Photoshop :: Hue/sat Adjustment Layer For A Single Group?
Feb 22, 2006
i have photoshop project containing several groups with also groups in it. is it possible to create an adjustment layer just for one single group? cant figure it out
The Photoshop CS6 Info Palette is not showing before and after in Grouped Adjustment Layers. It only shows the after values on both sides of the Palette.
The two macs with this problem are:
Mac Pro 2 x 2.93 Ghz 6-Core intel Xeon 96 GB 1333 HZ DDR3 ECC ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB OSX Lion 10.7.5 Â Â The two macs that work correctly are:
Mac Pro 2 x 3.06 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon 96 GB 1333 HZ DDR3 ECC ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB OSX Lion 10.7.5
I am working with a lot of layers in PS and frequently I need certain adjustments to affect each transparent layer in the group without affecting any groups underneath. Is there a way to do so without resorting to masks? In other words is there a way to group adjustments with particular groups rather than with particular layers?
I would like to add an adjustment layer to a photoshop CS2 file that has an effect on a particular layer rather than all of the layers. I have tried adding the adjustment layer from the icon at the bottom of the layers palette, from Layers, New adjustment layer, and I have also tried linking the two layers. In all cases the adjustment made applies to the whole image. I am sure that previous versions of Photoshop had this facility.
Why can't I align a single layer that is inside a layer group? The align tool would always select the top most layer group as the 'boundary' for alignment, thus automatically selecting the whole layers inside of it and align them as a group.
Is this a bug or just GIMP's weakness? It definitely reduces the layer group's usefulness.
I'm doing an animation for a progress indicator. Basically I have a set of 72 spokes, and I'm using sub-set of these spokes with varying transparency to show the underlying gray layer through.
I've seperated each spoke into 72 different layers, and I'm then manually adjusting each one for each frame.
The effect works great, but I've decided that I would like to apply an adjustment to all of the spokes to adjust their color balance. I've got an adjustment layer, but this is affecting my gray layer underneath.
I've tried layer sets, linking layers and grouping, but none seem to allow me to apply an adjustment to a group of layers. I'm using Photoshop 7.
I have a Photoshop CS6 document with 20-some adjustment layers and would like to be able to apply their effect to multiple image files. I'm looking for a way to convert the series of adjustment layers into a single action so that I can batch process a set of images. Can this be done? Â Unless I'm missing something, it appears that no trivial solution exisits. For example, there's no option that allows for selecting the adjustment layers, right clicking them, and choosing 'convert to action.' What I want to avoid is having to redo each adjustment layer just for the sake of recording an action. Â Also, I understand that I can always "place" (i.e. drag and drop) the image requiring processing into the Photoshop document containing the adjustment layers, saving a merged copy as jpeg, and repeat... but such a manual method would border on insulting to this prowess of a program. Â Any method of recording an action that can make use of the document with the adjustment layers and a variable document that will be passed through during the batch process.
What I want to do is to have an adjustment layer that is a reversed, black and white image. I initially thought to merge B&W and reverse adjustment layers, but read that an adjustment layer may not be the target of a merge. Is the way to accomplish this to fiddle with the B&W adjustment layer sliders somehow?  I like how the black and white displayed image of a given color channel looks, how can I export that channel into a layer?
I use a lot of adjustment layers and they're often applied to the previous layer. Is there a keyboard shortcut to automatically "Use pervious layer as clipping mask" without going through the dialogue box or manually applying in the layers palette(Option-click between layers)?
I'm having trouble getting a script together where I can ungroup all groups in a document, then put everything under a single group. Everyhting I'm working with has a single layer, but for some of the arts I'm importing have groups within groups ect. To run certain actions I've made properly after I need eveything to be in one, single group. Â I searched for an answer and found this (wirtten by Carlos Canto) Â function ungroup(whereToUngroup, group) // where to ungroup? layer, document, other group? { for (i=group.pageItems.length-1; i>=0; i--) group.pageItems[i].move(whereToUngroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); } Â But I'm having trouble getting it to work.
I'm familiar with adjustment layers and clipping masks, but am wondering if there's a way to have an adjustment layer affect a group of layers below it, but not all of them. (Usually you have a choice of having it affect either JUST the layer beneath it (through a clipping mask), or ALL of the layers beneath it.
When you open an image with adjustment layers, what determines what is selected, the background or the adjustment layer? It seems sometimes it's one or the other, and I don't know the logic. Personally I would prefer that the image always opens with the background layer selected.
I'm new to Paint shop. Is it possible to clip an adjustment layer or image to just the layer below it like in Photoshop? Or maybe Paint shop calls it something else?
A drawing with hundreds of layers should be simplified for our customer by decreasing the numbers of and renaming the layers (there is yet no target file existing). In order to solve this, I generated group filters and assigned every single layer to them (all printing properties are assigned to objects). The layer groups show the desired layer structure after the transformation (still a three-digit number).
Unfortunately, the LAYTRANS dialog doesn't let me choose layers by group filters or remarks. It seems as all the work was for the birds.
Is there any way to translate my layers using filters or remarks?
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.  Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.   #target Illustrator var doc = app.activeDocument;  idLayers(doc)//IRename layers idGroups(doc)//Rename groups  function idLayers(doc){
[code].... Â I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
I'm working in Photoshop CS5. I have several layers, and only want to make an adjustment to the top layer. I don't have an clip icon on the bottom of the layers pallete either, what should I do...
Im creating a layout in CMYK and have a brigthness/contrast layer above my artwork. Once I merge the layers together (save it as TIFF) the contrast is not the same and I cant get the same color/contrast effect when I do it in flattened image. Any ideas how to solve this problem?I was thinking of taking screenshots of the "pre-merged" layout and putting it together but its a rather large file...
In CS3, my workhorse editor until recently, when I double clicked an adjustment layer it opened up the initial settings window. There I was able to tab browse through the variables, make whatever adjustments I wanted, hit enter, and live happily ever after. I haven't been able to figure out how do do this in CS6, which has the 'properties' panel for making changes to adjustment layer settings. Â The question: Can CS6 be set to behave like CS3 in this respect?
Using CS6, try to open a curves adjustment layer...the way I have for years...levels opens. Will not correct. Have to close the app and reopen. Impossible to find on internet. What's up?
1) I'm not clear about when I should use an ordinary "new layer" and when an "adjustment layer"; are there instances when either will work and others when only one will; and
2) I think I've come across something funny about using an opacity setting: Say I've used one of the brush tools and, then, toned things down by lowering the opacity. I then go on to save the photo and quit PE. Well, when I open that photo again, the opacity comes already set as it was before. I find this confusing, especially if I go on to do something else involving opacity. Somehow it makes more sense to me to always begin fresh at "100%".
I'm almost finished with a project, but like always at the end something has to go wrong.
So I'm trying to make this sort of portal (based on a videogame).
I got the portal like I want it to be, but when I link the Color Balance effect to the Portal layer (so that it only effects that layer) the color just disappears, leaving me with a white portal.
But it needs to be done, otherwise it effects my other layers to and turn everything red.
When I link layers this happens:
But if I don't, it of course turns everything red:
Just upgraded CS6 to CC and really enjoy a lot of the changes but there seems to be a bug with the adjustment layer curves (not regular curves). Â If I make a change to the curve using modification point and then toggle "undo", the preview of the image will toggle on and off with the change but the modification point does not reset. This point stays in the original position even if the curves are not in effect and will only reset when another layer is selected before returning back to these curves. Â One must also manually reset the point if you wanted to revert back to the original (instead of undo) because if you place another modification point on the curve it will revert back to the change you made earlier.
Many Photoshop users consider the Curves panel to be Photoshop's most important feature. For many Curves users, the Layer panel introduced in CS4 does not offer the speed, the instinctive use, nor the superior results of the older Curves Layer panel.
The Curves dialog includes all the features that long-time users rely on. Some of these features have not been included in the Adjustment Layer version. They should all be available in the Layers panel, too.
how to make an adjustment layer and make the adjustments when the dialog/window pops up. Then I click OK and the layer appears in the Layers Pallet. So now lets say I want to refine the adjustment I just OKed. Is there a way to get the adjustment dialog to open up again? Or do I have to delete the first adjustment layer and start over on that adjustment?