I do a heavy job about an into working on a comp my keyboard will stop working, every once in a while if I cmd + tab out of smoke and back into smoke it will do the same thing, but my mouse always works. The only way to really get the keyboard back to working is by rebooting the app. This is really embarrassing when you are doing supervised sessions and you have to reboot.
Some of my keyboard short cuts do not work - for example Import (CMD-I), Export (CMD-E) make subclip etc...... things like JKL play work and mark in mark out etc...
My keyboard often stops working while using PS6. Not all keys, just a random few. Things like pressing T for the type tool will stop working, the arrow keys will stop working. It's driving me nuts and seriously interrupting my workflow.
Restart PSRestart MacDo something else for a bit and jump back into PS praying it might now be ok.The problem exists using the laptop keyboard alone, and while using a bluetooth(apple) keyboard.
I'm recently having a problem in photoshop cs5.After a while in photoshop, MOST keyboard shortcuts stops working. the keyboard works just fine, but the shortcuts are'nt. All I need to do to fix it is to restart photoshop and it works fine again (until the problem occurs again).But recently, this problem occurs ever 2 mins. I've just started a design I wanted to finish with quickly, and I actually restarted photoshop at least 20 times.
btw, the only other applications running while photoshop is are windows media player, NOD 32 , windows photo viewer, and some other folders, thats it.
Trying to launch Smoke 2013 OSX Ext 1 but the app just stops and hangs at "Analyzing Frames 100%". I've tried rebooting, restarting all services, creating a new user, creating a new project, trying old projects, etc.
At random points while editing my keyboard will become inactive within Smoke. I've mapped out a custom keyboard and it works well to a certain point. It's as if I've accidentally changed a setting that "turned off" all my key maps. I can't zoom, insert or even playback from the source monitor or timeline.
I can only do a pen right click (using the pen button) with the smoke FCP7 keyboard settings.Shouldn't be like that, I guess, and I think this wasn´t with pre3
Only alternative is to press ctrl and click, but well, what are my pen buttons good for and i´m lazy, especially when i have to access option menus.
I know most of us have 2 computers in our suites and would be nice to controll both computer without having to use 2 mice and 2 keyboards. Right now I am using 2 computers, a mac pro and a macbook pro. I would like to use my MacPro's keyboard and mouse to control the macbook pro much like a mouse and keyboard on a second display. I've been using an application called teleport, but it doesn't allow me to use keyboard commands.
I've heard/used synergy, but it's to much work for the final product.
Is there any keyboard shortcut in Smoke to shuttle quickly across footage (with sound playing) at 2x or 3x speed like you can in Avid/FCP/Premiere etc by double/triple-tapping the J and L keys?
This makes scanning through clips and the timeline so much faster and I consider it a basic essential.
In a text node, I really need to activate a virtual keyboard to put accents in words??
I am Brazilian and my language has several words with accents (á, à, é, ê, ç ....) every time I need to type something into smoke I will really going to have to keep typing a few letters, go for a virtual keyboard, select a special character, disable the virtual keyboard to type back ....
Quite possibly user error, but following along with Grants Keying demo, I am unable to make the MasterKeyer in Axis perform a key!
I have a background on v1, green screen shot on v2, select both and apply axis fx. Enable the PreviewFX cache, then in Keyer I switched t Masterk, select the left colour pick and click on the green screen element. All that happens is the swatch turns white regardless of the colour being selected, and the entire video clip is removed to reveal the background.
As far as i can tell, all my onscreen settings are the same as the ones in Grants video.
I'm running the trial version of Smoke 2013 (latest version) on a Mac Pro. Going out a Kona Card. SDI out works fine, but I'm not getting a signal out of the HDMI? (I know the cable is good, Final Cut works fine...).
I am having some issues with the newly added Sequence Publish function added in Prerelease 4. I have tried using both the built in AAF export option, and have tried a custom DPX image sequence with EDL export. The function is able to do the final sequence render in preparation for the publish, however it doesn't ever actually publish either the DPX sequence or quicktime movies I request it to. I am left with a folder which contains the edl or aaf file, but no corresponding media ever gets written out. When I check the jobs tab in the mediahub, it just shows "waiting" as its status, but it never progresses past that point. I have tried this function on three different timelines with different media, and it still won't write out the publish sequence. I am able however, to export the sequences to a quicktime as I would normally.
Trying to conform Canon C300 MXF media from 3 different drives. My source footage is spread across 3 TB of portable drives, so I'm trying to conform each drive's footage, cache the media, then move on to the next drive.
This mostly worked, but there's about a half dozen clips that refuse to cache for some reason. Everything looks fine when the drive is plugged in - then I consolidate handles, then go to the sequence and choose CACHE MEDIA - Backburner kicks in and says 100% complete.
But then I have to quit Smoke to eject the drives and connect a different one, and when I start Smoke again, MOST of the clips are there, but some of the clips are not. They do not say Unlinked or checkboards - but they are just black. (One time it showed RED frames - WTF??). If I reconnect the HD, the clips show up, so it's obviously still reading it from the portable drive.
Is there an option to force cache individual clips?.
I tried unlinking/relinking thos problem clips, and even Hard Committing the GAP layer above - and those few clips still do not cache - even the hard commit goes black when the drive is disconnected. How is that even possible? Do I need to add an Axis Effect to force a render, then commit those frames?
why the BB would say 100% complete, but not all clips are truly cached?
When I am in cfx in action 1-up, I press shift 3 or shift 4 to view side and top view. Nothing happens. What is the correct hotkey (smoke) to show the view. The hotkey suggested does not work. And if you manually select it, it takes quite a while to decide it will change view for you.
So I have a soft imported clip with cfx applied...right click consolidate handles...and it seems to work...
But then archiving gives a crazy size estimate so I checked handles again...it turns out the handles haven't been consolidated at all. Timeline says it has been consolidated but entering cfx and exiting again the handles come back.
I was under the impression 2013 worked natively with AVCHD. I have footage from both a Sony FS100 & 700 and unless I'm missing something I'm coming up empty.
The file structure starts with: AVF_Info & Private
Private navigates to BDMV which navigates to :
Clip Info Playlist stream
Of those three selections only stream seems to want to do something but when you select it says it's "loading" but nothing happens...I let it sit for 15 minutes and nothing.
Having a few problems after swapping AJA for BMD DeckLink. Latest problem...
Capture from tape works if I manually go in there and set points and Capture, but Auto-Capture doesn't work - never seems to cue up the deck properly. Gets to a 5 sec pre-roll, stutters a bit, then just beeps and stops trying.
I know the tape is fine - I sent the EDL to FCP and captured my clips - but I'd prefer to stay in Smoke, of course...
Is the load text "feature" not working in pre2? What Im trying to achieve:
Toolbar (the new tab) -> text/input: none -> Load -> roll down menu to "text file" -> roll down menu to "UTF-8" -> click the text file i've created using TextEdit = nothing happens.
Have i missed something very obvious or is it broken?
In TextEdit i choose to make the text "plain" so i can save it as a UTF-8 but during the load of the textfile smoke "tells me" "Cannot open"
i try to load CFX setups in smoke 2013 but the little triangle near load button is not working........how i can choose replace for loading setups in CFX ?
When I have a CFX on a clip and I try to replace media (so I'm replacing the media under the CFX), it doesn't work. It overrights the CFX completely. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Smoke classic shortcut is not working for Schematic vuew in CF, tried on three machines. Also why there is short cat for all "delete" "add" but not just plain move anymore. space M is not working. What's the logic?
Im trying to use the add point tracking feature in the MK/Gmask in action. Is this a bug or has the software changed? I used to be able to add a tracking point, scrub media to where the point falls off, select add, hold down control and move the tracker to a new point and it would work fine.
Today no matter what I do when the tracker jumps to the second selected position it just jumps off screen. It even does this if I dont use the add function and stop a track, move to new location and hit snap? Whats up with that?
I'm on PR5 and up until today backburner has been working fine. For some reason its stopped. here is the error message from the file I'm trying export:
tddetedit2 2687747392 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 11/08/12:13:57:26.290 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-20:/stonefs/YEC_2012/workspace/_Export_121108_133458_1/H_16777343_S_1352399698_U_44950/hires: Library _Export_121108_133458_1 not found
when going in to fonts, only Discreet are available. Assume it'a a Path problem, but not sure where everything is. Of, course, would like access to all fonts.