GIMP :: How To Record Action For Automatic Repeat
Aug 23, 2013
How to record action for automatic repeat
i have repetitive actions i need to make on images thay all constant for example i have :
100 images with size 100X100
what i need to do on each one :
1. scale to 75x75
2. export as png ( with the same name )
3. close the original without saving
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Oct 31, 2013
I recently found GIMP and think it is amazing. I've been a PhotoShop user for years, and actually prefer GIMP. The one thing I can't seem to figure out is holding me back from using GIMP exclusively, and that is the Record Action feature. I have to manipulate about 100 pictures per day - simply resize a picture to 6x4" @ 300 dpi, save it, resize again at 100 dpi, put a 10 pixel; black border around it and save it to another directory. I can do this to a hundered picitures in about a minute with PhotoShop, but it takes quite a while with GIMP.
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May 6, 2013
I want to crop several images to size, then add a white boarder, a drop shadow and a stroke. Is there a way to automate the process, so they are all exactly the same?
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Feb 2, 2009
I made an action that I have to use for many images. The action creates an image, saves it, then closes it. The problem is when I try to run the action, it saves over the previous image. Instead of making new files, it just saves over the same one over and over. Is there a way to make it automatically save in succession?? (image001, image002, image003, etc.).
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm trying to create an action which places my logo layer on the image in the corner. I have used the Align menu commands in the action, which aligns it to the edge. However, I would like to nudge the layer a few pixels in so that it's not completely at the edge. No matter what I try, I can't get the nudge events to get recorded into the action.
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May 26, 2013
I am trying to record an action in Illustrator, and most steps work, except when I decide to create a new text layer, I select the type tool, type something into my document, and select another tool to complete the operation, nothing shows up in the action panel, it's as if Illustrator didn't see it. It works fine in Photoshop though.
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Oct 15, 2013
I'm trying to record a brush mode setting (eg clear,normal, behind) in an action.
But photoshop doesn't record anything when i click on the brush mode setting (it does record the brush when i click on it in the tool bar) Tools like the color picker also do not record, so the problem goed farther then just the brush mode setting.
I'm running Photoshop CC on a Wacom Cintiq Companion on Windows8.
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Jun 2, 2012
I created an action:
I have a bunch of PSD files of some pretty expensive rings that were shot at hi-res and cropped.
Now, i have a canvas that is 996x1104 px.
All of these rings must sized to 540px width AND positioned on the canvas at x:498px and y:706 (the bottom of the layer must touch 706px, which I did by clicking on the little tiny box at the bottom of the little square made of little squares (that's next to the x and y positions when you are on Transform mode).
I made an action for all of these steps.
However, when I batch a group of these hi-res ring PSDs and apply the action, they are always in different spots. They all need to be set on y:706px so it looks like they are all resting on the same plane.
I found out why this is happening:
because when I position the ring when creating the action, Photoshop records HOW MUCH in pixels I moved the layer... NOT WHERE ON THE CANVAS IT'S POSITIONED.
This is what I need: to have Photoshop record WHERE on the canvas the layer is positioned.
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Sep 20, 2012
I'm trying to record an Action in AI that, when editing text,
(1) goes to the end of the current line ([End]),
(2) goes to the beginning of the current line while selecting the text ([Shift]+[Home]),
(3) applies a swatch,
(4) moves down three lines ([Down], [Down], [Down]), etc.
When I record this in an action, only the Apply Swatch command appears in the Action. Is this just how-it-is or is there a way to record text navigation in an action?
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Nov 6, 2013
I'm working in Cs5 and I need to speed up my working process. So I have about 2000 images that I wanna print. I'm going to print them on A3 and on each A3 page I want to have 21 images. So it's a very simple process of just minimizing the pictures and putting them side by side, but almost 2000 pictures.
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to record an action for a simple white frame, to add to some photo. the way I do it, is first change the background layer to a layer 0, then (image/canvas size then put it at 5% relative, then control click the layer thumbnail to select the picture only, then (edit/stroke...width 20%...color white... location outside, (select/deselect, and I go to the layer blending mode to add a drop shadow. finaly save as jpg. stop recording.
But when I open the jpg file, the extention of the canvas is white and not transparent it show white. What can I do to have the canvas extention transparent as a jpg file ?
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Aug 30, 2012
I am trying to record an action to find the center of a polygon with the following commands
1. Select the object
2. Copy and Paste in Front
3. Select > Object > Direction Handles
4. Cmd+X (Cut); do not deselect
5. Object > Path > Average: choose both axes
6. View > Guides > Make Guides
All is good & well except that step 5 never gets recorded as an action step.
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Oct 4, 2013
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
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Feb 4, 2013
I am designing perfume bottles and for that i need to to repeat a semi circle to repeat over a curved surface fo the bottle. To simplify the problem i have created curved surface and made a semi cirle as a feature, now i want the feature to repeat on the curved surface. I have tried to rectangle pattern, aswell as the circular pattern in all possible ways i can think.
P.s. I have hp I7 processor, 8 gb ram, windows 7 and am using autodesk inventor pro 2013
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Mar 27, 2012
is there a way to record a script? i mean like an action for example click and select a tool , the hand tool , and let photoshop write the script (that have the command to select the hand tool) or is there a tool to convert an action to a script?
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Jan 20, 2012
I am working on tiny comic-strip frames that are being drawn as seperate images and when it comes to colouring, there is a time-consuming snag where I forget the exact colours of the finished frames which I need to keep checking and seeing earlier single images in order to compare and then reproduce the colours accurately in a consistent sequence.
Believe it or not, I get around this problem by taking digital still camera shots direct off the screen and consulting them afterwards! This does work, but it's hardly practical------is there an easier way to repeat the exact same colors on a separate image, without having to constantly refer to pre-existing images within GIMP? If I can reproduce the exact colours on different images automatically without having to recheck earlier images, this would save me a lot of time!
[Ideally, does every shade of colour have a code number or similar method I can enter and it will come up again accurately? This way, I could write down the shade number and repeat it exactly later on a new image where the exact same colour is required.]
The sheer number of shades of colour and tones make it very difficult to remember the exact colours accurately.
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Nov 5, 2013
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
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Oct 8, 2013
URL...I use the fill tool next to an already established color and it does this blending, I'm assuming it's a simple fix or just user error somewhere, but how to fix?
(In case it's important the Gray color was made using the Free Select Tool and Fill with FG Color command and the White was the Bucket Fill tool)
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Oct 23, 2012
I have many scanned images of my collection and need to automate the process of rotating the image so that it is "square" and then cropping to remove unwanted background.
I have learned GIMP enough to do this manually with the rotate and crop tools but I have 1000s of images so how to automate this process.
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Mar 8, 2013
I know how to add alpha channel to each layer individually and manually but is there a way to have an alpha channel added to each new layer automatically?
I'm using 2.8.2
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Dec 28, 2012
So I recently got my graphics tablet and have been playing around with it on GIMP, getting the eraser and pressure sensored stylus configured. But I'm having a weird issue- the two side buttons on my stylus already have inputs from GIMP (that being pan and image menu), regardless of what I select for it on the control panel's 'Bamboo Preferences'. I'm not sure how to change it after looking around into the programs preferences window, including 'Input Devices'. Uh, I've checked that my drivers are up to date and I have Windows 7 Home Premium x64 on a crappy laptop, if that means anything... This is really irritating me as the input GIMP determines and the ones I choose from the control panel happen simultaneously and I just want my own inputs.
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Dec 2, 2012
I am using gimp in Lubuntu 12.04 (using gimp 2.8). The Wacom attached is a Splash.
When I select a brush/color besides the default, it automatically switches to the default/black when the pen gets close enough to be detected by the tablet.
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Jun 30, 2012
I'll come straight out and admit: yes, my real problem here is my laziness but, ignoring that, the 'problem' I have is getting so tired of and annoyed with the whole trial & error schtick that comes with saving animated gifs (scale image, save, check file size, repeat to first step until file size is finally desirable).
Two possible solutions come to mind, one I admit is probably quite unrealistic but I would think the other has a good chance of existing.
First, the unrealistic solution possibility. Is there a plugin or anything else where I can input a file size and it could calculate the exact (or close to exact) scale I would need to resize to if I want the gif to be around that file size? (i.e. "For this gif to be 879kb your best bet would (probably) be 515 x 283")
Now then, the more realistic (or at least I think it is) solution possibility. What about being able to preview a file size of an animated gif before saving? (i.e. "If you save this 400 x 226 gif it will most likely be '(insert byte size here)'kb")
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Jun 22, 2012
I just opened up GIMP and to my horror it had been changed completely without my consent.
First question: I assume this was some sort of automatic update. How do I turn that off, so that I have control over whether or not I want to update?
Second question: How do I go back to the previous version? I can't find basic functions, because they've been moved.
I was trying to do a quick project, and to learn a whole new set up. I'm appalled to find that my program's been changed without giving me any choice in the matter, and then having to sign up on a list serve to fix the problem. Why not set up a forum, where we can subscribe to just the thread that's relevant to us?
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Jul 24, 2012
It's a common practice when building layers to duplicate existing layers as a start. Additionally, it is good practice that layer names be meaningful.
Suppose I start with the following layer: layer 1
If I duplicate that layer, it seems reasonable I'd get: layer 2. Instead I get: layer 1 copy
Then if I duplicate again I get: layer 1 copy#1, even though this is copy #2.
I propose the following: An option be available whereby user is queried for name of any layer which is to be generated. This is easier than having to edit automatically generated layer names.If automatic layer names are to be generated, code first checks if previous layer name ends in a sequence of digits. If yes, then these digits are incremented as an integer until a unique layer name is generatedIf the layer name does not end in a sequence of digits, then "#1" is appended to the layer name, and the "1" incremented until a unique name is generated.
So with this algorithm:layer 1 would become layer 2 for a first copy, then layer 3 for a second copy, etc.background would become background#2 for a first copy, then background#3 for a second copy, etc.
The problem with using "copy" in the layer name is that it is probably only in the substantial minority of cases that the newly generated layer is destined to be a true copy, so the automatically generated layer name is very likely inappropriate. Better is to use a simpler, shorter name which applies in a greater fraction of the applications.
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Jul 2, 2012
GIMP script/plugin for detection of object boundaries in a raster image and automatic creation of corresponding paths?
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Aug 27, 2011
How to accept (confirm) an action in GIMP? For example, I have pasted one image into another, but 'marching ants' are still going around pasted image. Btw, the flatten image option is grayed out.
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Nov 21, 2013
When I start GIMP, I can perform ONE action before it locks up. I can open up a recent file, start a new one, select a tool, or anything else. But after I do that one action, the program completely locks up and I have to force close it.
I have tried restarting.
I have tried reinstalling.
I have tried google, but there are so many "Help GIMP is broken!" threads on the internet that prevent me from finding the fix (if any) to my exact issue.
Btw I'm on Win 7 64-bit.
edit: I'm also running version 2.8.8, but it did this in version 2.8.4 as well
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Jan 28, 2011
Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.
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Jun 13, 2013
how can I create a repeat pattern in CS5 when the pattern is staggered like bricks? Also, I am wanting to print this design on fabric but the lab keeps saying that when they repeat the pattern, there is a white border that shows up around it. I've searched everywhere. Here is a sample of the design I want to repeat.
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Feb 19, 2008
I just upgraded to CS3 on Windows XP and every few days I am prompted to register. I registered twice and then spoke with Customer Service who could not see the registration so they manually registered me. Since then the registration screen appeared again and I registered a third time.
I just spent 4 1/2 hours on the phone going back and forth between Adobe Customer Service and Photoshop support. Customer Support wants me to return CS3 and buy it again under a different customer number. Support wants me to uninstall all Adobe products, delete the registry branch under HKLMSOFTWAREAdobe, delete all Adobe content under "Program Files" and under "Documents and Settings", create a new user account, add that new user to the Administrators group, then reinstall all Adobe products using that new user account.
I asked support where Photoshop CS3 records the registration information and was told that since CS3 is a new product, they do not have that level of technical information.
Has anyone else had a registration problem with CS3 on XP?
where the registration information is stored? If it is stored in the registry, I should be able to manually enter the keys and data.
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