Photoshop :: Create Action To Position Text

Jan 31, 2009

Anyway, my quest is to create an action in CS3 that will position and size text (eg. center) as a watermark in any size image. Currently I am creating a copyright symbol, then a text layer and then another text layer and either grouping them in the action or merging them down as created to be in one layer. This works fine as long as I run the action on another file of the same size but when it comes across a different size file the components are all over the place and differently sized.

I gotta admit I don't know a lot about text though. Just thought someone may be able to help me with this one so thanks to all who contribute.

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Photoshop :: Create Action With Entered Text?

Oct 6, 2008

Is there a way to create an action in PS CS3 with the ability to type different words in the middle of the action?

For ex, I have a series of steps, then need to save the image to 2 different sizes/resolutions, with a different name. So I want the action to run, stop where I type in the name for the hi-res, continue, then stop where I type in the name for the lo-res, then finish the steps desired.

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Photoshop :: Create Action To Copy Channel Name Text And Insert Into Channel In CS5?

Jul 26, 2013

I am a screen printer and I print my separations from Photoshop. I routinely work with multi channel files or RGB files with additional spot color channels. I have created actions to place my registration marks, re-size images, etc to get ready to print but I manually have to create the text labels for each screen if they are missing from the original artwork.

The files I work with have channels named as "Base White, Red, Green, 284 Blue" etc indicating the ink color. What i would like to be able to do is click an action that would copy the text from the channel name and insert it into a separate or each/all channels near the top of the file so that when I print each positive it has a corresponding label for ink color.

I am not sure if this is even possible, and I am limited on my knowledge when it comes to actions and have pretty much got lucky in the past getting them to do what I want without unnecessary steps.

On my registration target action it creates a new channel with each individual reg mark then combines them into one separate channel in which I just copy the contents and select all the ink channels and fill with black to make them appear, i'm happy with the steps it takes as it isn't too much trouble and if this could do the same with labels I would be happy with that.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Adjust The Position Of Text In Order For Animation Text To Be Visible

Mar 3, 2013

I have created my Animation:

The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?

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AutoCad 2D :: When Change Justification Of Text The Insert Snap Of Text Stays Fixed But Changes Position

Jun 22, 2011

in Autocad when you change the justification of text the insert snap of the text stays fixed and the text changes position around this point.

Using the JUSTIFYTEXT command you can change the justification of the text without changing its position. However this command is operated through the command bar of dynamic input. What I would like to do is to have the justification change in the quick properties this way.

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GIMP :: Only Display New Rotating Text Without Original Position Text?

Jan 16, 2014

SO difficult to see the text change and determine if it is at the right angle when the original text is still there.

How can I only display the new "Rotating Text" without the "Original Position" text.

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Photoshop :: Place Text Position By %?

Sep 9, 2008

I'm trying to watermark a whole bunch of my photos with an Action, but I need to know how to align the text to the bottom right corner, like by percentage. Using pixel values won't do me any good since every image is a different size. Anybody know a way, or some alternative to get this effect?

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Photoshop :: How To Create An Action

Jul 23, 2013

I have a photoshop file with several layers...about 100. I want to put each layers into it's own group. The name of the group must be the same as the name of the layer.
I tried creating an action to do this but it did not work right. It only works for one layer selected individually. If I select multiple layers, then it forms nested groups. How do I create this action? I am using adobe photoshop cs6 ( I think) , windows 7.

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Photoshop :: How To Create Action In CS6

Apr 9, 2013

Decided to download the trial version of CS6 and create some actions for myself. What I need to create is a 3d canvas wrap image as seen in the pic.I need to be able to control the following.
1, The size of the canvas
2, The depth of the frame
3, To have the image mirrored on the sides of the frame.
4, Shadow effect

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3ds Max :: Move Objects And To Create In Other Position

May 4, 2011

I have these problems.

1. when I creat a new object he stays at position 0,0,0 and I only can move when I transform in some editable.
2.this happend when I try to construct bones TOO, and I can create whitohou the zeros point, when I click the bones are creating in same point in viewport.

I all ready try to press x, see the snap toogle, dont like to be an Axis constrain, try to restar to default config.

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Photoshop :: Way To Create Action Set Without Having To Go Through All Steps Again

Jul 2, 2013

I am new to creating actions, I have crated a design I am happy with and I want to recreate it easily with an action. The design uses multiple stages and filters, so its a real pain to retrace steps. Is there a quick way to create an action set without having to go through all steps again?

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Watermark Action Set

Feb 22, 2013

Im trying to create a watermark action set. I have my watermark made and set to 30% for this particular set of images. When I paste the watermark on an image it comes into the new image at 100%. How do I get the opacity to remain consistant from document to document?

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Photoshop :: How To Create Action / Batch

Feb 8, 2012

I have 200 tiffs in one folder (each tiff is named 'image 1-200') all without an alpha channel.

I have 200 different tiffs in another folder (named 'luma matte 1-200').

I've have copied the first images of the 'luma matte 1.tiff' (a black and white image) and pasted it into a newly created alpha layer in 'the image 1.tiff' channel window.

I save this out as a new tiff called 'composite 1' and it works in the way I require it to work.

How would I automate this process rather than having to do it individually for all the 200 files. I'm not sure if this can be done with a series of actions/batch? I dont want to use After Effects luma key as this isn't giving me the correct results.

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Photoshop :: I Need To Create A Complicated Action

Jun 17, 2004

I'm trying to simplify the creation of several preview thumbs from one image. For example, my base image is a 400x600px image, and from this image I need to create the following thumbs:

1: 90x120px

2: 120x90px

3: 100x100px

4: ...

(Please look at the image i attached)

I need an Action that would Crop the base image and save a copy of each of these thumbs. I can't fugure out how to do this since I need to adjust the Marquee selection for each thumb to Crop the part of the base image I want.

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3ds Max :: Create Position / Rotation Keys For Cylinder?

May 11, 2013

Suppose I have a scene with an animated sphere and a static cylinder linked to the said sphere. Is there a way I can create position/rotiation keys for the cylinder?

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Photoshop :: Create Action To Apply To Several Images

Mar 2, 2013

I want to create an action to apply to several images. This had to be the result. But I want to use the action for a portrait or landscape image or 72 or 300 dpi picture.

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Photoshop :: How To Create Action For Photo Frame?

Sep 6, 2006

I would like to automate the creation of a frame with top rounded corners around images as shown in the image below. The rounded corners should always be the same size and angle no matter the size of the picture.

I'm having problems creating and recording a suitable photoshop action that would work for any picture dimension and that won't resize the top rounded corners.

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Photoshop :: Create Multiple Texts Action

Aug 24, 2007

I have a logo consisting of four (4) text elements (see attachment) that I would like to be able to create through an action. The problem I'm having is that the document is not always the same size and PS sees percentages for text placement. I need to have the text placed in relation to each other regardless of the documents size.

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Photoshop :: Create Action For Frame Around Photo?

Sep 5, 2006

I would like to automate the creation of a frame with top rounded corners around images as shown in the image below. The rounded corners should always be the same size and angle no matter the size of the picture.

I'm having problems creating and recording a suitable photoshop action that would work for any picture dimension and that won't resize the top rounded corners.

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Photoshop :: Action To Create Crop Size

Apr 27, 2009

Vista 64bit / Photoshop CS4�Friends - I'm struggling to create an action that will insert a length and width size (3840 x 2160) in the crop dimensions? Simply, I go through the steps to create the action and nothing happens when I try it.

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Photoshop :: Create An Action For Batch Conversions

Mar 11, 2004

how do i create an action for use with the batch tool?

file - automate - batch... and i can't de-select "default actions.atn." i need to create a custom action to boost the dpi of my tiff images....

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Photoshop :: Create An Action: Insert Square Box In

Jun 29, 2009

I have a problem with the Actions of Photoshop, I wish you can help me: I need to put a square box (or a point, some kind of mark) in the corner of the bottom-left in hundreds of images, so I think an Action is the best way to do it but I don't know how can I do it, because I need that the mark can adapt itself to the size of each image: it have to be the 5% of the size of the original image.�

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Photoshop :: How To Create Action That Pauses While Cropping Image

Jun 12, 2013

I need to create an action to resize several hundred horizontal images. Each image must be sized to a specific width and then cropped to a specific height. When I crop the image, I need to adjust the cropping box to accommodate the image content. Then I will save the image as a new file.
How do I a create a pause in the action so I can position the crop manually before I save the image?

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Photoshop :: Create Action That Only Opens One Particular File Type?

Mar 16, 2013

I want to create an action that only opens one particular file type, performs some changes to it, then finds all the others of that file type. I can do everything else and use the Image Processor to run it, but I can't find any way to tell the action to only open .GIF files and ignore everything else.

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Photoshop :: Can't Change Size Of Picture After Trying To Create Action

Mar 16, 2013

Just tried to automate a batch and resize, and then save for web all of the pictures - it didn't work the way I wanted (probably recorded something wrong). But When I tried to rerecord the action - it became impossible to change size of the pictures. I already restarted my computer, but the function of size changing still isn't working.

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Photoshop :: Create Action Where User Is Able To Choose From Particular Set Of Patterns?

Mar 4, 2013

I would like to create an action where a user is able to choose from a particular set of patterns (created by me) and excluding all the others (that may be present otherwise) from view. My action is currently working either from choosing from the whole pattern set (using insert menu item in the action), or a single pattern of my choice. (no insert item menu used).
I want the user to choose from my set of pattern in this particular instance but not the others that are currently in the presets.
I had the idea of making the action replacing temporarily the patterns with my set (replace patterns in the drop down menu) and then reset or load the user's set at the end of the action. It made me think that maybe people wouldn't want me to mess with their presets in an action.
I am currently using PSCS4.
I can either use a new pattern layer or a new "blank layer" with a pattern overlay (layer style)
I am really looking for a spark that'll light my Eureka moment.

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Photoshop :: Create Action To Change Fill Color

Nov 20, 2012

I will be working on a project soon where I will have to change the fill color and header overlay for about 128 images. I know how to create an action to change the header, but I don't know how to make one that changes the fill color. I have a list of each hex code for each image on a spreadsheet. Is there anyway i could create an action to read the information from that and create each image accordingly?

I would do it by hand, but I anticipate getting several projects of this type in the future, so I would like to automate as much as I can!

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Photoshop :: Action To Create Greeting Card Image?

Jul 24, 2011

I don't want a greeting card template. I can create the cards just fine. I just want an action to create an image of a greeting card. I've scoured the net and can find actions to create business cards, book covers, magazine covers, ..... but none to create greeting cards.

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers To Create One Step Action

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way to merge the layers from a photoshop action to create a one step action?

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Photoshop :: Can I Create A Action To Adjust Levels Automatically

Jul 18, 2005

I have just discovered actions which are great and timesaving. One question I have is that if I have an action to adjust levels will the script just bring the highlights and shadows buttons to where i ran in the script or is it clever enough to realise that the script is taking them to the ends of the histogram?

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Photoshop :: Create Action For Multiple Image Resize

Sep 30, 2008

I have a lot of photos which I want to resize to a common longest side, (to achieve appx similarity between verticle and horizontal pics of varios aspect ratios). Is it possible to create an action to do this? I'm using CS3 (and lightroom 1.1) XP SP2. I'm not too familiar with creating actions (yet)

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