Maya Modeling :: Perspective Camera Shows In All Viewing Planes
Sep 5, 2012I must have hit something on the keyboard by inadvertence, and now the perspective camera is shown in all views.
View 2 RepliesI must have hit something on the keyboard by inadvertence, and now the perspective camera is shown in all views.
View 2 RepliesAny chance I can make an Image Plane behave like a one-sided display? Like sort of a Backface Culling option for Image Planes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know what went wrong with that View. I can create polygon planes properly in all views but top view.What can I do to make it function again when I set up the Project.this problem occurs everytime when I set up Image Planes for the top, side and front view. URL...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to know how can I remove perspective view from a camera!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Maya 2011 x64 on Win 7, with an AMD Phenom and 8 gb RAM,.
The problem is when I try editing the object in perspective mode, I cannot. But I can edit it in other views. I dont know how this happened. It was working fine all this while. which button I pressed that made the Perspective view to lock up!! I tried switching to persp view from one of the other views, and it does let me get to the marking menu, but after that, when I select anything like edges, vertex etc.. it stays there and I'm unable to bring back the marking menu in the perspective view. All other views are fine. A little while before, I was able to work in perspective to a certain degree, and would lock up eventually (usually after I press the Q button to go to select tool). But as of now, even when I quit Maya and relaunch it and then open the same file, the perspective view is locked and I cannot bring up the marking menu to select the faces, edges, etc.. Only the marking menu showing Complete Tool and Select All comes up.
I have noticed that in one learning project my Perspective Viewport is completely skewed. Other projects are fine, just this one (so far).
See image IF01.jpg (below) the ViewCubein the Top Right of the Perspective Viewport is perfectly squared and showing the Left View - yet the Grid and all Objects on and around it are angled incorrectly.
Image IF02.jpg shows the Grid and Objects correctly aligned the way they should be - yet the ViewCube is now all off square!
I'm making a video for my geometry class where I will be making a cube with it's corners labeled. I would like to move the camera around during the video, but I also want the letters to always face the camera.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am in perspective view, but when I try to rotate the camera, my mouse turns into a "No" sign (Circle with a cross).
View 1 Replies View Relatedi made a plane of 100m by 50m but it is not completely visible in pres view. I there any camera setting?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Maya 2012. I am doing a tutorial for Maya 2011. It is directing me to do some selecting and transformation to my mesh using camera based selection. The tutorial says:
1. double click the selection tool icon in the toolbox. the tool settings editor appears.
2. In the common selection options selection underneath marquee, turn on camera based selection.
3. Right mouse click the mesh and select vertex from the marking menu. The vertices appear on the mesh.
4. While looking at the front of the mesh, select the vertices that need to me moved by holding the left mouse button at one corner dragging a marquee selection over them. the vertices should be selected.
I selected the “turn on camera based selection” in the selection icon toolbox settings editor. But I can’t select the veritces using a left mouse click bounding box or by selecting the vertices individually. The vertices just won’t highlight or select. If I want to select I have to turn off the camera based selection.
I am working in meters.
I can not seem to select vertices that are "farther" from the camera.
If I scale the object down - I can start selecting multiple verts again.
While modeling I always take ref planes for modeling and texture projection.But while modeling I am facing a problem.
Let me tell the backdrop first I am modeling a female face from 5 image planes for which I have assigned 5 separate cams.
Now 4 of them r working fine but on of the image is coming in the way of the fifth cam.
Now I can easily put the object in layer or isolate etc but turning them on or off is a real pain in a** while modeling.
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
Whenever I try to select a Curve to select 'Control Vertex' I get the options for the Camera instead, the only work around I have is to Hide the Camera which also switches off the image planes, then select the curve and select 'Control Vertex, and then re-enable the image planes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm really wanting to utilize CS5's powerful 3D capabilites, but am at a loss on how to properly align 3d items in perspective to the filter Vanishing Point's planes.
I'm building a digitial room setting, and want to place a simply painting (extrusion created with Repousse, texture layer merged down onto 3D layer) on the wall in proper perspective, with an extruded canvas like so:
This took plenty of time to accomplish. Nudging, moving, stretching, etc.. You can see my gridlines of course there created by the Vanishing Point filter. Is there an easier or quicker way to match up 3d objects within PS to these perspective planes other than doing it visually this way?
If there is a way to view your 3d model in perspective view in model space.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Maya and Maya 2011
I create a new file.. and a new imageplane.. and it's frozen in all views.. it doesn't move around as it's supposed too when I tumble.
In the image plane attributes panel the image plane is set to 'attached to camera' changing it to fixed makes no difference.
Everything draws correctly in shaded mode but it you are in wireframe mode with the object selected at the object level the grid and the selected object no longer draw.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using 3ds max 2013. Basically I saw in some videos that people were able to see the segmants on a object while in perspective mode. They were NOT in wireframe mode. the lines showed lively on the object.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs far as I can tell, there is no way to switch back and forth between perspective and orthographic projection on an existing camera?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been messign with CC Lightrays in After Effects 5.5 and im using it by adding keyframes to lower and up the intensity back and fourth to make it look like the light is moving. My question is though, How can i get it so that the source of the rays is off screen yet fills the screen with its rays? Because the more you drag the source light off screen, the more it makes a cone chape of light. Also, i wanted to know how i can make the rays coming at me when im facing the camera. I have a shot where im looking at the camera and i want it to look like i'm looking into the light rays and i'm also surrounded by it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been using maya since 8.5 and there's a notorius bug that will probably be never addressed by maya developers. I just upgraded to 2012 and am getting this again: // Warning: Could not find an appropriate startup camera: side. A substitute will be used.
And i took all the preventive actions: window size and position are not saved with file, i always go back to four view before saving, etc. Still no joy.
In fact the side camera is not missing, it's right there and fully functional. What happens as a consequence of this error is that one of the rotation axes in perspective view are locked, i can't rotate my scene around the Y axis.
It doesn't work either if i export my object and import it back into a fresh scene. Axis remains locked. I'm losing my scenes that i've put insane amount of work into. No hope to restore them.
When I open any NEF file from a Nikon D7000 the fluorescent lights appear bright red. As I work with the image and eventually open the image into the normal Photoshop Elements 11 editor, the lights appear proper. Is this a known issue?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever i open up a CR2 file in photshop the screen that pops up is meant to be grey but instead it shows up black with most of the txt showing, i can still use the sliders to fix the picture but it doesnt feel right
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running LR 4.2 attempting to shoot in tethered mode to my Nikon D300. The laptop is a Lenovo W510 running windows 7 pro x64 with Intel i7 processor with all microsoft and lenovo updates installed.
When I plug in the camera via the USB port and start LR, the tethered mode shows 'No Camera Detected". If I unplug the cable from my laptop and plug it into my Dell Desktop running the same version of windows and the same version of LR, it recognized the camera and will shoot tethered mode just fine. However, the real need is to shoot tethered to my laptop.
I have been through the idiot troubleshoot list on Adobe's website and tried every combination of restarting known to man. I know the camera is in the right USB mode since it works just fine when plugged into my desktop. So, I can eliminate any problem with Nikon, USB cables, LR versions/camera compatibility. The only variable is the Lenovo vs. Dell and possible USB driver issues. Windows does recognize the camera when it is plugged into the laptop, but LR doesn't see it.
I'm currently Building a Library Technology Hub that has 3 story atrium. I'm trying to create a 3d camera view that shows the multiple levels that open to the atrium. However, only the 1st floor and mezanine floor (within 1st floor ceiling heights) are in my 3d view. The rendred view shows as if I have a solid ceiling across the entire 1st floor. I am almost positive that this is an issue with my camera settings since my 2nd and 3rd floors are cut around the atrium opening. I have clicked on almost every option in my properties menu and am at a loss!
Just btw, I'm an intermediate level, self-taught revit user (I have used it on a daily basis for about a year now). I'm no guru, but I'm quite savvy on making things work like I want them to.
I have attached a test render of the space. the "ceiling" should be open above my mezanine, and extend to desk at the right and the lounge seating at the left. However, it has rendered as a single plane.
I'm creating 3D architectural models; primarily interior views. I use the ANIPATH command quite frequently and I'm good there.
However, I have not been able to render a still camera view that shows the lighting and resultant shadows. Whenever I attempt to render a still from a particular camera; I set it to realistic. It shows the 3D objects with materials; however not the lighting.
I've been using ACAD for about 15 years now, and consider my skill level upper-intermediate.
So far, the only successful still renderings I've been able to do are those directly associated with the typical ortho views: i.e., NE, NW, SE, SW, front, back, etc. But no avail on rendering from the camera point of view.
leaving the isolate mode in a camera view (3dsmax-camera or vrayphysical-camera) changes the view from cameraview to perspective view. Am I missing any new setting or ist this a bug...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to mirror a camera (it's a camera with aim). I can't move my geometry or mirror that, so I need to figure out if I can mirror the camera instead . Right now the aim is in the center of my object, and the camera is looking at the object from a front left 3/4 view.
I need it to be looking at the front right 3/4 view. I've tried scaling with a -1 but that didn't flip it, as it normally does the geometry.