Photoshop :: Action To Record WHERE On Canvas A Layer

Jun 2, 2012

I created an action:
I have a bunch of PSD files of some pretty expensive rings that were shot at hi-res and cropped.
Now, i have a canvas that is 996x1104 px.
All of these rings must sized to 540px width AND positioned on the canvas at x:498px and y:706 (the bottom of the layer must touch 706px, which I did by clicking on the little tiny box at the bottom of the little square made of little squares (that's next to the x and y positions when you are on Transform mode).
I made an action for all of these steps.
However, when I batch a group of these hi-res ring PSDs and apply the action, they are always in different spots. They all need to be set on y:706px so it looks like they are all resting on the same plane.
I found out why this is happening:

because when I position the ring when creating the action, Photoshop records HOW MUCH in pixels I moved the layer... NOT WHERE ON THE CANVAS IT'S POSITIONED.
This is what I need: to have Photoshop record WHERE on the canvas the layer is positioned.

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Photoshop :: How To Record An Action That Saves In...

Feb 2, 2009

I made an action that I have to use for many images. The action creates an image, saves it, then closes it. The problem is when I try to run the action, it saves over the previous image. Instead of making new files, it just saves over the same one over and over. Is there a way to make it automatically save in succession?? (image001, image002, image003, etc.).

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Photoshop :: Action Won't Record Nudge

Jan 16, 2009

I'm trying to create an action which places my logo layer on the image in the corner. I have used the Align menu commands in the action, which aligns it to the edge. However, I would like to nudge the layer a few pixels in so that it's not completely at the edge. No matter what I try, I can't get the nudge events to get recorded into the action.

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Photoshop :: Can't Record Brush Mode As Action

Oct 15, 2013

I'm trying to record a brush mode setting (eg clear,normal, behind) in an action.

But photoshop doesn't record anything when i click on the brush mode setting (it does record the brush when i click on it in the tool bar) Tools like the color picker also do not record, so the problem goed farther then just the brush mode setting.

I'm running Photoshop CC on a Wacom Cintiq Companion on Windows8.

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Photoshop :: Printing 2000 Images On 100 A3 / Record Action?

Nov 6, 2013

I'm working in Cs5 and I need to speed up my working process. So I have about 2000 images that I wanna print. I'm going to print them on A3 and on each A3 page I want to have 21 images. So it's a very simple process of just minimizing the pictures and putting them side by side, but almost 2000 pictures.

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Photoshop :: Record Action For Simple White Frame

Apr 29, 2011

I am trying to record an action for a simple white frame, to add to some photo. the way I do it, is first change the background layer to a layer 0, then (image/canvas size then put it at 5% relative, then control click the layer thumbnail to select the picture only, then (edit/stroke...width 20%...color white... location outside, (select/deselect, and I go to the layer blending mode to add a drop shadow. finaly save as jpg. stop recording.

But when I open the jpg file, the extention of the canvas is white and not transparent it show white. What can I do to have the canvas extention transparent as a jpg file ?

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Illustrator :: Action Won't Record New Text

May 26, 2013

I am trying to record an action in Illustrator, and most steps work, except when I decide to create a new text layer, I select the type tool, type something into my document, and select another tool to complete the operation, nothing shows up in the action panel, it's as if Illustrator didn't see it. It works fine in Photoshop though.

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GIMP :: How To Record Action For Automatic Repeat

Aug 23, 2013

How to record action for automatic repeat

i have repetitive actions i need to make on images thay all constant for example i have :

100 images with size 100X100

what i need to do on each one :

1. scale to 75x75
2. export as png ( with the same name )
3. close the original without saving

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Illustrator :: Can Record Text Navigation In Action

Sep 20, 2012

I'm trying to record an Action in AI that, when editing text,

(1) goes to the end of the current line ([End]),
(2) goes to the beginning of the current line while selecting the text ([Shift]+[Home]),
(3) applies a swatch,
(4) moves down three lines ([Down], [Down], [Down]), etc.

When I record this in an action, only the Apply Swatch command appears in the Action. Is this just how-it-is or is there a way to record text navigation in an action?

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GIMP :: Record Action Feature - Manipulating Several Pictures

Oct 31, 2013

I recently found GIMP and think it is amazing. I've been a PhotoShop user for years, and actually prefer GIMP. The one thing I can't seem to figure out is holding me back from using GIMP exclusively, and that is the Record Action feature. I have to manipulate about 100 pictures per day - simply resize a picture to 6x4" @ 300 dpi, save it, resize again at 100 dpi, put a 10 pixel; black border around it and save it to another directory. I can do this to a hundered picitures in about a minute with PhotoShop, but it takes quite a while with GIMP.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Record Object -> Path -> Average As Action

Aug 30, 2012

I am trying to record an action to find the center of a polygon with the following commands
1. Select the object
2. Copy and Paste in Front
3. Select > Object > Direction Handles
4. Cmd+X (Cut); do not deselect
5. Object > Path > Average: choose both axes
6. View > Guides > Make Guides
All is good & well except that step 5 never gets recorded as an action step.

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Illustrator :: When Record Save For Web Action - Export Artboard In 3 File Sizes

Oct 4, 2013

When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.

Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Record A Script Or Convert Action To Script?

Mar 27, 2012

is there a way to record a script? i mean like an action for example click and select a tool , the hand tool , and let photoshop write the script (that have the command to select the hand tool) or is there a tool to convert an action to a script?

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Paint.NET :: Any Way To Record Blank Layer

Jul 22, 2013

But keep another layer out of the video
i.e. i have 2 layers
1 layer has a picture
1 layer is blank

is there a way i can record the blank layer, and still see the the picture, but in the video, only the blank layer shows up.

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Photoshop :: Drag A Layer From One Canvas To Another?

Oct 24, 2005

I have two canvases the same size.

Can I drag a leyer from one canvas to the other and have it apear in the same place?

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Photoshop :: Move A Layer So That Part Of It Is Outside Of The Canvas...

Feb 25, 2007

If I drop a layer so that part of it is off the canvas, the layer will move back to the place that i dragged it from.

Is there any way to move a layer so that part of it is outside of the canvas?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Selection On Canvas

Oct 23, 2005

Can you select multiple layers on the canvas rather than by doing it in the layer dialog?

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Photoshop :: Right-Click In Canvas To Identify Layer Not Working

Aug 27, 2012

This function is working properly in os x, however on windows when I right click within the canvas I only get a list of all the layers under the mouse,historically since as far back as I can remember since photoshop had layers (rev 3.0 in 1995?) when you right click in windows within the canvas, you get a list of all the layers under your mouse, with the uppermost layer highlighted for easy identification and location of the contents of your layers. I've run all patches and updates and have even uninstalled/re-installed CS6.

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Photoshop :: How To Get A Layer To Be Width / Height % Of Canvas Size

May 11, 2013

I am trying to create an action for watermarking.  However, I would like to be able to size my logo to be a specific % of the entire canvas size, i.e. 20% width to be a part of my action so that the logo is always proportional to the image size. 

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Photoshop :: Changing Canvas Size - Adjustment Layer

Sep 4, 2013

It's a bit hard for me to word, but when I change my canvas size I want my adjustment layers to have black additional canvas added instead of white.

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Photoshop :: How Do You Save A Layer(s) As A Jpeg Without Saving The Whole Canvas?

Jun 21, 2006

i want to export the little button in the top left hand corner that sais "Westcoast" (which consists of 2 layers) as a jpeg without exporting the whole photoshop file. The only way i know how to do this is hide all the other layers and size the canvas around that little button. And even then the canvas is rectangular while the button has curved some of the canvas would still be showing.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended (via Creative Cloud) Flashes When Clicking On Canvas / Layer

Mar 6, 2013

Photoshop cs6 extended (64bit) flashes black when clicking on canvas or on a layer. I can't get anything done, I have already uninstalled and reinstalled...  all other Creative Cloud apps work fine. I'm using windows 8.

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Photoshop :: Flatten Image Changes Layer Effects - How To View Whole Canvas Accurately

Mar 4, 2011

Been working on my bands logo that has 2 layers on it. One has layer effects on it (inner and outer glow). When I flatten the image, it changed the way that it looked. Found out that it just "looks" like it changes because my canvas wasn't at 100%. I have to zoom out to about 25% to be able to see the whole image and work on it.

Is there any way to accurately see my whole image on the canvas and what the layer effects will actually look like? The way it works now, how the image will change once I flatten it. Being zoomed out makes what I'm actually viewing on the screen to be wrong it seems.

I attached 2 images, (Both are at 25%) the first one is what I'm looking at on screen BEFORE I flatten the image. This is what I want my actual image to look like. The second is AFTER I flatten the image. Notice the inner/outer glow gets smaller. I tried to just increase the size of the glows to compensate once I flatten it since I noticed that they were basically just shrinking. This doesn't really work though and I lose the noise effect on the white outer glow.

How am I supposed to work on the image and see what it looks like as a whole if zooming out doesn't show what the image will ACTUALLY look like?

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Photoshop :: Action For Copyright On Layer

Mar 10, 2004

Using PS 7.0 on win2K

Objective -
Reduce 20 images from 300dpi tif's to 72dpi jpeg [for emailing] with a
copyright notice on the bottom of frame.

How I attempted to make it work...

Downsizing to jpeg from tif was not a problem with an action.

Created a new text image- A copyright notice was made up as another separate file. Then I had the image and the text notice visible in PS.

Recorded an action and dragged the copyright notice into the jpeg image. It works for the image i am working on but will not reproduce itself on subsequent images when the action is supposed to run.

Can it be done when I down size from tif > jpeg or do I need to do it
once they are all jpeg's?
Of course the final image will be a flattened layer.

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GIMP :: How To Put First Layer On Top Of Canvas

Nov 22, 2012

I have an image with 85 layers, let's say they are all 100x100 pixels.

The layers are all aligned on the top and left borders of the canvas.

The canvas is 100 pixels wide and 8500 pixels tall.

I want to put the first layer on the top of the canvas, then the secondlayer with its top border aligned with the bottom border of the firstlayer. Then the third layer just below the second one, etc. So that all 85layers are spread on the full height of the canvas.

Actually, some layers are less than 100 pixels tall. I still want thelayers to be one next to the other. So if my first layer is 60 pixels tall,the second layer must be moved at 0,60 in the canvas. And if the second oneis 90 pixels tall, the third one must me moved at 0,150.

How can I do that? Is there a plugin? It doesn't seem very hard to code in Scheme.

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Photoshop :: Census Data And Batch Export To File With Each Layer Sent To Canvas Of That Size?

May 3, 2013

>ap alterations. I have collected many (over 100k) screeenshots of census data. In the interest of not using the actual captures (intelectual property restrictions), I have extracted the data alone to a new multi layered file with each address as its own layer. Some have 1 person, some have 200 people.

Can I export each layer to file in such a way that the canvas will not be the 75 inch canvas in the parent image? I needed to use such a large transparent background because population density is very high. Is ther an autodetect feature?

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Photoshop :: Writing Action And Select Next Layer (up Or Down)?

Mar 1, 2013

I am writing an action and I want to select the next layer (up or down) for processing. Much like Layer>Arrange does except it relocates the layer up or down, I want to highlight a layer (up or down) for processing. If I click on the layer to select it in the action, then when I run the action on another photo, the action say it cant find the layer name (from the photo I used to build the action). Is there a key combination to do this ?    Like 'CMD ['  and  'CMD ]' does for Layer> Arrange.

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Photoshop :: Edit A Text Layer Action?

Oct 18, 2013

i think it's really hard for me but i have to change the text (Vvcvvcv....) in a Make text layer action.What is the best way using the action palette?

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Photoshop :: Running An Action On A Single Layer

Dec 2, 2008

I design wedding albums in a third party software which then exports each page spread as a layered PSD. I then like to go in and "polish" each page spread by adding vignettes or other enhancements to each image. Some very simple actions I have no problem with getting to work, however, I can't figure out how to make an action that will run on just the image I have selected and add a vignette to just that image regardless of the image size and shape. I have an action that will do this on a single non layered image but it won't work if the image is in a layered PSD because it tries to add a vignette to the entire document and of course runs into problems. Can anyone help me with creating an action that would add a vignette to a single image in a layered document?

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GIMP :: Moving A Layer Around The Canvas

Jun 15, 2013

I have my background image, with some text which I created. I wanted to add some external images into the canvas.

When I open the image as a layer, it imports fine. But when I attempt to move it (holding ALT), it stays in the same place.

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GIMP :: Drop A Layer From One Canvas To Another

May 11, 2012

I am converting from Photoshop and there is one common task i used all of the time which i cannot seem to figure out in Gimp. I have two canvases open, each with a few layers. I select the move tool and then start dragging the layer on one canvas to try to drop it into the other canvas. In Photoshop when you do this it creates a new layer on the dropped canvas consisting of the dropped layer, and the layer resets to its original position on the first canvas.

In Gimp however when I try this its as if i dropped the layer way outside of the viewable area of the first canvas, and nothing gets added to the second canvas i want to drop it into.

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