Photoshop :: Error Message :: This File Contains File Info Data Which Cannot Be Read And Has Been Ignored
Feb 8, 2009
After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.
I imported a shape file drawn with a utm signature with the dbf and shx files associated with it.The field map looks exactly like it is supposed to but when i dimension different places the dim are in what i think are utm measurements( ie .0069).When i draw a line at say 200 feet the line is astronomical in comparison. I can't seem to figure out where to change the scale.I have never used the auto map before and am using the trial version.
example [CommandMethod("Test")]public static void TestMethod(){ Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database; using (Transaction Tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) {
1-autocad program will be closed 2-be selected within the file path c sharp example: csharp.jpg 3-I want to read data from a DWG excel file using C#. examples: dwgfile.jpg and drawing1.dwg 4-I want to list here DataGridView data 5-c sharp winform .net 4.0
When trying to drag and drop images from All Media to Local Albums receive error message "problem applying tags/info" This is recent but persistent. I have always moved images to albums by dragging and dropping.
The file is .psb (large document format). I am on a mac, OSX10.7.3, PS CS5.1. I have been working on this file for some time, and this message suddenly appeared, which of course has stopped all work, and the job is almost ready to be printed!
I've uninstalled, then re-installed CS4. While I can get at CS4 Illustrator, Bridge and InDesign, the one I need (Photoshop) doesn't open. I get the error message "Could not open a scratch file because of disk error." When I click "OK," the program shuts down.
I selected all photos in a Tag in the Organizer then selected Create. No matter what I try to create, only about 1/3 of the selected photos appear in the project bin at the bottom of the page. I refreshed thumbnails for all photos and it still happens.
There are blank spaces with numeric filenames (not actual file names) between the thumbnails which display. When I double-click a blank, I get a message "Cannot open '[filename.extn]' because it is the wrong type of file." All of the files are jpgs edited in PSE. The only reference to this message I have found was a FAQ about Cannon files, but these are not.
Over the past week or so we have had a error. When working in a AI file and trying to save as a PDF we get this error: "Cant save the illustrator file. File may be read only, or the file is in use, or you dont have the required permissions. ID=54". We have to go back to file and re-save every time.
While trying to do a full backup to an external hard drive, I am getting a message "error encountered while writing file" after about 75% of the 14,000 photos. I believe I have traced the problem to a missing slide show presentation program that was on an external hard drive (F) I no longer have. The program still works (from the C drive), however if I click on the program thumbnail in the Organize screen (which points to the F drive), and try to delete it, I get a message "An error occurred while reading files or writing files to disc. The disc may be full or there may be a problem with the source media." I believe that is because it is looking for the program on the non-existent F drive. What can I do to enable a backup?
Just upgraded from X3 to X4, software initialy worked fine, then I installed the KPT add in and now I get the following error message when attempting to view any pictures...An error has occureed while trying to read from the file.
I have installed my PSP X4 and from what i see it looks great, faster loading, but every time i click on a jpg i get the error message "an error has occurred while trying to read from the file"..i have looked in preferences and found nothing, i have reset it, and also tried ctr F8, but still cant get my jpgs to show to use them,
i have used PSP since about v5 and never had a problem like this before
I have read and reread the file for getting the error when changing modules. I have a brand new macbook pro with vs 10.8.3 installed. I have looked, searched everywhere in profile, library. I have even downloaded beta lr 5 and the same issue exists.
As it did not working well in Win7, I have been uninstalling VS Pro X2. So, I purchased the downloadable upgrade version of VideoStudio Pro X3. The problem : I'm not able to open an existing VSP file. I get this error message : The file "name.vsp" is already in use.
I cannot seem to open .dwg files from an email using AutoCAD LT 2010
I get an error saying c:users"username" empoutlookj0814-052.dwg is currently in use or is read only.
Would you like to open the file ready-only?
I can save the file then open it. But the user wants to open the attachment straight from the email.
I've tried changing the attributes on the folder from read only but this doesn't work, tried another profile, again this doesn't work.
It does seem to only effect .dwg files when opening with AutoCAD LT 2010. If someone sends an xls, .doc, .pdf attachment they all open OK, I'm sure this is an AutoCAD LT 2010 issue. I have downloaded and installed both hotfixes / patches from the autodesk website and reinstalled the software but this hasn't worked either.
When iray rendering crashes, it briefly displays an error message, then goes to the Autodesk error report, closing down 3dsmax. The error message on my machine is displayed in red on grey for a fraction of a second, and appears to give information as to cause of crash, but is too quick to read. Any way to persuade it to stay on screen long enough to read?
I have used Lightroom for awhile and now I cant import any images. I recently got a new camera (D600) and thought that that was the problem but i cant get any images to import. Even form my D7000. I have checked my disc permissions and updated everything i can. What am I missing? I keep receiving an error message 535 files cannot be read. I am however able to import images onto my desktop and into Apeture....
When trying to import files to Lightroom 4 from my camera or a file folder, there is an error message that reads "files could not be read". This just started a week ago and I'm not sure what changed to cause the problem. I use a Canon 7D and I shoot in RAW.
I have an ai file that I can not save with out getting the File I/O error message. One person suggested that this file may be corrupted since I've been bouncing back and forth between 2 different Illustrator programs. I use CS-4 at work, save as CS-3 format then continue working on it at home. I tried copying each layer to a new fresh doc. but still get the error code. Is there a way to fix this file? Both back-up files I have behave the same way.
When I double click an AI file to open it, I get this message: "Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window, increase document area and try again". This error started happening about a week or two ago. Although it is inconvenient to have to go to File>Open and then locate the file to open it since I am used to doing it the other way at least it is a way to open the AI file. I just discoved that if I double click a graphic in a Adobe Acrobat Pro using the Edit Object I get the same error message. This is a problem.I have checked previous discussions about this and tried things like unchecking the "open as tab" option in the preferences but that does not work.
I've recently updated one of my PC's. I tried to launch VS x5 and I received a "corrupt file message" with error code 38. I've read all of the previous threads here and others online referring to Protexis Licensing V2 in the Services tab. I've un-installed, reinstalled several times. Would be nice is a "Repair" option was available. I've entered the serial numbers, several times, made it to the "Register Product" page but can never get the program to start. This was an update from VS 4 and I've entered the serial number for that when prompted. I have the program working just fine on another completely new system. Both are running Windows 7.
why I get an exclamation point error message upon closing an AutoCAD file? And it can be two or three of the same error. That is, I close one error message and another follows it.
I just switched from PC to MAC and have troubles using the PC catalogues, or better: associating the images.
I copied the catalogue as well as the images to the MAC harddisk. When I open the catalogue I see the images, but they cannot be found on the disk. So I search on the harddisk for the new path but after finding it I get an error message "Die Datei "xxx.CR2" ist mit einem anderen Foto im Katalog verbunden." In English something like "The file "xxx.CR2" is associated/connected with a different photo in the catalogue."
Lightroom 4. Can't get error message that a particular file is missing off the screen. I have verified that the file is gone. Now how do I get rid of that message
Book page upload error message using book module and blurb format oin lightroom 5. not enough information in error message to know waht the problem possibilities are. Book has 64 pages