GIMP :: Automatic Names Of Duplicated Layer - Proposed Alternate Algorithm

Jul 24, 2012

It's a common practice when building layers to duplicate existing layers as a start. Additionally, it is good practice that layer names be meaningful.

Suppose I start with the following layer: layer 1

If I duplicate that layer, it seems reasonable I'd get: layer 2. Instead I get: layer 1 copy

Then if I duplicate again I get: layer 1 copy#1, even though this is copy #2.

I propose the following: An option be available whereby user is queried for name of any layer which is to be generated. This is easier than having to edit automatically generated layer names.If automatic layer names are to be generated, code first checks if previous layer name ends in a sequence of digits. If yes, then these digits are incremented as an integer until a unique layer name is generatedIf the layer name does not end in a sequence of digits, then "#1" is appended to the layer name, and the "1" incremented until a unique name is generated.

So with this algorithm:layer 1 would become layer 2 for a first copy, then layer 3 for a second copy, etc.background would become background#2 for a first copy, then background#3 for a second copy, etc.

The problem with using "copy" in the layer name is that it is probably only in the substantial minority of cases that the newly generated layer is destined to be a true copy, so the automatically generated layer name is very likely inappropriate. Better is to use a simpler, shorter name which applies in a greater fraction of the applications.

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GIMP :: Changing Layer Names?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm looking to change the way Gimp names the layers I create. I primarily use the application for 2D animation and would like to have the layer names be structured so that I don't have to change every one for each animation.

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AutoCad :: Converting Layer Names To Point Names Or Comments?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm in the process of creating 3D points (as an overlay) on some laser scanned data (using RiScan, it's just 3d dimensional data, with a northing, easting and RL) and unfortunately the only export option is to export to .dxf... Which is fine but when I export, the information has the point ID as the layer name.

I am aiming at getting this data into another program to analyse and it needs the point ID or name to be my annotation, as opposed to the layer.

So what I need is a way of converting the names of each individual points layer, to the point ID.

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Photoshop :: How To Delete Part Of A Duplicated Layer

Jun 16, 2012

I am learning to make an envelope and the tut calls for me to make little sewed rectangles around the edges which are to be colored red and blue every other rectangle.
Draw the Rectangle > Ctrl + T > Right click > Skew >  and then
Ctrl + Alt + T to Duplicate > press right arrow key to move and repeat until the end of the envelope > and then
Duplicate Layer > change color from blue to red
Here is where I am lost:
I am suppose to select every other rectangle and delete them in order for the rectangles to be blue, red, blue red . How to go about doing this and I have been unable to find a solution in faq's or other posts within the forum(s). I'm not even certain how to ask the question so, that may be part of my quest denied
In Inkscape I would just ungroup them so that I could manipulate/delete them as individual shapes and then (if needed) use the rubber band to recollect them and click a regroup button. I cannot seem to find anything similar to this in PS.

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Photoshop :: How To Update Duplicated Layer To Its Original

Feb 20, 2012

I'm trying to paint over a picture but I'm painting over it with no opacity (which means yes, I'm painting over the picture invisibly) because I want to be able to see what I'm painting and the paint would block out some parts or "shadows" and contrasts of the image that I might've missed. So the problem here was how bothersome it was getting to constantly switch the opacity bar from 0% to 100% (I need to also see where I'm painting and check over any mistakes). So I thought I could just duplicated the painted layer so I would only have to click the duplicated layer instead of using the opacity bar to switch. But the duplicated layer is only left off to when it was first duplicated. It doesn't show the recent parts that I painted over. I remember taking Computer Graphics once and the teacher mentioning something about duplicating a layer and having that duplicated layer constantly updated to match the original layer (from every mark that is placed on the original layer).

So basically how would I make a duplicated layer update to its original layer every second?

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Photoshop :: Modified Duplicated Layer But Orig. Also Changed

Aug 18, 2005

i duplicated a layer, and made the original layer invisible. i cropped the duplicated layer, and it's weird, the original layer also gets cropped. why is this isso? the duplicated layer is the one active, any ideas?i know this isn't supposed to happen, right?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Prevent Certain Object In Layer Change To New Layer Automatic?

Apr 17, 2012

lisp..It work fine but just that i need some minor modificatio to it...At moment, when i activate the lisp, it will automatic select all dimension,leader and multileader to a layer call "DIMENSION"...Anyway i wonder if it is possible to prevent any dimension,leader or multileader in layer "Section" will not be change to layer "Dimension"?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Manager Dialog Box / Layer Names Are Disappearing

Jan 7, 2013

I have a client experiencing a layer manager dialog box issue - the layer names are disappearing... This is not happening all the time - and in different files.

I have attached an image below.

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Revit :: Keep Layer Names When Exporting To DWG?

May 10, 2013

We build our models in Sketchup. Export a 3d DWG and import that into Revit 2014 (through Conceptual mass). That way we can export sections etc from Revit.

The problem is that Revit sees the 3D DWG as a Mass, and therefore don export the layers we want to AutoCad. 

Is there a way to "explode" the 3D DWG in Revit so it gets divided in to the layers we had before it was transformed into a Mass. So the layers follows the DWG export to Autocad?

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AutoCad :: Checking Layer Names

Dec 25, 2013

I have a list of Layer Names in a text file. How can i check the Layer Names in the autocad drawing file with the list and log all the errors in a notepad.

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AutoCad :: Importing Layer Names

Jan 21, 2009

I have a list of layers that need to be used for one of our projects but are not currently set up in any template file or anything (basically a hard copy of layer names) Is there a way of typing them up in Word or Notepad than importing them into ACAD. Im sure i can right a script that I can run at the beginning of a drawing that will create them.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Automatic Layer Creation

Jan 2, 2014

I am trying to get civil 3D to automatically create layers similar to ones already created. For example-

Using Description keys I am inserting survey points which automatically create layers for each type of point. e.g. p_building. I would also like a second layer to be created called l_building (for building lines) when the p_building layer is created. 

I realize I can create the layers and save as the drawing template but this is not a neat solution as you have to add every possible line layer (l_??) and then you will have a lot of empty layers as not all points are collected on each job.

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Illustrator :: Pallets In AI - How To Get The Layer Names Collapse

Sep 18, 2013

Ok i am not exactly new to Ai but i can only do certain things. So i took a cource and i am just having a helluva time finding a simple section on that tut.
Panels like color swatches and graphic styles have 3 appearances. 1 is fully open, 2 is colapsed with icons and then there is collapsed with label names.
How do i get the layer names collapse?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export SHP File With Layer Names?

Jul 24, 2013

I need to export 3dpolylines from C3D 2013 to an ERSI SHP file.

Using the mapexport command I’m able to do this, however, the lines in the shp file don’t retain the layer name and colours that are in the C3D file.

Do I need assign ‘object data’ (or something similar) to the 3D polylines before exporting the shp file.

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AutoCad :: Proper Or Standardized Format To Layer Names

Feb 20, 2012

I was just wondering if there is a proper or standardized format to the layer names you should use or if i should just use what works best to discribe what im drawing on the layer?

ive gotten bunch of drawings from engineers lately and they have all had differnt names for the layers

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Illustrator :: Copy Parts Of Layers From One AI Doc Into New One With Same Layer Names?

Sep 30, 2013

How do I copy PARTS of layers containing many objects from one CS5 AI (v.15.0.2) doc into a new CS5 AI doc and keep/create the same layer names?
To start with, I have one fairly complex AI document with 100 layers,  with several hundred items in each layer. For example, one layer named "Stars" contains  400 separate stars (not grouped), another layer named "Crosses" contains 300 separate crosses, and a 3rd layer named "Text" contains 200 separate words (not outlined).
If I select, by marqueeing a section of the image/artboard, some (but not all) of the individual items contained in the several layers, then  paste that selection into a new CS5 AI doc, I cannot get them to  create new layers of the same name. Instead they go into one general layer (e.g. "Layer 101") as a jumble of discrete, but unorganized objects (no layers or sublayers). In other words, I have lost the 3 main layers from which I selected a bunch of objects.
Checking "Paste Remembers Layers" has no effect on this result. In fact "Paste Remembers Layers" does not remember layers at all. Only if I select ALL the items in the several layers will it paste those layers by those names into the new doc (or create new layers of the same names).
Of course it is a COLOSSAL waste of time copying the ENTIRE document, then pasting the WHOLE thing into the new doc (with layers retained), then deleting the parts I DON'T need.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Find And Replace Layer Names

Mar 19, 2013

Are there any scripts to find and replace layer names?
There is an excellent script available for Photoshop which allows you to not only replace words in layer names, but also insert words as Prefixes, Suffixes and Sequential Numbers. The illustrator version of this script only allows sequential numbering: It doesn't offer find and replacing of words.
Ideally, it would be great if there was something that could do multiple find and replaces in one go:

You have layers like this Car, Dog, Bat
You enter: car(Option1), dog(Option2), Bat(Option3)
Your layers then become: Option1, Option2, Option3).

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Illustrator Scripting :: Rename Artboards With Layer Names

Mar 7, 2014

I'm looking to create a script to batch rename a number of artboards.
- I have 100 named layers.

- I have 100 artboards.

- I would like to rename the artboards to match the layer names.

- The layers are organized in the same descending orderas the artboards (ignoring the actual artboard names*).

- The topmost artboard (1 in the list) would be renamed "newspaper", the second artboard would be renamed "typewriter", the third artboard would be renamed "books", etc.
*in the example below the artboard named "Artboard 7" is actually the 6th artboard in list.

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GIMP :: How To Put Icon Names

Aug 18, 2011

how to put icon names on Preferences>Folder because its empty i dont know how do i put it.

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GIMP :: Stopping Automatic Blending?

Oct 8, 2013

URL...I use the fill tool next to an already established color and it does this blending, I'm assuming it's a simple fix or just user error somewhere, but how to fix?

(In case it's important the Gray color was made using the Free Select Tool and Fill with FG Color command and the White was the Bucket Fill tool)

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GIMP :: Automatic Rotation And Cropping?

Oct 23, 2012

I have many scanned images of my collection and need to automate the process of rotating the image so that it is "square" and then cropping to remove unwanted background.

I have learned GIMP enough to do this manually with the rotate and crop tools but I have 1000s of images so how to automate this process.

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Photoshop :: Layer Comps - When Close File / Names Are Changing?

Jun 12, 2012

I have problem with layer comps' names. Always, when I close my ps file, names of layer comps in this files are changing. I see that after opening this file. I use photoshop CS5 Extended.

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Revit :: Layer Names Created In Conversion Process To AutoCAD?

Sep 16, 2011

We have a client with very strict layer name standards for AutoCAD.  I have created a .txt file for locating the Revit elements on the correct layers when converting to .dwg files.  The problem is the new layers created in AutoCAD during the conversion include a "3D" prefix which we then have to go in and manually eliminate.  Is there any way to avoid this, it totally disagrees with the client's naming standards?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extra Layer Names When Importing Layout From Template

Jul 6, 2012

When I manually add a new layout from a template, I do NOT get any extra layers, but when I use VB to do the same thing, I get extra layers.

In the original drawing, I have layers called "SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT" (among other layers).

In the template where I get my new layout, I also have the same layer names ("SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT").

After the new layout gets read in, I now have extra layers called "$0$SHEET", "$0$TEXT", and "$0$VIEWPORT".  Why does this happen using VB, but not when I do it manually?  Is there anything I can do to the code to change this?  I understand the layer names are the same, but they're the same whether I do it manually or by code.

Public Function importLayout(ByVal templateFileName As String, ByVal templateLayoutName As String) As ObjectId Dim idLayout As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim oLock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument() Dim


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Illustrator Scripting :: Replace Layer Names In Selected Layers Only?

Jan 22, 2014

I am using this script to find and replace words in layers. (The script only targets particualr words, rather than the whole layer name).
I would like to make it so it targets selected layers only.
I have found this script which loops through selected layers only, but I am not sure how to add the find and replace layer name functioality.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Macro For Automatic Layer Switching Crashes X6.1

Aug 23, 2012

Starting with X4, I had been using the macro collection "wx_showLayer.gms" found here: URL.... The most useful of those macros is one that automatically makes the layer a newly selected object is on the currently active layer, rigt upon clicking the object. Working with layers a lot, I got pretty much used to that feature; keeping copies of objects on the same layer, for example, can be achieved blindly this way.

For X6 / x64, I had to modify a variable declaration but then the macro worked flawlessly as it did in 32-bit X4. After the service pack / update 6.1, the macro still loaded without a hitch. But soon I found it was the cause for regular crashes which occurred after clicking objects oner two times, or invariably at changing the page. -- Removed the macro from the GMS folder and X6.1 runs like a champ (so far).

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GIMP :: Alpha Channel Automatic Setting?

Mar 8, 2013

I know how to add alpha channel to each layer individually and manually but is there a way to have an alpha channel added to each new layer automatically?

I'm using 2.8.2

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GIMP :: How To Record Action For Automatic Repeat

Aug 23, 2013

How to record action for automatic repeat

i have repetitive actions i need to make on images thay all constant for example i have :

100 images with size 100X100

what i need to do on each one :

1. scale to 75x75
2. export as png ( with the same name )
3. close the original without saving

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GIMP :: Automatic Input For Wacom Pen And Touch

Dec 28, 2012

So I recently got my graphics tablet and have been playing around with it on GIMP, getting the eraser and pressure sensored stylus configured. But I'm having a weird issue- the two side buttons on my stylus already have inputs from GIMP (that being pan and image menu), regardless of what I select for it on the control panel's 'Bamboo Preferences'. I'm not sure how to change it after looking around into the programs preferences window, including 'Input Devices'. Uh, I've checked that my drivers are up to date and I have Windows 7 Home Premium x64 on a crappy laptop, if that means anything... This is really irritating me as the input GIMP determines and the ones I choose from the control panel happen simultaneously and I just want my own inputs.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Automatic Move Preset Block To A Layer

Mar 20, 2012

If there any lisp for the below sequence:-

1) select a few group of pre-set block name
2) change all these pre-set bloack name to a layer " Eye Bolt"

At moment, i have several kind of block such as example of "EB10", "TEB10","EB8","TEB8" and etc.

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GIMP :: Wacom Pen Causing Automatic Brush Change?

Dec 2, 2012

I am using gimp in Lubuntu 12.04 (using gimp 2.8). The Wacom attached is a Splash.

When I select a brush/color besides the default, it automatically switches to the default/black when the pen gets close enough to be detected by the tablet.

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