I am new to Maya, and I have just started to learn modeling. I am trying to check X-Ray from "Shading" in my side view so I can model against a drawing that's on a plane. However the X-Ray option does not look active - it is gray while the rest of the Shading list is in black - and does not let me check the checkbox.
I am trying to follow the Lynda Maya 2013 Essentials video, if you are familiar with it.
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
I have attached a picture of what it continues to do when I attempt to select a face of this polygon I revolved from a cv curve tool line. Accidentally copied dual screen. I have been running into countless problems while trying to manipulate this revolved surface like a polygon but there is something stopping me. How do I just select an edge or a face without the entire thing lighting up with yellow dots and not actually selecting anything! I try to hold shift and click other faces but that doesn't work either!
If I could somehow delete the action of revolving a line to treat the independent tessellations as one uniform polygon. I am very new to this program and I don't know where history might be.
I created a very simple two poly object and then deleted my construction history and now I cannot seem to create a new polygon in the scene unless I turn off interactive creation.
If I choose create>sphere etc the little sign that says drag on grid appears but when I do nothing happens. I made a new scene and did the same thing and I don't have the same problem so Im not sure why in this particular scene.
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
Whenever I try to select a Curve to select 'Control Vertex' I get the options for the Camera instead, the only work around I have is to Hide the Camera which also switches off the image planes, then select the curve and select 'Control Vertex, and then re-enable the image planes.
unable to select objects after creating them in view port ..i am not able to select them in view port i can only select them either by SELECT ALL or from outliner or Hierarcy
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
The plug-in does not retain the orientation of Diagonals on Editable Poly objects. This could have an impact on modified UV coordinates. Refer to the Online Help for more information. The following objects are affected: -Tube001
So, how to check, maintain or improve those diagonals? and what they mean "diagonals"?
I am converting 1100 files from RAW to JPEG in ACR and after about every 10 or 15 images I randomly get the script alert 'I am unable to create a file in this folder. Please check your access rights to this location'
Under the properties on that folder 'full permission' is checked for everything. All of the images that have been processed are saved into that folder as well.
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
My model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
Here is what I've tried so far in creating the pupil of the eyeball:
1. Right click - select isoparm - attempt to select. 2. Right click - select Surface Point - attempt to select. 3. Left clicking 4. Holding shift (and other keys) - attempt to select 5. Right clicking 6. Middle clicking 7. Marqueeing
When I right click - select surface point, I get something that looks like a selection, but it also has an isoparm dotted line.... when I attempt to DETACH I get an error.
I am attempting to import 3d models from a software called Daz studio into Maya. The models enter motionbuilder and 3ds Max with no problem. When I import them into Maya they come in as wireframe. I have been unable to take the wireframe off of the model. The file format I am using is FBX. wHEN I RENDER an image of the model i am able to see it in it's realistic form-but when i attempt to see it in the viewport it is wireframe.
Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.
I'm new to Maya, and also new to 3d modeling/animation programs. how can i learn Maya 2011? there are not very good learning paths to find on the internet.
I'm having trouble with shading objects I imported from SolidWorks using SimLab's plug-in. My problem is two-fold:
First, the polygons appear to have bizarre twists and bends in them, but there are no corresponding edges to create these deformations. Also, Maya thinks all the faces are planar. I tried cleaning up the objects and it yielded no results. These weird twists appear in both the work space and when rendered. I have tried deleting overlapping edges, but it didn't work.
Second, when I try to apply a bump map to my objects, they don't work. I tried using a noise and a fractal bump map and neither appear on the rendered image. However, the Brownian bump map works. I have tried creating other objects in the scene and the noise and fractal bump maps work just fine on those, just not on my imported geometry. I figured out a brute-force method to make the bump maps work - I delete a polygon and use the append tool to create a new polygon - but I have over 110,000 polygons on this thing.
I'm working on an 8-core MacPro running Windows 7 64bit with 32 GB RAM and two GeForce 9500GT video cards.
I'm creating a face, but what I want is to have whatever happens on the right to happen on the left, instead of clicking each point to move the edges. I tried just cutting the face in half and duplicating, but I don't know how to flip second copy.
there suppose to be a an options that should appear when i want to create something. For example: If i want to create a polygonal primitives cylinder, according to the tutorial an option window should appear where i can change the attributes, but it does not appear for me. I have to change the attributes from the channel box. I have already unchecked the Interactive Creation option as it says. I tried resetting MAYA, but no luck.
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
Recently bought Maya so that I can get into 3D Animation and modeling before I transfer to a college next spring. I start working on a simple animation for this character in this video game. Now I have a rig for another character. How do I go about importing the second character so that I have both of them together into one project and so that I can work on both of them in one?
When I am selecting objects, even in object mode I am getting this onslaught of bright yellow vertices, as though I had vertices selected in preferences or hotkeys... but I don't. All that stuff is off in my preferences. I can't seem to make it go away. Can't see faces for all the vertices cluttering up the view. Happening in all the panels.