Illustrator :: Action F Keys Hiding Palettes?

Dec 12, 2012

Since the Retina update for CS6, my Action hotkeys (F6, F7 etc) now cause palettes to hide/appear, which didn't happen prior to the update. It seems the palettes have been given F keys when they didn't before, but I haven't got a previous version to test on.
For example I have F7 set to trigger an action to make a stroke 0.5pt, and F6 to expand that line. Now, when I hit those keys, the action completes, but the Layers palette and Colors palettes each toggle on and off with each press of the key. As you can imagine this is hugely frustrating given I'm constantly turning layers on and off to check artwork, as well as selecting colours.

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Photoshop :: Action Hot Keys

Jun 13, 2013

My Actions hot keys do not work. I'm using the creative cloud CS6 on Mac Mountain lion.

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Illustrator :: Hiding Grid On Background?

Aug 10, 2013

I seem to have hit some key on Illustrator CC which turns the canvas background from white to a grey graph grid. I've now done it on two files and it's driving me crazy trying to figure how to turn it back to white.

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Illustrator :: Hiding Shape Outline

Jan 27, 2013

i created three circles which overlap at certain points, and each of the spaces is filled in with a different color.  i need to hide the thin, black outline of the circles.  i have made sure that there is no stroke, but it's still there. 

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Pattern Background Overlap And Hiding Foreground Shapes

Aug 15, 2012

I'm having problems creating pattern swatches in cs6, because I can't seem to solve the problem of  the background overlapping and hiding foreground shapes. I can make patterns without a background and I think I've worked out how to prevent the problem with a simple grid, but when I make a brick tile pattern, whichever overlap options I choose, at least one of the foreground shapes gets partly obscured by the overlapping background. I'm used to making seamless patterns in previous versions of Illustrator, by using guides and grids, then defining the pattern using a background rectangle but this option doesn't seem to be available in CS6, so if I can't solve the problem, it's back to CS5.

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GIMP :: When Use The Text Tool Can't Type Anything Because All Keys Acts As Shortcut Keys

Jul 8, 2013

I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.

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Illustrator :: Tear-off Palettes In CS6?

Sep 18, 2013

I started using CS6 and tried to create multiple copies of the same tear-off selection tool pallette (this works in CS5). In CS6 the tear-off palette disappears when a new one with the same tools is created.

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Illustrator :: Palettes Are Empty When Open Files In CC

Sep 17, 2013

I have a serious problem with Illustrator CC. The layers and colours palettes are empty when I open files. I have had to revert to version CS6 which works fine.

Mac Pro 1,1 2 x 3 GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon OS 10.7.5

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Illustrator :: Arrow Keys Don't Run?

Dec 19, 2013

My arrow keys don't run on my Ai. what can I do?

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Illustrator :: F Keys Cause Actions To Double Up In  CS6

May 24, 2013

Pressing an F key in CS6 to call an action seems to cause the application to "double up" the action.
At first it was not obvious what was happening, as some shorter/simpler actions run so quickly that it just appeared to be a malfunction with various commands.
This happens with actions recorded in other versions, as well as those created directly in CS6. Running the action in button mode or by hitting the play button in the Actions pane do not cause this doubling. Only with F keys.
We've been able to work around this by inserting stops via the action menu.

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Illustrator :: Modifier Keys Not Working?

Jul 12, 2013

I am working on OS 10.8.3. Just installed Adobe Illustrator (CS4), and the modifier keys (shift, space bar, etc.) won't work at all. I have even uninstalled Illustrator and re-installed. I have tried the following:
• Uninstalling & Reinstalling Firefox
• Deleting preference files
• Rebooting
• Creating a test user (keys still didn't work)
• Cutting out processes in the activity monitor
• Cutting out keyboard shortcuts in system preferences
I am working on a new computer, so have no non-default programs installed except for firefox.

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Add / Change Modifier Keys?

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to have the smooth tool be a modifier key like it used to be.

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Illustrator :: Can Change Swatches With Arrow Keys?

May 16, 2012

I use the Live Paint option and the Live Paint bucket often.  It is really convenient to change the swatch I am using by using the left-right arrow keys to change my swatch chosen in the Swatch Palette.  But in CS6, if I am doing so, and the next swatch chosen is a percentage tint of another color (for example, I have a swatch Blue, and a swatch Blue 85%, which is the Blue Swatch tinited to 85% in the color palette and then made into a saved swatch), the "select" box around the swatch disappears, and I can no longer change the swatch choice without re-clicking on it.
I can change easily between swatches that are not percentages of the original, with no problem.  CS5 and all earlier versions that had this feature had no problem whatsoever.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Actions Invoked By F-keys Are Playing Twice?

Mar 8, 2013

I've got tons of actions I use F-keys for, and they're playing through twice when invoked that way.
When I select the action and hit play, it works fine.
It works this way regardless of playback option selected.
Is there something I'm doing/not doing that's causing this?

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Ctrl / Alt Keys Not Working In Parallels

Nov 28, 2012

I'm running Illustrator CS6 using Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7. It appears that the ctrl/alt keys do not work. I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting my computer.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Is Ignoring Ctrl - Shift And Space Keys

Feb 6, 2013

Using CS6 on Windows 7 and Illustrator has decided not to acknowledge my Ctrl key, Shify key or space bar.

I have tried resetting Illustrator and even deleted the App data files but it didn't work. I found people with similar problems but never a solid solution. I even uninstalled evernote when some person said that worked for them.
At the moment if I try to undo I get the Zoom tool and I can no longer save with Ctrl + S, I can't bring up the hand tool with space or use any of the more common shorctcuts. This problem only affects Illustrator in all other programs the keys work fine, including other programs in CS6.

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Photoshop :: HOT Keys....function Keys?

Mar 20, 2006

is there a way to make "hot" keys so you can get to a function with out navigating flatten an image has none but hue/saturation has ctr-u

and selective color has none ...any tips tricks or insults...... just playin

i waste a lot of time navigating photoshop add those seconds up and you have another work day....

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Illustrator :: Moving A Line With Arrow Keys - Cannot Adjust Distance

Jan 28, 2013

In Illustrator CS6 I can't adjust how far a line moves when I move it using the arrow keys. I've gone to Preferences>General>Keyboard Increment and changed the amount, but the line moves the same distance no matter what I put in. Neither Snap to Grid nor Snap to Point are turned on.

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Illustrator :: CS 5.1 - Shortcut Keys Not Working Properly In Shape Tools

Nov 12, 2013

Version: Illustrator CS5.1
System: Mac OS X 10.8.5
Whenever I use a Shape tool for which the up and down arrow keys change its attributes, the up and down arrow keys skip several states. So for example, a star can go from 5 points to 12 points if I tap the up arrow key once, skipping 6 - 11 pointed stars entirely. It happens with polygons, spirals, and the flare tool as well.
I tried using a different keyboard, but the problem persisted. I also used my keyboard with another computer and Illustrator behaved just fine. So it's definitely a problem with the software.

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Illustrator :: Polar Grid Tool Modifications Not Responding To Arrow Keys

Aug 13, 2012

Illustrator CS4: My arrow keys do not function with the polar grid tool. I cannot increase/decrease the number of rays or circles using my arrow keys. They are just dead in the water.

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Illustrator :: Bracket Keys For Increase / Decrease On Brush Size Don't Update Display Settings

Jun 8, 2013

I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Hiding A Shape Behind Another Shape

Jan 7, 2014

I'm new to Adobe Illustrator (CS5) and, as the topic says, have an very basic question: how to hide a shape behind another shape? (say a star shape behind a rectangle)
I've looked up on tutorials and such and from what I've seen, the layers order containing each of the objects decides how the occlusion should occur, however I've tried doing that but with no luck, am I missing something here?

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Illustrator :: How To Transfer ACTION From CS6 To CC

Jun 24, 2013

I have one Action I recordered. It works great in CS6. How can I save it or transfer it to CC version of Ill?

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Illustrator :: How To Run Action Over Two Page PDF

Feb 27, 2013

I have a folder of 350 two page pdfs.  I need to change a fill colour on both pages from (RGB 232,234,226) to (250,244,224).There are no original files to work from (these are .qxp files, and I can't open them in CS6).
Is it possible to batch process the lot, without losing the second page?

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Illustrator :: Can AI Action Name A Variable

Jan 20, 2014

I'm making an action for folks at work to use (I'm not well versed enough in scripting to script what I want to do, but an action is passable), and part of this action adds a variable into the open document. The thing is, the variable has to be named a certain thing and it keeps defaulting to Variable1.
Currently I have it set up to create the variable, then open the Variable window and then have a Stop with a note on what to do, but if there's a way to just re-name the variable in the action itself that'd be best (I need this to be as... well, for lack of a better term/phrase, idiot-proof as possible).
Without using a script, is it possible to have an AI action delete an existing variable? I.E. if there's a variable named 'test' by default, can I have an action delete the 'test' variable? I tried recording this but it didn't work and I wasn't able to get consistent results.

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Illustrator :: Action To View At 3.13%?

Aug 5, 2013

I'd like to use an action to set the view magnification to its smallest, 3.13%. I've tried recording one, using the drop-down menu at the bottom left of the canvas to set the percentage, but that doesn't record. There's no keyboard shortcut to edit.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Save Fit To Selected Art To Action

Apr 5, 2012

I deisgn large numbers symbols in emf format and then batch convert these to svg files. I have over 22,000 images at the moment, so being able to automatically batchnconvert is vital.
Currently I to use CS3 to batch with no problems. In CS4 when you open the emf the artboard is the default document size, not the artwork size. So there is a lot of extra white space in the batched svg.
I have just downloaded a trial of CS5 to see if this is now possible as I hate being stuck on an old version. CS5 has the option to fit the artboard to the selected art (object/artboard/fit to selected art) but you cannot seem to save this to an action list.
The actions I want to include are 'open' 'select all' 'fit to selected art' 'save as svg' 'close' . But the artboad step isn't saved.

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Illustrator :: Action Won't Record New Text

May 26, 2013

I am trying to record an action in Illustrator, and most steps work, except when I decide to create a new text layer, I select the type tool, type something into my document, and select another tool to complete the operation, nothing shows up in the action panel, it's as if Illustrator didn't see it. It works fine in Photoshop though.

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Illustrator :: Divide AND Ungroup In Action?

Nov 21, 2013

In CS5, I created a very handy action that allowed me to, with two paths selected, Divide, Ungroup, and Deselect, resulting in the divided paths without having to do each step manually.
In CS6, for some reason this is no longer possible-- if I try to record the same action, after the divide, everything is automatically deselected and I get a "The object "Ungroup" is not currently available" error. Very frustrating that the new version is more troublesome to use!!
I KNOW that it's possible to do this because I was somehow able to fudge it at one point and get this action to work. But I'm not sure what happened-- maybe a step was deleted in my action or something-- but one day it just stopped working. This action is basically THE function I use most in Illustrator given the way I work, and while it's not a huge step, having to manually reclick, ungroup, and deselect is a huge inconvenience.

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Illustrator :: Can't Get Add Layer To Stay In Action

Jun 8, 2012

Actions in CS6 have a lot of bugs. Can not get an action to not have a stroke on it, can not get the "add layer below" to stay in an action.

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Illustrator :: Using Action To Save A Copy

Jul 20, 2012

So normally when I'm drawing I always save a copy of my work to my external. Sometimes I'm paranoid and want to save one to my dropbox folder as well. So I made an action to save a copy to both places but it always names the file with whatever filename I used to set the action. I didn't rename or anything.

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