Here's a strange situation. 3 of my students have had the Pucker and Bloat tools in Liquify tear holes in their images. I mean really pucker so hard that transparent pixels appear at the liquify point. Their tools were set on the defaults -- not overly strong strength or rate.
What gives? All 3 of the culprits were on Windows machines... (Mid 2011 imacs with Windows OS). The students on Mac had no problem.
Oh, also one of the students with the problem was having it so strongly that the Liquify tools were actually creating tiny copies of the whole image *inside* the torn "holes"-- as if the image is being turned inside out!
Edited to add: I've noticed another couple of weird things with those machines having this problem:The Reconstruct tool and Reconstruct button also cause the holes to be torn... but with those tools, the holes are repeated like the run in a nylon.
why Liquify tools work well for me in Elements, but not in Photoshop7.0 ?
Whenever I click and drag the cursor the image is either "erased", or there are square copies of other parts of the picture. If I then click on OK, the process seems to work, but clearly it's not accurate.
The freeze tool is not pictured on the left with the other tools. I can access freeze by pressing the "F" key, but there is no way to unfreeze since that tool is missing as well. Only seven tools are seen now.
Left - Marquee Tool > Transform > Skew Middle - Liquify filter with "use graphic processors" selected Right - Liquify filter without (same result) Image above is at 200% zoom
All Transform tools cause jaggy edge. I've only tried these tools and Liquify for the last month and a half.
Uninstalled, re-installed Windows, Photoshop, graphic card - Evga 560 ti - drivers (all versions). No prevail.
CS5 works flawlessly on this system. These tools also work fine on my laptop which use Radeon HD3470.
I'm using photoshop CS3. When I use the healing brush like, it makes holes in the image that I'm using it on sort of like it's erasing that spot that I'm using it on instead of fixing that spot. How can I fix my healing brush so it works like it's supposed to - as described in my "Classroom in a book" for Photoshop CS3?
I have included image. I want to create something like this: From the paint gun sprays white paint and creates a splatter and inside that splatter is a image.
I've gotten the technique down for getting the really rustic look for photos, but im having a bit of trouble getting a good tear or rip to put into them.
All of a sudden, when I try to use Liquify in CS6, I get the following warning:
"Liquify is capable of utilizing the Graphics Processor on RGB files to increase performance. The color mode you have chosen will not utilize the Graphics Processor."
If I click OK and continue, the image is just blank inside Liquify. It used to work just fine. I am in ProPhotoRGB colour space.
Well, that`s the problem. I recently changed my video card and liquify started working a different way. The video card I have now is ATI RADEON HD 5850 DDR5, 1gb. And the computer I have is:
QuadCore Intel Core i7 920, 2800 MHz (21 x 133) Motherboard: DX58SO (1 PCI, 1 PCI-E x4, 2 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394) RAM: 6 GB DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series (1024 MB) Hard Drive: 1TB western digital, 4 partitions, 73gb free space in total and 13gb free on C Drive. Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. Photoshop CS6.
This are the things that happened after installing the new Video Card:
- I used to work with the PUSH LEFT tool on Brush Pressure 1. Now, to achieve the same effect (the same kind of pressure), I have to use a higher number, like 6 o 7.
- When liquifying the image at more than 100%, the image gets jagged. I can't do any precise work like this, because I'm not seeing the image correctly, the pixels are shifted, the lines jagged. If I go back to 100% the image looks normal again.
I already tried on the Preference panel to change the options of the video card but the problem persists.
I've installed PS CC and have an AMD Radeon HD 7970M card in my laptop. PS detects the card in Preferences and I'm able to choose it for acceleration (i.e. OpenCL, etc.).
When I try and go Filter -> Liquify on any image, the Liquify dialog pops up, but i don't see the image. All I see is a black in the dialog.
When I turn off acceleration, and go to Liquify, it works.
Can not view image at full size when in liquify. e.g. the image is much smaller when you select liquify and when you enlarge it it pixelates. Is there a adjust or is something wrong with my Elements?
I just installed Photoshop through Creative Cloud and my Liquify filter screen is totally black and doesn't show the image. You would think the default setting would be to show the image or layer,
Curser is dragging across the image and distorting even when not clicking on it. is the proxy image in the dialog box adjustable? the resolution is to hight. I have 16G of ram so thats not the problem. (it works ok on smaller low res images)
I started using CS6 and tried to create multiple copies of the same tear-off selection tool pallette (this works in CS5). In CS6 the tear-off palette disappears when a new one with the same tools is created.
If I have opened a RAW image in PS5.5 and it has several layers already modifying the file, can I convert the bottom layer to a smart object and then use ACR tools like de-fringing, etc.? I notice flaws in the image that would be corrected that way, and I don't want to start from scratch. I am able to make the layer a smart object. I don't know how to invoke the ACR tools.
This image arrived from Lightroom with "no Lightroom effects" chosen at transfer, if that makes any difference.
im working on a PC , with windows 7, with photoshop CS5 i searched everywhere for answer , but none was given.. people did mention this problem, but for different photoshop versions , and, i had it good till i dont know what happened and changed it, so i believe it is fixable but people understood it wrong.
anyhow, the problem is, when you try to maximize the image window (assuming you changed it from tabs), the window maximize all over the screen, over the tools and title bar.
instead of staying inside the i mentioned, it used to be like it , but something happened and now its all over the thing.i tried double click the hand tool, all sort of things with the "F" and Tab shortcuts, the arrange documents thing on the top, even trying to restore default setting but nothing really did the trick.
i tried to look for something called "Application frame", that somehow suppose to do just that, under window->Application frame, but its not there. again, it used to be ok so i know there is still hope..
here it is restored, under "fit screen" option, notice it only get the hight right, i would not call it "fit screen" but what ever..
red circels show the title bar and tools..
and this is when i hit the maximize button and unleash hell, red circles are where the title bar and tools were, not so nice and cool..
i noticed none of the others gave pictures, so i gave it a go..there are no words to describe how annoying it is.
I need to draw a thin white line across an image, infact several lines in different places. The lines need to be permanent. I want to key in the number of pixels for the the thickness of the line and if possible key in the position of the line. I know I can use a new grid line to position a grid line, but how do I then turn that grid line into a permanent line where I can decide the width and colour? I'm trying to refrain from the long way round of zooming up to 1600% and physically using the rectangular marquee tool then filling the rectangal with colour.
i have cs5 suite. last week everything fine in photoshop. this week, only the tools that are showing are available to use. i can not access the tools when i click on the corner of individual tools. i am running version 10.6.8
After deactivating indesign creative suite cs6, and uploading to another computer, --the illustrator cs6 tools do not allow access to the tools behind the image, like the different pen types, or the circle behind the rectangle, etc--what should i do?
Using external tools to automate PaintShop Pro operations? Such as AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Macro Express Pro, etc? To do stuff that scripts can't?
Mine is an old version, PSP 8, but this issue probably applies to more recent ones.
None of these programs seem able to access PSP's image windows. They don't appear in the list of windows when using AutoIt v3 Window Info, for example, or AHK Window Info 1.7. If there's some way to work with these 'child' windows.
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.
I covered how to transform a image in a variety of ways using different tools and effects and dockers.I felt that I should share some of her talent with her permission.
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?