I am trying to record an action in Illustrator, and most steps work, except when I decide to create a new text layer, I select the type tool, type something into my document, and select another tool to complete the operation, nothing shows up in the action panel, it's as if Illustrator didn't see it. It works fine in Photoshop though.
I'm trying to record an Action in AI that, when editing text,
(1) goes to the end of the current line ([End]), (2) goes to the beginning of the current line while selecting the text ([Shift]+[Home]), (3) applies a swatch, (4) moves down three lines ([Down], [Down], [Down]), etc.
When I record this in an action, only the Apply Swatch command appears in the Action. Is this just how-it-is or is there a way to record text navigation in an action?
I am trying to record an action to find the center of a polygon with the following commands  1. Select the object 2. Copy and Paste in Front 3. Select > Object > Direction Handles 4. Cmd+X (Cut); do not deselect 5. Object > Path > Average: choose both axes 6. View > Guides > Make Guides  All is good & well except that step 5 never gets recorded as an action step.
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too. Â When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected. Â If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
I made an action that I have to use for many images. The action creates an image, saves it, then closes it. The problem is when I try to run the action, it saves over the previous image. Instead of making new files, it just saves over the same one over and over. Is there a way to make it automatically save in succession?? (image001, image002, image003, etc.).
I'm trying to create an action which places my logo layer on the image in the corner. I have used the Align menu commands in the action, which aligns it to the edge. However, I would like to nudge the layer a few pixels in so that it's not completely at the edge. No matter what I try, I can't get the nudge events to get recorded into the action.
I'm trying to record a brush mode setting (eg clear,normal, behind) in an action.
But photoshop doesn't record anything when i click on the brush mode setting (it does record the brush when i click on it in the tool bar) Tools like the color picker also do not record, so the problem goed farther then just the brush mode setting.
I'm running Photoshop CC on a Wacom Cintiq Companion on Windows8.
I created an action: Â I have a bunch of PSD files of some pretty expensive rings that were shot at hi-res and cropped. Â Now, i have a canvas that is 996x1104 px. Â All of these rings must sized to 540px width AND positioned on the canvas at x:498px and y:706 (the bottom of the layer must touch 706px, which I did by clicking on the little tiny box at the bottom of the little square made of little squares (that's next to the x and y positions when you are on Transform mode). Â I made an action for all of these steps. Â However, when I batch a group of these hi-res ring PSDs and apply the action, they are always in different spots. They all need to be set on y:706px so it looks like they are all resting on the same plane. Â I found out why this is happening:
because when I position the ring when creating the action, Photoshop records HOW MUCH in pixels I moved the layer... NOT WHERE ON THE CANVAS IT'S POSITIONED. Â This is what I need: to have Photoshop record WHERE on the canvas the layer is positioned.
I'm working in Cs5 and I need to speed up my working process. So I have about 2000 images that I wanna print. I'm going to print them on A3 and on each A3 page I want to have 21 images. So it's a very simple process of just minimizing the pictures and putting them side by side, but almost 2000 pictures.
I am trying to record an action for a simple white frame, to add to some photo. the way I do it, is first change the background layer to a layer 0, then (image/canvas size then put it at 5% relative, then control click the layer thumbnail to select the picture only, then (edit/stroke...width 20%...color white... location outside, (select/deselect, and I go to the layer blending mode to add a drop shadow. finaly save as jpg. stop recording.
But when I open the jpg file, the extention of the canvas is white and not transparent it show white. What can I do to have the canvas extention transparent as a jpg file ?
I recently found GIMP and think it is amazing. I've been a PhotoShop user for years, and actually prefer GIMP. The one thing I can't seem to figure out is holding me back from using GIMP exclusively, and that is the Record Action feature. I have to manipulate about 100 pictures per day - simply resize a picture to 6x4" @ 300 dpi, save it, resize again at 100 dpi, put a 10 pixel; black border around it and save it to another directory. I can do this to a hundered picitures in about a minute with PhotoShop, but it takes quite a while with GIMP.
is there a way to record a script? i mean like an action for example click and select a tool , the hand tool , and let photoshop write the script (that have the command to select the hand tool) or is there a tool to convert an action to a script?
how to append I’m assuming its not write-line but append line. And also I’m having trouble recording the date variable… I keep getting error bad argument type stringp nil
; Appends usage count by DATE long variable...(setq g(open "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_suite_2012/CUSTOM/WOOD Clones/PEN/USSAGELOG.PEN" "w"))(setq MYDATE DATE)(write-line MYDATE g); AS ABSOLUTE LAST WE NEED TO CLOSE THE TEXTFILE...(close g)
I have the following code snippet I’m trying to append the file named USAGELOG.TXT to record the date of executions
Why is there a difference between the text from the soft fx and the text in action? If you look at the attached picture, the 3 lines look slightly different although they shouldn't. The first line was written inside the soft fx.
The second line, with an ugly outline, is the 3D text, and although it's the same font, it looks thinner here. And the third line, which I think looks a little too soft, is with AA turned on in action.
So why can't I achieve the same look in action, as in the text soft fx?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I’m trying to create an action to resize my images, convert to rgb, add some copyright text and save it. The problem is when it gets to the text part it stacks the text one letter on top of another. Very frustrating...
I have a powerbook 1.33ghz with osx 10.3.8 running Photoshop CS. I tried all the usual suspects (pref, plist, fonts,info window, reset tools, etc...) I then created a new Mac OS account, downloaded a trial version of PS so it was completely fresh (except for my computer’s OS) I then created a new action in the new PS with the new account. Same thing the text stacked (This is just the action, the type tool after it is reset works fine.)
I then whipped out my credit card and called adobe (not happy about not being able to fix it myself.) $39 dollars later, I talk to a very nice tech support guy. We isolated the problem down, created a new action with the default text settings ‘typing the word “test” in the middle of the image.’ I then ran this on one of my images, same thing text stacked. I then created a new blank document (5x7 at 300ppi) and ran the action, this time it worked. While the tech guy went to ask someone else a question, I made a new document that was 600ppi, not 300ppi, and ran the action, the text was stacked. When I told the tech support guy this, he tried it on his computer and had the same results. I asked what to do and the tech support guy said I should use two actions one to resize and one to add text. That stinks, I regularly work on hundreds of files at a time and running multiple actions on the same files is very time consuming.
I have a folder of about 500 photos that were scanned in from old prints (my wife's faimily) of avarious sizes. I would like to write a Photoshop action that will add a border (half an inch) at the bottom if each and print the contents of the "description" field from the file info box in it. Any one have any idea about how to accomplish this?
I use an action to add a standard copyright notice which I want to update from 2008 to 2009.
I have tried exporting the action and changing 2008 to 2009 in a text editor and then re-importing the action. The result is that the action palette shows the new year, but the result of running the action is still 2008.
Is there a neat way to make minor adjustments to text in actions, or do I have to re-record that part of the action over again?
i've seen lots of t-shirts out there with a blurry text that really messes with your eyes. i've checked a few action download locations but haven't been able to find one yet. i've attached an example of a shirt with the blurred text.
the problem is that it can't be just a regular blur, since it's silkscreened. i think it ends up being a bunch of lines or dots in the text to create the effect.
I have a folder of about 500 photos that were scanned in from old prints (my wife's faimily) of various sizes. I would like to add a white border at the bottom of each photo and print the text from the description field of the file info box in it.
I'd like to save certain action attributes as text to archive along with adjustment files for archived image group adjustments. how to copy this to clipboard as text?
Anyway, my quest is to create an action in CS3 that will position and size text (eg. center) as a watermark in any size image. Currently I am creating a copyright symbol, then a text layer and then another text layer and either grouping them in the action or merging them down as created to be in one layer. This works fine as long as I run the action on another file of the same size but when it comes across a different size file the components are all over the place and differently sized.
I gotta admit I don't know a lot about text though. Just thought someone may be able to help me with this one so thanks to all who contribute.
I wanted to add effects to text. The "help" feature said that the easiest way is to use the text effects in the Action palette.
The instructions were very sketchy. I tried, and didn't see any effect, so I closed that particular file and went on to something else.
Well, I guess I did SOMETHING, because now those effects seem to be permanently stuck ON. I've tried everything that I can think of. I even deleted all effects from the Actions palette (apparently you can restore the defaults later.) No effect!
The effects that are haunting me are "rippling water" and a shadow. Also, if I click anywhere in a .gif with the text tool, instead of creating a new text layer, it "highlights" the entire image.
I want to create an action where I create a stop, add text (patient's name for medical photos) which is automatically formatted to my preference of font size, color, etc. I can then hit the action play button to run the remainder of the action command, which will join and size photos from different files for printing. I can do everything but add the patient's name.
Is there a way to create an action in PS CS3 with the ability to type different words in the middle of the action?
For ex, I have a series of steps, then need to save the image to 2 different sizes/resolutions, with a different name. So I want the action to run, stop where I type in the name for the hi-res, continue, then stop where I type in the name for the lo-res, then finish the steps desired.
I'm using Animate to create a lesson/course and I would like to be able to click on a word in the text and have a new text box open with a definition/explanation of the word clicked. Is there a way to do that in Animate? I haven't been able to figure it out.
i work at a small structural firm and am about the most experienced cad user here, which isn't saying much. Â I have never wrote any LISP's or anything, but have created many dynamic blocks and have edited some programing my boss got from a previous employee for adding dropdown menus with blocks/layers/etc. Â Just so you know my level of knowledge when it comes to answering my question. Also I am limited to using 2009 but other co-workers have up to 2013 so i would like this to work for all users. And i have done a bit of research but based on everyone elses level of knowledge am finding a lot of conflicting info and solutions that, to me, are in another language.
So I have a table that is created using polylines and text. Â It's a funky shape and AutoCAD's tables are a pain for it. i have created a dynamic block where i can array the rows down and the columns left. Â The issue is, i would like the test to come with each row, but still be editable once the block is done. Â I have figured out if row one is composed of 5 columns of text put into a single attribute, it is fine. But once you use the array action, to say 3 rows (including now 3 sets of attributes) they are not editable. Â So what is the work around, if there is indeed a work around? Â
the two option i see are to only array the rows and columns and left the text outside that block and manually copy it done to how ever many rows the user needs.... Â Or to have 2 blocks come in together, one as described before, and the other which just arrays the text and then i explode it to edit each line.. but then if you later choose to addd another line you would be left with doing that manually anyway..Â