Illustrator :: Cannot Save Fit To Selected Art To Action
Apr 5, 2012
I deisgn large numbers symbols in emf format and then batch convert these to svg files. I have over 22,000 images at the moment, so being able to automatically batchnconvert is vital.
Currently I to use CS3 to batch with no problems. In CS4 when you open the emf the artboard is the default document size, not the artwork size. So there is a lot of extra white space in the batched svg.
I have just downloaded a trial of CS5 to see if this is now possible as I hate being stuck on an old version. CS5 has the option to fit the artboard to the selected art (object/artboard/fit to selected art) but you cannot seem to save this to an action list.
The actions I want to include are 'open' 'select all' 'fit to selected art' 'save as svg' 'close' . But the artboad step isn't saved.
Inside my current action, I have this Axis+Image with some keyframes on opacity and transformation, also some keyframes on X blur/Y blur in my Media list. How do I recycle this setup for other Action?
I tried the save selected object, but when I load it from other action, using Add Nodes + Media method, only the Axis and Image show up (with keyframes). The Media of it shows empty.
So normally when I'm drawing I always save a copy of my work to my external. Sometimes I'm paranoid and want to save one to my dropbox folder as well. So I made an action to save a copy to both places but it always names the file with whatever filename I used to set the action. I didn't rename or anything.
I have slices in my document. On one slice, I have added some information under the Slice Options, such as a URL and an alt tag. When I choose Save Selected Slices, I get a drop-down menu in my Save dialog called File Format. The only choice in this drop-down is "Images Only."Â Same thing happens if I try to save the selected slice via the Save for Web dialog. Didn't you used to be able to choose to save the HTML as well? Or, is there ever another choice in this drop-down?
Illustrator v8 is the magic version for nearly all current 3D applications in the world. Anytime I want to import a vector spline into a 3D app, it'll always want it as a v8 Illustrator file. Â I'm trying to create an Action that'll automatically save a copy of my current open document to v8. But Actions doesn't seem to record any of Options panels when saving a file.
we need to be able to collect (save to a list) a series of x,y coordinates as each object in an AI file is selected. Can this be done by creating a script of some kind that runs concurrently with Illustrator? Is this something that can be done via Action Scripts?
needs to overlay a grid over a photo and then save it as another file. In CS5.5 or earlier, no problem, but in CS6 it is not working for either of us.Â
The batch action (run from either Photoshop or Bridge) stops and prompts at the Save command every time no matter what format we save it in (psd, png, jpg, save for web, etc.).
I have been through the Web and the Adobe Forums and cannot find a work around for this. He cannot just hit enter everytime the popup window comes up because he has over 2700 photos to put this grid on.
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.  this is what my Output looks like:
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too. Â When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected. Â If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
I tried following action script code to save PDF file with color profile attached:                    var saveOps: PDFSaveOptions = new PDFSaveOptions();                   saveOps.colorConversionID = ColorConversion.COLORCONVERSIONTODEST;           saveOps.colorDestinationID = ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONWORKINGCMYK;           saveOps.colorProfileID = ColorProfile.INCLUDEDESTPROFILE;                                                  doc.saveAs(pdfFile, saveOps);  But got following errors: error an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM'). What is the correct way to save PDF file with color profile?
I'm having some issues with my file when trying to Save For Web. A band of transparency appears above my image even though I have everything cropped to the artboard, and the artboard is exactly the size I want the final image to be. If I uncheck "Clip to Artboard" the band of transparency disappears from the top, but reappears on the right side. It seems as if the artboard area is calculated differently in the Save For Web screen; its slightly off. I've included some images so you can see the issue.
Trying to save for web as a .png with "Clip To Artboard" selected; a tiny (one pixel tall?) band of transparency on the top of the image.
Trying to save for web as a .png without "Clip To Artboard" selected; the image seems to shift and the band of transparency appears on the right size. Also some of the pieces of the image appear on the bottom outside of the artboard. Â I made sure to crop each element of my image to fit exactly on the artboard. Previously, I had made sure to use a clipping mask exactly the size of the artboard and still had these issues. I would like my .png to not have a band of transparency. It has the same issue when I change it to .jpg, but instead has a white matte band. What am I doing wrong, or is this just an issue with Illustrator?
I've created an action that uses the save for web dialogue to optimise images for the web. When I use the batch command to process a full folder of images, even though I have "Override action "save as" command" checked, it ignores this and still uses the location that was used when the action was created. Â Apparently this is a known issue in CS6 and previous versions but whether this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?
I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS.  I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012. It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears. AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager. I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly. However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations. I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop. AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations. I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager.Â
Is it possible to put as part of an action 'open the file that's selected in the file browser'. At the moment I select files and then run a batch process, or open the file and then run an action, but can I skip that stage?
What I have in mind is being able to look over the file browser to see which action each file needs to have run, but to be able to just click an action button and for it to open that file and run the action, etc.
I have created an action where I do some stuff with the picture and then I save the file to a shared network drive while using the "Save for Web" function. While recording the action everything works fine but when I run the action I got a error that Photoshop can't save the file because the Path does not exist / Is unavailable. It is stuck while he want's to run the "Save for Web" part of the action. Â I tried the mapped path (Z:files...) and the UNC path (\fileservusersdjametfiles...) but both did not work.I am using Photoshop CS5 and Windows 7 Professional (64Bit).
occasionally, after going through some painstaking object selection, I accidentally choose the wrong action, for example, Rotate instead of Scale. This is because I don't always use typed commands, but will use the left-click menu for some actions, and Rotate and Scale are right next to each other (mouse is a bit jittery sometimes - yes, I need a new mouse). Even with simple object selections, it is annoying to have this happen. If I find that I have made the wrong command choice, I simply want to undo the command choice but keep the objects selected. Is there a way to do this besides clearing it all and starting over? Kind of like the OOPS command, but for actions, not erase?
On a related note, if I have several actions I intend to use on the same set of selected objects, I have to re-select them after each one is completed (not always, but this is sometimes true). Is there a quick re-select command that selects the same group of objects I had last selected?
1) Is there a way to hide all axis icons in Action apart from selected ones? Even though they turn grey it's often very hard to see the selected one in big comps.
2) In HD text module how can I see the full picture? While postioning text I can't see the bottom of the picture on either the preview monitor or the broadcast monitor.
I'm trying to make an action that would perform some operations on images and save them to two different folders (as PDF and as JPG). Here's what my action looks like:
I make a droplet out of this action, and run it on a directory with a bunch of jpg files. However, all files are saved the same two locations: "archivepages_c.pdf" and "archivejpeg600pages_c.jpg".
When I create an Action that involves File, Save As.. it hardcodes the directory name I was using during recording. I want it to use the same directory as the open document. Is there a way to do this?
I.e., when I record the action on the file /path1/xyz.psd, and then try to run it on /path2/abc.psd, it will save the document abc.psd in /path1 rather than /path2.
when I use the 'Save for web' option, choose 'gif 128 Dithering' and click on the save-button, PS wants to save an html-file (like slices in Imageready). When this occurs I have to rename the file-extension into gif and choose 'pictures only'.
This sometimes becomes a problem with actions and batch-processing.
For example: I've made a simple action which resizes all pics to 180 pixels and saves them as gif for web. This action stops, when the 'save for web' option wants to save the file as html. I want the gifs to have the same name as the original file, so I can't just name them pic001, pic002 and so on.
Has this something to do with the original files being bmp's?
Working from Lightroom in PS - trying to record action to simply flatten layers and File Save back to Lightroom. PS records specific file path of original image used when action was recorded. Is there a way to eliminate this specific path?
Is it possible to insert a "stop" in the action for save for the web, just before actual save. Basically i want to be able to name my file manually (use distinctive names), but just to automate the picture size option and quality (which don't change). I know that i can write an action for an image resize and than save it with my desired file name, but i was wondering if i can do it all in "one shot" without the altering of original image.
I've got Photoshop CS4 and have created an action. However, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to save the action to a file so I can share it with others. The action converts a PSD to JPG and exports it for the web. How do you save an action so you can share it? I don't want to share all of my actions -- just this one.
I am trying to create an action that will, take the photo i am working with, change from 16 Bit to 8 Bit, and then save as a jpeg in the folder that the RAW file is saved. I have tried to set it up but i cannot figure out how to make the photos save in the right folder. i.e they always save to the folder that was used during the recording of the action.
Using PS7 I need to make an action that allows me to type in a different name each time when saving a file. ... this is basic but I just can't seem to get it.
More detail is... I have a .psd file that gets changed and then saved from 5 to 15 different ways to another computer on a network. The problem is being able to save the file as a number from "500" to "1299." Is there another way to do this without having an action for each number?
Is there any way to have a user select entities and then save that selection for later use not only in the current drawing session but also for later retrieval in another completely new session and even by someone else? Â I anticipate the need to save the data out to an external file/database but I am not sure what to save out as I believ the object ids are session dependent.
I made an action that does a bunch of stuff, and then saves as to a folder. How do I change the save to destination within the action? Every so often I need to save to a new location.