Photoshop :: Select A Single Object In Layer And Try To Move It With Mouse
Sep 16, 2013
where I can't use the move tool with the mouse properly. I'll go and select a single item on a layer and then try to move it with the mouse (move tool). I've done this before and still do it all the time on Photoshop on my other machines. However, on my laptop it won't work. I grab the single object I want to move and the second I move it, it defaults to moving every single layer in my file.
I have a big problem with the viewport in 3ds max 2011/2012. On each viewport I have a black or white bars on right. these bar make the mouse become inaccurate for example when i want to select a vertex I can't drag the mouse on it and click. I have to move the mouse away from it a distance to select it (see my attachment image). I tried to update the graphic driver and the 3ds max 2012 SP1 but the problem's still there.
master im new in autocad 2014....i have a problem now when i select line or object it highlight or make a broken line....but when i select the other object or line my previous selected back to normal..i mean i can select only one line if i use single to select all object or line with single select continuously, except using hold left click...
If I drag an effect from the target circle of one object to anther in the layer's panel it replaces the effect along with all appearance. But I want just to add the effect. For example, a layer has a drop shadow and a path, round corners. I want to move the drop shadow from the layer to the path so that the path now has the round corners and the drop shadow. To do this I have to open the shadow effect of the layer wright down its parameters, then create a shadow effect for the path with the same parameters which is a lot of work.
Im trying out the "Demo"version and now find some anomaly.
If i use in ACAD2007: With "PSELECT" and then "P" or "L" i could select the last marked Object/Selectionset. I had just to select the Object with the mouse. Now in ACAD2010, with this routine i can only select objects which i have selected in a command (before or within).
For example: Draw a few circles and lines. Then copy 3 of them. ESC. And select another few. ESC and then use PSELECT P and it marks the three which i selected to copy and not these i've selected with mouse!
The same in Lisp with: (entget(entlast)) . You aren't able to select those object which where only marked by mouse.I know; mostly you use a command with some objects and then use another with the same objects, and it works. But when you klick ESC or even in Script or Lisp you got problems, and its not very "proper" at all. Is this the new handling with the selection set: feature odr big?
A friend of mine got a new computer with Windows 8 (64).Intel Core i7-4770, NVIDIA GTX 645...Now he has installed GIMP from GIMP-org Everything works well, but it can not rearrange the layers with the mouse.Even he can not adhere Register to other docks with the mouse. He also tried it with GIMP Portable and Partha GIMP Portable (64) with the same effect.
PROBLEM: When I go to select the objects as as a SINGLE OBJECT, each object within the group is selectable -- as if they were not grouped.Shouldn't it be that when I select ANY of the objects within the group ALL OBJECTS in the group get selected, and not just each object?
I'm new to 3DS Max. Let's say I draw a box, then add many height dividers. I then apply a bend modification to the box until it resembles an arch.
Let's now say I want to take a part of this object - maybe the left half - and apply further mods to only that part. How do I "divide" an object into sub-objects?
I'm new to 3ds max. Why on some objects when you try to select elements off the object only a single poly is picked when on other objects whole elements or blocks are picked?
I'm trying to make an interactive animation where when the user clicks and moves the mouse around an area, the opacity of that part of the layer decreases and the user gets to see the background layer. It's similar to the idea of using a brush to clean a dirty window.
I usually use Photoshop and Fireworks, but have gotten sick of paying through the nose. I just installed and notice that this program appears to be a great alternative to the above mentioned, but seems to be lacking a few tools. Once I get past the basics, I'll really start enjoying this program.
If I draw a square on a new layer, how do I select it to resize it or move it. I have tried to use the 'Move Selection' tool, but it keeps moving the entire layer and doesn't select the square.
Have a bit of an odd problem showing up with 3ds Max 2012 64 Bit. The viewport does not update when I select or move an object. The program registers that I did make some changes, and things like object parameters and bounding boxes will change, but the meshes will remain the way they are until I delete them and undo.
Forcing the program to redraw all views does not change anything, nor does turning on/off progressive display.
I can open Adobe Illustrator fine, but as soon as I select an object, before I release, the software crashes; if I'm lucky I can move the object, but before I release it, the software crashes.
how do i move the object i selected with magic wand to another layer in a different page like i tried but when i tried it didn't let me instead it didn't even move the other layer look for yourself.
I tried doing the same thing this guy did in this video
Skip the video all the way to 1:25 where he moves the object.
In past versions of PS I've been able to select the object in a layer by hitting control and clicking on the layer. I would get the marching ants and then could use that selection by creating a new layer for it and then manipulate it as I desire. Now it looks like the stroke causes linking to turn on and off.
I very much liked being able to select the object in a layer and used it quite often in my designing. I still want to use it, but how? Does anyone know if this function has been preserved and how do I access it?
I made the background of an object (single color symbol) transparent, then re-sized it. I then added a transparent layer to another image, with the idea of placing the symbol onto that layer. I tried to move the symbol, but that didn't work. I copied the symbol image and tried to paste it onto the layer. It pasted, but all I got was a transparent rectangle that matched the size of the symbol image.
there's nothing in that dropdown menu for you to select your source image/layer in the Move Path plugin.I am using an XCF (Gimp) file, with many layers. I selected a particular layer, then I opened the Move Path plugin.
Okay I have been a avid user of Photoshop for years and I mean well over 10 years now. And I thought why not try something new, plus I saw something that GIMP could do that Photoshop couldn't so I went ahead a downloaded the program, but since I am so used to Photoshop I sort of expected GIMP to be almost the same as Photoshop and well it isn't. (Don't judge me now) so I have a few questions on certain things.
1: How do you select an object inside the layer, with PS you can just ctrl click in the window and poof it's there around your selected item, But GIMP doesn't do that so how do you do that in GIMP?
2: When using the circle tool, I get this green box thing around the whatever it's called and I don't see any marching ants. What am I doing wrong and how do I get that to go away if it's possible?
3: where is the crop tool? What does it look like?
4: How come some of the options for the brushes won't allow you the change them? like for instance, if I go to windows>brushes and double click on any of the brushes another window pops open and it says: Brush editor read only. What does that mean? You can't make any of the brushes in spatter brushes?
I often have an issue when trying to move an object on a layer crowded zone.
I select the right layer through the layer dock. But when I try to move my object, some auto selecter is probably ON and it selects another layer (that probably was right under my mouse) Any way I could disable that ?
When I used to use photoshop that was an easy obvious option "AutoSelect Layer" I don't get it how to do this in gimp
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.
I'm having a very strange issue with Photoshop CS5 (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
When I go to draw anything or move anything, the canvas does not respond to mouse events at all. Right clicking doesn't work, dragging edges of the free transform box doesn't work, even the top menu bar (File, Edit, View, etc) does not detect when I mouse over from one menu selection to another (e.g. moving the mouse from "File" to "Edit")
In the example below, I would like to select the three dimensions 14'-1 3/8's, 2', 28' and be able to move them all up or down at the same do I do that?
All of a sudden in the last two weeks I can no longer move my selection tool with my mouse. It will only move with the arrow keys. Also, I am unable to deselect by clicking the mouse, only by Ctrl+D or selecting another tool. I have not changed anything with my system in 5 months.
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
In previous versions of PS you used to be able to press CMD (i'm mac based) and drag the mouse to select all the layers that are within the area you drag to.
This is great for sorting out files, grouping layers etc as you can lock/hide layers as you go. Problem now is that in Photoshop CC it also selects locked and invisible layers - which didn't use to happen so actually its completely ruined this method.