep 4, 2013

So this really doesn't have much to do with objects in a drawing. Say for instance, I go into the PURGE dialogue box, and I want to select multiple layers to purge, but not all of them. If I click a layer, and the hold CTRL and click other layers, the only one that stays highlighted is the one I just using CTRL doesn't allow me to highlight multiple entities at the same time.

It's gets a little more weird using SHIFT. The conventional SHIFT method (works in Windows Explorer and other applications) is clicking an object, holding SHIFT, and then clicking another object further down the list...this will highlight both of those entities clicked, plus every single entitiy in between them. In AutoCAD (use the PURGE dialogue box again for reference), if I click an object, hold SHIFT and click an object down the list, it will highlight the last object clicked and everything in between the two, but it will deselect the original object. Also, if I use SHIFT to select multiple objects, and then go back to the original that was deselected and hold CTRL to select it, the last object that was selected using SHIFT gets deselected.

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Photoshop :: Convert Transparent Pixels To Color?

Sep 26, 2013

How can I convert all of the transparent (100% transparent) pixels in an image to a specific color?
Adding a color layer below is not the solution I'm looking for, because some pixels are partially transparent and I don't want to modify those ones.
I use the "select color range" feature alot to do things with specific color pixels, but that feature doesn't seem to work in this case.
I am creating bitmap images for a program, where the transparent parts of the image need to be represented by a specific color.

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Photoshop :: Difference On Pixels To Be Transparent Pixel

Aug 19, 2013

I have two layers and some of the pixels in each layer are the same. I want the difference on the pixels that are not the same and for the pixels that are the same I want the result to be a transparent pixel. I have tried using the difference blend node but for pixels that are the same it returns black as the result not transparent.

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Photoshop :: Solidifying Partially Transparent Pixels?

Jun 4, 2012

I'm making graphics for a 2D game. One important part of performance optimisation is getting rid of unnecessary alpha sorting. I don't want partial alpha unless i have a specific need for it. I'm wanting all my images to be 1-bit alpha only. That is, a pixel is either completely opaque, or completely transparent - never inbetween.

I'm not sure how to do this easily in photoshop. So far i've come up with a workflow that fills my needs pretty well, except that it seems unnecessarily long and complicated:

1. Place the graphic on a transparent background

2. Use the magic wand to select transparent space, using the tolerance value to define the cutoff point

3. Select Refine Edge, and shift the contrast up to 100. For some reason if I don't do this, photoshop will often "partially select" a pixel, giving undesired results.

4. Hit delete. This removes all pixels that were selected (transparent enough to fall within the tolerance)

5. Select > Inverse. Shifts my selection to everything except what i just delete, ie the actual graphic.

6. Using the color picker, i pick an appropriate neutral color from the main body of the graphic. or i use black.

7. Using the pencil tool, with the draw mode set to Behind, and with a colossal radius, i draw on the graphic. This fills in all the remaining partially transparent pixels with the solid colour that i chose

This workflow does the job perfectly for me, and exactly achieves my intended results. but i can only do it on one layer at a time (i usually need to do this on about 18 layers, for a character graphic).

So what i'm looking for here, is some way to automate this process. The overall point of it really is forcing all pixels to "take a side", becoming either fully transparent, or fully opaque. Is there any better built in way to accomplish this? or a plugin? I'm open to commercial tools and plugins, even.

Probably relevant, I'm using photoshop CS5

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Photoshop :: Turn White Pixels Into Transparent

May 13, 2009

This is probably really basic but... I'm a printer and only really use Photoshop for changing RGB to CMYK, clear cutting (with Vertus fluid mask) and things like that. However a lot of the photos I have to clear cut have been done already but not saved (or given to me to use) with the transparency still there. Is there some easy way to turn all the white pixels into transparency? Obviously you'd have to mask any white pixels in the image you wanted to keep. A sample is attached. 

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Photoshop :: Replace White Pixels With Transparent

Aug 9, 2006

Is it possible to change all white (#FFFFFF) pixels to transparent? I am using PS7.

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Photoshop :: Color Semi-transparent Pixels?

Mar 16, 2009

I have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.

How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.

I'm still not allowed to use the link vb, but let's try this: ....

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Photoshop :: How Do I Color Semi-transparent Pixels?

Mar 16, 2009

I have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.

How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.

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Photoshop :: Select Pixels By RGB Values?

Feb 26, 2006

I have a portrait shot on a grey cloth background and I need to remove the grey background.

Replace color is useless, as is the magic wand.

However the BG is comprised of pixels that are all VERY close to neutral ie

Red -231
Green - 232
Blue - 231


I am trying to find a way to select only those pixels that are within 1 or 2 from the other components, ie it would select for the above selection:

Red - 230-232
Green - 231-233
Blue - 230-232

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