3ds Max Modeling :: Move And Snap Vertex Along Axis
Aug 16, 2011
I have read that this feature was removed(??) in 2011. How to do it in 2012?
Use Axis Constraints is ON in the Grid and Snap Settings but when i hoover over the vertex the snap goes away and a small circle shows up. When i click the vertex and drag it the axis constraints are turned off. I use the vertex snap all the time.
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Jan 4, 2012
can I snap an object/vertex/edge to another object straight in one axis?
I'm coming from Rhino 3d, where this is possible by holding the shift key.
3ds Max 2012 SP2
i7 2600
Geforce 560ti OC
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Jan 27, 2013
I would like to move two different vertex, from different mesh, at the same place. I thought maybe I could put a guide or a landmark to the position I want the vertexes to be. I can't find anything about guides in 3ds max
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Dec 20, 2013
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
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Apr 18, 2011
I'm trying to snap one object to the other with vert snap.
It's trying to snap from the center of my object rather then the vert I am hovering over. In the Snap settings I have only "vertex" checked so it should snap to whatever vertex I hover over but no...This keeps up I'm going back to 2008 when all this worked fine.
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Jun 17, 2011
Just like the headline says I get this bug alot and the only way to fix this is closing max and reopening the file and the snap will work. It seems to center the snap after the mirror modifier is added and collpased.
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Feb 22, 2013
I'm looking for comments here- Was this a "bug" in AutoCAD 2013 or what?
I teach AutoCAD to high school kids via "cyber school" and one of my students was sending me drawings on which the SNAP was NOT "snapping" parallel to the X axis and the GRID was not present at all-
Here's what I discovered (This is what I wrote to the student):
Your software is AUTOCAD DESIGN SUITE Ultimate 2013 (Student Version)
Your LIMITS are correctly set to 0,0 and 12,9
GRID and SNAP are both set to .25
The problem:
1. The GRID does NOT display no matter what settings are chosen under the GRID command or within the Drafting Settings dialog box on the Grid and Snap tab.
2. The SNAP function does not create VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL lines.
(The SNAP function is not alignning with the X and Y axes.)
When I opened your latest drawing (9.1) and drew a 12 by 9 rectangle using coordinate input (L <enter> 0,0<enter> 12,0<enter> 12,9<enter> 0,9<enter> c<enter>), the resulting rectangle was a bit “off-SNAP”.
That shouldn’t happen.
I Googled “AUTOCAD GRID OFF” and any other combination I could think off.
Though I was able to read dozens of queries about various SNAP and GRID issues, NONE that I found addressed this issue.
I confirmed that SNAP was on and started the LINE command.
As I moved the mouse I watched the coordinates displayed next to the crosshairs.
As I “snapped” from point to point the coordinates SHOULD have always displayed increments of ¼ (.25, .75, 1.0, 1.25, etc) but they did NOT.
As I moved away from the origin (0,0) the ever-growing error could be seen in the coordinate display at the crosshairs.
It was as if the SNAP function was NOT following a “perfect” vertical/horizontal orientation as it moved.
To confirm that I drew a line using coordinates: 0,9 as the start point and 12,9 as the next point.
I restarted the line command and “picked” a start point guided by “snap” that was “close” to the first start point (It wasn’t perfectly on the first line’s start point due the anomaly mentioned in my first paragraph.) and then picked a second point that was “close” to the first line’s endpoint.
The 2 lines were not parallel.
The line drawn with SNAP to dictate its start and endpoints was simply not “horizontal”.
The “Y” coordinate of the start and end points on that line were slightly different.
Somehow the SNAP function was not “snapping” in alignment with the X and Y axes.
After experimenting with settings I found a solution.
But why the solution worked I DO NOT KNOW.
It isn’t “LOGICAL”.
As I typed the command SNAP I saw that command “suggestions” were displayed next to the crosshairs.
I selected these snap options one at a time and through this experimentation I stumbled onto the solution.
The command which “worked” was a command called SNAPANG. In 30 years of working in AutoCAD, both 2D and 3D, I have never used the command SNAPANG.
However, nothing ventured, nothing gained:
I typed the command SNAPANG <enter> then typed 1 <enter>.
Nothing changed.
I reentered the command SNAPANG and then entered the previous value 0 (zero) thinking that I was restoring it to its previous setting and suddenly the GRID appeared and the SNAP followed with perfect alignment with the GRID and in perfect alignment with the X and Y axes. As I entered the LINE command and watched the coordinates displayed at the crosshairs they were now in perfect increments of .25.
As I said initially, since the two command-driven settings that I entered should have simply reversed one another, I have gone into this great detail because I will send this on to AutoCAD’s support people and see if they have any comment. It must be a “bug” in the new version of AutoCAD.
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a vertex that is a connection point to several edges. Now, how do I split the vertex into several so every edge has one? Is there such a function? Or do I need to instert them manually?
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Nov 16, 2011
I'm trying to rotate a piece in an assembly by a selected axis to a precise angle, but the program just won't let me. I get to rotate it around with my mouse, but it only lets me change the angles at 5 degrees minimum. I try to type in a precise angle into the box, but it only lets me type in 1 character. Below is a screenshot of what I mean (I'm using Inventor 2011).
It either only lets me put in the first digit or won't let me manually change the value at all. What is up with this? The tutorials clearly says I can put in a arbitrary value.
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Jan 29, 2012
I would like to know if it's possible to set a value to a multiple vertex selection.
Exemple : I have 15 vertex selected with different values on z axis.
I want to set all vertex to -100mm for exemple (in one action).
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Mar 14, 2011
I am polymodeling and want to restrict a vertex to moving only along one of its corresponding edges. Seems like there was a drop down for this but I am totally missing it right now.
Max 2009 SP1 x64
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Feb 4, 2012
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
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Apr 24, 2011
I am trying to weld two vertex's together but they just won't budge. Yes the vertex counter says "2 Vertices Selected" and yes i am presses the "Weld" button and yes i have tried to use "Target Weld" and that did not work ether. And the 2 Vertices belong to the same object so it is not possible to use the "Boolean" Feature of 3ds max because the objects would have to different to use the "Boolean" Feature but in my case they are within the same object. So what do i do now? I have exhausted all the ideas and thoughts that i could possibly try. The only thing that i can think of right now is that that 3ds max 7 won't weld because one of the Vertices belongs to a closed face. Or is there a script that overrides that feature?
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Jul 27, 2011
I have a high res model and Im building a low res one on top of it. I'm trying to constrain the movement of a vertex of the low res model to the surface of the high res model. How can I do that in Max 2012?
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Apr 22, 2012
I'm using 3ds max 2012. this problem appear when i send object from 3dsmax to mudbox.
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Nov 20, 2013
ok so i have a face, that is looking eyes, left, and i need to make a morph for it with its eyes right, i cant just rotate the eyes becuase the geometry is all attached,...
in my thinking i came up with a solution that i swore would work, i just put a symmetry modifier on my mesh, and then detached the oppoite side, so that now i have two meshes.. one with eyes left, and the one derived from the symetry modifer eyes right,.. i collapsed them both so that they would be edit polies, and then applied eyes right as a morph target....
it does not work,... the symetrey modifire seems to reorder the vertex numbers or something like that.. becuase when i try to putt the morph to 100 the face implodes and reverses... so my question is.. is there a way to just make the mesh turn from eyes left to eyes right without having to use the symmetry modifier????
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Mar 4, 2012
I've got a problem with a vertex on my model. When I go into the skin modifier or edit poly, this one vertex doesn't seem to exist. It doesn't show up and I cannot move it, yet in the skin modifier it is being affected by something. How can I get this vertex to reappear without completely borking my model's skinning?
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Aug 12, 2011
I'v created my shape, snapped the vertex but cannot combine them to other sides, so when i go to smooth the shape it shows the disconnected edges/vertex...I'v attached a screen shot to show you the edges i mean (circled).
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Jun 2, 2011
I would like to clone a cylinder along a Line, but not with a linear spacing between the cylinder, but center on the vertex of the line (see image).I have trying with the spacing tool, but I can't do that I want...
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Mar 8, 2011
Just noticed this (first use of Max in a few days) so not sure what is going on, but any type of vertex (smooth, bezier, etc.) does nothing to change any vertex but they all remain corners. I get bezier handles and moving them apart moves the handles but does not change the shape of the lines going into the vertex.
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Aug 14, 2012
I'm modelling a character and I created the neck and now I want to connect it to the head but the problem is, he only allows me to weld some vertex, it's like he doesn't want both elements to share a edge or face, only vertex!(and yes, I attached the two elements).
when I want to create a face with those vertex he says: "illegal face" or something.
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Mar 20, 2011
In sub object mode, I have some vertex selected, I would like to set this vertex to a specific position in space.
For exemple, In the picture attached, I want that each 4 vertex set to 0 in x position in one command (I don't want set to 0 individually each vertex).
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Sep 28, 2012
I've been using Maya for a little while, and have often found manipulating vertices frustrating.
The problem is that - as far as I can tell - I need to select a vertex before manipulating it. This is annoying because I have to click a vertex and then click and drag it again to actually move it (not so easy on a tablet). Also, if I'm off by even a slight amount, I click the object instead and I pop out of vertex selection mode and back into object selection mode.
I could simply click once and drag to move vertices and if there was no vertex under my mouse when I clicked, I wouldn't accidentally select an entirely different object.
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Feb 14, 2014
How to move vertex of shapes, but i can't find back how. I'm trying to follow the solution / adobe info , but still can't select single or multiple vertex of a shape, its always everything selected. I'm actually using a shape that i had modified this way before already.
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Mar 3, 2011
I'm wondering how to change a control vertex on a curve to a bezier corner. It's a corner right now and I need the handles to edit the shape.
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
3Ds Max 2013
Maya 2013
Mudbox 2013
Core i7 920 Quad Core 2.66 GHz, 6 GB RAM
EVGA GeForce 550 ti (2x)
ROG Rampage II Extreme Motherboard
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Dec 3, 2013
I have two line edges that cross but need a vertex at that point where they intersect. The lines are on different objects. How would I create one? I imagine this comes up quite a lot but it seems really difficult to do.
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Jul 31, 2013
I'm using Maya 2010. why this is happening, and how to fix it? I have a piece of polygonal geometry. I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:
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Sep 7, 2012
I have problem when i duplicate polygon another side of model. The object is not smooth, it look like different model. I try to "combine" and "mesh" vertex from middle of object. but it still same. The polygon will smooth if i use "smooth tool". But i need low polygon for transfer map from high polygon to low polygon. but it not work, because low polygon look like different model.
I need smooth low polygon, but not to much smooth. I need only when i duplicate polygon, it not look like different model is okay.
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Oct 14, 2013
I'm having a problem with Maya's vertex/point snapping function. This is a simple thing to do normally but in the 2014 student version (which is full functionality other than having a prompt saying it is a student version upon saving the file), it isn't working.
Basically the process is making a selection of vertices and with the transform tool active, MMB dragging the manipulator to snap the selection to a destination vertex. The pivot point/manipulator of the selection is moving and snapping to the destination vertex on it's own when I hold 'V' and MMB drag, rather than the whole selection moving with the transform manipulator and snapping to the destination vertex. This problem is also happening with the modelling toolkit which is really annoying. I have checked that i'm not in edit pivot mode etc.
The point snapping is working however for objects, but not in component mode as above.
I am running Windows 7, Maya SP2.
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Nov 16, 2013
I have drawn this part and can't find a way to... not even sure how to describe it.I need to replace the yellow edge by the green one.
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Jul 7, 2012
Whenever I try to select a Curve to select 'Control Vertex' I get the options for the Camera instead, the only work around I have is to Hide the Camera which also switches off the image planes, then select the curve and select 'Control Vertex, and then re-enable the image planes.
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