Illustrator :: Save X Y Coordinates To File When Object Is Selected?

Jun 22, 2013

we need to be able to collect (save to a list) a series of x,y coordinates as each object in an AI file is selected. Can this be done by creating a script of some kind that runs concurrently with Illustrator? Is this something that can be done via Action Scripts?

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Illustrator :: Object Coordinates Relative To Selected Artboard

Aug 1, 2013

What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.

But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.

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Illustrator :: Save / Export selected Object?

Apr 2, 2013

For example, my artboard has 10 logos just need to save one...or save each one individually

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Photoshop :: How To Save Vector Smart Object To Illustrator AI File

Sep 4, 2013

I need to save a vector smart oblect from Photoshop CS6 to an Illustrator file. What's the trick?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Crashing Whenever File Open / Save Or Save As Selected

Jun 27, 2013

I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS.  I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012.  It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears.  AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager.  I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly.  However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations.  I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop.  AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations.  I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager. 

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Illustrator :: Jumping From Object Selected In Layers To That Object On Artboard?

Nov 22, 2013

I'm working with 27 artboard in illustrator for one project. I would like to select the object I need to get to in my layers panel and have illustrator "jump/navigate" me to the object where it resides on the artboard. Is this possible?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Save Selected Object From Current Action?

Apr 30, 2013

Inside my current action, I have this Axis+Image with some keyframes on opacity and transformation, also some keyframes on X blur/Y blur in my Media list. How do I recycle this setup for other Action?

I tried the save selected object, but when I load it from other action, using Add Nodes + Media method, only the Axis and Image show up (with keyframes). The Media of it shows empty.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extract Coordinates From TEXT File And Draw Object In (x Y Z) Points

Dec 9, 2012

I want extract a (x,y,z) point from a text file and want to put marker to that point in a dwg file. how can I accomplish that?

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Illustrator :: Zoom To Selected Object Possible?

Jun 4, 2010

Is there any way in Illustrator to zoom to selected object (I want to maximize the selected object to the window)? There is the FitArtboard and the FitAll, but a ZoomToSelected.

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Illustrator :: Zoom In And Out From Selected Object?

Aug 15, 2013

Can I setup Illustrator to zoom in and out from the selected object(s) instead of mouse point on ALT and centre otherwise?

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Illustrator :: Can't Move Any Selected Object

Oct 4, 2013

after returning to work in process, i am unable to move any selected object, or to move after selecting and copying and creating a new file?

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Illustrator :: Cannot Save Fit To Selected Art To Action

Apr 5, 2012

I deisgn large numbers symbols in emf format and then batch convert these to svg files. I have over 22,000 images at the moment, so being able to automatically batchnconvert is vital.
Currently I to use CS3 to batch with no problems. In CS4 when you open the emf the artboard is the default document size, not the artwork size. So there is a lot of extra white space in the batched svg.
I have just downloaded a trial of CS5 to see if this is now possible as I hate being stuck on an old version. CS5 has the option to fit the artboard to the selected art (object/artboard/fit to selected art) but you cannot seem to save this to an action list.
The actions I want to include are 'open' 'select all' 'fit to selected art' 'save as svg' 'close' . But the artboad step isn't saved.

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Illustrator :: Save Selected Slices - CS6

Nov 27, 2012

I have slices in my document. On one slice, I have added some information under the Slice Options, such as a URL and an alt tag. When I choose Save Selected Slices, I get a drop-down menu in my Save dialog called File Format. The only choice in this drop-down is "Images Only."  Same thing happens if I try to save the selected slice via the Save for Web dialog. Didn't you used to be able to choose to save the HTML as well? Or, is there ever another choice in this drop-down?

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Illustrator :: Anchor Point Of A Selected Object?

Mar 17, 2013

In PS you can drag the center anchor point of an object anywhere within the object or canvas, allowing you to rotate around that custom location versus the dead-center of the object.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Position Of Selected Object

Oct 4, 2012

is there a way to get position of any selected object? It seems like normally you have to dive into specific item like textFrames to get position, but was curious if there was a generic way of doing this for selected objects.

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Illustrator :: How To Scale Only The Selected Portion Of Object

Nov 5, 2013

It seems like the Warp tool is just another way to scale an object though it allows you to scale only the selected portion of the object that you touch with it. Is this correct? Does the Warp tool have other functions?

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Illustrator :: How To Regain Selection Box / Cannot Resize Any Selected Object

Dec 28, 2012

How do I regain my selection box? Cannot resize any selected object.

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Illustrator :: Why Does Selected Object Deselect When Creating A New Layer

May 8, 2013

If I already have an object selected and then click the "new layer" icon in the layers palette, the object I have selected deselects as soon as the new layer is created. Why is this? Also, it only happens on one of my computers, so I figured it was a setting that I'm missing but I certainly can't find it.

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Illustrator :: Enlarging View With Selected Object In Center?

Jun 4, 2013

I have CS5.
In InDesign, I can select an object anywhere on the page and when I enlarge the view with Ctrl-+, the object is centered on the computer screen.
Illustrator does not do this.  But, is there some kind of setting I can click on to make this happen?  It would save me a lot of time to have this feature turned on, if it exists.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Set Color For Each Selected Object Via Eyedropper

May 30, 2013

When I run the script for an object selection, I want each object to have its color set to the underlying color as if I had used the eyedropper tool.  Is this something that can be scripted?

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Illustrator :: Text Cut Out - Filter Cannot Complete Because More Than One Object Is Selected

Oct 27, 2013

I am currently trying to cut out a word from another word in Illustrator. I have managed to do this several times before but both options I have used in the past simply are not working for me today.

As you can see from the attached image, I have 'cut out' the word 'I'm' from the word 'hungry'. (You can see straight through to what ever colour, fabric etc is underneath the logo).
Today I am trying to update my logo and the usual methods aren't working for me.
1. Type > Create Outlines > Divide
2. Object >Compound Path > Make
Usually I can simply delete the 'cut out' text from the image but I keep receiving an error messages that I don't understand.
1. "The filter cannot complete because more than one object is selected"
2. "Can't make a compound path. All objects in a compound path must be paths, and they cannot be brushed or part of an object."
I am a complete novice and I have never encountered these errors before. What used to be a simple 3 step cut out command is now a nightmare. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I have missed a step and not realised?

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Illustrator :: Know If Selected Art Object Belongs To Series Of Blended Arts?

May 20, 2013

Just draw a rectangle and a circle, then give them different colors. Choose AI menu "Object | Blend | Make", before this step you could set "Specified steps" to an integer in "Blend Options...", now you get a series of blended arts. Using Direct Select Tool you can select the rectangle or circle you drawed at first.
how to know if the art object you selected is one part of the blended series? I looked into the document but cannot find a proper API to get the infomation in AIArtSuite.

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Know If Selected Art Object Belongs To A Series Of Blended Arts

May 20, 2013

Just draw a rectangle and a circle, then give them different colors. Choose AI menu "Object | Blend | Make", before this step you could set "Specified steps" to an integer in "Blend Options...", now you get a series of blended arts. Using Direct Select Tool you can select the rectangle or circle you draw at first.
My question is, how to write code to know if the art object you selected is one part of the blended series? I looked into the document but cannot find a proper API to get the infomation in AIArtSuite. (for CS5 & CS6)

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Illustrator :: Eyedropper Tool Picks Up Colour But Won't Apply To Selected Object

Mar 19, 2014

This problem happened only after I updated my Illistrator CS6. I'm on Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: Save For Web As PNG With Clip To Artboard Selected - Tiny (one Pixel Tall)

Feb 25, 2013

I'm having some issues with my file when trying to Save For Web. A band of transparency appears above my image even though I have everything cropped to the artboard, and the artboard is exactly the size I want the final image to be. If I uncheck "Clip to Artboard" the band of transparency disappears from the top, but reappears on the right side. It seems as if the artboard area is calculated differently in the Save For Web screen; its slightly off. I've included some images so you can see the issue.

Trying to save for web as a .png with "Clip To Artboard" selected; a tiny (one pixel tall?) band of transparency on the top of the image.

Trying to save for web as a .png without "Clip To Artboard" selected; the image seems to shift and the band of transparency appears on the right size. Also some of the pieces of the image appear on the bottom outside of the artboard.
I made sure to crop each element of my image to fit exactly on the artboard. Previously, I had made sure to use a clipping mask exactly the size of the artboard and still had these issues. I would like my .png to not have a band of transparency. It has the same issue when I change it to .jpg, but instead has a white matte band. What am I doing wrong, or is this just an issue with Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Why Save Selected Slice Always Creates Image Folder Every Time

Nov 15, 2013

I know in Adobe PhotoShop you can save each image indivdually  without an image folder being created.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Possible To Pull Out Coordinates From Object When Object Snap Applied?

Aug 29, 2011

I have a rather simple 3rd party custom object... I tried to get its bounding box but the coordinates that come back don't seem to relate at all to the object.

What I'd like are the coordinates of two nodes the object contains...

Is it possible to apply the autocad cursor in some why with the node object snap to get their coordinates?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add Attribute To Selected Blocks (XY Coordinates)

Nov 30, 2012

i have found the following lisp in a previous thread: (shows XY coordinates of the selected blocks)

(defun C:MyFunc (/ ss Index Ename Lst)
(while (or (not ss) (= 0 (sslength ss))) (setq ss (ssget '((0 .
(if ss


I want this information to be added to the blocks as hidden attributes so that i can extract them by attout. The work to be done is : attout to excel, autofill an attribute (numbering) then attin.

but my problem is that i cant think of a way to number those blocks IN ORDER (ie top to bottom or left to right) unless by sorting them in excel first by their x or y coordinates

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Photoshop :: Save OBJ File Without 3D Object?

Sep 12, 2012

Is there any way to save an OBJ file in photoshop without a 3D object?I'm trying to do this so I can use the OBJ file in pixologic sculptris to get a glossy skin effect.

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Illustrator :: How To See Object Selected Change Colour Dynamically As Adjust Colour Sliders

Aug 11, 2013

How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider.  But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with.  Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE.  Dynamically.  In 2013.  In Illustrator.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Update Outline Width After Resizing Object If Scale With Object Selected

Dec 14, 2013

Resizing objects is a mess in CorelDRAW X6 when objects are outlined with Scale With Object enabled to retain proportions after resizing.

None of the tools dealing with outlines (e.g. Contour or even Outline itself) continue to work properly after resizing the object.

I strongly suggest to recalculate outline property values after resizing if Scale With Object is checked. Don't just do it hidden somewhere internally in the object model by applying a temporary scaling factor. Instead actually recalculate the actual property values if Scale With Object is checked.

CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4  @  Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

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