Photoshop :: Batching File To 72 Dpi

Mar 30, 2009

I have done this a million times.. but now when I am running the batch program on one file, it is not changing the resolution to 72DPI. HELP!!!! lol. my current settings are 500x800 image quality 5 but it is still saving at 300dpi

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Photoshop :: File Names And Batching Actions

Jun 15, 2004

I'm using Photoshop and the Fit Image command to resize my images for a slide show program. The slide show software does not offer the ability to place the image number anywhere on the image. Is there someway to write an action in Photoshop that will grab the image name and place it where I designate on the image? Even stretching the canvas and filling with black and placing the name there would work. I'm not sure if this is possible or if I need to find an Apple Script to do this.

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Photoshop :: Batching With Paths

Sep 17, 2012

How do i select a path in an action when the paths of the multiple files have different names ? Now the action is interrupted because it cannot select the path due to its name.

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Photoshop :: Watermarking (batching)

Aug 24, 2006

I need to send multiple photos with my watermark to people but im having trouble working out how to do it.

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Photoshop :: Action: Batching

Mar 10, 2006

I include a save as in action. I have to choose somewhere to save as right? So choose desktop. Only problem is that even though I tell photoshop in BATCH a new folder I want to save in, it still saves the whole batch job to desktop?

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Photoshop :: Image Batching

Jan 7, 2009

I am batching about 1200 images. They are all about 3 or 4 megs each. Need them at least 250K. I did a bunch of them (180) on my macbook and they took about 6 hrs. with 2 gig ram.

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Photoshop :: Batching An Action

Jun 7, 2006

I have a photoshop cs2 and have created an action to be used for mutkiple files in one folder, but alas it seems to open up the jpeg file which

I used when recording the action and this is the only file it applies the action to even in batch or in " image process", does anyone know why this has got to occur?

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Photoshop :: Bulk Batching

Jun 25, 2008

I recently started an event photography company. The problem that I have is the large volume of pictures I need to adjust at the same time. Doing it one by one is really time consuming. In a nut shell: I need to but the name of the event on each picture as well as a color frame. Is there some kind of automation I can use?

I'm using CS3,

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Photoshop :: Thumbnail Batching Out Of Sequence

May 16, 2013

Each time I batch process thumbnails in CS6 v13.1.2x64 I've noticed that the resulting thumbnails do not match the sequence of the original photos the thumbs are batched from.
Is this a fault with CS6 or a lack of communication between my Nikon, Mac and Adobe?
The original full sized photos are JPEG fresh out of the camera and havent been preprocessed. I will add that if I do apply batch filter to the full size photos, they too are pushed out of their original numerical sequence.

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Photoshop :: Batching A Copyright Onto Photos

Dec 8, 2005

I have a brush set to do this but it is VERY time consuming. So, I need to find out how to design a copyright notice and then batch stamp it onto a folder of photos. I have tried and tired to figure this out but not getting anywhere. I am going to either to one across the middle very opaque or I want it down the side of the photo. Then I want to save the batch into a new file and keep the originals intact for printing, etc. I am using PhotoShop CS.

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Photoshop :: Using Actions And Automate Batching

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to make an Action that will apply a set of various (yet specific) changes to an image, and then apply that Action to an entire folder of images. I have created the action and when run manually it work great, but when I apply it to Automate - Batch, there is a "bug".

Currently, the Action will take the image and set the layer to BG, then it will save the original to a folder. It then will resize the image to a set width maintaining aspect ratio, save that to another folder.
This all works great.

The last portion of the Action reduces the file to yet another width (maintaining aspect ratio), but it then applies a 1px stroke, and applies a dropshadow, at 120 degrees and 100 opacity. When I run the action on an individual image, this part works great, however when I batch this in a folder, all of the images get the dropshadow with a 30 degree shadow. Everything else works fine. The default settings for a shadow are 120 degrees, so I cannot figure out where this 30 Degree setting is coming from.
Any help would be appreciated. I dont know if anyone will be able to read my action, but I will try to attach.

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Photoshop :: Batching One Format In A Folder With...

May 28, 2008

if it is possible to set a batch command that will only process tiff files that also have .fff's and .jpg's within the same folder.

I have 2500 images in 125 subfolders with all three formats in each folder. I know I can batch all the sub folders, but can I specify only one type of file?

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Photoshop :: Batching/Recording Brush Strokes

Mar 27, 2007

I have trouble recording the brush strokes in PS CS2. The record action feature refuses to record brush strokes and similar actions. I tried to create a path and use the 'stroke path with brush' feature but it doesn't record the path. Any idea on how to get this working?

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Photoshop :: Stopping/restarting An Action While Batching

Jun 16, 2004

I'm trying to batch convert groups of photos to b&w. The action i want to perform involves 3 steps: 1)channel mix to b&w, 2)stop to do curves, dodge/burn,etc. and 3)finish b&w convert w/ hue/saturation. If i insert a Stop then PS does allow me to finish the action but it stops the batch. I need to do the Hue/Sat after adjustments b/c otherwise i get a color shift. If this makes sense,

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Photoshop :: Batching Files Runs MUCh Slower

Mar 23, 2007

On my old computer, which was a 2.8Gzh Pentium, older model toshiba, photoshop ran really slow, there wwere "lags" when i would click around in a big image. Not bad, but there.

My new computer screams when editing photos... it's a 3.4ghz with a gig of ram, 7200rpm drive etc.

Yet for some reason, batching files runs MUCh slower on the new machine. I've tried to figure out why but can't see anything. Same batch from the same action too. All I'm doing is this:

"Generate proofs" action"

open raw file

fit image to 450

create text later

write "proof"

change opacity to 45%



That's it. But ANY batch I do will run slow like this, not just this one. It's driving me crazy cuz just to batch proofs of about 40 images (about what I shoot for a given photo session) takes like 45min!

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AutoCAD .NET :: Batching Export To PDF

Aug 1, 2012

I've got an exiting problem while trying to batch pdf export.

My task is quite simple: first, look through the drawing (all the lists and model space) and find all dynamic blocks with effective name "SheetGOST", case it's a drawing frame; second, export areas surrounded by those frames to pdf page by page. I've decided that plotting areas via "DWG To PDF.pc3" would be the easiest way.

Practically all the steps made: I get collection of blocks, I know howto print one of them to pdf, and it,s working correctly. The problem is, when I try to plot all the areas in cycle, in output pdf I get num of pages according to num of lists, and only the last area from the list. Test document contains 24 blocks on 3 lists, I get 3 page pdf with 7th, 22th and 24th frame printed.

The code is:
Spoiler (Highlight to read)
[CommandMethod("PlotToPdf")] static public void MultiSheetPlot() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database; Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr) { List<GostBlk> BlocksToPlot = new List<GostBlk>(); List<Layout> LayList = new List<Layout>(); GetGostStampCollection(db, ed, tr, ref BlocksToPlot, ref [code]........

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Illustrator Scripting :: Batching SaveAs In CS6 Will Not Save PDF Compatible

Sep 12, 2012

So I'm using a script that I wrote to bring in files that were converted from CorelDraw to EPS (this is the best conversion process to preserve text and drawing assets).  Basically the script takes the art in the EPS, groups it, places a rectangular border around the art and centers them.  We do this so that they come into InDesign correctly sized.  The problem is, it used to be 100% automated, just about, however now the saveas action command will not remember that "Save as PDF Compatible" needs to be set to true.  When I do a saveas command, it's check by default, but when the saveas command is batched, it does NOT do it that way.  When I try to bring batched AIs into InDesign, it's text that says it was not saved as PDF Compatible.  Am I going to have to script a save function to get control of the saveas settings?  I don't understand why PDF compatible is checked by default, yet batching saveas saves as if it unchecked it. 

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Photoshop :: Paint Cannot Read File - Not A Valid Bitmap File Or Its Format Not Currently Supported?

May 25, 2013

Have some photos of a warehouse fire in Plymouth Indiana.  Files were saved as .jpg  Can't get them to open.
One message is "Pain't cannot read this file.  This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is not currently supported."  Couldn’t display DSC-0023.jpg because a suitable graphics importer could not be found.
Carl Beason
Windows 7, Photoshop cs4

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Photoshop :: File Info Function (from File Menu Or Key Shortcut) Shows Only Empty Box

Jun 23, 2013

file info in Photoshop shows only an empty box yet works in bridge.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Start CS6 - Couldn't Open Scratch File Because File Is Locked

May 19, 2012

When I first installed Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was unable to run Photoshop or Bridge CS6.  Photoshop would give me an error about "could not open a scratch file because the file is locked.  If I ran either of these programs as an administrator they would run without issue, this led me to believe that there was a permission issue somewhere.  After some digging I found out the both Bridge and Photoshop try to create a temp file (similiar to Photoshop Temp2777223910092) on the c: drive of the computer.  In my case the user that I was logged in with did not have access to write to the root of the C: drive.  Note that you run the program as the administrator and change the scratch disk location as that changes the preference for the administrator user and not the user that you are currently logged in as.
I first had to give the user that I was logged on with write permissions to the root of the C: drive.  Next try and run Photoshop, you will get an error another error about the scratch disk and about and invalid or missing setting file.  To correct this you need to have run Photoshop as an administrator, next you can go to Users AdminAppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and copy Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs and/or Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs to Users<your logged in username>AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.

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Photoshop :: Save PSD File Of Social Icons To Separate PNG Image Files For Each File?

Jun 26, 2012

Save PSD File of Social Icons to Separate PNG image files for each file

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Making Photo Collage / File Was Not A Valid Frame File

Jan 5, 2013

Elements11: Trying to make a photo collage, but get the message : "Could not complete your request because the file was not a valid frame file". What does that mean? I follow the instructions given how to make a collage, but it comes to a halt when I try to import the pictures to the collage.

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Photoshop Elements :: What Camera Raw File Is Required To Open NEF File From D5100 In PSE7

Jul 15, 2013

Everything I read says its version 6.4, but when I attempt to run the 6.4 patch I get the message that it does not apply? Has Adobe prevented PSE7 from opening .NEF files from the D5100 (without conversion) in an effort to force paid upgrades to the current PSE version?

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Photoshop :: Could Not Place Document Because No Parser Or File Format Can Open The File?

May 30, 2012

I am trying to open a video to edit within Photoshop CS6 x64. I am getting the following message:-
Could not place the document ‘IMG_1664.MOV’ because no parser or file format can open the file.
The video was shot on my iphone 4S and ive even tried converting to other formats yet Photoshop still gives the same error. I have checked through Bridge and I have no option to send to Photoshop on the right click menu. try out the new features of CS6 for video editing.
I am running a 27" iMac with 12gb RAM and 1gb of Video RAM.

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Photoshop :: Could Not Place Document / No Parser Or File Format Can Open File

Nov 19, 2012

Getting this error when trying to use downloaded ACTIONS. "Could not place the document ‘Photoshop_Actions_03_by_ReehBR.atn’ because no parser or file format can open the file."

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Photoshop :: Editing Text In CS3 File Causes Crash / File Originally Created In CS6

Jun 24, 2013

Trying to edit text in Photoshop CS3 file causes a crash - Tried on multiple PC's.File originally created in Photoshop CS6 with "Maximise PSD/PSB File Compatibility" set at "Always".
Document size A4, using Arial Regular. RGB. 8Bits. 72dpi
Colour Profile: sRGB IEC61966
Multi business licence for CS3 and CS6 Design Standard/Premium/Master Collection all on PC

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Photoshop :: Automation In Saving Image File With Specific Max File Size

Oct 18, 2013

Background info:
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept 
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?

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Photoshop :: Automatically Added File Info When Creating New Or Opening File?

Sep 13, 2012

I used to be able to just open any image and my copyright info would be inserted into the file data. I guess it was a droplet, "when the file is opened or created then add file info from a xmp file". I still have the xmp file with all the data in but i am unsure how to implement it being automatically opened and added to the file when i create a new one? I thought i could handle it, i assume its a droplet of some sort.

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Photoshop :: Error Message :: This File Contains File Info Data Which Cannot Be Read And Has Been Ignored

Feb 8, 2009

After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.

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Illustrator :: Adobe CC Layers Setting For Exporting A File To Photoshop PSD File

Feb 21, 2014

Adobe CC layers setting for exporting a Ai file to Photoshop PSD file

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Photoshop Elements :: Altered Pictures Not Show Up In File - Appear As Blue File With PSD On It

Aug 31, 2012

I'm new to photoshop. Why did some of my altered pictures not show up in the file? They appear as a blue file with PSD on it. You can see the pictures when you click on them in Photoshop elements 10 but not in your file.

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