Photoshop :: Batching A Copyright Onto Photos

Dec 8, 2005

I have a brush set to do this but it is VERY time consuming. So, I need to find out how to design a copyright notice and then batch stamp it onto a folder of photos. I have tried and tired to figure this out but not getting anywhere. I am going to either to one across the middle very opaque or I want it down the side of the photo. Then I want to save the batch into a new file and keep the originals intact for printing, etc. I am using PhotoShop CS.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Logo And Name On Photos

Jul 27, 2003

could anyone explain the best technique to add a copyright logo and name to photos in photoshop 7?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Insert Copyright And Name Into All Photos All At Once

Jul 6, 2013

can i insert copyright and name onto all my photos in LR 4 all at once?

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Photoshop :: Copyright Or No Copyright

Oct 14, 2008

40+ years ago I bought a book from a dealer who sold antique Scottish books. It is A4 in size and has 400 B/W photographs of Scotland.

There is no date in the book but the pictures are late 19th century & early 20th century. There is a reference in it regarding the opening of a new railway line. That line was opened in 1908 and I'm guessing the book is circa 1910.

A few years ago I scanned into my computer several of the views. Like a lot of early photographs the skies are almost non existent. I took out the castles, bridges, etc and made up my own skies in KPT 6.

The finished results are A3 in size.

My question is - is the copyright still valid on the book or am I free to do whatever I want with them?

By the way the company who photographed and published the book is still in existence. Also I'm from Scotland but I'm curious as to how the book would stand regarding copyright throughout the world.

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Photoshop :: Batching With Paths

Sep 17, 2012

How do i select a path in an action when the paths of the multiple files have different names ? Now the action is interrupted because it cannot select the path due to its name.

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Photoshop :: Batching File To 72 Dpi

Mar 30, 2009

I have done this a million times.. but now when I am running the batch program on one file, it is not changing the resolution to 72DPI. HELP!!!! lol. my current settings are 500x800 image quality 5 but it is still saving at 300dpi

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Photoshop :: Watermarking (batching)

Aug 24, 2006

I need to send multiple photos with my watermark to people but im having trouble working out how to do it.

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Photoshop :: Action: Batching

Mar 10, 2006

I include a save as in action. I have to choose somewhere to save as right? So choose desktop. Only problem is that even though I tell photoshop in BATCH a new folder I want to save in, it still saves the whole batch job to desktop?

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Photoshop :: Image Batching

Jan 7, 2009

I am batching about 1200 images. They are all about 3 or 4 megs each. Need them at least 250K. I did a bunch of them (180) on my macbook and they took about 6 hrs. with 2 gig ram.

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Photoshop :: Batching An Action

Jun 7, 2006

I have a photoshop cs2 and have created an action to be used for mutkiple files in one folder, but alas it seems to open up the jpeg file which

I used when recording the action and this is the only file it applies the action to even in batch or in " image process", does anyone know why this has got to occur?

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Photoshop :: Bulk Batching

Jun 25, 2008

I recently started an event photography company. The problem that I have is the large volume of pictures I need to adjust at the same time. Doing it one by one is really time consuming. In a nut shell: I need to but the name of the event on each picture as well as a color frame. Is there some kind of automation I can use?

I'm using CS3,

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Photoshop :: Thumbnail Batching Out Of Sequence

May 16, 2013

Each time I batch process thumbnails in CS6 v13.1.2x64 I've noticed that the resulting thumbnails do not match the sequence of the original photos the thumbs are batched from.
Is this a fault with CS6 or a lack of communication between my Nikon, Mac and Adobe?
The original full sized photos are JPEG fresh out of the camera and havent been preprocessed. I will add that if I do apply batch filter to the full size photos, they too are pushed out of their original numerical sequence.

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Photoshop :: Using Actions And Automate Batching

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to make an Action that will apply a set of various (yet specific) changes to an image, and then apply that Action to an entire folder of images. I have created the action and when run manually it work great, but when I apply it to Automate - Batch, there is a "bug".

Currently, the Action will take the image and set the layer to BG, then it will save the original to a folder. It then will resize the image to a set width maintaining aspect ratio, save that to another folder.
This all works great.

The last portion of the Action reduces the file to yet another width (maintaining aspect ratio), but it then applies a 1px stroke, and applies a dropshadow, at 120 degrees and 100 opacity. When I run the action on an individual image, this part works great, however when I batch this in a folder, all of the images get the dropshadow with a 30 degree shadow. Everything else works fine. The default settings for a shadow are 120 degrees, so I cannot figure out where this 30 Degree setting is coming from.
Any help would be appreciated. I dont know if anyone will be able to read my action, but I will try to attach.

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Photoshop :: Batching One Format In A Folder With...

May 28, 2008

if it is possible to set a batch command that will only process tiff files that also have .fff's and .jpg's within the same folder.

I have 2500 images in 125 subfolders with all three formats in each folder. I know I can batch all the sub folders, but can I specify only one type of file?

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Photoshop :: Batching/Recording Brush Strokes

Mar 27, 2007

I have trouble recording the brush strokes in PS CS2. The record action feature refuses to record brush strokes and similar actions. I tried to create a path and use the 'stroke path with brush' feature but it doesn't record the path. Any idea on how to get this working?

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Photoshop :: Stopping/restarting An Action While Batching

Jun 16, 2004

I'm trying to batch convert groups of photos to b&w. The action i want to perform involves 3 steps: 1)channel mix to b&w, 2)stop to do curves, dodge/burn,etc. and 3)finish b&w convert w/ hue/saturation. If i insert a Stop then PS does allow me to finish the action but it stops the batch. I need to do the Hue/Sat after adjustments b/c otherwise i get a color shift. If this makes sense,

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Photoshop :: File Names And Batching Actions

Jun 15, 2004

I'm using Photoshop and the Fit Image command to resize my images for a slide show program. The slide show software does not offer the ability to place the image number anywhere on the image. Is there someway to write an action in Photoshop that will grab the image name and place it where I designate on the image? Even stretching the canvas and filling with black and placing the name there would work. I'm not sure if this is possible or if I need to find an Apple Script to do this.

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Photoshop :: Batching Files Runs MUCh Slower

Mar 23, 2007

On my old computer, which was a 2.8Gzh Pentium, older model toshiba, photoshop ran really slow, there wwere "lags" when i would click around in a big image. Not bad, but there.

My new computer screams when editing photos... it's a 3.4ghz with a gig of ram, 7200rpm drive etc.

Yet for some reason, batching files runs MUCh slower on the new machine. I've tried to figure out why but can't see anything. Same batch from the same action too. All I'm doing is this:

"Generate proofs" action"

open raw file

fit image to 450

create text later

write "proof"

change opacity to 45%



That's it. But ANY batch I do will run slow like this, not just this one. It's driving me crazy cuz just to batch proofs of about 40 images (about what I shoot for a given photo session) takes like 45min!

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AutoCAD .NET :: Batching Export To PDF

Aug 1, 2012

I've got an exiting problem while trying to batch pdf export.

My task is quite simple: first, look through the drawing (all the lists and model space) and find all dynamic blocks with effective name "SheetGOST", case it's a drawing frame; second, export areas surrounded by those frames to pdf page by page. I've decided that plotting areas via "DWG To PDF.pc3" would be the easiest way.

Practically all the steps made: I get collection of blocks, I know howto print one of them to pdf, and it,s working correctly. The problem is, when I try to plot all the areas in cycle, in output pdf I get num of pages according to num of lists, and only the last area from the list. Test document contains 24 blocks on 3 lists, I get 3 page pdf with 7th, 22th and 24th frame printed.

The code is:
Spoiler (Highlight to read)
[CommandMethod("PlotToPdf")] static public void MultiSheetPlot() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database; Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr) { List<GostBlk> BlocksToPlot = new List<GostBlk>(); List<Layout> LayList = new List<Layout>(); GetGostStampCollection(db, ed, tr, ref BlocksToPlot, ref [code]........

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Illustrator Scripting :: Batching SaveAs In CS6 Will Not Save PDF Compatible

Sep 12, 2012

So I'm using a script that I wrote to bring in files that were converted from CorelDraw to EPS (this is the best conversion process to preserve text and drawing assets).  Basically the script takes the art in the EPS, groups it, places a rectangular border around the art and centers them.  We do this so that they come into InDesign correctly sized.  The problem is, it used to be 100% automated, just about, however now the saveas action command will not remember that "Save as PDF Compatible" needs to be set to true.  When I do a saveas command, it's check by default, but when the saveas command is batched, it does NOT do it that way.  When I try to bring batched AIs into InDesign, it's text that says it was not saved as PDF Compatible.  Am I going to have to script a save function to get control of the saveas settings?  I don't understand why PDF compatible is checked by default, yet batching saveas saves as if it unchecked it. 

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Photoshop :: Copyright?

May 19, 2004

I understand most of the idea about not taking other peoples work without asking, but am I able to put my name and logo on a picture I take, just cause I can, or is there a process I need to go through...My photo digital teacher saying that me being so young I have a chance to grow and I was thinking this could be a lil confedence boost, plus I am trying to get some stuff I make all bundled together to where I can jus print them out as needed and it would seem more professional to have a copyright.

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Photoshop :: Watermark/Copyright

Mar 24, 2008

My first question is, does anyone know the legality's of taking an image with a watermark on it, changing it with photoshop and removing the watermark?

Granted, I know that the watermark is there to prevent a picture as being claimed by someone else. However if that picture is changed and no longer the original, is it then fair game to remove the watermark?

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Photoshop :: Copyright On The Same Place

Feb 16, 2006

I created a custom brush with my logo on it and then created an action that puts my copyright logo as watermark. The problem is copyright logo gets placed on different places on different size image. For example, I created the action to put logo on the lower right hand corner of a standard 800x640 pixel horizontal image. When I run this action on a vertical image, logo gets placed somewhere on the top. If the image is in higher resolution, logo gets placed somewhere in the middle.

How can I modify the action so the copyright logo gets placed in the same place? I guess I am thinking if there is a way I could calculate the image size and put the logo from certain percentage away from the lower end corner automatically?

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Photoshop :: How To Put Copyright On My Video

Feb 23, 2008

i would like to put some of my diving videos on my website and , but i don't know how to put copyright text at the bottom of the screen.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Sign ................

Apr 29, 2008

I have CS3 and the copyright sign stop displaying when I do Alt+0169.

I went to my CS2 shortcuts and couldn't fine where it is.

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Photoshop :: Obtaining Copyright

Jul 23, 2004

It's an e-commerce site for some sports related jewelry that he made, and he wants to protect the logos we worked on and the site design. What I've usually seen are people slapping a copyright date on their work and calling it good. However, I don't think that's really going to protect anything from being ripped off. I'm looking at websites and what it looks like is that I have to get an attorney and file some paperwork with the US Copyright Office.

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Photoshop :: Photoalbum Copyright

Aug 26, 2003

Ive made a lot of photoalbums but now I want on each photo a copyright logo

I know you can do this with a droplet but how?

I got a droplet something is missing or some action cannot be done.

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Photoshop :: Can't Append My Copyright - What Do I Do?

Aug 3, 2007

I have folder of images, some files will append copyright ok, but some, get error writing metadata.

Purching cache or rebooting computer not help.

the handful images real stubborn.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Extended Copyright

May 1, 2009

I have a question concerning copy right of Photoshop CS3 Extended software.Is it legal to sell a version of CS3 Extended on a flashdrive?  There is a company that is selling it on a flashdrive and they claim that it doesn't have to be activated but the help files have been removed and the software cannot be undated.I asked the company about the software and they claimed it is legal.  This is what they said;This is not an illegal copy. The "Patent and Legal Notices" in the "Help" menu clearly state in the (EULA) the following (section:2 paragraph 2):"Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and associated documentation (the “Data Files”) or Unicode software and associated documentation (the “Software”) to deal in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided that (a) the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Data Files or Software, (b) both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in associated documentation, and © there is clear notice in each modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the documentation associated with the Data File(s) or Software that the data or software has been modified". if this is legal.

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Photoshop :: Copyright Question

Oct 18, 2005

I am wonder what are the copyright laws on artwork from painters in the past. I'm doing some pictures for tshirts and I want to use art work from the different periods from history. Like works for cezanne, picasso, monet, etc. How does copyright work for artists like these? I'm not planning on just sticking the painting on the tshirt, but probably modifying it bit to fit what I want. Any ideas regarding this?

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Photoshop :: Create Copyright Symbol In CS6?

Feb 20, 2013

How do I create the copyright symbol in Photoshop CS6, Windows7?  Alt+0169 does not work. 

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