Photoshop :: Obtaining Copyright

Jul 23, 2004

It's an e-commerce site for some sports related jewelry that he made, and he wants to protect the logos we worked on and the site design. What I've usually seen are people slapping a copyright date on their work and calling it good. However, I don't think that's really going to protect anything from being ripped off. I'm looking at websites and what it looks like is that I have to get an attorney and file some paperwork with the US Copyright Office.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Or No Copyright

Oct 14, 2008

40+ years ago I bought a book from a dealer who sold antique Scottish books. It is A4 in size and has 400 B/W photographs of Scotland.

There is no date in the book but the pictures are late 19th century & early 20th century. There is a reference in it regarding the opening of a new railway line. That line was opened in 1908 and I'm guessing the book is circa 1910.

A few years ago I scanned into my computer several of the views. Like a lot of early photographs the skies are almost non existent. I took out the castles, bridges, etc and made up my own skies in KPT 6.

The finished results are A3 in size.

My question is - is the copyright still valid on the book or am I free to do whatever I want with them?

By the way the company who photographed and published the book is still in existence. Also I'm from Scotland but I'm curious as to how the book would stand regarding copyright throughout the world.

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Photoshop :: Obtaining Only The Outside Lines Of Objects

Jul 23, 2007

say we have a photo, like a machine part...I would like to obtain only the outside lines of the objects inside the photo...I try to create something like cross-section of the it possible with photoshop ?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Obtaining Texture UV Coordinates?

Sep 5, 2013

I am trying to write a 3d geometry exporter for AutoCAD.

Firstly, is iterating through the document database, and processing any Solid3d, Region & Body entities the best way to do this, or is there a faster way to access the 3d geometry?

Secondly, I assume using the first approach above, I need to process each entity as a Brep in order to get the vertices, polygons, etc.  In this case, how are the UV coordinates for each vertex obtained?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Obtaining Transparency Besides PNGoptimizer?

May 18, 2012

When saving using PNG optimizer I can obtain transparency selecting a single color (image attached), what is handy, but implies to save the image! When handling images in files as PSPImage, PNG, GIFF, is there any way of obtaining transparency besides using PNG optimizer? I mean, I would like to obtain transparency any moment, without being need to save the image...

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AutoCad 2D :: Obtaining Prospective Ellipse From Set Of 5 Points?

Jul 6, 2013

Is there any Command / Lisp / Parametric way of obtaining a "prospective" ellipse from a set of 5 points?

5 Point Ellipse.png

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AutoCAD .NET :: Obtaining ObjectIDs Of Copied Entities

Nov 29, 2013

I've been stuck on this for a while and im going through some blog posts at the moment to try and find some pointers but it cant hurt to ask here as well.

Im trying to obtain the handle/objectIDs from newly created objects made using the CO command or the copyclip pasteclip (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) command, imediately after they have be placed without the user having to click on them.

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Paint.NET :: Obtaining Border Of Equal Thickness?

Aug 12, 2012

I have tried a method described elsewhere whereby you reduced the canvas size to say 95% then increase it by 105%, but the problem with this is that it doesn't create a border of equal width. The sides of a landscape orientated rectangular image end up being thicker than the top and bottom.

Is there a simple method for obtaining a border of equal thickness?

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Illustrator SDK :: Obtaining AIArtHandle For All Selected Items In Doc

Nov 19, 2011

Exporting to PNG. reference:[URL] We have multiple layers (some off and locked). I'd like to pass all the selected items to the Image Optimization Action as a group instead of optimizing each one.  I am using AIMatchingArt Suite to get the selected items, but it points to an array of AIArtHandles..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Obtaining Square Footage Of Area

Mar 11, 2013

I used to be able to obtain the sqare footage of an area with the AREA command. A list would generate about seven or eight lines, listing the square footage, inches, perimeter etc.

Now all i see is one line; the area/perimeter (see attachment). Did i change a setting somewhere to obtain this simplify version of the AREA cmd? Something is not right...

I tried the MASSPROP and MEASURE GEOM, those will not show the square footage. This used to be so easy, what am i missing...

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Obtaining Curve Data Along A Proposed Alignment

Jul 2, 2012

In LDT listing curve data was as easy as selecting an alignment, clicking edit and printing out a spreadsheet with all the required info. how to do this in C3D.  Inifo I need:


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Obtaining Point Clouds Using Kinect For Windows V2 Scanner

Dec 18, 2013

I am lucky enough to have access to a developer version of the recent Xbox One Kinect hardware. Naturally there is currently no software on the market that allows point clouds/mesh's to be obtained using the scanner within the Kinect.

I have seen that AutoCAD has been utilised to achieve this and wondered if there is any literature or instructions as to how this is achieved? Is there a plugin required that is able to control the Kinect V2 and output point cloud data from scans?

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Photoshop :: Copyright?

May 19, 2004

I understand most of the idea about not taking other peoples work without asking, but am I able to put my name and logo on a picture I take, just cause I can, or is there a process I need to go through...My photo digital teacher saying that me being so young I have a chance to grow and I was thinking this could be a lil confedence boost, plus I am trying to get some stuff I make all bundled together to where I can jus print them out as needed and it would seem more professional to have a copyright.

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Photoshop :: Watermark/Copyright

Mar 24, 2008

My first question is, does anyone know the legality's of taking an image with a watermark on it, changing it with photoshop and removing the watermark?

Granted, I know that the watermark is there to prevent a picture as being claimed by someone else. However if that picture is changed and no longer the original, is it then fair game to remove the watermark?

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Photoshop :: Copyright On The Same Place

Feb 16, 2006

I created a custom brush with my logo on it and then created an action that puts my copyright logo as watermark. The problem is copyright logo gets placed on different places on different size image. For example, I created the action to put logo on the lower right hand corner of a standard 800x640 pixel horizontal image. When I run this action on a vertical image, logo gets placed somewhere on the top. If the image is in higher resolution, logo gets placed somewhere in the middle.

How can I modify the action so the copyright logo gets placed in the same place? I guess I am thinking if there is a way I could calculate the image size and put the logo from certain percentage away from the lower end corner automatically?

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Photoshop :: How To Put Copyright On My Video

Feb 23, 2008

i would like to put some of my diving videos on my website and , but i don't know how to put copyright text at the bottom of the screen.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Sign ................

Apr 29, 2008

I have CS3 and the copyright sign stop displaying when I do Alt+0169.

I went to my CS2 shortcuts and couldn't fine where it is.

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Photoshop :: Photoalbum Copyright

Aug 26, 2003

Ive made a lot of photoalbums but now I want on each photo a copyright logo

I know you can do this with a droplet but how?

I got a droplet something is missing or some action cannot be done.

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Photoshop :: Can't Append My Copyright - What Do I Do?

Aug 3, 2007

I have folder of images, some files will append copyright ok, but some, get error writing metadata.

Purching cache or rebooting computer not help.

the handful images real stubborn.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Extended Copyright

May 1, 2009

I have a question concerning copy right of Photoshop CS3 Extended software.Is it legal to sell a version of CS3 Extended on a flashdrive?  There is a company that is selling it on a flashdrive and they claim that it doesn't have to be activated but the help files have been removed and the software cannot be undated.I asked the company about the software and they claimed it is legal.  This is what they said;This is not an illegal copy. The "Patent and Legal Notices" in the "Help" menu clearly state in the (EULA) the following (section:2 paragraph 2):"Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and associated documentation (the “Data Files”) or Unicode software and associated documentation (the “Software”) to deal in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided that (a) the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Data Files or Software, (b) both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in associated documentation, and © there is clear notice in each modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the data or software has been modified". if this is legal.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Question

Oct 18, 2005

I am wonder what are the copyright laws on artwork from painters in the past. I'm doing some pictures for tshirts and I want to use art work from the different periods from history. Like works for cezanne, picasso, monet, etc. How does copyright work for artists like these? I'm not planning on just sticking the painting on the tshirt, but probably modifying it bit to fit what I want. Any ideas regarding this?

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Photoshop :: Create Copyright Symbol In CS6?

Feb 20, 2013

How do I create the copyright symbol in Photoshop CS6, Windows7?  Alt+0169 does not work. 

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Photoshop :: Where Does Copyright Text Stored

Jun 4, 2012

Where is the copyright text that appears in the metedata in Bridge and Photoshop (File > Get Info) stored? My photos are all stuck with "© 2011 My Name, all rights reserved." How can I change it so that the metadate shows "© 2012 My Name, all rights reserved."? I know I can edit the metadata, but I have thousands of photos with the wrong date, and I cannot find where the text is stored.

Where can I change this so that all photos taken this year have the correct copyright date? Did I enter this text somewhere? In some Preferences panel? If so, I can't find it. I have set this to 2012 on the camera, so it's not coming from there. Searching Adobe Photoshop produces nothing useful. Searching the system for the character string produces nothing. Where does this come from?
Kikon D7000
Photoshop 13.0 x64
Mac OS 10.6.8

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Photoshop :: Making A Copyright Brush

Aug 8, 2004

I had used a tutorial to do it in PS 7 and its still there but I now have CS and forgot how to create it or move it from 7 to CS.

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Photoshop :: Make Copyright Symbol

Oct 26, 2006

I am trying to make a copyright symbol and evertime I press ctrl alt c the canvas size dialogue box opens.

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Photoshop :: Invisible Copyright Protection

Apr 17, 2005

I've heard of a way to make an invisible watermark but I cant figure it out. I just need a way to put my name on an image without it interfering with the content of the image. Is there any way to do something like that!

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Photoshop :: Action For Copyright On Layer

Mar 10, 2004

Using PS 7.0 on win2K

Objective -
Reduce 20 images from 300dpi tif's to 72dpi jpeg [for emailing] with a
copyright notice on the bottom of frame.

How I attempted to make it work...

Downsizing to jpeg from tif was not a problem with an action.

Created a new text image- A copyright notice was made up as another separate file. Then I had the image and the text notice visible in PS.

Recorded an action and dragged the copyright notice into the jpeg image. It works for the image i am working on but will not reproduce itself on subsequent images when the action is supposed to run.

Can it be done when I down size from tif > jpeg or do I need to do it
once they are all jpeg's?
Of course the final image will be a flattened layer.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Logo And Name On Photos

Jul 27, 2003

could anyone explain the best technique to add a copyright logo and name to photos in photoshop 7?

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Photoshop :: Batching A Copyright Onto Photos

Dec 8, 2005

I have a brush set to do this but it is VERY time consuming. So, I need to find out how to design a copyright notice and then batch stamp it onto a folder of photos. I have tried and tired to figure this out but not getting anywhere. I am going to either to one across the middle very opaque or I want it down the side of the photo. Then I want to save the batch into a new file and keep the originals intact for printing, etc. I am using PhotoShop CS.

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Copyright Brush With PS 7

Jun 24, 2006

Popular photography recently published an article on how to create your own personalized copyright brush, however, I can't get it to work. how to create a copyright brush?

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Photoshop :: Copyright/trademark/registered Tm...ect...

Aug 26, 2006

i am working on a project right now, that involves working with someones trademark.... well their logo with a design. this person , and i dont know how to go about it, he doesnt want someone to steal his logo...

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