Illustrator :: CC Type - Change Case - Keyboard Shortcut Not Working?
Nov 21, 2013
In Illustrator CS6 I established a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= to the command Type-->Change Case-->UPPERCASE (and Alt+Shift+Ctrl+- to Type-->Change Case-->Title Case). In Illustrator CC, these two keyboard shortcuts are not working. They are displaying in the Type menu correctly, and the menu commands themselves work correctly, but the shortcuts do not work.
so naturally our keyboard layouts are Danish.But there's a fantastic shortcut in Illustrator, that only works with the English layout. Basically - make a square and place a pattern in it. If you rotate the box using 'R' you rotate the entire box and the pattern. But if you hold the 'button next to 1' (tilde in some parts of the world, console in other parts) and then press 'R' it will only rotate the pattern and not the box.
However, that only works with the English layout.. what is the name of that function, so I can set up the shortcut manually or change the keys needed for the shortcut?
I want Ctrl+Shift+S to do SAVE AS. I set it as such in the keyboard shortcuts, but when I do that key combo, all I get is this: The mouse pointer changes to this. I can move it around and draw a box (in the background of PS, outside any open images). I want it to go away and do SAVE AS instead.
I want to set up a keyboard shortcut for quickselect. I opened the CUI right clicked to create new temporary shortcut, put the command into the line and selected shift and Q. There some gobbledy **** message about it being also assigned to another command but that it will prioritise the one at the bottom of the tree, and my new shortcut IS at the bottom of the tree so far as I understand the phrase.
Bur when I try to use it, the shift key is not recognised. I press shift and q but all that comes up in the command line is q.
I installed the CS3 Master Collection that included Photoshop CS3 Extended. I've used Photoshop for going on a decade and I find the ALT+CTRL+I keyboard shortcut really handy to pop open the Image Size window.
Now, in this new version (done after a clean format, reinstall of my XP OS) the shortcut no longer works. I check and it still has ALT+CTRL+I listed next to Image Size in the drop down menu as the proper keys, but it does not work.
I tried resetting the preferences but to no avail. I have also recently tried creating custom Keyboard Shortcuts and applying the "Working with Text.
I installed the CS3 Master Collection that included Photoshop CS3 Extended. I've used Photoshop for going on a decade and I find the ALT+CTRL+I keyboard shortcut really handy to pop open the Image Size window.
Now, in this new version (done after a clean format, reinstall of my XP OS) the shortcut no longer works. I check and it still has ALT+CTRL+I listed next to Image Size in the drop down menu as the proper keys, but it does not work.
I tried resetting the preferences but to no avail. I have also recently tried creating custom Keyboard Shortcuts and applying the "Working with Text" set of Keyboard Shortcuts from the "Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts" menu, but still no luck.
ALT+CTRL+C seems to work fine for selecting the canvas, as does all my other other shortcuts (IE: CTRL+N for new canvas, CTRL+A to select, etc).
It seems the ALT+CTRL+I is the only thing giving me an issue.
I have a single AutoCAD LT 2008 user who lost the ability to change the case on text in a drawing. Normally, he would highlight text, say it was uppercase, right click to choose change case and he would select lowercase and it would do as designed. Now, it simply deletes the highlighted text.
We've done a repair install with no result. Anyway to restore or fix this functionality?
Running the latest Photoshop CS6 on Mac and the Step Backward keyboard shorcut does not work at all. Command-Z works fine; Command-Option-Z does nothing. I don't believe I'm running any custom keyboard apps that would interfere, and when I check Photoshop's Keyboard Shortcuts it's right there (correctly set as the default).
I have photoshop CS installed on a G5. Photoshop was working fine, but now some of the default keyboard shortcuts are missing. The one I miss the most is (command, option ~) which should load a luminosity selection. But for some reason no longer works. I've tried reinstalling photoshop. I've tried reloading the keyboard shortcut defaults again. Maybe there is something wrong with my default shortcuts file? but I haven't been able to locate a source where I can download another. In any case i would have thought that the reinstalling the CS creative suite would have resolved the issue if the file was bad.
How do I check my keyboard driver? where is it? wher do i get another?
We are working in AutoCAD 2010 and the keyboard shortcut commands are not working for one of our users. we are having difficulty getting it back online for her. we tried a menu load for the acad.pgp file and it isn't working .
I am wondering what would be the keyboard shortcut to change the tolerance percentage up and down? For example, to change brush size bigger you press"[" and for smaller you press, "]". I am looking for the same kind of shortcut, but instead of brush size, I need it for tolerance. I spent more than 30 minutes last night trying to find it in the keyboard shortcut dialog thing but I could not find it. I am sure photoshop has a shortcut for this.
I have looked through all the menu keyboard shortcuts and of course have found Merge Visible which doesn't useful. I don't see anything in keyboard shortcuts that lets me change Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to something different. Exactly what is that shortcut called in PS CS5, where do I find it?
I can't insert certain symbols with the text tool. When I type "&" it inserts a "/" and when I type "/" it inserts a "-". I know for a fact it's not my keyboard because it works in any other text editor or text field. Is this just some new weird setting in photoshop cs6?
What I am wanting to do is select objects or object mouse and use a keyboard shorcut to change those objects to a layer that is frozen. The layer is called "AS-BUIILT DELETED"
Well, so far I"m zero for four in trying to get LR to let me do trivial things the way I'd like, but let's give it yet another try........
I ALREADY KNOW you can use the "[" and "]" to change the size of the spot removal circle. BUT, I'm trying to get LR to work as much like Photoshop as possible 'cause the inconsistencies on small things is a surprisingly large hit to productivity.....
In PS I can change the size of the clone or heal using Alt and the mouse. Change both size AND opacity.
Is this buried somewhere in LR? If not, is there a way for me to define this command in the translatedstrings file?
I find myself typing quite a bit of text that has the ® and ™. Many times the font, when it has that typed, is too big, so I have to use the type panel with the flyout menu to then change the character to superscript. In InDesign there is a keyboard shortcut for this. Is there ANY way to do the same thing in Illustrator?
I have an extensive drawing that covers many art boards. In InDesign I can jump to a page number using a keyboard shortcut. Is there something similar in Illustrator CC where I can navigate backwards and forwards through the art boards and/or jump directly to an artboard by number?
I need a fast method (Keyboard shortcut) to change stroke color to a specific color. Since I need to set it always to the same color. I'd like to skip the procedure of having to repeatedly pick red from the palette and simply have red chosen automatically using one click only. I tried recording an action, hoping I would later be able to assign it a shortcut but oddly when an action that records the setting of stroke color is played, it sets the FILL color to that choice color and instead of setting the stroke color (with which it was recorded).
Is there a way to disable the keyboard shortcut which opens Adobe Bridge from Illustrator? Often when I'm working quickly I accidentally hit this (option command o) instead of (shift command o) to outline type. It halts everything to open Bridge, which I never use. Is there any way to disable this command?
I'm working with Illustrator CS5 and was looking for the keyboard shortcut to move between the workspace elements contained within the Application framework.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.