GIMP :: Automatic Input For Wacom Pen And Touch
Dec 28, 2012
So I recently got my graphics tablet and have been playing around with it on GIMP, getting the eraser and pressure sensored stylus configured. But I'm having a weird issue- the two side buttons on my stylus already have inputs from GIMP (that being pan and image menu), regardless of what I select for it on the control panel's 'Bamboo Preferences'. I'm not sure how to change it after looking around into the programs preferences window, including 'Input Devices'. Uh, I've checked that my drivers are up to date and I have Windows 7 Home Premium x64 on a crappy laptop, if that means anything... This is really irritating me as the input GIMP determines and the ones I choose from the control panel happen simultaneously and I just want my own inputs.
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Jul 16, 2012
I just installed my wacom bamboo pen and touch CTH-470, and, like many people, pen pressure sensitivity isn't working. I installed the driver for the tablet and it's all ready to go, but when I go to Gimp 2.8 and try to configure the tablet in the "input devices" section, I see "core pointer" in black, and then "Tablet Port:HID, Dim 5500x4000..." and it goes on. Now, I'm quite certain that that is my tablet, but I'm seeing people say they have the bamboo pen and bamboo eraser present but greyed out.
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Dec 2, 2012
I am using gimp in Lubuntu 12.04 (using gimp 2.8). The Wacom attached is a Splash.
When I select a brush/color besides the default, it automatically switches to the default/black when the pen gets close enough to be detected by the tablet.
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Jul 26, 2013
Just purchased wacom fun pen and touch. installed it and now Adobe CS5 crashes
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Feb 18, 2012
Would the Wacom tablet 'Pen and touch' work with CS5?
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Jan 31, 2013
I have upgraded to Windows 8 using Adobe Photoshop CS6 (latest Dec update). I have the latest Wacom drivers installed (Nov1) and Photoshop does not respond to pinch to zoom and rotate and it recognizes my hand touching the screen as pen input when using the pen at the same time. Even without the pen I can draw with my finger. Others have reported this under Windows 7 as well. I have an iPad, I don't need this 4K screen to work like an iPad!
This did not happen with older wacom drivers and Windows 7. I need to know how long I am going to have to wait before Adobe acknowledges the problem and when to expect a fix for this. All of us with Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq 24 HD Touch are screwed at the moment. Most other programs are working correctly with both touch and pen (i.e. Painter 12.2, Sketchbook Pro, etc). Most users are resorting all the way back to CS3 with older drivers or turning off Touch input all together to get the pen to work.
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Jan 10, 2013
I have a 21in IPS panel. I'm planning to get a Wacom Tablet. Not specially for painting but for masking things. But i have a mind to sell my Display and get a multitouch panel. There is a acer IPS multitouch panel.. My OS is win 8 pro.
I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Premire pro and after effects..
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Mar 15, 2013
I am UNABLE to follow a tutorial on how to make a repeatable pattern using 'texture transfer' on some fire I want to make into a pattern!!! every time I select the area I want to use and the 'input map' and paste as new image and I tell Resynthesizer to use that image it ALWAYS errors out as "The Input Map Should Be The Same Size As The Input Texture Image" according to the tutorial another person gave me on this forum he said NOTHING about being the same size!!! in fact, his selection was SMALLER than the actual image that he was using Resynthesizer on!!!
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Nov 2, 2012
I'm looking to get a wacom tablet, but I'm not really sure what tablet it best for digital art and animation type stuff. I'll be using it with Photoshop CS6 and probably Toon Boom or some other animation software. I'm just not sure what the difference is between the tablets.
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Jul 28, 2012
I am a long time gimp user and also a long time intuos user and I just recently got the airbrush pen for my intuos. I am running windows 7 and gimp 2.8. I am trying to figure out how to get the wheel on the airbrush pen to do something like adjust occupancy for example but I cant get any wheel settings to work. I am not sure if gimp recognizes that its a different pen. Any airbrush pen or a pen with a wheel in gimp
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Jul 8, 2012
i've two problems with Gimp 280
-first, the new brushes flow slower than before- already at 3000-1700 pixels, 300 dpi. Which are modest measures when you paint seriously. I've some delay pulling a sign with most of my brushes. (Btw, i checked with care my brush dynamics). Some hints of what I should set to get a faster/natural flow ?
-second, the zoom wheel of my wacom tablet is broken with the update to xQuartz 271. 'Never had this problem before-damn, zooming ist important. I worked out some workaround using modifier keys (on the tablet), but its never ever so precise as with the wheel.
specs: XQuartz 271, Gimp 281, Wacom driver 526-3, Mac Os 106-6
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Aug 11, 2011
I'm having a problem with my Wacom tablet. The stylus tool works fine (gradients, pen, paint) except for the erase tool - it won't erase to full transparency when I select the erase tool then drag my stylus. This is weird, since the actual eraser end of the stylus works fine: I just hate using that end of the tool, and much prefer using the stylus' pointed end to do all my work.
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Sep 17, 2012
Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?
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Sep 17, 2013
When I move my mouse over the drawing area, the brush simply freezes at the corner next to the rulers, the regular cursor continues to move and I can click on the buttons, tools and menu, but my mouse is not functioning in the workspace, I can use my wacom tablet fine, but I still need my mouse to be functional for lassoo tools etc.
It is a very recent install, I may have some how buggered the mouse input when configuring my wacom.
I'm running Arch Linux, with KDE.
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Oct 8, 2013
URL...I use the fill tool next to an already established color and it does this blending, I'm assuming it's a simple fix or just user error somewhere, but how to fix?
(In case it's important the Gray color was made using the Free Select Tool and Fill with FG Color command and the White was the Bucket Fill tool)
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Oct 23, 2012
I have many scanned images of my collection and need to automate the process of rotating the image so that it is "square" and then cropping to remove unwanted background.
I have learned GIMP enough to do this manually with the rotate and crop tools but I have 1000s of images so how to automate this process.
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Dec 1, 2012
basically I have a Genius MaxFire G-12U Vibration joypad controller, I wanted to map to certain actions and plug-in calls, but unfortunately this appears at the status of the device in "Configure Input Device" menu:
IDirectInputDevice8::SetDataFormat failed: incorrect parameter
When the actions have been mapped to the different buttons, and after GIMP has been reset, the actions do not happen after pressing the associated buttons.
GIMP website did not show an entry for such menu.
Using GIMP 2.6.12, Windows Vista 32 bit, 4 core Intel processor.
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Jul 19, 2013
I use GIMP 2.8.4 and ThinkPad X230 tablet with Windows 7.
The pen input is not pressure sensitive. All I see is a box that is titled Dynamics and displays Pressure Opacity. It's in Normal mode.
I upgraded the multi touch driver. How do I make it work?
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Nov 21, 2013
I recently bought a graphics tablet. Sometimes it works perfectly, and sometimes it doesn't do pressure sensitivity. I've narrowed it down to a single thing. This window here:
When it works, the Stylus is selected, when it doesn't work, the Core Pointer is selected.
So how can I switch the currently selected one? Clicking doesn't work, there's no button in the configure input device dialog.
Things I've tried:
- Plugging in the tablet before starting gimp
- Plugging in the tablet after starting gimp
- Rebooting (this seems to work, for the first time I open gimp after a reboot)
No matter what I do, it seems mostly random as to which is selected.
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Mar 8, 2013
I know how to add alpha channel to each layer individually and manually but is there a way to have an alpha channel added to each new layer automatically?
I'm using 2.8.2
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Aug 23, 2013
How to record action for automatic repeat
i have repetitive actions i need to make on images thay all constant for example i have :
100 images with size 100X100
what i need to do on each one :
1. scale to 75x75
2. export as png ( with the same name )
3. close the original without saving
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Dec 14, 2011
The problem occurs since the GIMP requires GTK+ version >= 2.24.7 (Around November 25).
Currently I have to date the latest versions from Git of babl, gegl and GIMP. Gtk +-2.24.8, glib-2.31.2, pango-1.29.5.In Edit > Preferences > Input Devices > Configure Extended Input Devices only shows "Core Pointer". Do not show my mouse or my Genius tablet, which before the version I had mentioned they appeared and everything worked.
In Gimp 2.6 everything works tooI tried deleting the ~/.Gimp-2.7/ folder but the new generated "device.rc" file only shows "Core Pointer".My distribution is Kubuntu Oneiric 11.10 64bit.xserver-common, xserver-xorg-core = 1.10.4
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Jun 30, 2012
I'll come straight out and admit: yes, my real problem here is my laziness but, ignoring that, the 'problem' I have is getting so tired of and annoyed with the whole trial & error schtick that comes with saving animated gifs (scale image, save, check file size, repeat to first step until file size is finally desirable).
Two possible solutions come to mind, one I admit is probably quite unrealistic but I would think the other has a good chance of existing.
First, the unrealistic solution possibility. Is there a plugin or anything else where I can input a file size and it could calculate the exact (or close to exact) scale I would need to resize to if I want the gif to be around that file size? (i.e. "For this gif to be 879kb your best bet would (probably) be 515 x 283")
Now then, the more realistic (or at least I think it is) solution possibility. What about being able to preview a file size of an animated gif before saving? (i.e. "If you save this 400 x 226 gif it will most likely be '(insert byte size here)'kb")
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Aug 31, 2011
OS: Ubuntu 11.04
Arch: AMD64
Desktop Manager: Gnome 3
I recently blew away my Ubuntu 10.10 and installed 11.04. Not liking Unity, I figured I would try Gnome 3. After getting Gnome 3 set up, I downloaded babl,gegl, and gimp tarballs and proceeded to install all sorts of dependencies(required and many optional ones) via apt-get packages.
I then compiled babl(0.1.4), gegl(0.1.6), glib(2.29.8) gtk+(2.24.5) and finally gimp 2.7.3(note that all the above are from the ftp site. Prior to compiling gtk+, gimp failed on the make with some really strange errors, which is why I compiled my own copy. Also note, ALL of the above were compile into a different prefix with :
./configure --prefix=/home/joefrazierjr/opt
Once I finally got GIMP compiled, I can see my tablet in the input devices, but they are greyed out along with all of the below:
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
Virtual core XTEST Pointer
Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 cursor
Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 eraser
Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 pad
Wacom Bamboo Fun 6x8 stylus
The ONLY thing that is NOT greyed out is Core Pointer.
The main reason I complied is because for whatever reason,the PPA package available does not also install Python(but does let the tablet work).
Note that I am comfortable with "using" the shell, but am a power user in linux, so assume that I know nothing about linux in any replies. Also, if I need to remove, any of the compiled code and recompile, I assume running "make clean"will fix it up correctly?
Note, my Bamboo Fun works fine in MyPaint(with pressure sensitivity,etc), so the issue is with either GIMP compile itself or GTK appsin general(If MyPaint is GTK or not). Also, I still have the build folders, so if I need to link to any of the config.log files, I will put on my dropbox.
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Nov 12, 2013
I am having a serious problem with gimp on my mackbook pro, running os x mavericks, but the problem also existed in mountain lion.
When any dialog box appears where there is a text box for keyboard input, the keystrokes go to the background gimp main window instead of the foreground dialog box. So it's impossible, for example, to type in a new file name on a save as dialog box. Another example is it's impossible to type in an image width in the scale image dialog box. This is true of all the dialog boxes I've checked.
This makes gimp practically unusable on a mac, and is therefore a serious problem. I know of a workaround that involves typing in data into the mac text editor and pasting it into gimp dialog boxes, but that's ugly and unacceptable.
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Jun 22, 2012
I just opened up GIMP and to my horror it had been changed completely without my consent.
First question: I assume this was some sort of automatic update. How do I turn that off, so that I have control over whether or not I want to update?
Second question: How do I go back to the previous version? I can't find basic functions, because they've been moved.
I was trying to do a quick project, and to learn a whole new set up. I'm appalled to find that my program's been changed without giving me any choice in the matter, and then having to sign up on a list serve to fix the problem. Why not set up a forum, where we can subscribe to just the thread that's relevant to us?
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Apr 30, 2013
even on gigantic images I seem to get this error EVERY TIME NOW! it doesn't matter what image and I DO NOT know what this 'input texture' that the error is talking about! there is NO option for an input texture!
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Feb 4, 2013
My need is to create up to 50 points from the same origin in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system but I’d also like to have a labels for each point that show up in the feature tree.
Are there Inventor 2013 plugin (i.e., add-on, 3rd party, AP) to convert a list 3D Cartesian coordinate system locations (i.e., points) to Inventor to work points(x, y, z)?
I found that I cannot create 3D points in the assembly. Is this correct? I did find that an Inventor part may be used to create a 3D sketch that creates points in 3D space. In the past few days, I found two ways to create 3D points within a iPRT; the batch way uses an Excel file but it then does not allow me to name the points in the feature tree. The second way is to create them one at a time but that take way too much time.
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Feb 25, 2012
I saw another thread on this, but it went unanswered, so I am going to ask it with some better information.I installed inventor pro 2012, and it was working fine for a few days, but it now is missing the input boxes for the Precise Input window. URL....
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Jul 24, 2012
It's a common practice when building layers to duplicate existing layers as a start. Additionally, it is good practice that layer names be meaningful.
Suppose I start with the following layer: layer 1
If I duplicate that layer, it seems reasonable I'd get: layer 2. Instead I get: layer 1 copy
Then if I duplicate again I get: layer 1 copy#1, even though this is copy #2.
I propose the following: An option be available whereby user is queried for name of any layer which is to be generated. This is easier than having to edit automatically generated layer names.If automatic layer names are to be generated, code first checks if previous layer name ends in a sequence of digits. If yes, then these digits are incremented as an integer until a unique layer name is generatedIf the layer name does not end in a sequence of digits, then "#1" is appended to the layer name, and the "1" incremented until a unique name is generated.
So with this algorithm:layer 1 would become layer 2 for a first copy, then layer 3 for a second copy, etc.background would become background#2 for a first copy, then background#3 for a second copy, etc.
The problem with using "copy" in the layer name is that it is probably only in the substantial minority of cases that the newly generated layer is destined to be a true copy, so the automatically generated layer name is very likely inappropriate. Better is to use a simpler, shorter name which applies in a greater fraction of the applications.
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Jul 2, 2012
GIMP script/plugin for detection of object boundaries in a raster image and automatic creation of corresponding paths?
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