Illustrator :: Modifier Keys Not Working?

Jul 12, 2013

I am working on OS 10.8.3. Just installed Adobe Illustrator (CS4), and the modifier keys (shift, space bar, etc.) won't work at all. I have even uninstalled Illustrator and re-installed. I have tried the following:
• Uninstalling & Reinstalling Firefox
• Deleting preference files
• Rebooting
• Creating a test user (keys still didn't work)
• Cutting out processes in the activity monitor
• Cutting out keyboard shortcuts in system preferences
I am working on a new computer, so have no non-default programs installed except for firefox.

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Add / Change Modifier Keys?

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to have the smooth tool be a modifier key like it used to be.

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Paint.NET :: Modifier Keys Temporarily Highlight Selected Pixels

Jun 20, 2011

When working with selections - particularly when adding multiple Magic Wand selections to build the selection required - it can be difficult to see clearly (from the shading and outlines which show the current selection) what is selected already and what isn't - particularly at some zoom levels and depending upon the colour(s) of the pixels that you are working with (blue-greys, for example).

My suggestion, therefore, is that in any of the Selection tools, while you are holding down either of the modifier keys Ctrl or Alt (which would modify the Selection Mode of any further selection to Add or Subtract mode), all currently selected pixels should be temporarily highlighted - overridden by a single colour (say, your current primary colour?) with the shading (and outlines?) that normally depict the currently selected pixels removed. This would make it easy to visually confirm exactly what pixels are currently selected.

Perhaps the removal of outlines ought to depend upon the magnification that is currently being used: at high magnifications where each pixel is depicted by a relatively large screen area and the outline can be easily distinguished from the interior of each pixel, then outlines (perhaps of your current secondary colour?) might work to define the selected area, but where pixels are very small it might be best to remove them.

Also, as a visual indicator/reminder of the modification which the modifier key will make to the effect of the next selection - and one that is slightly larger than the minuscule plus or minus sign that appears in the mouse pointer - would it be easy to temporarily override the Selection Mode symbol showing in the tool selection toolbar, with the symbol for the modified effect, whenever the modifier key is depressed?Not forgetting that this symbol ought to change again if the Right Mouse Button is used instead of the Left.

If the above is easy, then, in the Magic Wand tool, could the Flood Mode symbol in the tool selection toolbar be similarly temporarily overridden with the Global Flood Mode symbol, when the shift key is used to override Contiguous Flood Mode?

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3ds Max Animation :: Face To Animate Without Distorting Texture - Link UV Keys To Morpher Modifier

May 4, 2012

I've got a character that is based on a product and I want the face to animate without distorting the texture. ie I'd like the texture to slide across the geometry in a specific way as it animates.

I've animated the UV coordinates so that it does this, but I'd like to link the UV keys to the morpher modifier so that they animate automatically.

Is this possible?

I am using Max 2011

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Ctrl / Alt Keys Not Working In Parallels

Nov 28, 2012

I'm running Illustrator CS6 using Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7. It appears that the ctrl/alt keys do not work. I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting my computer.

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Illustrator :: CS 5.1 - Shortcut Keys Not Working Properly In Shape Tools

Nov 12, 2013

Version: Illustrator CS5.1
System: Mac OS X 10.8.5
Whenever I use a Shape tool for which the up and down arrow keys change its attributes, the up and down arrow keys skip several states. So for example, a star can go from 5 points to 12 points if I tap the up arrow key once, skipping 6 - 11 pointed stars entirely. It happens with polygons, spirals, and the flare tool as well.
I tried using a different keyboard, but the problem persisted. I also used my keyboard with another computer and Illustrator behaved just fine. So it's definitely a problem with the software.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Surface Modifier Not Working For Model?

Oct 14, 2012

I am using Lines to model out the frame of this sword I am making, every time I apply the surface Modifier it only makes some of the lines into mesh.

Lines No Mesh: URL...

Surface Modifier Applied: URL....

Surface Modifier Applied (Perspective): URL....

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3ds Max :: Vertex Snap Stops Working Correctly When Mirror Modifier Is Added?

Jun 17, 2011

Just like the headline says I get this bug alot and the only way to fix this is closing max and reopening the file and the snap will work. It seems to center the snap after the mirror modifier is added and collpased.

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3ds Max :: Can't Get Text To Cap With Extrude Modifier Or Bevel Modifier

Nov 8, 2011

I just sat down to use 3Ds Max '12 for the first time today after upgrading from 2010. This will probably be a simple fix, but I can't get any text to cap with the extrude modifier or bevel modifier. It happens with every typeface I've tried. I even tried using the cap holes modifier. Never had this problem with previous version of 3Ds.

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AutoCAD LT :: F Keys Are Not Working?

Jul 12, 2012

I've upgraded to Autocad 2012 LT and the F keys are not working. How to toggle them on?

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Photoshop :: Keys Not Working

Aug 27, 2008

I have CS2 and the arrow keys recently stopped working.

I'm wondering if I changed some setting to cause this.

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Photoshop :: Arrow Keys Not Working On CS2 64 Bit...

Mar 31, 2009

Recently purchased a new computer with 64 bit system 4meg ram. I installed CS2 and everything seems to be working except the arrow keys and the control +/- features. Arrow keys are working in other programs like word and publisher.

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Photoshop :: Shortcut Keys Are Not Working (PS7&8)

Nov 9, 2003

why my shortcut keys are not working in PS? In PS7, I find functions like Cntl+Shift+I will not select the inverse. A few other commands do not work. In PS8 almost NO short cuts work....not even Cntl Z!

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Photoshop :: Ctrl+ Keys Not Working In CS?

Nov 29, 2003

None of the control key combinations are working for me in PS CS.

The control keys on my 'puter are fine -

I've tested them out and had no problem in other programs.

Has anyone else had this problem in CS?

I use Ctrl+H and Ctrl+D all of the time ...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: F Keys Not Working?

Jul 12, 2012

Why my F keys are not working and how to fix them?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Keys Not Working?

Oct 16, 2013

When I try and save (Control+S), nothing happens.  I noticed none of my control keys do anything.

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Photoshop :: My Shortcut Keys Stopped Working!

Aug 25, 2004

My shortcut keys were working fine 2 days ago and have now just stopped. I tried reinstalling and they still dont work.

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Photoshop :: Command Keys No Longer Working?

Nov 14, 2005

i am on a Mac, running the first version of Photoshop CS...i kept getting windows about my scratch disks being full, so our IT guy showed me how to go into the preferences and select the scartch disks...ever since then some of the quick key commands no longer work...

for example, holding down the space bar to get the hand to move the screen no longer works, holding down the space bar and the apple (command key) to get the maginfying glass doesn't work, and when i go to transform something, i used to be able to hold down the shift key to maintain the proportions of the object i was transforming, that also no longer works...

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Photoshop :: Why Do Arrow Keys Stop Working With Type In CS6

Sep 19, 2012

I searched this issue and found many forums discussing the topic, but no solution. When using PS CS6, the arrow keys randomly stop working when navigating around in text. This is extremely frustrating. Per other discussions, and my experience, there doesn't seem to be a constant trigger. Saving the PS file when it happens SEEMS to fix it - at least temporarily. It's been happening off and on since I upgraded.
Adobe reps (they're say "employee") monitoring the forums suggested the fix is to close all other apps. No one works that way. Chrome (or other browsers) were speculated to be the cause. but I just had this happen without any browser open.
Sysytem details:
CS6 upgrade form CS5 Premium
Lion 10.7.4 / 16G / i7 Intel
Safari / Chrome
MS Office
Mac Mail
FontAgent Pro

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Photoshop :: Shortcut Keys Stop Working With Input...

Aug 21, 2008

Almost all of the common shortcut keys stop working when input language is set to Māori. eg. ctrl-n, v, b pretty much everything apart from ctrl, alt and space.

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AutoCad :: Shortcut Keys Errors - Commands Not Working Right

Nov 23, 2011

I am using short cut keys for commands and recently commands are not working right.

'Ctrl + 1' is copy so if i have something selected it will go directly in to the copy command and allow me to pick a point.

but now its doing this.

Command: _copy

witch makes me think its hitting enter twice that deselects what i had selected.

the macro in cui is as follows

$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP ),_copy,^C^C_copy)

is their some command set so it will stop doing that double enter? it just started doing it today. I have closed out autocad, restarted, made sure a key isn't stuck on my keyboard.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Shortcut Keys Not Working When Typing In Hindi / Telugu

Dec 31, 2012

When i am typing other Language like hindi, telugu, shortcut keys not working what should i do?

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Photoshop :: Command Keys For Back Redo And Undo Not Working

Dec 12, 2005

im a noob at photoshop, i just started a few days ago. (use it to texture for 3d stuff) and im getting a few problems with it.

the main problem is that none of the command keys are working (stuff like Ctrl + Z for back and Ctrl + Y for redo) also some other commands are not working. Does anyone know whats going on?

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Photoshop :: Launching CS6 Macos 10.8.3 Causes Spacebar / Enter And Arrow Keys To Stop Working

Mar 25, 2013

i have a mac air 10.8.3 with cs6 V13.1.2 x64. The machine is running fine. I use an external usb apple keyboard, which is brand new (having just been returned from apple after a warranty case).
Launching Photoshop causes the space bar, the enter key, the up-down-left-right keys to become unresponsive to the entire operating system, even after photoshop is closed. Restarting the mac resolves the issue. Photoshop is the only foreground application launched, nothing else is running (other than background services and things like dropbox, sip, etc).
The issue affects both the external usb keyboard, and the in-built keyboard.I have tried deleting my photoshop prefs file, which makes no difference.
I have noted that bringing up the keyboard viewer ( Keyboard preferences > 'show keyboard & character viewers in menu bar'; then from the icon choosing 'Show keyboard viewer' ) will not show the key as being depressed. CLICKING on the SPACEBAR key, the ENTER or ARROW KEYS in the keyboard viewer also does not work!

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GIMP :: When Use The Text Tool Can't Type Anything Because All Keys Acts As Shortcut Keys

Jul 8, 2013

I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.

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Illustrator :: Arrow Keys Don't Run?

Dec 19, 2013

My arrow keys don't run on my Ai. what can I do?

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Illustrator :: F Keys Cause Actions To Double Up In  CS6

May 24, 2013

Pressing an F key in CS6 to call an action seems to cause the application to "double up" the action.
At first it was not obvious what was happening, as some shorter/simpler actions run so quickly that it just appeared to be a malfunction with various commands.
This happens with actions recorded in other versions, as well as those created directly in CS6. Running the action in button mode or by hitting the play button in the Actions pane do not cause this doubling. Only with F keys.
We've been able to work around this by inserting stops via the action menu.

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Illustrator :: Action F Keys Hiding Palettes?

Dec 12, 2012

Since the Retina update for CS6, my Action hotkeys (F6, F7 etc) now cause palettes to hide/appear, which didn't happen prior to the update. It seems the palettes have been given F keys when they didn't before, but I haven't got a previous version to test on.
For example I have F7 set to trigger an action to make a stroke 0.5pt, and F6 to expand that line. Now, when I hit those keys, the action completes, but the Layers palette and Colors palettes each toggle on and off with each press of the key. As you can imagine this is hugely frustrating given I'm constantly turning layers on and off to check artwork, as well as selecting colours.

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Illustrator :: Can Change Swatches With Arrow Keys?

May 16, 2012

I use the Live Paint option and the Live Paint bucket often.  It is really convenient to change the swatch I am using by using the left-right arrow keys to change my swatch chosen in the Swatch Palette.  But in CS6, if I am doing so, and the next swatch chosen is a percentage tint of another color (for example, I have a swatch Blue, and a swatch Blue 85%, which is the Blue Swatch tinited to 85% in the color palette and then made into a saved swatch), the "select" box around the swatch disappears, and I can no longer change the swatch choice without re-clicking on it.
I can change easily between swatches that are not percentages of the original, with no problem.  CS5 and all earlier versions that had this feature had no problem whatsoever.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Actions Invoked By F-keys Are Playing Twice?

Mar 8, 2013

I've got tons of actions I use F-keys for, and they're playing through twice when invoked that way.
When I select the action and hit play, it works fine.
It works this way regardless of playback option selected.
Is there something I'm doing/not doing that's causing this?

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Illustrator :: CS6 Is Ignoring Ctrl - Shift And Space Keys

Feb 6, 2013

Using CS6 on Windows 7 and Illustrator has decided not to acknowledge my Ctrl key, Shify key or space bar.

I have tried resetting Illustrator and even deleted the App data files but it didn't work. I found people with similar problems but never a solid solution. I even uninstalled evernote when some person said that worked for them.
At the moment if I try to undo I get the Zoom tool and I can no longer save with Ctrl + S, I can't bring up the hand tool with space or use any of the more common shorctcuts. This problem only affects Illustrator in all other programs the keys work fine, including other programs in CS6.

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