Maya Modeling :: Control Vertex - Unable To Stop Camera Being Selected?
Jul 7, 2012
Whenever I try to select a Curve to select 'Control Vertex' I get the options for the Camera instead, the only work around I have is to Hide the Camera which also switches off the image planes, then select the curve and select 'Control Vertex, and then re-enable the image planes.
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
I am not in soft select mode. If I go to Soft Select I can see the CV's. But when I right mouse click to select CVs they are invisible. If I drag to select I can grab them, but they are still invisible and it's getting really difficult to manipulate things right now.
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
I've been using Maya for a little while, and have often found manipulating vertices frustrating.
The problem is that - as far as I can tell - I need to select a vertex before manipulating it. This is annoying because I have to click a vertex and then click and drag it again to actually move it (not so easy on a tablet). Also, if I'm off by even a slight amount, I click the object instead and I pop out of vertex selection mode and back into object selection mode.
I could simply click once and drag to move vertices and if there was no vertex under my mouse when I clicked, I wouldn't accidentally select an entirely different object.
I'm using Maya 2010. why this is happening, and how to fix it? I have a piece of polygonal geometry. I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:
I have problem when i duplicate polygon another side of model. The object is not smooth, it look like different model. I try to "combine" and "mesh" vertex from middle of object. but it still same. The polygon will smooth if i use "smooth tool". But i need low polygon for transfer map from high polygon to low polygon. but it not work, because low polygon look like different model.
I need smooth low polygon, but not to much smooth. I need only when i duplicate polygon, it not look like different model is okay.
I'm having a problem with Maya's vertex/point snapping function. This is a simple thing to do normally but in the 2014 student version (which is full functionality other than having a prompt saying it is a student version upon saving the file), it isn't working.
Basically the process is making a selection of vertices and with the transform tool active, MMB dragging the manipulator to snap the selection to a destination vertex. The pivot point/manipulator of the selection is moving and snapping to the destination vertex on it's own when I hold 'V' and MMB drag, rather than the whole selection moving with the transform manipulator and snapping to the destination vertex. This problem is also happening with the modelling toolkit which is really annoying. I have checked that i'm not in edit pivot mode etc.
The point snapping is working however for objects, but not in component mode as above.
I'm used to being able to select and hide polygons while creating models in programs like Lightwave and Modo. It is an essential function that I can't imagine Maya lacks, yet there isn't an obvious way to do this as far as I can tell. Is there a workaround?
So, in max there is a way to turn this off. So that when you select an object the edges are not visible. That way, when you select and object and have a look at it, you do not have to be distracted by the wire frame.
Is there a way to do this is Maya? I'd lke the geo to appear as flat shading without the wireframe visible even when I select it.The reason is, I want to select it, and work on the UV mapping. I'd like to make some changes to the map, and see how they look on the model without having to deselect the mesh each time I make a change and what to see it without the wireframe.
I'm making a video for my geometry class where I will be making a cube with it's corners labeled. I would like to move the camera around during the video, but I also want the letters to always face the camera.
I am using Maya 2012. I am doing a tutorial for Maya 2011. It is directing me to do some selecting and transformation to my mesh using camera based selection. The tutorial says:
1. double click the selection tool icon in the toolbox. the tool settings editor appears.
2. In the common selection options selection underneath marquee, turn on camera based selection.
3. Right mouse click the mesh and select vertex from the marking menu. The vertices appear on the mesh.
4. While looking at the front of the mesh, select the vertices that need to me moved by holding the left mouse button at one corner dragging a marquee selection over them. the vertices should be selected.
I selected the “turn on camera based selection” in the selection icon toolbox settings editor. But I can’t select the veritces using a left mouse click bounding box or by selecting the vertices individually. The vertices just won’t highlight or select. If I want to select I have to turn off the camera based selection.
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
I am new to Maya, and I have just started to learn modeling. I am trying to check X-Ray from "Shading" in my side view so I can model against a drawing that's on a plane. However the X-Ray option does not look active - it is gray while the rest of the Shading list is in black - and does not let me check the checkbox.
I am trying to follow the Lynda Maya 2013 Essentials video, if you are familiar with it.
I have attached a picture of what it continues to do when I attempt to select a face of this polygon I revolved from a cv curve tool line. Accidentally copied dual screen. I have been running into countless problems while trying to manipulate this revolved surface like a polygon but there is something stopping me. How do I just select an edge or a face without the entire thing lighting up with yellow dots and not actually selecting anything! I try to hold shift and click other faces but that doesn't work either!
If I could somehow delete the action of revolving a line to treat the independent tessellations as one uniform polygon. I am very new to this program and I don't know where history might be.
I've tried deleting all preferences. I was working with the camera originally then suddenly the keyframes wouldn't appear as red lines (there was only 1 camera) and appeared blank, i deleted these 'blank' keyframes and ever since I've been unable to play the entire camera sequence, the timeline simply sits at 0. I've tried a new camera with it's own keyframing but to no avail, it refuses to play.
edit: I just tried in a new scene also, same problem. It's making it near impossible to preview animations in real-time.
I created a very simple two poly object and then deleted my construction history and now I cannot seem to create a new polygon in the scene unless I turn off interactive creation.
If I choose create>sphere etc the little sign that says drag on grid appears but when I do nothing happens. I made a new scene and did the same thing and I don't have the same problem so Im not sure why in this particular scene.
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
unable to select objects after creating them in view port ..i am not able to select them in view port i can only select them either by SELECT ALL or from outliner or Hierarcy
In attempting to follow a YouTube tutorial, working on a cone shape in vertex mode, when I select a single or row of vertexes, all vertexes get selected. When this happens, I note the coloring ranges from yellow at the selection point(s) graduating to black furthest away.
From this, I assume I have some other parameter/ mode invoked which I am unaware of.