AutoCad :: Select / Move Dimensions To Move Up / Down Same Time
May 11, 2011
In the example below, I would like to select the three dimensions 14'-1 3/8's, 2', 28' and be able to move them all up or down at the same do I do that?
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.
After modeling my design. I moved to paperspace to add in dimensions. I make sure I put dimensions on its own layer. After finishing a layout I save my work. when i reopen the file and go to the layout page, all the dimensions have moved around to other locations and many of the numbers have changed.
many times, when I copy an object with the a dimension to it. It keeps the base point of the dimension and has a crazy long leg of the dimension that starts from the original place. how can I stop this from happening?
I found that I can right click a dimension in a drawing and select "Move Dimension" which then prompts me to select an alternative view in which I want the dimension placed. Is it possible to control-click multiple dimensions once to do this all in one fell swoop (e.g. I decided my view is too busy and want to move dimensions to a newly created detail view of that area)?
It's taking a long time to move cogo points. About 2 minutes for a single point move. Other commands affecting points are taking longer too. Would it just be a function of file size.
Sample point:
AECC_COGO_POINT Layer: "V-NODE-P-CURB-FACE" Space: Model space Handle = daf3e Primary point group : Pro Face Curb Point Number : 5198
If I have a dynamic block of a window. I can move either side of the block but the basepoint doesn't move. Is there a way to move the basepoint as well so its not off in space? or just delete it and have it now shown?
currently I'm working on a picture that consists of many other pictures and their layers. Now, if I want to cut edges of pictures with the same angle, it would be great to see the angle in the lasso mode. Sometimes this can also be handy when selecting rects.
edit: How can I move more than 1 layer at the same time?
edit: When saving/reopeneing the project, the pictures in the layers loose their original pixels, so I cannot resize them to their original width/height wihtout losing quality. What can I do about that? I.e. I think a picture needs to be bigger I have to delete it and reimport it?
Something that's been driving me around the bend lately. I have a drawing, with a viewport which I cannot select. I have unfrozen all layers, ticked the 'Selection Cycling' box, but no lines show. It's just there, a viewport, but with no viewport polyline. No way of deleting, or clipping, or doing anything with it.
I've been using Photoshop since it first came out, and need to brush up on some things. I can't remember how to move an image and it's path to a new photoshop file at the same time.
I'm having an issue with using the SSGET to select a block so I can move it. I'm changing the UCS to be at the center of the top view in the program(user selects center) and the block is at 0,0,0 after changing the UCS. However when I use SSGET it doesn't select it. So I used:
(setq en(car (entsel " Select a block :")))(setq enlist(entget en))
and it lists the DXF Code of 10 as
(10 15.0893 13.5165 0.0)
How can I then select it if I don't necessarily know where the block is going to be?
If needed: AutoCAD 2013 User using Visual LISP for editing LISP and DCL files Also I have AutoCAD 2011 currently still available for us, but we are using AutoCAD 2013 for 99.9% of AutoCAD use
I just want to draw some simple animations, and I was thinking of using the layers as frames, like with gif creation. I know you can use pageup and page down to quickly shift focus from one layer to the next, but is there a way to only have the current layer visible without having to mess with the visbility toggle for each layer?
The current time indicator won't move to end of comp in AE CS6. I setup a new comp at 10 seconds. When I drag the current time indicator OR hit the End key to bring the current time indicator to the end of the comp it stops at a value of 9:23. Is this a bug?
Working on a book cover but it seems that once something is down and saved - like my title - I can't just go back and tweak it with resizing and moving. How to simply rearrange the layout?
I have a big problem with the viewport in 3ds max 2011/2012. On each viewport I have a black or white bars on right. these bar make the mouse become inaccurate for example when i want to select a vertex I can't drag the mouse on it and click. I have to move the mouse away from it a distance to select it (see my attachment image). I tried to update the graphic driver and the 3ds max 2012 SP1 but the problem's still there.
How do i move a keyframe in time without changing any of its x,y,z parameters?
and Can i have different interpolations for individual keyframes on the same parameter? (so i can ramp a move into a keyframe, then continue out at a linear interpolation)?
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
What happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator??? Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move. Immensely useful for prepress work!
Whenever I go to grab a set on my actual document with it selected in my layer drops right down to selecting the background layer or opens up my layer set and selects a layer within my layer set. I guess I'm not clicking the right spot but in my mind, Shouldn't it just move all the layers instead of randomly selecting some other layer that I didn't select?
I usually use Photoshop and Fireworks, but have gotten sick of paying through the nose. I just installed and notice that this program appears to be a great alternative to the above mentioned, but seems to be lacking a few tools. Once I get past the basics, I'll really start enjoying this program.
If I draw a square on a new layer, how do I select it to resize it or move it. I have tried to use the 'Move Selection' tool, but it keeps moving the entire layer and doesn't select the square.
Have a bit of an odd problem showing up with 3ds Max 2012 64 Bit. The viewport does not update when I select or move an object. The program registers that I did make some changes, and things like object parameters and bounding boxes will change, but the meshes will remain the way they are until I delete them and undo.
Forcing the program to redraw all views does not change anything, nor does turning on/off progressive display.