Illustrator :: Tear-off Palettes In CS6?
Sep 18, 2013
I started using CS6 and tried to create multiple copies of the same tear-off selection tool pallette (this works in CS5). In CS6 the tear-off palette disappears when a new one with the same tools is created.
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Oct 22, 2004
I want to put a "rip" or "tear" in the photo..So it looks like it was really old and kind of got tossed around a little.
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Jul 31, 2009
I have included image. I want to create something like this: From the paint gun sprays white paint and creates a splatter and inside that splatter is a image.
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May 4, 2003
I've gotten the technique down for getting the really rustic look for photos, but im having a bit of trouble getting a good tear or rip to put into them.
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Dec 12, 2012
Since the Retina update for CS6, my Action hotkeys (F6, F7 etc) now cause palettes to hide/appear, which didn't happen prior to the update. It seems the palettes have been given F keys when they didn't before, but I haven't got a previous version to test on.
For example I have F7 set to trigger an action to make a stroke 0.5pt, and F6 to expand that line. Now, when I hit those keys, the action completes, but the Layers palette and Colors palettes each toggle on and off with each press of the key. As you can imagine this is hugely frustrating given I'm constantly turning layers on and off to check artwork, as well as selecting colours.
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Sep 17, 2013
I have a serious problem with Illustrator CC. The layers and colours palettes are empty when I open files. I have had to revert to version CS6 which works fine.
Mac Pro 1,1 2 x 3 GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon OS 10.7.5
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Jan 15, 2013
Here's a strange situation. 3 of my students have had the Pucker and Bloat tools in Liquify tear holes in their images. I mean really pucker so hard that transparent pixels appear at the liquify point. Their tools were set on the defaults -- not overly strong strength or rate.
What gives? All 3 of the culprits were on Windows machines... (Mid 2011 imacs with Windows OS). The students on Mac had no problem.
Oh, also one of the students with the problem was having it so strongly that the Liquify tools were actually creating tiny copies of the whole image *inside* the torn "holes"-- as if the image is being turned inside out!
Edited to add: I've noticed another couple of weird things with those machines having this problem:The Reconstruct tool and Reconstruct button also cause the holes to be torn... but with those tools, the holes are repeated like the run in a nylon.
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Jul 13, 2013
I want to know if there's a specific plugin or method for concrete wear/tear and cracks, this is for texture creation from scratch.
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May 8, 2013
All of a sudden my ribbon panels will not pull off... some refer to this as 'tear off'. The interface is not locked either.
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May 8, 2009
In CS4 the image covers pallets I wish to use. I need to either move the image or make it smaller to get to the pallets that are open. Is there any way to have the pallets on top of the image? I am thinking that this is a change from CS3,
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Oct 23, 2013
I am using Photoshop CS4 and I just upgraded to Mavericks. When I opened PS I discovered that all the palettes that normally reside on a second monitor are now all on the same monitor with my PS document and I can’t drag them to the second monitor. It seems that PS does not recognize there is a second monitor there. I can drag documents and palettes from other applications onto this monitor so it appears to be only a PS issue.
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Oct 21, 2003
Is there a hot key to toggle the visability for all the floating pallette windows?
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Jul 8, 2008
whenever I'm doing certain things in CS2 now all of my palettes are temporarily disappearing. I can bring them back by clicking anywhere in the blank workspace, but I'm not sure what's caused this. As the most simple example, I can reset all palettes to their default positions and reset to the default workspace. I then open an image, go to levels adjustment, cancel whatever change I might make, and all of the palettes disappear. Also, all of my palettes are floating within the main CS2 window. That is, if I want to move the whole PS2 window around my monitor, I'm having to deal with each palette and main menu separately. I'll bet all of this is a simple thing to reset, but I haven't found what's going on yet.
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Dec 11, 2012
I use two monitors, one for my canvus and the other for all my palettes. Which means my palettes are outside the application frame. With this setup, my mouse is very "jerky" when rolling over the layers palette, or others (takes a few sconds to notice). But once I move the palettes within the application frame the mouse is very smooth.I am able to produce this on two Macs.
My setup is:
MacBook Pro
16 GB of ram
AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024 MB graphics
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Jun 28, 2013
How do I increase the size of the palettes in Photoshop CS2 ?
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Aug 12, 2011
Any way to change one whole color palette to another color palette without having to go change each individual color. What i have is a color chart set up with one color palettes colors set up, and i need to change this whole chart over to another color palette. I have read where you can go in and use the replace wizard for color model or palette, but when i go to choose the palette to replace it already has a set selection of palettes to choose from. How to choose other palettes from my computer.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have tried everything that I know to do but cannot get the materials palette (and some others) to show in X3. I need to have the materials palette show so that, among other matters, I can change the color of text I add to the image. I did not have this issue with X2 and this issue is forcing me to go back to that older version.
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Sep 12, 2013
I am trying to edit a custom palette externally and have successfully done it in the past but now Draw is "breaking" my new palette.
I created a new palette within Corel Draw and added a single color. This is to create the XML file and generate a unique GUID. I can open and the close this palette with no issues. I can add colors via Draw with no issues. I then close Draw. I then open the file with a text editor (NotePad) and add the code for my new colors (pulled from a spread sheet). My code matches the code in the Draw-generated palette color. It also matches the code from another palette I successfully created over a year ago. The file saves just fine and can be reopened in the text editor. I then reopen Draw but my palette name is no longer in the palette list. Then if I manually try and add the palette by opening it, it opens but strips all colors. Then if I open the XML file with the text editor, the GUID is now all zeros and all colors have been stripped from the file. I have tried rebuilding the workspace and rebooting the PC but neither option seems to work.
PS here is a sample line of code for one of the colors I am trying to add.
cs="RGB" name="RLM00 Wasserhell"
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Dec 1, 2011
I've recently converted from X3 to X5 and I'm having multiple problems with colors, I'm running the current program on windows 7:
1. X5 is not remembering the colors on my X3 files, even though I have the custom palette open in X5 it's still coming up as CMYK when I look at the colors on the X3 file. Is this something to do with embedding color profiles on X3? If so how is this done? on X5 it's as simple as ticking a box when saving as. I've also noticed my custom palette is saved as .cpl file and the default for X5 is .xml, although X5 has opened up the .cpl file and it has converted it to an .xml file.
2. When printing an X3 eps file it seems to come out a different color to a X5 eps. This made me think that this must be due to color settings when converting the file to an eps, but the same thing happens with pdfs. Why should a X3 eps / pdf be printing differently to an X5 eps / pdf?
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May 24, 2013
Im looking for a way to be able to get the latest .ctb files and tool palettes, weekly auotmaticly,
almost like task schedular in inventor, so when the .ctb of palettes gets updated, the users get it autmaticly,
tried inventor task schedular, by getting the latest folder, but the file types is not supported.
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Apr 5, 2013
In our company we have a Tool Palette guru. She has READ/WRITE privileges to a Tool Palettes Development folder on our network. When she has an update to share with the masses, a network admin goes into the Tool Palettes Development folder and moves the corresponding files and folders to Tool Palettes folder where all CAD users have only READ access. All users point to the Tool Palettes folder on the network as well as a folder on tehor local machine so they can create their own custom Tool Palettes.
We have several users that have to reload their Tool Palettes every time they login to their workstation. Also, whenever a user logins to a different workstation, the Tool Palettes images have to be reloaded manually.I'm thinking there has to be a way so that
1) once the Tool Palettes are loaded for a user they don't have to be reloaded and
2) we don;t have to reload the Tool Palettes images when a user changes workstations.
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Dec 8, 2011
I have a little problem, here at work we want to work with tool palettes, but when we select a hatch from the tool palette and want to hatch a object it says to specify insertion point.
We at work here we are drawing with polylines so we would like to select the object instead of specifying a insertion point. How can we change it in the toolpalette ?
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Oct 18, 2005
I am attempting to create a BMP with the same color palette as Starcraft sprite images.
The tutorial I've found regarding creating Starcraft bmps mentions saving it as 8-bit, indexed color BMPs with compressed RLE, but it doesn't mention how to extract the palette from a Starcraft image and load it into Photoshop.
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Apr 9, 2004
I was wondering about custom color swatch formats. Specifically in an ancient version of Photoshop (like 3.5) in addition to the preset swatches, there used to be a blank "scratch pad" type palette feature where you could put colors and smoosh them around just like a real artists palette then pick colors from there anyway to do this in Photoshop 7 without creating a separated doc?
Also, you used to be able to create a swatch palette based on the colors in a given image by going to mode>indexed color ....that doesn't seem to be working for me...
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Jun 11, 2007
how can I extract the color palette of an image?
i want to save the palette and use it with another picture to have the same color-palette on two different images.
The "match color" tool comes close to the result i want to have...but it works with the contrast too and adds colors that i don't want..I JUST want to work with the available colors... simply extract a color palette from an image and use it with a second one to get them match...(without adding something)
I found some tools to do this with 256 color images but I want to to this with my 8bit or 16bit files from my camera.
I think it's a simple answer but I can't find it....I hope someone can help me....
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Jun 24, 2013
My pc is being upgraded next week (while I am away on holiday). The IT guy will be adding 4GB of RAM and will be switching from 32bit win 7 pro to 64bit win 7 pro, obviously, this will mean a clean install and re-installing all my software. I have my tool palettes set up with many blocks, leaders, hatch patterns etc and I want to know if there is a way I can save my tool palettes and then reload them onto the upgraded pc with the re-installed AutoCAD LT?
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May 9, 2013
I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2014 (though it's present in all variations).
I am using OOTB settings to eliminate network permissions as my issue.
I open my ACAD to an OOTB template file. Create a new tool palette, call it "CS" for now. When I try to add blocks to my palette, I get the black circle with a line through it. I get the same result when trying to add to existing OOTB palettes.
I am a network administrator and administrator on my machine, permissions shouldn't be the issue.
Checked my Options->Files and everything is pointing to the OOTB locations on my C: drive, nothing special.
The .dwg files are on my desktop, so there's no network sharing issue.
I tried going through Design Center (ADCENTER). I browsed to the folder containing the .dwg files, right-clicked and selected "Create Tool Palette" or something to that effect. It created an empty palette with no tools.
I've also tried inserting a block from another OOTB palette, no issue. Then whe trying to drag that block back to the tool palettes, it doesn't let me.
Toolbars/Panels are not locked, though I don't think that makes a difference.
Hmm...trying to think what else I've tried...I've Googled for a couple hours now, obviously with no luck.
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Mar 28, 2013
I am having an issue at my office when I open or save a drawing (I'm using Acad 2013) people using 2011 Acad Architecture who later access the file cannot use their tool palette or detail component manager. The tool palette will pop up, but when they try to drag something out of it, there is an unspecified error. The detail component manager in Architecture will not even pop up for some reason.
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Mar 5, 2013
The best way to share my tool palettes. I have created blocks & saved them on our shared drive, I have set my tool palettes up how I want them, Alphabetical order and set the size for the images to display.
I now want to give this palette to all my colleagues to use as standard for when they open their CAD.
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Jan 18, 2013
I am trying to setup some palettes to use at work and am using blocks to do so. What I've found is that my palettes work if I have left the blocks in place in the file in which I am creating the palettes. However, if I have deleted the blocks from the file, the blocks in the paletette will not work. Is this normal or is there something deeper?
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Oct 31, 2013
Is there a plugin that enables the ability to edit .gif file color pallettes?
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