Photoshop :: Running An Action On A Single Layer

Dec 2, 2008

I design wedding albums in a third party software which then exports each page spread as a layered PSD. I then like to go in and "polish" each page spread by adding vignettes or other enhancements to each image. Some very simple actions I have no problem with getting to work, however, I can't figure out how to make an action that will run on just the image I have selected and add a vignette to just that image regardless of the image size and shape. I have an action that will do this on a single non layered image but it won't work if the image is in a layered PSD because it tries to add a vignette to the entire document and of course runs into problems. Can anyone help me with creating an action that would add a vignette to a single image in a layered document?

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Photoshop :: Plugin / Action To Separate Multiple Objects On Single Layer Into Multiple Layers

Jun 24, 2013

Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Action Is Not Running Automatically While Trying To Save PDF To JPG?

Apr 3, 2013

My Problem in Photoshop CS5: Action is not running automatically while I trying to save PDF to JPG, in the batch process:

Followed following steps:

Opened PDF fileCreated new auction (F2)Flatten imageSave as JPGClose fileTo Run Batch:

Opened Batch dialogue boxSelected set/action nameSource: selected as “Folder”Directed location using “Choose” buttonAnd no selected any check boxes under the “Choose” buttonClicked “OK”  Now all the PDFs are opened one after another but not execute the selected action.

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Photoshop :: When Running An Action / Not Saving The Correct File

Jun 29, 2013

When running a batch I have an existing file open and then an action which opens a pre exisiting file that i Drop images into  to give boarders and logos.
When I run the action it drops image into the PSD in the correct area and the file looks correct , then in turn it saves the Original file and not the one the batch ran on  even thou the file was worked on and edited on CS6. So in a sense it saves the Original File with the correct File naming when ran in the Batch Image processor.
Original file Name.
Saved File name
Still with nothing done to the saved file execpt the name change.
 Select Previous Document
 Duplicate Current  Layer


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Illustrator :: CS6 Running Action On Multiple Files In A Folder

Jul 19, 2013

I created a action in Illustrator CS6 (on a PC) which opens PNG files, scales them onto a 8.5 x 11 page, saves them as a PDF into a output folder on my desktop and then closes the page. The action works great and does exactly what I had hoped for.

Here is my issue: I now have a need to do this on multiple files at the same time. Using the Illustrator Help menu, I found out about Batch processing. The tutorial says that a batch can be run on a single file or on a folder of files. Bingo! That's what I want. Problem is, I can't get it to work.
After setting up the batch with the following settings: (note: I didn't use a destination folder because I have the action saving the pdf into an output folder on the desktop).

According to the help page, it said to use Override Action "Open" commands which Opens the files from the specified folder and ignores any Open commands recorded as part of the original action. I thought this is what I needed to open all the files in the folder, because when recording my action, I had to use the open command to open a png file. It wouldn't just let me choose a folder. If I don't have the open command in the action, nothing happens.
My main issue is getting multiple files from within my input folder to open when running the action. The only file that opens is the file that I recorded while creating the action. If I remove that file from the folder, nothing happens at all.

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Photoshop :: Converting 100 JPG Images To 1 PNG Image In Single Action

Aug 11, 2012

How to convert 100 jpg images into single png using Photoshop in single action?

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Photoshop :: Convert Series Of Adjustment Layers Into Single Action?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a Photoshop CS6 document with 20-some adjustment layers and would like to be able to apply their effect to multiple image files. I'm looking for a way to convert the series of adjustment layers into a single action so that I can batch process a set of images. Can this be done?
Unless I'm missing something, it appears that no trivial solution exisits. For example, there's no option that allows for selecting the adjustment layers, right clicking them, and choosing 'convert to action.' What I want to avoid is having to redo each adjustment layer just for the sake of recording an action.
Also, I understand that I can always "place" (i.e. drag and drop) the image requiring processing into the Photoshop document containing the adjustment layers, saving a merged copy as jpeg, and repeat... but such a manual method would border on insulting to this prowess of a program.
Any method of recording an action that can make use of the document with the adjustment layers and a variable document that will be passed through during the batch process.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Masks On Single Layer

Jan 16, 2013

A student of mine asked why you would create multiple layer masks on a single layer.

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Photoshop :: Create Single Action For Adding Border And Signature For Portrait And Landscape Images

Feb 3, 2013

i would love to be able to create a single photoshop action for adding a border, plus a signature in the bottom right corner, that works for both portrait and landscape images.

need i say more?

i already have an action that adds a signature in the centre of the border at the bottom of the image e.g. the image below. what i want though is for that signature to be on the RHS and for the same action to work for portrait images as well.

supplementary info: reason for this is that I want to be able to export 300 wedding images (mix of landscape and portrait images) from lightroom in my pre-selected order (meaning the files are labelled from 001 to 300, ordered according to how the wedding day unfolded) and then use PS to add the border and the signature, in the same place, and for it to work for both orientations.

i need this to work for full sized exported jpeg images, i.e. i want the files that i give on CD to my clients to include my signature in this manner. so I don't want to copy the initial layer and then reduce the second layer size to leave a border around the second layer.

i hope i've been clear I think that this sort of presentation makes such a difference to final printed image, and I DONT want to have to go to all 300 images picking out the landscape from portrait ones (although this may be what I have to do and wouldn't really take that long but surely there's a better way!!!!).

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Constraining Move Action To A Single Plane?

Apr 1, 2012

For our office I'm trying to figure out (so far without success) how it might be possible to constrain movement of a block's geometry to a single plane?

I can use a stretch grip but that will mean you can go in one direction only (positive) not negative, I want the freedom to be able to move backwards and forwards in the X-Plane.

Block I'm working on (progress so far) attached. It is designed to display height relative to a datum point in the block, and for use in drawings so you can place it all over and pick up levels to top of things like steels.

The block allows the use to pick the stretch grip to go up, so the objects moved will be to a point which will be relative to the base point of the block, which will be set at a datum level for the drawing. Relative to the base point a field will extract the y-coordinate of an object in the block, add a suffix of mm, that will then be the level relative to the base point.

I want the move command constrained to move the block geometry in the drawing but only in the x-plane; if the entire block moves accidentally in the y-plane it will also move the base point also, which destroys the idea of measuring against a fixed datum.

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GIMP :: Align Single Layer In A Layer Group?

Jun 7, 2013

Why can't I align a single layer that is inside a layer group? The align tool would always select the top most layer group as the 'boundary' for alignment, thus automatically selecting the whole layers inside of it and align them as a group.

Is this a bug or just GIMP's weakness? It definitely reduces the layer group's usefulness.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Flip A Single Layer?

Dec 4, 2004

It was the "Creating Classy Glass Buttons" one. One of the steps says to flip the layer vertically. I can't quite figure out how to do that. It always wants to flip the whole thing.

I'm using PS7.

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Photoshop :: Hue/saturation On A Single Layer

Apr 15, 2007

In building a composite, I dragged one image into another image. Of couse, this created a separate layer in the receiving image. Since I then discovered that the color saturation needed to be lowered ONLY ON THE "DRAGGED IN IMAGE," I then clicked on Hue/Sat and began the desturation process. But even though I had selected the "Dragged In" layer, all of the lower layers were also desaturated. So my question is: Is there a way to use Hue/Sat on a single, selected layer? How can I keep the other layers from being affected by the hue/sat operation. Of course, I could have done the desaturation before I dragged it into the other image, but it was only after dragging it in that i could really match the colors properly.

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Photoshop :: Shrink A Single Layer

Oct 18, 2004

How do i shrink a single layer. I was copying a picture into my psd file and i needed to shrink it so it looks good with the other things in my picture.

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Photoshop :: Can Lower Resolution Of Single Layer?

Aug 26, 2013

can I lower the resolution of a single layer, without lowering the resolution of the other layers in one psd file?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Fade A Single-layer Image?

May 20, 2004

I'm desiging a banner for a website and a big concern of mine is that the sidebar should fade into the black default background of the website.

It's a single layer, the image is 32 x 346 pixels and I'd like to know how to blend the bottom quarter or so of the multicolor sidebar to the default black.

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Photoshop :: Hue/sat Adjustment Layer For A Single Group?

Feb 22, 2006

i have photoshop project containing several groups with also groups in it. is it possible to create an adjustment layer just for one single group? cant figure it out

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Photoshop :: Action For Copyright On Layer

Mar 10, 2004

Using PS 7.0 on win2K

Objective -
Reduce 20 images from 300dpi tif's to 72dpi jpeg [for emailing] with a
copyright notice on the bottom of frame.

How I attempted to make it work...

Downsizing to jpeg from tif was not a problem with an action.

Created a new text image- A copyright notice was made up as another separate file. Then I had the image and the text notice visible in PS.

Recorded an action and dragged the copyright notice into the jpeg image. It works for the image i am working on but will not reproduce itself on subsequent images when the action is supposed to run.

Can it be done when I down size from tif > jpeg or do I need to do it
once they are all jpeg's?
Of course the final image will be a flattened layer.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Windows (masks) Onto A Single Layer?

Sep 12, 2013

I have a large image, and want to use the new generator feature to automatically extract two specific areas of this image (which is on a single layer) to two separate files.

Simple enough to do the first, using a layer mask, and works beautifully. But I can't work out how to do another, without copying the main image layer.

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Photoshop :: Linking Adjustment Layers To A Single Layer

Oct 17, 2006

I would like to add an adjustment layer to a photoshop CS2 file that has an effect on a particular layer rather than all of the layers. I have tried adding the adjustment layer from the icon at the bottom of the layers palette, from Layers, New adjustment layer, and I have also tried linking the two layers. In all cases the adjustment made applies to the whole image. I am sure that previous versions of Photoshop had this facility.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Text Instances On A Single Layer?

Apr 14, 2006

Up until now, I've been using Paint.NET as my main paint program. It worked well enough but had a few specific limitations that forced me to request the company I work for to purchase Photoshop CS2, which they did. In fact, the IT dept just finished installing it.

I'd like to have a single text layer with multiple instances of text, but everytime I go to add additional text, CS2 "conveniently" creates a new layer for me. Is there any way to tell CS2 to "Stop that!" and let me create as many individual instances of text on one layer as I want? I am labeling buildings/roadways on aerial photos and don't need to have 40-50 text layers per photo.

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Photoshop :: Export Single Layer (with Shadows And Effects) To Png

Feb 1, 2008

I have 2 layers, a background image and a round button with a shadow effect.

How can I only export the button, including his shadow, to png ?

I used Photo Impact, and in Photo Impact, I clicked on the layer, I selected "Export object" and the layer (object) was saved to a desired filename (in my case, I want png or tga, with transparency) .

Also, if I have a background layer, a button layer and a text over the button. If I select the button and the text, how can I export them to png (merge them and export them) directly ? Exactly like the case above, but with multiple players.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Keep Multiple Text Lines In A Single Layer?

Mar 14, 2005

How do I create multiple lines of text in a single layer. Everytime I finish with a line and want to go to the next, I hit 'Enter', but that completes the text. If I click on the layer image again, then it creates another layer.

So basically if I have 10 lines of text, I end up with 10 layers of text as well. Needless to say, this becomes to much trouble if I have to center each line of text and add blending options to 10 layers instead of one.

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Photoshop :: Writing Action And Select Next Layer (up Or Down)?

Mar 1, 2013

I am writing an action and I want to select the next layer (up or down) for processing. Much like Layer>Arrange does except it relocates the layer up or down, I want to highlight a layer (up or down) for processing. If I click on the layer to select it in the action, then when I run the action on another photo, the action say it cant find the layer name (from the photo I used to build the action). Is there a key combination to do this ?    Like 'CMD ['  and  'CMD ]' does for Layer> Arrange.

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Photoshop :: Action To Record WHERE On Canvas A Layer

Jun 2, 2012

I created an action:
I have a bunch of PSD files of some pretty expensive rings that were shot at hi-res and cropped.
Now, i have a canvas that is 996x1104 px.
All of these rings must sized to 540px width AND positioned on the canvas at x:498px and y:706 (the bottom of the layer must touch 706px, which I did by clicking on the little tiny box at the bottom of the little square made of little squares (that's next to the x and y positions when you are on Transform mode).
I made an action for all of these steps.
However, when I batch a group of these hi-res ring PSDs and apply the action, they are always in different spots. They all need to be set on y:706px so it looks like they are all resting on the same plane.
I found out why this is happening:

because when I position the ring when creating the action, Photoshop records HOW MUCH in pixels I moved the layer... NOT WHERE ON THE CANVAS IT'S POSITIONED.
This is what I need: to have Photoshop record WHERE on the canvas the layer is positioned.

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Photoshop :: Edit A Text Layer Action?

Oct 18, 2013

i think it's really hard for me but i have to change the text (Vvcvvcv....) in a Make text layer action.What is the best way using the action palette?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Turn Off Lock Symbol When Running Crosshairs Over Locked Layer

Mar 29, 2012

How to turn of the "lock symbol" from showing when you run your crosshairs (outside of a command) over a locked layer.  Its annoying and i would like to turn it off.

Also, when offsetting a line, is there a way to turn off the imaginary offset line that indicates the offset side, again its annoying and i'd like to turn it off.

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Photoshop :: Select A Single Object In Layer And Try To Move It With Mouse

Sep 16, 2013

where I can't use the move tool with the mouse properly. I'll go and select a single item on a layer and then try to move it with the mouse (move tool). I've done this before and still do it all the time on Photoshop on my other machines. However, on my laptop it won't work. I grab the single object I want to move and the second I move it, it defaults to moving every single layer in my file.

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Photoshop :: Action Records Layer Transform In Percentage NOT Pixels?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to create an action that will work with some product images. Every image document I make is the same size (1000 x 1000px). The layer that I paste onto that document will always vary in size. I like my product images to all have the exact same margin. So I always use the transform command to specify that the width of any layer should be exactly 930px. This gives me exactly the same margin on my 1000 x 1000px document every time, regardless of the original layer size. I want to create an action for this to speed up the process but when I press record I hit a stumbling block.

In reality, I choose transform and set width to 930px.

Photoshop records me choosing transform then setting the width to 97% (or whatever).Percentages are useless to me as my original layers vary radically in size. I need to transform by pixels.why photoshop is recording my transform by percentage and not the pixels that I actually use?

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Photoshop :: Text Layer To Multiple Images As A Batch Action?

Sep 6, 2013

I want to prepare mutliple  images for press release,  that include a small border wtih copyright information.   Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.

I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border.   Thats simple enough,  is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time . 

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VideoStudio :: How Much Video Can Fit Into Single Layer DVD-R

Aug 8, 2013

When I try to make DVD with VideoStudio X6, I always got the out of size warning when I have more than 60 minutes of video. I can click 'OK' to let VS X6 adjust the video (quality) and fit it into a DVD. But I'm curious why VS X6 always complains about video longer than 60 minutes while on the internet most people (including Microsoft) said 120-150 minutes for a single layer DVD?

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