Illustrator :: Select Last Layer In File With Action?
Nov 1, 2012How can you select the last layer in an Illustrator file with an action?
It must be possible. After all it's 2012....
How can you select the last layer in an Illustrator file with an action?
It must be possible. After all it's 2012....
I am writing an action and I want to select the next layer (up or down) for processing. Much like Layer>Arrange does except it relocates the layer up or down, I want to highlight a layer (up or down) for processing. If I click on the layer to select it in the action, then when I run the action on another photo, the action say it cant find the layer name (from the photo I used to build the action). Is there a key combination to do this ? Like 'CMD [' and 'CMD ]' does for Layer> Arrange.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to create an action. A simple one. The idea: One path is selected, a user runs the action, it makes a copy of that path, moves the copy, select both the path and its copy and makes a blend.
I tried to record that action, but Illustrator does not record the paths selection/selecting.
Even a simplier task: How, in general, having one path selected, select an item/path above or below it? And how to select them both?
I can make a script for that, but the requirement is to keep it as simple as possible: have an Action only without any scripts, if possible.
Actions in CS6 have a lot of bugs. Can not get an action to not have a stroke on it, can not get the "add layer below" to stay in an action.
View 3 Replies View Relatedrename a layer of illustrator like document file name? (with an action)
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a piece of art on "Layer 1" that i need to shrink and duplicate to "Layer 2". The two layers are always named the same. I'm working in CS5.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI want to select a few paths in the layerpanel by NOT clicken on every one. So for example I have the following structure:
Layer 01
And I want to activate path03 to path09 for further modifications - I would have to select every single path by clicking on it in the Target column.
Is there a faster way like selecting path03 and than holding the Shift-key and selecting path09 ? <- (This obvious solution doesn't work)
how the Photoshop DOM works with this snippet but I can't get it to select a pathItem correctly. When testing in ESTK I sometime have to run a line to that sets the path Item selected property to true several times before the path is selected in the GUI.Here is the script I am working on.
function copyPathsToPhotoshop(){
var currentLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
var count = currentLayer.pathItems.length;
var shapeNumber = 105
for( var p=1;p<count;p++){
Is it possible to select a few objects by "sliding a mouse", on layer panel? For example, you can hold down the mouse, slide to lock multiple objects. It's fast and easy!
But if I need to select, say, only red, blue, yellow stars... I need to click the ◎ icons to select each sublayer. when I have so many objects to be selected on layer panel.
I use CS6 on Mac. Is there any secret shortcut key to select objects on layer panel by "sliding a mouse"?
I'm working on building an action in Illustrator CS5 that will do the following..Delete the layer "original artwork"Select AllCreate OutlinesSave as PDF "content.pdf" to the current working folder with specific settings in the Save PDF prompt..Up to step 4 this is pretty simple, but so far when trying to record the saving step it insists on using the directory that I'm building the action in - not the relative one based on where the current file is opened. Also, unlike the 'Save For Web JPEG' default Illustrator action, the PDF saving step doesn't retain any of the specific settings within the action.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
this is what my Output looks like:
and my simple action:
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
I tried following action script code to save PDF file with color profile attached:
var saveOps: PDFSaveOptions = new PDFSaveOptions();
saveOps.colorConversionID = ColorConversion.COLORCONVERSIONTODEST;
saveOps.colorDestinationID = ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONWORKINGCMYK;
saveOps.colorProfileID = ColorProfile.INCLUDEDESTPROFILE;
doc.saveAs(pdfFile, saveOps);
But got following errors: error an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM'). What is the correct way to save PDF file with color profile?
if there are keyboard shortcut keys to these two operations?
1. Selecting a different layer than the active layer w/ keyboard key and selecting an item on that layer on the canvas?
2. Shortcut key strokes to select > Transform > Scale?
I want to make a action macro that selects the copy the last layout tab, copy that, goes modelspace and -pan @some numbers, go back in modelspace. stop.
I've recorded the following steps successfully:
(basepoint plus some mumbers)
I would like to know the command for selecting the last layout tab. Without using right-click functions which, as I know of, are not recorded?
Is there a way to allow user to select multiple files inside the file dialog using scripts? So not just something like "*.ai" or "*.eps" but where the user can actually use their shift key to select a batch of files inside the file dialog and then the script would process each one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedToday i opened a psd file which 200 layers. is very slow then (as all layers are flatten, pdn is missing hierarchical layers), but that is another problem.
I wanted to hide some background layers and "copy merged" a selection.
It took me 10mn to find all the backgrounds layers without this tool.
In photoshop the tool exist as a property of the "move selection" tool. Ie: you must first select the move selection tool, then select "layer" in the properties toolbar.
Any way to get that for v4 ? Will v4 be on github so we can clone and make patches ?
I can do one or another, but both at the same time? It is annoying because a mask selection turns into layer selection when you select a second layer/folder.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Bridge, I can go to tools > Photoshop > Batch and select a Photoshop Action to apply to some group of photos. Can I do this in Lightroom?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCS2
How can I select a shape on a layer in PSD in the layers palette?
In my past version of PSD, I was able to simply click on the Layer and hold either select or control to have marching ants go around my image - but with CS2 I am not able to do that.
I have an image with 8 layers and i want to draw lines. So I make a new layer. While this layer is selected, i select the line tool and draw a line. Then, as I want to move this line, I select the move tool and try to move it. But instead of moving the line I just drew, photoshop automatically switches to my background layer (although i'm not sure it's defined as "background layer") and moves the entire content of the layer.
To see what actually happened, i hid each layer in the layer palette... And still... here was my line. (with all layers hidden, is it POSSIBLE to have anything?)
I tried to select my line and then, using the move tool, move it, but the message "could not move the selection because the selected area is empty"...
I know how to do it in Photoshop, but I can't figure it out in Xara...I have Xara Designer Pro 7 BTW...
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I click the select tool, a brown selection type of rectangle appears in a particular area of the illustration, even though I have not clicked on the illustration yet. I assume it is some type of warning indication, but don't know what. P.S. It is draggable and scaleable - I can move it off the artboard. An example:
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've set up AI files with "Placed" images and vector layers on top of the image, but I've never known it to be possible to include other raster layers within the final *open* file. I'm working in CS6.One other question: a client wants me to use something either in AI or in Photoshop-I'm not sure which- called "vector mapping", e.g., he wants to see the type on a separate layer, vector mapped. He is trying to open the work in CS2, which complicates things, but mainly, I've never heard of "vector mapped" text or anything else. Does the term ring a bell? I asked if he meant "vector smart object", but he didn't think it was the same thing, and he claimed that he didn't need editable text. What I know he does want is type on a separate layer that can be maintained in vector mode for zoom-ins on the base art graphic. I think that can be done just fine by saving the placed-image-with-type-layer as a CS2 AI file, but I'm still baffled by his term "vector mapping".
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan you copy a layer from one file to another?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using CS6, as is the other user. When they open the file in Illustrator all the artwork is on one layer, even though the original file has numerous layers, and opens with these layers when I open it even now.I have never come across this problem before in all the years I have used Illustrator and have had no joy when trying to search for this problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of automatically exporting each layer of an Illustrator file into PNG files, with the PNG files taking the name of their layer in the Illustrator file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to save a cs6 illustrator file as a pdf. When it opens it only shows one layer. I've checked create layers from top level layers.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen importing an SVG file, I woould like the top level SVG groups to be imported as separate Illustrator layers. Instead, Illustrator creates a single default layer on importing teh SVG file, and adds the tree of groups under that layer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been working on a script to place a psd file onto only one visible layer (document has multiple hidden layers). This java code has worked so far:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var onFile = File("C:/Users/Desktop/Desktop/ExportedArtboard-01.psd");
var mydoc = doc.placedItems.add();
mydoc.file = onFile;
however this works with only the top layer visible (eye turned on in Ai). if top most layer isn't visible i get "target layer cannot be modified" error.
For instance say i have 1,2,3 layers. layer 1 (top most) and 3 (bottom most) would be hidden, layer 2 (middle layer) would be visible and then running the script would place the psd file on to layer 2.