AutoCad 2D :: Selected Wrong Action / How To Reselect All Objects
Dec 20, 2012
occasionally, after going through some painstaking object selection, I accidentally choose the wrong action, for example, Rotate instead of Scale. This is because I don't always use typed commands, but will use the left-click menu for some actions, and Rotate and Scale are right next to each other (mouse is a bit jittery sometimes - yes, I need a new mouse). Even with simple object selections, it is annoying to have this happen. If I find that I have made the wrong command choice, I simply want to undo the command choice but keep the objects selected. Is there a way to do this besides clearing it all and starting over? Kind of like the OOPS command, but for actions, not erase?
On a related note, if I have several actions I intend to use on the same set of selected objects, I have to re-select them after each one is completed (not always, but this is sometimes true). Is there a quick re-select command that selects the same group of objects I had last selected?
in the old autocad that i had for PC there was a command to re-select all selected items by typing P and then enter. I now have 2011 autocad for mac and can not figure out how to do the same thing.
Since installing Creative Cloud a few weeks ago, I have had a persistent issue. I use a keystoke on a selected object (such as an arrow nudge) and the object will not move. Then I look at a field in a Panel or the Control bar and the arrow has started affecting the field value instead of the selected object. It's important to note that I have clearly selected the object. Anything entered in a field has been confirmed with the Enter key. Today, I highlighted a numeral "1" in a line of type on my page, typed a "2" and the number got entered in the Paragraph Panel! This kind of thing keeps happening over and over. Quitting and restarting Illustrator works for a while.
Today I took some pictures, mostly RAW, but a few JPGs. Lightroom 4.1RC, Windows 7 64bit..When I use the Lens Correction feature on the RAW photos, the proper lens is selected, a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR.
When I use the Lens Correction feature on the JPG photos, the proper lens is NOT selected, instead I see it has selected a Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 14-24 f/2.8G ED. In fact, next to "Model", I cannot even select the proper lens (the 16-85mm lens) because its not in the list.
1. Take a screenshot of something in your web browser (macintosh CMD+SHIFT+4) to the clipboard. 2. Select File > New from the menu. Clipboard should be the selected Preset. 3. Notice how in CS6 the color profile under "Advanced" is "Display" and NOT "sRGB" — in CS5 it is sRGB. 4. Paste from the clipboard into your new document and get the color profile mis-match warning if you are in CS6.
It is either not picking the color space of the clipboard properly like it will in CS5, or I am missing something somewhere.
Nothing I do in an attempt to fix this is working. I have sRGB set as my default profile in color settings, and nothing I do changes this setting for the "Clipboard" preset.
I am getting sick of forgetting to manually select "sRGB" every time, opening up a new document sized to my clipboard and then getting the color profile mismatch warning when I paste in the clipboard contents!
I take so many screenshots as I develop websites this is a CONSTANT problem as I am constantly creating new documents from the clipboard to check alignments, zoom in to get color samples, and many other reasons.
I deisgn large numbers symbols in emf format and then batch convert these to svg files. I have over 22,000 images at the moment, so being able to automatically batchnconvert is vital.
Currently I to use CS3 to batch with no problems. In CS4 when you open the emf the artboard is the default document size, not the artwork size. So there is a lot of extra white space in the batched svg.
I have just downloaded a trial of CS5 to see if this is now possible as I hate being stuck on an old version. CS5 has the option to fit the artboard to the selected art (object/artboard/fit to selected art) but you cannot seem to save this to an action list.
The actions I want to include are 'open' 'select all' 'fit to selected art' 'save as svg' 'close' . But the artboad step isn't saved.
Is it possible to put as part of an action 'open the file that's selected in the file browser'. At the moment I select files and then run a batch process, or open the file and then run an action, but can I skip that stage?
What I have in mind is being able to look over the file browser to see which action each file needs to have run, but to be able to just click an action button and for it to open that file and run the action, etc.
Is there any way to have a user select entities and then save that selection for later use not only in the current drawing session but also for later retrieval in another completely new session and even by someone else? I anticipate the need to save the data out to an external file/database but I am not sure what to save out as I believ the object ids are session dependent.
I am running autocadlt and opening up a very detailed drawing by an architect which was likely drawn on the most recent version of the autocad. When i go to select a certain area of the plan, elevation views appear in the background as i drag my selection with the mouse. The elevation views are not visible in the plan in the model space. All layers are on and unfrozen.
I am a surveyor and am trying to import the plan into my survey program (which only accepts files in autocad 2007 or earlier anyway). When I open the file in the survey program, for some reason the elevation views are showing and can not be turned off.
I tried to use the command erase, then "all" it tells me "2891 objects found, 19 not in current space". Does that have anything to do with it?
I have gone into the layer manager and selected all the layers and turned them on, and have unfrozen them
When working with large plant layouts I sometimes need to copy may things from different parts of the plant. Some large some small. When I zoom in to select the smaller objects i have lost lots of objects that were selected before.
1) Is there a way to hide all axis icons in Action apart from selected ones? Even though they turn grey it's often very hard to see the selected one in big comps.
2) In HD text module how can I see the full picture? While postioning text I can't see the bottom of the picture on either the preview monitor or the broadcast monitor.
Inside my current action, I have this Axis+Image with some keyframes on opacity and transformation, also some keyframes on X blur/Y blur in my Media list. How do I recycle this setup for other Action?
I tried the save selected object, but when I load it from other action, using Add Nodes + Media method, only the Axis and Image show up (with keyframes). The Media of it shows empty.
I'm in a situation where i have to export a civil3d 2013 drawing to autocad 2000, but i don't want to send everything in the drawing, just the final drawing from model space. is there a way to not need export the drawing and then delete the objects i don't want to send? It seems like a simple task but i work with some people that can't handle simple things like that, so aside from trying to find new co-workers, what can i do?
Im building a speaker, and i have the 2d drawing rady, i want to use the "revolve" command to finist it, but the porgram tells me this: Unable to revolve 12 selected objects.
When moving the mouse over objects, the objects are automatically selected. Are there a way to disconnect that function, so the objects are not selected before I click the mouse?
I am using AutoCAD LT 2011. I have had an unexpected loss of functions that is not restored by a system restart.
When I select objects, I can't get any of the tools to work on the preselected object ( The tools all work if I select the tool first and then select object to apply it to). And I can't change properties such as layer & color of a preselected object.
Also I can't delete a selected object with the keyboard delete key, and I can't bring up the MultiLine text editor with the usual double click of a text object.
It doesn't sound like a simple command reset as there is too many things involved. Can't find anything on options and drafting settings that is relevant. So it sounds like it might be a total reload of LT?
I used to have a third party plugin that had a "clone" command.
It was like "Add Selcted" & keep matching the properies for more new objects. So new objects would match the layer, linetype, etc.of what was previosly selected Not just the once.
I remember reading a while ago about being able to select the layer you want and have everything on that layer brought to the front for ease of editing, however i can't remember the command name.
I was wondering if there is a way to edit single line text when there are multiple objects selected. I have multiple text which need their justification edited but there are non-text items amongst them. Instead of clicking on each of them I would like to just select the area and then edit the text as required.
What is the variable that controls the order in which objects are selected? In other words, I want to be able to always select the last object created by default when objects are overlapping without using object cycling.
I'm having a minor issue with Autocad 2013 at the moment. I use the Quick Properties box to change a lot of my object properties, but since changing from 2012 to 2013, I have noticed QP doesn't recognise the selection of any objects.
When I select an object to view in my profile, all I get is "0 objects selected". I have tried selecting several objects in plan top view, but get "0 selected". What is the "simple" solution that I am overlooking?
Any way to detect of there are objects currently selected using Autolisp, visual lisp or even VBA. I would like to be able to do something using that as a conditional, so that (assuming the hypothetical variable isSelected is an on/off indicator of whether or not something is selected) I can code something like this:
I have a drawing with many connector labels and pin numbers which are typically arranged as two vertical columns. Each label and/or pin numbers are individual MTEXT objects. The original author did not space them uniformly as an array and I would like to clean it up without having to re-enter it.
How can I select the multiple MTEXT objects and force the spacing between all of them to a desired spacing (say .2") or to have them nudge to the nearest Y grid?
I have tried using the hot grips selection by holding shift, but some of the grips are overlapping and I can only select the top most grip. It is also a slow process because I must click each individual grip that I want to move as a whole. Is there a way of selecting multiple grips at once including grips that are beneath others?
“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”,
In the attached screenshot, I wanted to make hatch for the indicated boundary but I got the message shown in the second screenshot (“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”)
The dwg file is stored in the link below:
What is wrong with having any number of hatch boundary objects?