AutoCAD 2010 :: Use CUI To Assign CTRL+M To Execute PAN Command
Oct 3, 2012How do I use CUI to assign CTRL+M to execute the '_PAN command ?
View 4 RepliesHow do I use CUI to assign CTRL+M to execute the '_PAN command ?
View 4 RepliesJust yesterday one of my computers has had it's ctrl+S command making a file read-only. Using the save icon and typing "qsave" work fine. I tried looking at the save options and everything looks ok as well as looking at the shortcut keys in the cui. Everythign looks like all the others that don't have this problem. Is there something I'm missing or has something become corrupted?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a user in my group that is hesitant to upgrade to 2012 because , he has many lisp routines that are associated with the PREVIOUS selection feature. This selection is very useful in that when you are moving or selecting many objects you can enter P for previous and the object will be selected.
In 2009, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command requesting to use the Previous, AutoCAD will remember the last selected object and then highlight it.
In 2012, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command using P for previous, it will not highlight the previous object selected but will highlight the previous object where a command was executed on.
Hope I haven't lost you. It seems there should be a setting under SELECTION of how to manipulate the Previous selection feature.
line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created a dll that I can run from the command line just fine. However, I have been asked to do the following:
When the user opens a drawing a button will appear. When the user clicks on the button the command contained in the dll will be executed.
I don't know how to do this and haven't been able to find much on this. I am using AutoCAD 2011.
How to execute -Overkill command in autocad using batch process.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to execute a pedit command in a lisp routine, without echoing, with no luck...
cmdecho and nomutt dont resolve my problem...
I would like to execute scalelistedit command with auto added parameters (Reset - Yes - Exit).
doc.SendStringToExecute("-scalelistedit R " + "
" + "Y" + "
" + "E", true, false, false);
And doesnt work - I'm getting "Invalid option" and it seems like instead of R, passing is A option (Add).
I am running Inventor 2012 sp2.
Even with a simple IPT that only has a handfull of features, at times it takes a long time (3-5 minutes, sometimes longer) for Inventor to execute a undo or redo command.
Undo file size setting in Application options is set at 1MB (which is teh same setting I used in previous versions).
I want to execute a .JSX file by using Mac Terminal Command like i am doing in MS Windows by using following cmmand: C:/ start illustrator.exe Script.jsx
its working fine but i want to do the same thing in MAC, i am working on an Application in that I am using CS6 SDK to add some functionality in my Adobe Illustrator, but didnt find any method to execute JSX files directoly from VC++/CS6 SDK.
Trying to execute a script with the #include command.
It works great when the path does not conatin any spaces but else it fails and say that it cant find the file. Even networkshares work without spaces.
You may think that i have not tried to enclose it in " " signs but i actually have tried that with no success
#include Y:scriptsClintEastwoodscript.jsx //WIN!!
#include Y:scriptsClint Eastwoodscript.jsx //FAIL!!
#include 'Y:scriptsClint Eastwoodscript.jsx' //FAIL!!
#include "Y:scriptsClint Eastwoodscript.jsx" //FAIL!!
I need to do a form of automation, but wanting to execute this from another process (self-made application). Adobe Photoshop has this mechanism called "Droplets" that are executable based upon Actions defined in Photoshop (as far as I can understand). Is it possible to let AI do some work for you from an external application as with Photoshop (assuming you are able to execute the executable once it has been created)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I toggle PICKSTYLE with CTRL+H... I see no command line confirmation for the change. Currently using ACAD 2012 (coming from 2010).
Is there another SYSVAR which controls what the command line displays in occasions such as this? Something along the lines of CMDECHO?
I rarely paste entities using ctrl-v, I use the WTIT.lsp commands instead, or edit pulldown to paste entities.
I want a CTRL-V to paste to command line, always, no matter what.
I tried killing the keyboard shortcuts through the CUI, but that just stopped ctrl-v from doing anything when I was not on command line.
[URL] ....
I'm trying to find out how to assign to a toolbar button the open command for a specific drawing.
The code I input at the cui is ^C^COPEN;"//server/subpath1/subpath2/legend.DWG";
The answer I get is
Command: OPEN
Command: //server/subpath1/subpath2/legend.DWG "
Unknown command "DWG"". Press F1 for help.
how can I assign on button "F1" command ? I no need help on F1.I need F1 - Perspective View, F2- Top..
View 9 Replies View RelatedI frequently use ALT+TAB or CTRL+TAB to toggle between drawings open in one AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 session. It usually works great, until it doesn't. It will tease me by showing the desired drawing (for 3-30 seconds, without a command prompt) and then switch back to the one I wanted to leave. Once this problem occurs I use the QuickView button at the bottom of the screen to force the change. The appropriate drawing will be displayed but it still takes a while for the command prompt to appear (3-30 seconds). This problem is not drawing specific or session specific, and it cannot be predicted or reproduced on command. Is this a known issue or is my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 installation compromised somehow?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the earlier versions of acad the "ctrl-w" toggled object snap tracking on or off, but in 2012 it is changed to Selection Cycling on or off. This is quite irritating, because I got used to toggle object snap tracking with it and still automatically use it for that purpose. But I tried my best in the user interface to find it and change it or even disable it. But can't seem to find it anywhere or change it for that matter.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI don't know what happened when i opened my autocad it looks like the image below Untitled.jpg
also if i will right click on the drawing space, nothing happens, but below or in the command window, i can, also for example i drew a line, and i want to redo, the "CTRL" function using ctrl+Z is disabled, what happened with this one?
So this really doesn't have much to do with objects in a drawing. Say for instance, I go into the PURGE dialogue box, and I want to select multiple layers to purge, but not all of them. If I click a layer, and the hold CTRL and click other layers, the only one that stays highlighted is the one I just using CTRL doesn't allow me to highlight multiple entities at the same time.
It's gets a little more weird using SHIFT. The conventional SHIFT method (works in Windows Explorer and other applications) is clicking an object, holding SHIFT, and then clicking another object further down the list...this will highlight both of those entities clicked, plus every single entitiy in between them. In AutoCAD (use the PURGE dialogue box again for reference), if I click an object, hold SHIFT and click an object down the list, it will highlight the last object clicked and everything in between the two, but it will deselect the original object. Also, if I use SHIFT to select multiple objects, and then go back to the original that was deselected and hold CTRL to select it, the last object that was selected using SHIFT gets deselected.
I know that I can assign transparency to an element (even to an entire layer). But is it possible to apply transparency to an element on a GRADIENT basis? In the following image, I'd like to have the portion between the outer boundary of the gray shape and the red shape become more and more transparent. So that at the outer edge, you'd see NOTHING below the gray shape--but the closer you get to the red shape, the more you'd see through the gray shape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to assign read only rights to dwgs so that when an engineer opens the dwg file it will only open in reas only and also when a different disxipline tries to open a file if wkuld also only open in read only. this to protect other xispilines opeining and making changes they accidently do frim tjme to.time
View 4 Replies View Relatedwithout reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
Command: _move
Select objects:
Select objects:
same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.
as the place I work at recently upgraded their PS version to CS6 and basically rendered my Intuos 4 completely useless because of the damn Alt/Ctrl modifier, which seems to control the "drag to create a copy of the layer function" regardless of the tool you're using.
It might be specific for my region, but Alt+Ctrl or Alt Gr modifer is used in order to reach certain keystokes, such as ], [, @, so when by default the brush size function on my wacom is linked to a "[" (alt+ctrl+f windows function), my tablet completely flips out and starts sending a mix of Alt, Ctrl and Alt + Ctrl function controls instead of the [ which I'm trying to use.
Alt + w/e functions work just fine, but I can't use any modifer using the alt+ctrl+w/e combo that involves creating a symbol, even while using the keyboard. For example, I can use the alt+ctrl+z command to undo something, but if I linked my brush tool to a "§", which is invoked by calling the alt+ctrl+m windows command, it will act as a normal ctrl + m command and open the curves window.
How to know in which bar a certain command is?
For example, if in need to know the bar in which the command “Align” is, what to do that?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
I'm using autocad architecture 2010. When I click on the tool palettes like the steel command it is tell me. Unable to execute the tool. Unspecified error. How can I get the tool palette to work again?.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD was working fine on my machine for several months, and now I'm getting this error.
Exception in acmgd.dll ARX Command
Tried repair, resinstall, then uninstalled and installed again, and this keeps coming up.
I seem to have lost my command bar on my AutoCAD 2012 drawings. I looked into Options and can not seem to find the command to turn it back on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got AUTOCAD 2013 and I have problem using MOVE command. With my previous version AUTOCAD I was able to move one by one every line from the object I created. Now with the new version when I use MOVE command, not only one line is moved, it is moved the whole object (Like the object is a block, but is not).
How can I move only one single object from my drawing?
After I choose named UCS, the view rotates accordingly. Sometimes having named UCS as orthogonal works but I still prefer having world axis as orthogonal in my monitor. How to change default?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy command bar is stuck in the middle of my screen and it won't allow me to dock it at the bottom of the screen. Nor will it allow me to move or resize it(They're both grayed out.). Yes, the allow docking toggle is enabled and it does allow anchoring both left and right. I've tried everything I could find through F1.
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