Photoshop :: Action For Copyright On Layer

Mar 10, 2004

Using PS 7.0 on win2K

Objective -
Reduce 20 images from 300dpi tif's to 72dpi jpeg [for emailing] with a
copyright notice on the bottom of frame.

How I attempted to make it work...

Downsizing to jpeg from tif was not a problem with an action.

Created a new text image- A copyright notice was made up as another separate file. Then I had the image and the text notice visible in PS.

Recorded an action and dragged the copyright notice into the jpeg image. It works for the image i am working on but will not reproduce itself on subsequent images when the action is supposed to run.

Can it be done when I down size from tif > jpeg or do I need to do it
once they are all jpeg's?
Of course the final image will be a flattened layer.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Or No Copyright

Oct 14, 2008

40+ years ago I bought a book from a dealer who sold antique Scottish books. It is A4 in size and has 400 B/W photographs of Scotland.

There is no date in the book but the pictures are late 19th century & early 20th century. There is a reference in it regarding the opening of a new railway line. That line was opened in 1908 and I'm guessing the book is circa 1910.

A few years ago I scanned into my computer several of the views. Like a lot of early photographs the skies are almost non existent. I took out the castles, bridges, etc and made up my own skies in KPT 6.

The finished results are A3 in size.

My question is - is the copyright still valid on the book or am I free to do whatever I want with them?

By the way the company who photographed and published the book is still in existence. Also I'm from Scotland but I'm curious as to how the book would stand regarding copyright throughout the world.

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Photoshop :: Writing Action And Select Next Layer (up Or Down)?

Mar 1, 2013

I am writing an action and I want to select the next layer (up or down) for processing. Much like Layer>Arrange does except it relocates the layer up or down, I want to highlight a layer (up or down) for processing. If I click on the layer to select it in the action, then when I run the action on another photo, the action say it cant find the layer name (from the photo I used to build the action). Is there a key combination to do this ?    Like 'CMD ['  and  'CMD ]' does for Layer> Arrange.

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Photoshop :: Action To Record WHERE On Canvas A Layer

Jun 2, 2012

I created an action:
I have a bunch of PSD files of some pretty expensive rings that were shot at hi-res and cropped.
Now, i have a canvas that is 996x1104 px.
All of these rings must sized to 540px width AND positioned on the canvas at x:498px and y:706 (the bottom of the layer must touch 706px, which I did by clicking on the little tiny box at the bottom of the little square made of little squares (that's next to the x and y positions when you are on Transform mode).
I made an action for all of these steps.
However, when I batch a group of these hi-res ring PSDs and apply the action, they are always in different spots. They all need to be set on y:706px so it looks like they are all resting on the same plane.
I found out why this is happening:

because when I position the ring when creating the action, Photoshop records HOW MUCH in pixels I moved the layer... NOT WHERE ON THE CANVAS IT'S POSITIONED.
This is what I need: to have Photoshop record WHERE on the canvas the layer is positioned.

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Photoshop :: Edit A Text Layer Action?

Oct 18, 2013

i think it's really hard for me but i have to change the text (Vvcvvcv....) in a Make text layer action.What is the best way using the action palette?

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Photoshop :: Running An Action On A Single Layer

Dec 2, 2008

I design wedding albums in a third party software which then exports each page spread as a layered PSD. I then like to go in and "polish" each page spread by adding vignettes or other enhancements to each image. Some very simple actions I have no problem with getting to work, however, I can't figure out how to make an action that will run on just the image I have selected and add a vignette to just that image regardless of the image size and shape. I have an action that will do this on a single non layered image but it won't work if the image is in a layered PSD because it tries to add a vignette to the entire document and of course runs into problems. Can anyone help me with creating an action that would add a vignette to a single image in a layered document?

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Photoshop :: Action Records Layer Transform In Percentage NOT Pixels?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to create an action that will work with some product images. Every image document I make is the same size (1000 x 1000px). The layer that I paste onto that document will always vary in size. I like my product images to all have the exact same margin. So I always use the transform command to specify that the width of any layer should be exactly 930px. This gives me exactly the same margin on my 1000 x 1000px document every time, regardless of the original layer size. I want to create an action for this to speed up the process but when I press record I hit a stumbling block.

In reality, I choose transform and set width to 930px.

Photoshop records me choosing transform then setting the width to 97% (or whatever).Percentages are useless to me as my original layers vary radically in size. I need to transform by pixels.why photoshop is recording my transform by percentage and not the pixels that I actually use?

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Photoshop :: Text Layer To Multiple Images As A Batch Action?

Sep 6, 2013

I want to prepare mutliple  images for press release,  that include a small border wtih copyright information.   Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.

I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border.   Thats simple enough,  is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time . 

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Illustrator :: Can't Get Add Layer To Stay In Action

Jun 8, 2012

Actions in CS6 have a lot of bugs. Can not get an action to not have a stroke on it, can not get the "add layer below" to stay in an action.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Layer Up Action Nodes

Feb 12, 2013

I have a project where I have a high res of an astronaut on the moon.

The elements are:

Foreground: Mid shot of Astronaut
Mid: Moon (as in the ground he is standing on behind him)
Background: Space

I've managed to separate out the elements, position them in actions' 3d space and even add a nice little lens flair in the reflection of his helmet as the camera slowly tracks from left to right. The effect (well we've all seen it before) is that it adds 3d depth via parallax scrolling to the photo.

What I can't achieve is a realistic reflection of the moon surface (i.e. the ground in front of him) reflecting in his helmets mirror-like visor.

In order to fake the reflection I essentially want the motion in the reflection of the moons surface to be opposite to that of the mid ground behind him.

My plan was to re-use the mid ground moon surface flipped horizontally and view it through a matte/alpha describing the visors shape and then animate it moving in the opposite direction with a couple of simple keyframes.

How I tried to achieve this was:

Prepare the layered file in photoshop including helmet visors alpha layer (a simple coloured layer with a hole in it)

Bring into action and separate out all the layers in 3d ensuring the helmet matte remains in the same position as the astronaut layer

Animate camera tracking

Come out in to connect fx

Dupe the action node twice and rename the new ones 'helmet alpha' and 'moon reflection'

Go into 'helmet alpha' and delete everything except the camera and the helmet alpha

Go into the 'moon reflection' and delete all except the camera and the moon surface

Go back into cfx and use some compositing node to flip the moon surface (and plug the moon surface action node into that..?)

Then create a new node which allows me to plug the helmet alpha into the alpha channel and the moon surface into the fill channel

Create another new node which allows me to combine the result of this previous node with the original node and layer it on top.

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Illustrator :: Select Last Layer In File With Action?

Nov 1, 2012

How can you select the last layer in an Illustrator file with an action?
It must be possible. After all it's 2012....

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Photoshop :: Load Image Either JPEG / PSD File And Make Layer Copy - Unable To Apply Preset Action

Jul 16, 2012

When I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Rename Layer Like Filename (with Action)

Dec 20, 2012

rename a layer of illustrator like document file name? (with an action)

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AutoDesk Smoke :: 3D Text Move In Action / Want To Layer It On Top Of Timeline

Jan 23, 2013

I'm doing a simple 3D text move in Action and I want to layer it on top of my timeline. After rendering the layers in the timeline, it seems that my matte is messed-up (see attached).

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Illustrator Scripting :: CS5 - Action Or Script To Move Selection To Specified Layer?

May 17, 2013

I have a piece of art on "Layer 1" that i need to shrink and duplicate to "Layer 2". The two layers are always named the same. I'm working in CS5.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Action Recorder Xref Layer Color Change

Sep 20, 2012

A way to Change the color of an xref layer via command line by selecting the layer and not by knowing the layer name?  What I am trying to do is come up with an action recorder file that will allow you to change an xref layer color.  

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Photoshop :: Plugin / Action To Separate Multiple Objects On Single Layer Into Multiple Layers

Jun 24, 2013

Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?

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Photoshop :: Copyright?

May 19, 2004

I understand most of the idea about not taking other peoples work without asking, but am I able to put my name and logo on a picture I take, just cause I can, or is there a process I need to go through...My photo digital teacher saying that me being so young I have a chance to grow and I was thinking this could be a lil confedence boost, plus I am trying to get some stuff I make all bundled together to where I can jus print them out as needed and it would seem more professional to have a copyright.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Manipulate Column Offset Of Array Action With Stretch Action

Jan 28, 2011

Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.


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Photoshop :: Watermark/Copyright

Mar 24, 2008

My first question is, does anyone know the legality's of taking an image with a watermark on it, changing it with photoshop and removing the watermark?

Granted, I know that the watermark is there to prevent a picture as being claimed by someone else. However if that picture is changed and no longer the original, is it then fair game to remove the watermark?

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Photoshop :: Copyright On The Same Place

Feb 16, 2006

I created a custom brush with my logo on it and then created an action that puts my copyright logo as watermark. The problem is copyright logo gets placed on different places on different size image. For example, I created the action to put logo on the lower right hand corner of a standard 800x640 pixel horizontal image. When I run this action on a vertical image, logo gets placed somewhere on the top. If the image is in higher resolution, logo gets placed somewhere in the middle.

How can I modify the action so the copyright logo gets placed in the same place? I guess I am thinking if there is a way I could calculate the image size and put the logo from certain percentage away from the lower end corner automatically?

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Photoshop :: How To Put Copyright On My Video

Feb 23, 2008

i would like to put some of my diving videos on my website and , but i don't know how to put copyright text at the bottom of the screen.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Sign ................

Apr 29, 2008

I have CS3 and the copyright sign stop displaying when I do Alt+0169.

I went to my CS2 shortcuts and couldn't fine where it is.

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Photoshop :: Obtaining Copyright

Jul 23, 2004

It's an e-commerce site for some sports related jewelry that he made, and he wants to protect the logos we worked on and the site design. What I've usually seen are people slapping a copyright date on their work and calling it good. However, I don't think that's really going to protect anything from being ripped off. I'm looking at websites and what it looks like is that I have to get an attorney and file some paperwork with the US Copyright Office.

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Photoshop :: Photoalbum Copyright

Aug 26, 2003

Ive made a lot of photoalbums but now I want on each photo a copyright logo

I know you can do this with a droplet but how?

I got a droplet something is missing or some action cannot be done.

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Photoshop :: Can't Append My Copyright - What Do I Do?

Aug 3, 2007

I have folder of images, some files will append copyright ok, but some, get error writing metadata.

Purching cache or rebooting computer not help.

the handful images real stubborn.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Extended Copyright

May 1, 2009

I have a question concerning copy right of Photoshop CS3 Extended software.Is it legal to sell a version of CS3 Extended on a flashdrive?  There is a company that is selling it on a flashdrive and they claim that it doesn't have to be activated but the help files have been removed and the software cannot be undated.I asked the company about the software and they claimed it is legal.  This is what they said;This is not an illegal copy. The "Patent and Legal Notices" in the "Help" menu clearly state in the (EULA) the following (section:2 paragraph 2):"Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and associated documentation (the “Data Files”) or Unicode software and associated documentation (the “Software”) to deal in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided that (a) the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Data Files or Software, (b) both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in associated documentation, and © there is clear notice in each modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the data or software has been modified". if this is legal.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Question

Oct 18, 2005

I am wonder what are the copyright laws on artwork from painters in the past. I'm doing some pictures for tshirts and I want to use art work from the different periods from history. Like works for cezanne, picasso, monet, etc. How does copyright work for artists like these? I'm not planning on just sticking the painting on the tshirt, but probably modifying it bit to fit what I want. Any ideas regarding this?

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Photoshop :: Create Copyright Symbol In CS6?

Feb 20, 2013

How do I create the copyright symbol in Photoshop CS6, Windows7?  Alt+0169 does not work. 

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Photoshop :: Where Does Copyright Text Stored

Jun 4, 2012

Where is the copyright text that appears in the metedata in Bridge and Photoshop (File > Get Info) stored? My photos are all stuck with "© 2011 My Name, all rights reserved." How can I change it so that the metadate shows "© 2012 My Name, all rights reserved."? I know I can edit the metadata, but I have thousands of photos with the wrong date, and I cannot find where the text is stored.

Where can I change this so that all photos taken this year have the correct copyright date? Did I enter this text somewhere? In some Preferences panel? If so, I can't find it. I have set this to 2012 on the camera, so it's not coming from there. Searching Adobe Photoshop produces nothing useful. Searching the system for the character string produces nothing. Where does this come from?
Kikon D7000
Photoshop 13.0 x64
Mac OS 10.6.8

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Photoshop :: Making A Copyright Brush

Aug 8, 2004

I had used a tutorial to do it in PS 7 and its still there but I now have CS and forgot how to create it or move it from 7 to CS.

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Copyrights 2005-15, All rights reserved