I am using photoshop cs2 and have a question about the Ctrl + LClick Layer Select feature.
In PS9, the function will highlight the layer within a folder. However, in cs2, it selects the folder that contains the layer.
Is there a way to make it like the older version of Photoshop?
Sorry, let me explain myself better.
I mean, Ctrl + LClicking the actual layer on the canvas, not the layer palette/window.
In PS9, When you perform the above function, in the layer-palette, it highlights that specific layer for you. In CS2, it highlights the folder that contains the layer.
How can I select ALL non-transparent pixels from a layer? Â - Ctrl + click doesn't work (it seems to have a 50% tolerance - my opacity 7% and 40% pixels don't get selected);
- The magic wand tool with 0% tolerance does work (when I click on a transparent pixel it selects ALL opacity 0% pixels around it and then I just have to inverse selection), BUT my image has a lot of holes with transparent areas and selecting them one by one would be tedious.
I'm working on something where I had the text conform to a curve. Now I would like to make the curve path in visible, and I was able to search for instructions on how to do that except that I'm finding them mystifying. I read "you can select a single item inside a group with Ctrl click," but when I go to the group in the layers gallery, the text and curve are treated as one item, and I see no way to separate the two.
I'm doing some photo editing of a HDR combined photoshop file. I have a layer mask of my buildings. I copied the layer, now i'd like to invert the mask so that I can immediately start fiddling with the sky.
How do I invert the layer mask? I'm in 32-bit mode right now. CS3
just starting using cs2 v9.0 and found out that the usual layer selecting by pressing ctrl and clicking on the layer did not work. it really drive me crazy. and why they change the linked layer feature, there are no longer little box to linked layers anymore.
So this really doesn't have much to do with objects in a drawing. Say for instance, I go into the PURGE dialogue box, and I want to select multiple layers to purge, but not all of them. If I click a layer, and the hold CTRL and click other layers, the only one that stays highlighted is the one I just clicked...so using CTRL doesn't allow me to highlight multiple entities at the same time.
It's gets a little more weird using SHIFT. The conventional SHIFT method (works in Windows Explorer and other applications) is clicking an object, holding SHIFT, and then clicking another object further down the list...this will highlight both of those entities clicked, plus every single entitiy in between them. In AutoCAD (use the PURGE dialogue box again for reference), if I click an object, hold SHIFT and click an object down the list, it will highlight the last object clicked and everything in between the two, but it will deselect the original object. Also, if I use SHIFT to select multiple objects, and then go back to the original that was deselected and hold CTRL to select it, the last object that was selected using SHIFT gets deselected.
Hi guys, I have been using CS2 since its release but I didn’t discover this small nuance until yesterday, and needless to say it unnerved me quite a bit. In PS7 I used to use a trick to achieve a certain effect in some of my designs, making a pattern or single-color image on one layer, ctrl-clicking that layer to make it a selection, and then using that selection to delete other parts of my image. I liked this method as it allowed for me to save the particular selection, and always have that layer available to go back to in case of future use. Since I haven’t done graphic work in a while (mostly digital painting at the moment) I didn’t realize this change was made, either that, or I don’t know how to achieve a similar ends using CS2 that I did with PS7. If anyone understands what I’m asking, and can offer a bit of assistance it would be much appreciated, I am doing a menu layout and design for a local day-spa and I was hoping to do something interesting with their preexisting logo.
For some reason when I make a selection using CTRL+Click it never fully matches the cutout of the layer I am mimicking. There is always trim. I've posted a picture to best describe what is happening.Â
Fig A. I've made a cutout using the background eraser. Because of this you can see how the cutout appears to be somewhat transparent around the edge.  Fig B. When placed on 50% gray the hair trim is as detailed as I wanted. It's a satisfying result.  Fig C. I now make a selected of this semi transparent cutout by cimply CTRL+Clicking the layer.  Fig D. I now duplicate the original (not cutout) and use this selection to cutout again (don't ask why) but the cutout doesn't match 100%. It's close, but it simply doesn't match. I've also tried using this selection to make a mask on the non cutout image and the edge is exactly the same.  I thought some auto anti-alias may be turned on but I can't seem to find anything. I really need a duplicate of this cutout to match precisely.
as the place I work at recently upgraded their PS version to CS6 and basically rendered my Intuos 4 completely useless because of the damn Alt/Ctrl modifier, which seems to control the "drag to create a copy of the layer function" regardless of the tool you're using.  It might be specific for my region, but Alt+Ctrl or Alt Gr modifer is used in order to reach certain keystokes, such as ], [, @, so when by default the brush size function on my wacom is linked to a "[" (alt+ctrl+f windows function), my tablet completely flips out and starts sending a mix of Alt, Ctrl and Alt + Ctrl function controls instead of the [ which I'm trying to use.  Alt + w/e functions work just fine, but I can't use any modifer using the alt+ctrl+w/e combo that involves creating a symbol, even while using the keyboard. For example, I can use the alt+ctrl+z command to undo something, but if I linked my brush tool to a "§", which is invoked by calling the alt+ctrl+m windows command, it will act as a normal ctrl + m command and open the curves window.
I don't know what happened when i opened my autocad it looks like the image below Untitled.jpg
also if i will right click on the drawing space, nothing happens, but below or in the command window, i can, also for example i drew a line, and i want to redo, the "CTRL" function using ctrl+Z is disabled, what happened with this one?
I can do one or another, but both at the same time? It is annoying because a mask selection turns into layer selection when you select a second layer/folder.
How can I select a shape on a layer in PSD in the layers palette?
In my past version of PSD, I was able to simply click on the Layer and hold either select or control to have marching ants go around my image - but with CS2 I am not able to do that.
I have an image with 8 layers and i want to draw lines. So I make a new layer. While this layer is selected, i select the line tool and draw a line. Then, as I want to move this line, I select the move tool and try to move it. But instead of moving the line I just drew, photoshop automatically switches to my background layer (although i'm not sure it's defined as "background layer") and moves the entire content of the layer.
To see what actually happened, i hid each layer in the layer palette... And still... here was my line. (with all layers hidden, is it POSSIBLE to have anything?)
I tried to select my line and then, using the move tool, move it, but the message "could not move the selection because the selected area is empty"...
Today i opened a psd file which 200 layers. Paint.net is very slow then (as all layers are flatten, pdn is missing hierarchical layers), but that is another problem.
I wanted to hide some background layers and "copy merged" a selection.
It took me 10mn to find all the backgrounds layers without this tool.
In photoshop the tool exist as a property of the "move selection" tool. Ie: you must first select the move selection tool, then select "layer" in the properties toolbar.
Any way to get that for v4 ? Will v4 be on github so we can clone and make patches ?
im having some trouble with an action im writing. I have a group, with a layer mask applied to it and about 50 places images. I want to select the next later, Export and then the Next and so on. But the standard select next layer only select the next 'Group' and not the laters within that group!Â
Just upgraded to cs 2, and want to select all on layer, i´m sure it used to be CTRL+click, but that doesn´t work and i can´t get anot other set of keys to work,
i think that adobe should make it able to take and select more than one layer and not only put a filter on all of them at once but also change the layer style to all of them at once. you can already scale and move all of the selected layers wich is good but it would be a nice feature to be able to do other stuff with the selected areas.
On the Adobe site it states: Â If you need the lowest layer selected, press Option-Shift-[. Â Well, it doesn't work for me in all cases because if another layer is selected, both end up being selected. Inside an Action, how do I select the lowest layer, and only the lowest layer? Â And while I'm asking Action questions, in an existing action, how do I start recording so that the new actions are placed right at the top? If I select the name of the Action, the new recording is placed at the bottom. If I select the first item, the new recording is placed second.
After moving to Win 7 I re-installed CS5. And have forgotten how I managed to set something to "auto select the right layer". For instance, clicking on the text of a text layer used to select that layer, clicking on a shape selected the appropriate shape layer. Which setting did I use for that and where can I find it? Should have written it down...
I have "auto select" turned on for the Move Tool and I click on a layer. How can I get Photoshop's Layer palette to scroll what I selected? I'm having to scroll up and down a lot trying to find my highlighted layer.
In past versions of PS I've been able to select the object in a layer by hitting control and clicking on the layer. I would get the marching ants and then could use that selection by creating a new layer for it and then manipulate it as I desire. Now it looks like the stroke causes linking to turn on and off.
I very much liked being able to select the object in a layer and used it quite often in my designing. I still want to use it, but how? Does anyone know if this function has been preserved and how do I access it?
Auto select layer is not working. I accidently hit a combination of keys and now it doesn't work. I did see that in the Layers box it indicated Pass Through but I checked Normal and it is still not working.
I restarted my computer twice in case it was my computer.
Photoshop 9.0.2 on WinXP Pro (3 GB RAM; Used space: 18.4GB; Free space: 214GB; Video card: 256MB ATI Radeon X1300PRO)
Hi, I have a couple image layers (each created by merging several others) that each also have a mask attached. I cannot get the layer mask selected on either one. I have found that I can delete the layer mask, and start with a new one and make edits, but it is a one-time shot: once I de-select it I cannot get back to it to make any further changes. Code:
I use quite often the right click in the window to select a layer, which works great. But sometimes this feature stops working as the menu does not come up with the layers below the mouse. First I thought it was the mouse but rightclicking in any other part of the screen (such as the border around the document or the panels works fine.
Is this a setting I need to make or is it a different problem such as lack of memory or what?
Photoshop CS3... What's the shortcut to selecting a layer in a document? Control clicking only selects the Layer Set. What's the shortcut to selecting an individual layer? I know that Right Click gives the option.. but is there a keyboard shortcut?