Illustrator :: CS 5.1 - Shortcut Keys Not Working Properly In Shape Tools
Nov 12, 2013
Version: Illustrator CS5.1
System: Mac OS X 10.8.5
Whenever I use a Shape tool for which the up and down arrow keys change its attributes, the up and down arrow keys skip several states. So for example, a star can go from 5 points to 12 points if I tap the up arrow key once, skipping 6 - 11 pointed stars entirely. It happens with polygons, spirals, and the flare tool as well.
I tried using a different keyboard, but the problem persisted. I also used my keyboard with another computer and Illustrator behaved just fine. So it's definitely a problem with the software.
The two selection tools in CS6 Illustrotor not working properly. They don't select the object when I click and drag a box around them and the handles on drawing path won't stay highlighted when I use the direct selection tool so I can adjust them
For the longest time I've used both the Shape and Pen Tools for drawing vectors in Photoshop, but with CS6 I noticed a lot of weird behaviours. The one that is really getting to me is the lack of 'Shape Mode' shortcut keys when using the Pen Tool. When on the 'Shape Tool', fo example Cirle or Rectange, you can press the Shift to change the Shape Mode to 'Add', Alt to change it to 'Subtract' or both together to get 'Intersect'. This functionality used to exist on the Pen Tool too, but in CS6 I can't seem to get it working.
A collegue suggested to move over to Illustrator for all my Vector needs, and I know that this is good. However the lack of quick/integrated changing between 'Shape Modes' in either product (now) makes drawing things alot slower (for me).
Am I missing something, or is this feature now ommited in Photoshop CS6. If it ii, its possible to script something to allow this kind of behviour in Photoshop or Illustrator?
why my shortcut keys are not working in PS? In PS7, I find functions like Cntl+Shift+I will not select the inverse. A few other commands do not work. In PS8 almost NO short cuts work....not even Cntl Z!
Almost all of the common shortcut keys stop working when input language is set to Māori. eg. ctrl-n, v, b pretty much everything apart from ctrl, alt and space.
is their some command set so it will stop doing that double enter? it just started doing it today. I have closed out autocad, restarted, made sure a key isn't stuck on my keyboard.
CS6 (Design & Web Premium)! Beautiful interface with terrific power. Just updateded from CS4.
When I'm retouching with a tool (like the clone tool) consecutively (maybe 7-12 times), I get a "bink" sound, as if the tool has locked up. I can't use hot keys (keyboard short cuts) to undo, resize or resample without getting this "bink" sound. I've clicked on the "move" tool then select the cloning tool (with my mouse) but that only works for 1 more spot.
The "bink" continues for any other hot key (keyboard short cut) operation. I don't want to purge history until I'm completely finished. Quitting / relauncing PS clears this but only until I use the tool consecutively a few times again. What is causing that and how do I fix it?
I'm a power user with 300 images to retouch on a very tight deadline. Eeeeep.Keyboard short cuts are my salvation.
I've got CS2 and have been trying to learn all the new features. I was trying to add text (type) to a web layout last night and experienced a rather weird (at least to me) problem that I can't seem to figure out and from everything I've read isn't supposed to happen.
If I select any of the type tools (regular or mask, hor or vert), and then either click for point type mode or click and drag for paragraph mode, all of the text I enter is placed on top of itself. In other words, say I type an 'N' and then an 'O', then O will be placed on TOP of the N. This continues as long as I type.
Is there some setting that's been inadvertantly set? I'm able to use the type tools in Illustrator perfectly fine, but not a clue as to whats wrong with Photoshop.
I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 tonight and I'm getting some weird behavior. The thumbs for Shape Layers in the Layers panel sometimes look right, other times they collapse into a tiny square.
if something is wrong. In the photo above, the "HERO" layer is how I expect a Shape Layer to appear. However, the "TOP BANNER" layer is the SAME THING. But for some reason the thumb has become tiny. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out if this is normal for some reason or what
- Shape dynamics, brush customization not working properly
New brush selected - the settings are strange.,Large spacing, scattering on by default Shape dynamics not responding in settings, only responds by clicking the "Always Use Pressure For Size" button Eraser not working on pen Updated CC, Updated Wacom Drivers, Restarted Computers.
Photoshop CS6 worked fine (still on my computer), but CC is just a nightmare with the Wacom brush settings.
I am working on OS 10.8.3. Just installed Adobe Illustrator (CS4), and the modifier keys (shift, space bar, etc.) won't work at all. I have even uninstalled Illustrator and re-installed. I have tried the following:
• Uninstalling & Reinstalling Firefox • Deleting preference files • Rebooting • Creating a test user (keys still didn't work) • Cutting out processes in the activity monitor • Cutting out keyboard shortcuts in system preferences
I am working on a new computer, so have no non-default programs installed except for firefox.
I'm running Illustrator CS6 using Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7. It appears that the ctrl/alt keys do not work. I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting my computer.
My Gradient Tool no longer shows the Gradient Tool Annotator over a selected object. Did I turn something off that I don't know about? Recently updated my CS5 version to try and fix but no luck.
I rely heavily on the ctrl+z function to undo steps of my work quickly, but it's not working in Illustrator cs6. It says I'm using the correct shortcut, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work.
so naturally our keyboard layouts are Danish.But there's a fantastic shortcut in Illustrator, that only works with the English layout. Basically - make a square and place a pattern in it. If you rotate the box using 'R' you rotate the entire box and the pattern. But if you hold the 'button next to 1' (tilde in some parts of the world, console in other parts) and then press 'R' it will only rotate the pattern and not the box.
However, that only works with the English layout.. what is the name of that function, so I can set up the shortcut manually or change the keys needed for the shortcut?
I have been working with creating the effect of indented text. I have created a new fill which I placed behind my original one.I then went to "Effec" Transform & Distort" " Transform". I was going to add a vertical move of 1px - BUT it doesn't move vertically? My fill is moving downwards 1px?!
I thought I was going crazy until I zoomed in and applied the same setting again....sure enough it is moving down for veritical and vertically for down.
The color swatches in toolbar for fill and stroke are not functioning as they should. When I select an object on the artboard, the swatches display fine in the toolbar for what they should be. However, when I double-click on those swatches from within the toolbar to modify the color, the color which comes up is #000000 instead of the actual color it should be.
I am using 16.2.1 (cloud) for Mac OS 10.8.2
I've submitted a bug report.
Also, the eyedropper tool is buggy and occasionally places the #000000 into an object instead of the characteristics the eyedropper is selecting. I don't have any hidden layers or weird groupings, it just randomly decides when it is going to work or not.
I've never had these issues on previous versions of illustrator and have been proficient in all versions since 2007.
In Illustrator CS6 I established a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= to the command Type-->Change Case-->UPPERCASE (and Alt+Shift+Ctrl+- to Type-->Change Case-->Title Case). In Illustrator CC, these two keyboard shortcuts are not working. They are displaying in the Type menu correctly, and the menu commands themselves work correctly, but the shortcuts do not work.
and not just a brush tool? im looking through the menus and only see keyshortcuts for the tools themselves,
i am (beginner) digital painter, so being able to switch from the different types of brushes by pressing one key on the keyboard would speed up my work flow an unspeakable amount.
Having issue like loosing all of your shortcut keys in max? I have them all assigned in the Customize > Customize User Interface>Keyboard Tab but they are all inactive, forcing me to work like a snail with my left hand in my pocket. I've gone and checked for the shortcut files, done a RESET to max settings, Reloaded the UI, Restarted the computer, can't remember anything else I can to to sort it out.
I'm wondering, to what extent can I customise my shortcut keys on my keyboard? Example, currently AC has "C" set to CIRCLE, and "CO" or "CP" as COPY. Id like to assign "C" to COPY instead as I use it constantly and would work quicker this way. Is it possible?
I have a new computer and the F1 thru F12 shortcut keys for ortho, snap, etc. do not work. Rather these ring up computer functions like speaker volumnet and screen brightness. I would like to find the button that returns the shortcut keys to ACAD mode.