CorelDRAW X5 :: Editing Of Custom Palettes

Sep 12, 2013

I am trying to edit a custom palette externally and have successfully done it in the past but now Draw is "breaking" my new palette.

I created a new palette within Corel Draw and added a single color. This is to create the XML file and generate a unique GUID. I can open and the close this palette with no issues. I can add colors via Draw with no issues. I then close Draw. I then open the file with a text editor (NotePad) and add the code for my new colors (pulled from a spread sheet). My code matches the code in the Draw-generated palette color. It also matches the code from another palette I successfully created over a year ago. The file saves just fine and can be reopened in the text editor. I then reopen Draw but my palette name is no longer in the palette list. Then if I manually try and add the palette by opening it, it opens but strips all colors. Then if I open the XML file with the text editor, the GUID is now all zeros and all colors have been stripped from the file. I have tried rebuilding the workspace and rebooting the PC but neither option seems to work.

PS here is a sample line of code for one of the colors I am trying to add.

cs="RGB" name="RLM00 Wasserhell"

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Adding Or Editing Colours In Default Or CMYK Custom Palettes?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm using Corel Draw X5 and I can't figure out how to add or edit colours in the CMYK (default) Custom Colour Palette.  In X3 and earlier versions it was quite easy to add new colours and edit existing ones.  I would also like to know how to move the order of the colours in the palette so that I can put one a custom colour near the top.

FYI I would like make these changes to the master / global CMYK palette, not just the one for a specific document palette.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Custom Palettes - Object Blank

Jan 30, 2013

I have a custom palette set on two machines. If I save a file on one and then open it on the other, the second machine does not recognize the custom colors and leaves the object blank. I can click on the palette and correct this but can I set it so that the colors will load correctly when I open the files.

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Photoshop :: Custom Swatch Palettes?

Apr 9, 2004

I was wondering about custom color swatch formats. Specifically in an ancient version of Photoshop (like 3.5) in addition to the preset swatches, there used to be a blank "scratch pad" type palette feature where you could put colors and smoosh them around just like a real artists palette then pick colors from there anyway to do this in Photoshop 7 without creating a separated doc?
Also, you used to be able to create a swatch palette based on the colors in a given image by going to mode>indexed color ....that doesn't seem to be working for me...

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Setup Custom Palettes

Jan 18, 2013

I am trying to setup some palettes to use at work and am using blocks to do so. What I've found is that my palettes work if I have left the blocks in place in the file in which I am creating the palettes. However, if I have deleted the blocks from the file, the blocks in the paletette will not work. Is this normal or is there something deeper?

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AutoCAD :: Same Custom Tool Palettes On 2 Computers?

Mar 29, 2012

I use ACA 2012 on two seperate computers and would like to be able to have all my custom tool palettes, blocks, customizations, etc.. to migrate to both computers.  I.e. I add a new tool to a tool palette on one computer and then when I'm working on second computer that new tool appears in palette in correct location. I would think the easist way to do this would to be to share the location of the tool palettes, customization files, etc.. at a common place (network share) but am unable to find all the files and settings to do this.

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AutoCad :: Sharing Custom Tool Palettes

Aug 23, 2011

I have a custom tool palette all made up, it has three palette sets and 8-12 palettes per set.

Now, is it necessary to add the palette sets and palettes to the content browser before sharing the .atc file around the office? Also, once added to the content browser, I cannot change the properties of a block e.g. scale, layer, rotation prompt etc..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2010 - Trying To Create Custom Tool Palettes

Mar 27, 2012

So I am trying to create a TP that has a few commands on it... the problem is I dont know where to start in order to make everything available to the others on my network...

I have created a new GROUP, dragged a palette into that group, made my commands, and they work on my PC... but how do I get them all so everone can see them. Exporting the "command tool samples" and importing it as "My layers" works, but the name is still command tool samples and breaks the actual command tool samples...

C3D 2010

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom Tool Palettes Loading Slowly

Dec 16, 2010

I've made some custom tool palettes that are on the network. I just have them pathed in the options, and set up as a group for users to access. Civil 3D is real sluggish when it comes to using these, and switching between the tabs, and trying to load them up. But Vanilla AutoCAD loads them and switches between tabs no problem. Is there a variable specific to C3D that needs to change to make it work more like it does in Vanilla AutoCAD?

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GIMP :: Wikipedia / Easily Generate Large Custom Palettes?

Sep 29, 2012

i would like to expand on the Floyd-Steinberg dithered palette examples on this Wikipedia page.


Is there a way to tell GIMP to programmatically generate a 6-bit, 9-bit, or 12-bit color palette?

All the dithered examples you see were created by me a few years back, by individually picking grays/colors to construct a custom palette in GIMP, then translating the original 24-bit parrot/color bars down to the custom palette.

For example the 8-color Floyd-Steinberg dithered parrot and color bars, on the Wikimedia Commons. GIMP does an excellent job of making these, and if you squint at it or look at it from a distance, it looks full-color:

Sure, I'll manually create a 16-grays palette or an 8-color 3-bit color palette, but it starts to get intimidating to make a 64-color, or 512-color, or 4096-color palette by individually picking each color, one at a time.

Also, I do not see how to generate the non-regular palettes without a lot of manual custom color picking:

Non-regular RGB palettes


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AutoCAD LT :: Transferring Custom Tool Palettes From 64bit To 32bit 2012

Jan 24, 2012

When I try to import my custom tool palettes onto my co-workers computer, his machine does not see the xpg.

My machine is a 64 bit computer and his is a 32 bit.

Is there a way to convert the xpg to a different extension or will I have to set up his palettes from scratch?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Get Old Custom Tool Palettes Into 2012 By Opening Content Browser

Feb 7, 2012

I just migrated from 2006 to 2012... I was able to get my old custom tool palettes into 2012 by opening the Content Browser and idropping them.  However I noticed that these palettes are not 'refreshable' like they used to be.  In the Palette Properties it says *This palette is not shared from a catalog*... after doing a search of that message in these forums I found this thread: [URL]....

I followed David's instructions:

1. Created a new Palette Group

2. Created a new palette in that Group

3. i-dropped tools from my custom catalog in the Content Browser onto that new palette.

Still there is no 'refresh' option...???

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Migrate Custom Tool Palettes And Toolbars

Dec 2, 2013

How do I migrate my Custom Tool Palettes and Custom Toolbars from Civil 3D 2012 to Civil 3D 2014?

What files do I need to create or copy to transfer to 2014?

My Custom Tool Palette consists of Block Symbols, Border Sheets, Scales and Seals, Lisp Routines etc.

My Custom Toolbar is just a number of standard cad commands I've put together in my toolbar like Revision Cloud, Layer Isolate, Match Properties, Attach Image, etc.

Do I need to export out my cui file, do I need to create a Profile file, do I need to setup the same directory structure naming and copy my files into those same directory names?

Or is there some easy hidden Magic Button in Civil 3D that you click on and it does the rest?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Change Whole Color Palettes To Another One

Aug 12, 2011

Any way to change one whole color palette to another color palette without having to go change each individual color.  What i have is a color chart set up with one color palettes colors set up, and i need to change this whole chart over to another color palette.  I have read where you can go in and use the replace wizard for color model or palette, but when i go to choose the palette to replace it already has a set selection of palettes to choose from. How to choose other palettes from my computer.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Colour Profiles And Palettes

Dec 1, 2011

I've recently converted from X3 to X5 and I'm having multiple problems with colors, I'm running the current program on windows 7:

1. X5 is not remembering the colors on my X3 files, even though I have the custom palette open in X5 it's still coming up as CMYK when I look at the colors on the X3 file. Is this something to do with embedding color profiles on X3? If so how is this done? on X5 it's as simple as ticking a box when saving as. I've also noticed my custom palette is saved as .cpl file and the default for X5 is .xml, although X5 has opened up the .cpl file and it has converted it to an .xml file.

2. When printing an X3 eps file it seems to come out a different color to a X5 eps. This made me think that this must be due to color settings when converting the file to an eps, but the same thing happens with pdfs. Why should a X3 eps / pdf be printing differently to an X5 eps / pdf?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Palette Not Updating With User Palettes

Sep 16, 2011

I will save a document in X5 and when its opened in the same program - same computer it doesn't update the palette that i used to create the document. The replaced colors are either Black or White.  They have the callouts of 100% ID: ### Density: 100.The Default RGB pallette and CMYK colors all come back but the color palette I use for my RIP (VersaCAMM) always change.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Color Palettes Window Closed

Jul 19, 2011

How to get my window back with all my color palettes.  I accidentally closed it and for the life of me can't get it back.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Get Color Palettes Back

Mar 5, 2011

I was trying to get white on my open color pallets and inadvertently messed them up and got something named "defrgb.xml" with a blank box and now I can't get any color pallets to come up.  I have even uninstalled and re-installed to no avail.   How do I get this situation back to normal?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Uniform Fill Opening In Palettes Menu

Oct 13, 2012

 When double click on Uniform fill, its opening in Palettes menu insted of models menu. Its a bug for us. it should open in model menu.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Crashes When Selecting Color Palettes?

Jan 17, 2013

my corel crashing every time I try to select the color palette menu in the window dropdown, try to change the palette in the solid fill color window, and also in the outline color window. I have tried changing the color preset, reinstalling, resetting to defaults, am updated to the newest version (, installing the hot fixes, blah, blah blah....... everything.

Win7 sp1, 12 gigs ram, i5 64 bit.

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Photoshop :: Editing Custom Brushes

Sep 16, 2008

How can I edit a custom brush in CS2?

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Revit :: Create Custom Pattern By Editing PAT File?

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to create a custom pattern by editing the PAT file but I can't seam to get it right The pattern is for a ceiling tile in which the pattern is 4 tiles (24''x96) follow by 1 Tile (4''x96)

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Revit :: 2014 - Custom Family Type Material Editing

Jan 5, 2014

I am trying to take a custom counter I created as a family and have it show a material in my project.  It seems that no matter how I apply the material parameter to the family type object, type or instanced, the material does not change in the project when I apply any new material.  I have opened up other countertops I have used from the Revit Default Casework Family and I can't seem to find a difference in the setup between mine and Revit.  I wanted to use an instanced parameter so I can change the material per room where the object is used.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Custom Camera Profile Disables External Editing?

Nov 15, 2013

I'm using Lightroom 5 and Photoshop CS5.  The problem is that if I apply a custom camera color profile created by X-Rite Passport Color Checker, I can no longer use an external editor, such as Photoshop, to edit my photos.  Before I apply the custom profile, the external editor function works just fine.  If I apply a custom profile in the Camera Calibration panel, then the ability to use external editors no longer works.  There is no error message, but nothing happens when I try to edit in an external editor.  If I go back and turn off the custom profile and go back to Adobe Standard, then the external editor function works again.  What is going on?  Is there a way to make it possible to apply a custom profile in Camera Calibration and still be able to use the external editors?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Custom Code In Reference Editing And RefEdit Command

Jun 6, 2012

how i can add .net code on reference editing and refedit command.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Freezes When Editing Text?

Sep 18, 2013

I have a user using X4 on Win7 which on the most part, works well without any hassle.

Recently however they have been experiencing issues where the program will hang endlessly whenever they go to edit any text within a file.

The program has the latest updates, and is excluded from on access AV scanning so there shouldn't be any locked file issues.

I've also rolled back the latest Windows Updates just in case but to no avail.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Editing Text In Object?

Aug 17, 2011

i have this drawing that a friend made of this certificate.  when i click (with the PICK TOOL)  on the text that i want to edit  it shows  Black Box's in the corner (4 of them)  around the entire section of that text.  my question is how can i edit just one line of that text .  i saw them do it at the shop where they made the certificate but they where not using X5.

when i click with the PICK TOOL  but then when i try to select the text tool it just wants to make new text on a new layer.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Crashed While Editing Text?

Dec 14, 2012

Corel Draw X4 crashed while I was editing text but a box came up and asked if I wanted to save the file before I closed. I ofcourse said yes but I can't find the file anywhere.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Leaving Editing Text

Nov 25, 2013

I was wondering if there's a command to leave editing text. I like using keyboard commands to work faster but whenever I'm editing any text and want to change to another tool, I have to go and click the tool in the toolbar. I can't use commands when editing text since It will just write the letter instead of activating the tool. Is there a way to do this?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Get Popup When Editing Bitmap

Dec 11, 2013

I get the "Failed to launch server application" popup on trying to edit bitmap from CorelDRAW X6.

Have already tried F8 on both DRAW and Paint to no avail.

(CorelDRAW X6 x64 on Win 8.1 x64)

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Moving Text When Editing

Mar 8, 2011

I've recently upgraded to X5 and now have a problem with text moving when editing.

As you can see in the image below, the text moves down and to the right and in this case making the red spell check line cut through the text. 

Also, on another note - I've just noticed that the character spacing now seems to affect the whole text box, whereas before it would to it per paragraph. Does this mean all my older files will need to be edited to display right in X5?

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