Illustrator Scripting :: Find And Replace Layer Names
Mar 19, 2013
Are there any scripts to find and replace layer names?
There is an excellent script available for Photoshop which allows you to not only replace words in layer names, but also insert words as Prefixes, Suffixes and Sequential Numbers. The illustrator version of this script only allows sequential numbering: It doesn't offer find and replacing of words.
Ideally, it would be great if there was something that could do multiple find and replaces in one go:
You have layers like this Car, Dog, Bat
You enter: car(Option1), dog(Option2), Bat(Option3)
Your layers then become: Option1, Option2, Option3).
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Sep 4, 2013
I have a few eps files in which month-year format is written like May-12, June-13 etc. I want to change May to Mai, June to Juin etc.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
for (i = 0; i < myDoc.textFrames.length; i++ )
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Jan 22, 2014
I am using this script to find and replace words in layers. (The script only targets particualr words, rather than the whole layer name).
I would like to make it so it targets selected layers only.
I have found this script which loops through selected layers only, but I am not sure how to add the find and replace layer name functioality.
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Mar 26, 2013
Is it possible to use a JS script to find/replace artboard names? For example if I have artboards that are currently named 39 and 42...can I use a script to change the name of the art boards to 39E and 42C etc?
Also part of the script a simple find/replace of text on locked layers.
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Nov 18, 2013
I have multiple documents using text as symbols. I need to change a ® 2013 to a ® 2014 within the symbols. Without having to go into each document and double click on the symbol or break the link, is there a way to do a batch find and replace that will search within symbols to change text?
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Feb 18, 2013
I am searching for a simple automated Find and Replace script, the idea is that in Excel the Find and Replace with texts are located. The script finds the textblock in Illustrator and replaces it with the value from Excel "New number".
Example Illustrator:
Example Excel Find and Replace:
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Jun 11, 2012
Is it possible to write an Illustrator (CS4) script that would find and replace 2 instances of text using the actual file name to supply the changing text?
Our current file naming system uses a Part Number, Catalog Number and Run Date. (example: 123456_ABCDEF_2014 JN)We are currently saving a master file as the new Part Number and simply doing 2 separate find and replace functions for the Catalog Number and Run Date. Unfortunately we have over 500 parts to change and thought we could narrow down the 1000 find and replace to just 500. Although this may not appear like such a time saver, the key factor would mean entering the changing data just once per file, minimizing errors and eliminating proof reading the actual file.
Here is what I have used for a simple find and replace script, but I cannot seem to find any information to connect the file name data.
var active_doc = app.activeDocument;
var search_string = /ABCDEF/gi; // g for global search, remove i to make a case sensitive search
var replace_string = "GHIJKL";
var text_frames = active_doc.textFrames;
var search_string2 = /1234 XX/gi; // g for global search, remove i to make a case sensitive search
var replace_string2 = "5678 YY";
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm looking to create a script to batch rename a number of artboards.
- I have 100 named layers.
- I have 100 artboards.
- I would like to rename the artboards to match the layer names.
- The layers are organized in the same descending orderas the artboards (ignoring the actual artboard names*).
- The topmost artboard (1 in the list) would be renamed "newspaper", the second artboard would be renamed "typewriter", the third artboard would be renamed "books", etc.
*in the example below the artboard named "Artboard 7" is actually the 6th artboard in list.
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Sep 17, 2012
quick and easy way to rename all the Styles in a .dwg or .dwt?
I want to replace a current prefix "HCS - *" with "HE - *" to all styles in a prototype file.
Civil 3D 2013
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Dec 19, 2013
is there a way of find and replace tab names in one drawing file? one file with six tabs named 001 rev A, 002 rev A etc. i would like to change all the "rev A" to "rev 0" with out going into each tab seperatly and changing them.
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Feb 11, 2014
Is there anyway in JavaScript to replace one swatch with another?
I've seen other posts where similar questions have been asked, but the solution seems to involve iterating over all the pageItems, testing and then changing the fillColor.
All I want to do is delete/replace a specific color. Say replace Yellow with Green.
Is there a way of doing this without recursing through all of the page items?
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Feb 17, 2012
How to select objects by their group names?
I'm working with imported graphics, and the objects appear in the AI layer hierarchy grouped and named according to their object types in the native program (see the attached image). The problem lies with the annotation objects: they are made of different parts for which different graphic styles are needed; however, they all come in one layer and are difficult to access for global operations. I need to do different things with the different object types (delete the POINT's, move the LINE's and LWPOLYLINE's to different layers, etc...). The option of selecting objects individually is ok for small data sets, but you can imagine this becomes untenable in a hurry.
Two possible solutions I've considered:
(1) change the output parameters in the source program such that the objects come into illustrator with different graphics allowing them to be accessed through the "Select same ..." tools; it would work, but is problematic for the source program
(2) print the annotation graphics with their desired graphic appearance to pdf rather than importing the source file directly in AI, then open in AI to render the remaining graphics; again, this works but introduces inefficiency in the process. Also, the print process tends to explode closed paths requiring more inefficient path tinkering in AI.
I would like to tell AI to select all objects named "POINT" or "LINE" etc... but have found nothing in the documentation or forums on whether this is possible.
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May 25, 2013
i'm trying to get a list of all the scriptfolder names.
This will solve path issues with other language versions of illustrator.
My script for now:
scriptfolder = {
en: "Scripts",
nl: "Scripts",
de: "Skripten"
var imageiconprinter = File(app.path+'/Presets.localized/' + app.locale + '/'+localize(scriptfolder)+'/idatabase/Images/Infopanel_heinerich/hei nerichinfopanelprinter.png');
I've defined a country like de: which is german and put the correct foldername behind it.
I would love to have a list of all countrys.
if you don't have a list just fill in the foldername and countryname of your country.
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Dec 2, 2013
I have an Illustrator document with ~100 artboards, each artboard named by me. Each artboard has one textbox in it. Is there a way to take whatever name I assign to the artboard and print it into the text box inside that artboard? So in the end I would be able to see the name associated with each artboard on the artboard itself. Ideally I could run the script once (i.e. "turn it on"), have it populate all the text boxes with the artboard names, and then have it dynamically update the textboxes when I change an artboard name regardless of whether the file has been closed and opened since I originally ran the script.
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Dec 19, 2011
So I am trying to replace gps points with a symbol I have created. I have found blogs referencing a script that can replace selected items with symbols saved in the symbols panel, but I can't seem to find the actual script! Where I can find JET_ReplaceWithSymbol.jsx or any other script that can do the same function.
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Jan 7, 2011
I know nothing about scripting in Illustrator, but am willing and interested to give it a try if this sounds doable. All we want are the names--just a simple list of the names, such as
7009 LL.eps
Rsb shadow design.psd
of placed images (in our Illustrator CS5 art) into text that we can either import (from a tab- or comma-delimited text file) or paste into our Filemaker database.
Right now everyone is RETYPING the names of all placed images into the database, with consequent mistakes, missed images, etc. Then when we search our database to find which art uses a certain image...results are not to be trusted.
(If we could cut/paste from either the Links palette or Document Info, that'd be fine... but nope. Not in Illustrator, although we were thrilled to see InDesign CS5 has "Copy Info For Selected Links", which is VERY useful.) In Illustrator, we can export Document Info to a text file, but artists seem to find that long document too unwieldy, and they revert to typing the names, especially if they only have a couple of placed images... and then we're back to error-laden data no matter how careful they try to be.
Is such a script even possible? If so, where/how might I start? We're on iMacs with the Adobe CS5 suite (and Filemaker 11, if that matters).
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May 16, 2013
I'm a designer and i know nothing about scripting. But actually i would like to remove a bunch of text. I am working on a map, and i need to get rid of all text in parenthesis (the parenthesis included in). I know there will be a faster and efficient way to do it by scripting, but i don't know how to get to that.
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Oct 23, 2013
the options given are rarely used the most important one is missing
find and replace paragraph returns indesign does it elegantly, but illustror has been the same for years with obsolete options
how hard it is just to use the same functions that ADOBE indesign, this is a terrible case of incosistency between the two products when claiming total integration to me is an epic fail, i would have fired my employes over this
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Nov 26, 2011
Im struggling with the correct use of symbol / symbol items in applescript. I can successfully list the symbols used on the page, but I cannot select them. How I can select all the items on the page that are Symbol Items of symbols named "Apples" but not oranges? After that I hope to replace the instances matching the height or width of the items whichever is greater with a 3rd item name. Javascript is always an option as well but I had the same difficulty.
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Jun 28, 2012
Is there a way to access text boxes in an existing document and replace them with a new value taken from an excel table? I've been able to create new documents from scratch and populate them with excel data, but formating these new documents to look like those we already made is proving more difficult than I thought using just Javascript.
Ideally I'd be able specific an index for each text box and replace them in order as i itterate through the excel(or CSV) document.
I already have a way to pull from the table, another question asked here, but can't figure out the object model to put the new info in a specific place.
Below is what I came up with to create a very rough looking document from scratch:
#target Illustrator
var csvFile = new File('C:/users/whatever/spreadsheet.csv');
app.quit(); }
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Apr 18, 2013
I've written a script to allow you to select an image to replace any number of selected files. Each file starts out as an embeded image with a .note to determine where the basis of alignment for the new file should be (i.e. "top," "bottom," "left," "right"). You'll find the code below:
#target illustrator
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var docRef=app.activeDocument;
var docSelection = docRef.selection;
// ** Get new file
For some reason, the ".note" added at the end of the script gets erased once the script is complete. I can even get it to confirm that it applied the note to the image, but once it's complete, it's gone.
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Jan 29, 2014
I am now trying Creative Cloud and I came with this bug. When I use a simple action to find and replace a text string in my file it will crash the Illustrator.
My actions is pretty simple:
Find > "aa" (I do have to check all the options to work)
Find and Replace > "aa" to "2014.01.29"
This action works well if I use it once by the Edit menu, but if I close the Illustrator and reopen, it'll not work again and will crash the software. Everyday I do update my action to actual date, so the action will work normally but sometimes I do have to close the app and I have to make the action again and again everytime.
This was a problem already in CS5, last version that I used. I'm using Windows 8.
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Feb 23, 2012
i have a csv file that has 6 columns, PNEZD and a 6th column which is my notes..i type a star in the data collector after my code, make my note, and then find/replace after i export it and replace star with a column..that gives the desired 6th column in excel that my boss wants....problem is he also wants to see that next to the Full Description in Civil 3d 2012...i tried adding a Point File Format with a 6th Column, User Defined, String for type...named the column Notes...but if i go to edit the point there is no 6th column in the Tool Palette.
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Apr 6, 2012
I'm trying to find a way to loop thru all items in an Illustrator document and get their stroke and fill color. Sometimes items are spots, sometimes documents are set to RGB or CMYK, etc, so swatches can be a mixture of things. Is there an easy way to get the swatch name for each item?
For example, I can check if an item is a spot, and get it's color like so:
var c = app.activeDocument.pageItems[0];
if (c.strokeColor.typename === 'SpotColor') {
var s =;
But if I try to get the name from an item colored 'Black' (which is set to Process Color, CMYK), then I'll need to do something else like:
var c = app.activeDocument.pageItems[0];
if (c.strokeColor.typename === 'CMYKColor') {
var s =; // This returns undefined - not sure what I'm doing!!!
Is there an easier way to achieve this, other than getting the typename of each item, and then trying to figure out it's color name? I was hoping something like this would work:
var c = app.activeDocument.pageItems[0];
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Jul 25, 2013
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator
var doc = app.activeDocument;
idLayers(doc)//IRename layers
idGroups(doc)//Rename groups
function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
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Sep 18, 2013
Ok i am not exactly new to Ai but i can only do certain things. So i took a cource and i am just having a helluva time finding a simple section on that tut.
Panels like color swatches and graphic styles have 3 appearances. 1 is fully open, 2 is colapsed with icons and then there is collapsed with label names.
How do i get the layer names collapse?
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Nov 28, 2011
I'm in the process of creating 3D points (as an overlay) on some laser scanned data (using RiScan, it's just 3d dimensional data, with a northing, easting and RL) and unfortunately the only export option is to export to .dxf... Which is fine but when I export, the information has the point ID as the layer name.
I am aiming at getting this data into another program to analyse and it needs the point ID or name to be my annotation, as opposed to the layer.
So what I need is a way of converting the names of each individual points layer, to the point ID.
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Apr 22, 2013
How can I easily find a character if its attribute is different from others? There might be some easier way than compare it one by one.
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Jan 24, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to get the links and link statuses in Adobe Illustrator. It doesn't seem to be at all similar to InDesign DOM.
What I'd like to be able to do is check whether a file has a missing link. I have been able to trace it to a "placedItem" which is inherently a "pageItem". So is it possible to find the link status? Been going through the DOM for about a half hour now and still can't find it.
app.documents[0].placedItems[0] <--- How to get link status?
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a number of art items on a document, some of them are filled with spot colors and some of them are with process color.Is there any method by which I can find out which color type(spot or process) is applied to the selected art item?
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Sep 30, 2013
How do I copy PARTS of layers containing many objects from one CS5 AI (v.15.0.2) doc into a new CS5 AI doc and keep/create the same layer names?
To start with, I have one fairly complex AI document with 100 layers, with several hundred items in each layer. For example, one layer named "Stars" contains 400 separate stars (not grouped), another layer named "Crosses" contains 300 separate crosses, and a 3rd layer named "Text" contains 200 separate words (not outlined).
If I select, by marqueeing a section of the image/artboard, some (but not all) of the individual items contained in the several layers, then paste that selection into a new CS5 AI doc, I cannot get them to create new layers of the same name. Instead they go into one general layer (e.g. "Layer 101") as a jumble of discrete, but unorganized objects (no layers or sublayers). In other words, I have lost the 3 main layers from which I selected a bunch of objects.
Checking "Paste Remembers Layers" has no effect on this result. In fact "Paste Remembers Layers" does not remember layers at all. Only if I select ALL the items in the several layers will it paste those layers by those names into the new doc (or create new layers of the same names).
Of course it is a COLOSSAL waste of time copying the ENTIRE document, then pasting the WHOLE thing into the new doc (with layers retained), then deleting the parts I DON'T need.
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