3ds Max :: Vertex Snap Stops Working Correctly When Mirror Modifier Is Added?

Jun 17, 2011

Just like the headline says I get this bug alot and the only way to fix this is closing max and reopening the file and the snap will work. It seems to center the snap after the mirror modifier is added and collpased.

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 Suddenly Stops Working Correctly When Opening Another File

Nov 16, 2012

I have the Creative Suite cs5.1 student version (had it for about a year now), and now recently I have started to encounter a strange bug with Photoshop.

Sometimes when I have been working in PS for a while and then open another file, the photoshop starts acting weird, resulting in the file looking like this: [URL] .....

And if I try to paint anything, it will look pixelated like in this file: [URL] .... and if I use ctrl+z after painting the paint just looks like this:  [URL]...... the 2 last named effects will also apply for any images opened before this occurrence, and it happens for any file type.

I have checked my video card drivers, and they are up to date, so that's not a problem (My graphics card is ATI Radeon 5700 series). I've also run a throughout virus scan with Norton without it finding anything.

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3ds Max :: Poly Modifier - Vertex Errors In Viewport

May 20, 2012

When using the Edit Poly modifier with Vertex selection enabled, the blue dots will frequently do any of the following:

- Only appear for half of the model
- Randomly appear or disappear
- Take the shape and colour of gizmos and tools.

These issues only seem to occur when Edged Faces is enabled. This makes modelling (and rigging) extremely difficult for me and is proving to be a constant frustration. Here are the steps I have taken to try and fix this:

- Rolled back graphics drivers.
- Updated graphics drivers.
- Switched to OpenGL mode.
- Switched to DirectX 10 mode.
- Pressed the "Delete Isolated Verticies" button.
- Disabled DirectX mesh caching (not sure of the exact name for this)
- Uninstalled 3ds Max 2011 and re-installed.
- Uninstalled every Autodesk product and cleared the registry as instructed by this page: URL...
- Re-installed 3ds Max 2011.
- Installed 3ds Max 2012.
- Installed all 3ds Max service packs.

All programs and games run perfectly on my system, including Maya. The problem lies solely with 3ds Max.

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3ds Max :: How To Snap One Object To Other With Vertex Snap

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to snap one object to the other with vert snap.

It's trying to snap from the center of my object rather then the vert I am hovering over. In the Snap settings I have only "vertex" checked so it should snap to whatever vertex I hover over but no...This keeps up I'm going back to 2008 when all this worked fine.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Different Ways Of Using Mirror Modifier?

Jan 9, 2011

I use rhino 3d for a lot of my modeling and just recently been exploring 3ds max 2011, and I really like the mirror command in rhino because I can just click and mirror my object across a grid line, however in 3ds max the modifier is much more difficult to use in my opinion. If their are any former rhino users in the Area. way of using the mirror modifier to simulate the Rhino mirror command or even suggest another modifier that would preform in a similar manner as in rhino.

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Maya Modeling :: Mirror Geometry Creates Collapsed Vertex At Zero

Jul 31, 2013

I'm using Maya 2010.  why this is happening, and how to fix it?  I have a piece of polygonal geometry.  I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:

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3ds Max Modeling :: Move And Snap Vertex Along Axis

Aug 16, 2011

I have read that this feature was removed(??) in 2011. How to do it in 2012?

Use Axis Constraints is ON in the Grid and Snap Settings but when i hoover over the vertex the snap goes away and a small circle shows up. When i click the vertex and drag it the axis constraints are turned off. I use the vertex snap all the time.

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AutoCad :: Get 2004 To Snap To ISOCircle Tangent Correctly Without Having To Do It Twice?

Mar 12, 2006

how to get AutoCad 2004 to snap to an IsoCircle tangent correctly without having to do it twice? Hope I've explained that correctly. If I try to join two IsoCircles with a line AutoCad doesn't pick the correct tangent straight away, but if you carry on and create the line anyway, then delete it and create it again it works.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Can Snap Object / Vertex / Edge To Another Object Straight In One Axis

Jan 4, 2012

can I snap an object/vertex/edge to another object straight in one axis?

I'm coming from Rhino 3d, where this is possible by holding the shift key.

3ds Max 2012 SP2
i7 2600
Geforce 560ti OC

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Illustrator :: Modifier Keys Not Working?

Jul 12, 2013

I am working on OS 10.8.3. Just installed Adobe Illustrator (CS4), and the modifier keys (shift, space bar, etc.) won't work at all. I have even uninstalled Illustrator and re-installed. I have tried the following:
• Uninstalling & Reinstalling Firefox
• Deleting preference files
• Rebooting
• Creating a test user (keys still didn't work)
• Cutting out processes in the activity monitor
• Cutting out keyboard shortcuts in system preferences
I am working on a new computer, so have no non-default programs installed except for firefox.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Surface Modifier Not Working For Model?

Oct 14, 2012

I am using Lines to model out the frame of this sword I am making, every time I apply the surface Modifier it only makes some of the lines into mesh.

Lines No Mesh: URL...

Surface Modifier Applied: URL....

Surface Modifier Applied (Perspective): URL....

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Photoshop :: Added Font Not Working

Apr 10, 2009

I just purchased a font (Boycot) and added it to my "fonts" folder.  It works great in MS Word, but doesn't seem to work in Photoshop.  I have CS2 and I'm using a PC.  When I select the text tool and then the "Boycot" font, I see only blank spaces (if that) and then I get an error message.  The two messeges are:  "Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialised." or "Could not complete your request because of a program error."  Other font's work fine and as I said... the "Boycot" font works in other programs like MS Word.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mirror Of Extrusion Cut Not Working?

May 17, 2013

I cut a curved profile using extrusion and mirrored it about the original plane. But It doesn't cut thoroughly ? there is still a surface of the rarer side of the part ?

the original extrude cut was "Through All".When  do the same cut gving a distance...it mirrors perfectly..

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Maya :: 2012 And 2013 Merge Vertex Tools Not Working?

Mar 5, 2013

I'm having problem with this tool in maya 2012 it doesn't connect or do the red mark between 2 vertices but in maya 2013 it does the red mark between them but doesn't connect

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Maya :: 2012 / 2013 Merge Vertex Tool Not Working?

Mar 5, 2013

I'm having problem with this tool in maya 2012 it doesn't connect or do the red mark between 2 vertices but in maya 2013 it does the red mark between them but doesn't connect

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Maya Modeling :: 2014 Vertex / Point Snapping Not Working?

Oct 14, 2013

I'm having a problem with Maya's vertex/point snapping function. This is a simple thing to do normally but in the 2014 student version (which is full functionality other than having a prompt saying it is a student version upon saving the file), it isn't working.

Basically the process is making a selection of vertices and with the transform tool active, MMB dragging the manipulator to snap the selection to a destination vertex. The pivot point/manipulator of the selection is moving and snapping to the destination vertex on it's own when I hold 'V' and MMB drag, rather than the whole selection moving with the transform manipulator and snapping to the destination vertex. This problem is also happening with the modelling toolkit which is really annoying. I have checked that i'm not in edit pivot mode etc.

The point snapping is working however for objects, but not in component mode as above.

I am running Windows 7, Maya SP2.

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3ds Max :: Can't Get Text To Cap With Extrude Modifier Or Bevel Modifier

Nov 8, 2011

I just sat down to use 3Ds Max '12 for the first time today after upgrading from 2010. This will probably be a simple fix, but I can't get any text to cap with the extrude modifier or bevel modifier. It happens with every typeface I've tried. I even tried using the cap holes modifier. Never had this problem with previous version of 3Ds.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Stops Working Upon Launch?

Sep 17, 2012

While launching photoshop cs4 on windows 7  I recieve a message that says :Adobe Photoshop CS4 has stopped working.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Often Stops Working While Using PS6

Apr 12, 2013

My keyboard often stops working while using PS6. Not all keys, just a random few. Things like pressing T for the type tool will stop working, the arrow keys will stop working. It's driving me nuts and seriously interrupting my workflow.
Restart PSRestart MacDo something else for a bit and jump back into PS praying it might now be ok.The problem exists using the laptop keyboard alone, and while using a bluetooth(apple) keyboard.

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Photoshop :: After Opening CS6 Stops Working?

Sep 17, 2013

After opening and using photoshop cs6 for a few minutes I get a box popping up saying Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working. "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."  So far never received any notifications about a solution.  I notice that it closes soon after I try a CTRL T to select an image.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ESC Key Stops Working?

Apr 16, 2010

As I'm working in 2011 all of a sudden when I want to deselect all I hit the ESC key and objects are still selected. I can right click and select deselect all and that works. If I shutdown AutoCAD and restart the ESC key works again.

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Photoshop :: CS4 OpenGL Stops Working After A Few

Dec 2, 2008

CS4 OpenGL stops working after a few minutes of painting. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the amount I paint. If I save the file, then reopen I can paint for another few minutes before the opengl stops working. Is this a standard problem with CS4? Is there a solution?

System Specs:

Windows XP SP3, updated

Latest DirectX & all software updated

Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT 512MB w/ latest driver

Athlon64 X2 Dual 3800+


Photoshop CS4

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Photoshop :: CS6 Stops Working When Combining HDR RAW Images

Oct 11, 2013

When I have made 5 HDR RAW pictures and want to combine them within CS6, the program Photoshop stops working. Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong? I juist follow the instructions of the book.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcuts Stops Working

Mar 15, 2012

I'm recently having a problem in photoshop cs5.After a while in photoshop, MOST keyboard shortcuts stops working. the keyboard works just fine, but the shortcuts are'nt. All I need to do to fix it is to restart photoshop and it works fine again (until the problem occurs again).But recently, this problem occurs ever 2 mins. I've just started a design I wanted to finish with quickly, and I actually restarted photoshop at least 20 times.

btw, the only other applications running while photoshop is are windows media player, NOD 32 , windows photo viewer, and some other folders, thats it.

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Photoshop :: Brush Size Stops Working?

Dec 5, 2012

For the last three versions of Photoshop the shortcut keys [ ] for brush size stops working. Why is this not fixed? The other shortcut that shows brush size in red.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Does Not Export Video And Stops Working

Jun 23, 2012

I have already more than 100 projects running under VS X4 it is problematic to jump to other software, also because of spending 2 years studying Corel VS.I have found now (2 years to late) the top very stable professional software with Edius 6.06.

What happens.... In new installed VS X4 if i put a videofile on the timeline and go to SHARE >MAKING VIDEOFILE MENU....the computer breaks down, and gives the error: " VS X4 does not work anymore..... " and stops working, realy breaking down....

Have tryed it lots of times, it looks like at installing the program, the link to the output formats is not there and VS X4 does not now how to handle.....Yes I am going over to the professional software edius 6, but with a usermanual with 1000 pages i need studying at least one year on that....

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VideoStudio :: X3 Stops Working During Rendering Process

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to complete my first project in X3 with a new computer. I have done many projects on an older computer with VS 10. I X3 stops working during the rendering process everytime I try to make a video file. I'm making a 4:3 mpeg 2 file (DVD). I have tried several different ways and the most I can get done is 24%. i have tried to cut out a clip..I get a dump file each time that it tells me to send to Corel.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 Stops Working On Saving As MPEG-4

Dec 1, 2012

My HP had win 7 pro issues and then blew its motherboard so i replaced it. I reloaded Video Studio Pro X3 which worked fine until I tried to save the edited video as a mpeg-4 HD (to be converted into an AVI later). It starts saving and then shut downs informing me to contact Corel and give them the data dump to figure out what the problem is. of course, i can not contact Corel who directed me to this forum. I did download and install the critical update but the same error occurs.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Keyboard Stops Working

Mar 21, 2013

I do a heavy job about an into working on a comp my keyboard will stop working, every once in a while if I cmd + tab out of smoke and back into smoke it will do the same thing, but my mouse always works. The only way to really get the keyboard back to working is by rebooting the app. This is really embarrassing when you are doing supervised sessions and you have to reboot.

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3ds Max :: Wireparameter Stops Working After Time Offset?

Jul 10, 2011

I've got a scene setup with a dummy wired to a helicopters proppelors. The dummy is animated from frame 0 to 130. And it is working fine. But as soon as I want to animate the dummy to frame 200 or so the propellors stop rotating from frame 130.

Where can I adjust it to get it working again?

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GIMP :: Select To Path Stops Working

Jul 18, 2012

I'm a new GIMP user and, prior to this, my sole experience with a graphics program has been MS Paint. So be gentle.I am currently trying to make a logo. I have been using the Path tool to delete portions of the logo I don't want in the final picture. I used the Path tool several times, used "Select to path" to get a selection, then deleted the bits.

And there I am, merrily deleting away when alla the sudden, "Select to path" stops working. I make a closed-loop path, hit "Select to path", and...nada. No selection, nothing.

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