Revit :: Change Lower Case Word Of Shared Parameters To Upper Case
Apr 2, 2013I want to change the lower case words in shared parameters to upper case. Is there any way to make such a change in .rfa/.rte/.rvt file.
View 1 RepliesI want to change the lower case words in shared parameters to upper case. Is there any way to make such a change in .rfa/.rte/.rvt file.
View 1 Repliesdo you use all caps or do you use upper case/lower case in your drawing title block, bom, and notes?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI know I can use the shortcut Shift F3 to bring up the Change Case Menu.
Is there a way to just highlight the text and press a shortcut or macro to change directly to UpperCase?
i'm having a problem with my photoshop CS. whenever i create a new type layer and begin typing, it will only type letter in upper case. i can't get any lower case letters.
i made sure that my 'CAPS LOCK' is not selected.
When I type text in PS CC, it is ALWAYS UPPER CASE. I cannot get mixed case. Fortunately I still have PS CS5 on my machine, so I was able to fix the problem there. What's going on? Windows 7 Home Premium.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I type in my font, Photoshop CS3 will only show the upper case character, and when I attempt to type the text in lower case, it just types the upper case but smaller. I don't have any problems with any other fonts, and this font works fine in every other text program I am working with...
I have tried un-installing and re-installing the font multiple times.
I have a computer where all text entered in AutoCAD text/mtext comes out in uppercase. Pressing the shift key while entering the text has no effect. The CAD-Girl involved has admitted to sniffing around in Express Tools System Variables and changing a few, but she cannot remember any more which ones she changed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wonder if one could change the characters in the part list to upper case when the file name is in lower case.
View 4 Replies View RelatedPS always unchecks the checkbox "Use Lower Case Extension" when saving a file, even though I specified in the preferences that I want PS to save default to lower case.
View 2 Replies View Relatedim using 2008 autocad . whenever i make an attribute using ATT command. it's forced as uppercase. how can i use lower case letters?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am writing various text insertion lisp routines. I want the computer to default to UPPERCASE before the user enters any text to ensure the text is added to the drawing as UPPERCASE text at all times.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am suddenly unable to type in lower case letters of any font... why is this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using PSE 9 on a new Mac Mini. I want to be able to save files with a lower-case extension by default. With my main (non-administrator) account, the extension is there, but it's always in uppercase. I've tried to select the "Use lower-case" option, but it always comes in upper-case, and when I go back to the preferences, the "Use lower-case" option is unselected. In my administrator account, I can't even get the "Always use an extension" option to stay selected.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI like the AutoCAPS setting in Mtext, however I occasionally use lower-case text when I am typing, such '2"x4" STUDS' . . . now, I do have a problem with AutoCAPS though:
Example - I copy '2"x4" STUDS" and paste it into another Mtext and the lower-case 'x' is automatically pasted as an uppercase character.
Are there any settings for AutoCAPS, or maybe for the copy/paste command that I can change to allow lower-case characters to be pasted into text when the AutoCAPS is on? It is a bit of a hassle to turn off AutoCAPS and turn it back on.
Just switched to 2012 from 2010. When I try to edit the description format field in the properties window of a selected cogo point, I can't type in caps, it's all lower case. If I right click and edit the point, I can use capital letters, however. (running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
View 2 Replies View Relatedphotoshop_cs5 and photoshop cs6..My fonts are all coming up in caps. My caps lock is not on. The lower case letters are also coming up in caps. Cannot get it to work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a client that needed to know the distance required to make a stair case, and when I drew it wight revit 2013, I discovered that I could manually adjust the riser height but was unable to adjust the tread length. I was also unable to end the stairs with a tread rather than a riser, witch he wanted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a single AutoCAD LT 2008 user who lost the ability to change the case on text in a drawing. Normally, he would highlight text, say it was uppercase, right click to choose change case and he would select lowercase and it would do as designed. Now, it simply deletes the highlighted text.
We've done a repair install with no result. Anyway to restore or fix this functionality?
In "Categories" of the filters window, it can be selected things which composes its mass, such as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing, Mass Roof. And these things can be clicked only after its mass become energy model.
I set up a filter rule of Mass Roof and applied it to V/G Filters of a view, but it did not displayed in Analyze Mass Model, the same as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing.
In Illustrator CS6 I established a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= to the command Type-->Change Case-->UPPERCASE (and Alt+Shift+Ctrl+- to Type-->Change Case-->Title Case). In Illustrator CC, these two keyboard shortcuts are not working. They are displaying in the Type menu correctly, and the menu commands themselves work correctly, but the shortcuts do not work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to use the tcase command to change text case on a current drawing. some of the text is listed in properties with :A1 and various other squares and ( etc .). Any way to change this text. When I try exploding it and changing to mtext the fractions and all parts of the text is exploded as well.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am making a nested family of windows and inserted the windows as shared and I need them as non shared. Is there a way to change the window from shared to non shared in the family editor?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat is shared parameter?
How to create that .txt file using in shared parameter
When I go to Edit Shared Parameters and then the create button I get an error message "The Shared Parameter file was not saved successfully". I am stuck at this point and cannot go any further. What is causing the problem and how can I work around this. I am using Revit Architecture 2011.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a student working on a research project exploring the integration of LEED criteria with BIM software, and I am exploring the use of both Revit and Excel to accomplish this task. One major problem that I am running into though, is with Shared Parameters.
I have created a set of LEED-specific shared parameters in Revit. These parameters are things like "Plumbing Fixture Family," "Plumbing Fixture Type," "Ventilation Zone," "Refrigerant Use," etc... basically different parameters that will inform an Excel spreadsheet containing formulas to calculate, ultimately, the total points awarded for each LEED credit.
My problem, is that in Excel, the names of the values for these shared parameters need to be very specific in order for it to work with the formulas I have created. What I need from Revit is the ability to create a shared parameter with a drop-down menu containing a set number of options that can be applied to any component in a project, so this can be done early-on in Revit, rather than after-the-fact in Excel. Such as choosing the type of refrigerant used in HVAC&R equipment (and yes, you could just type the refrigerant type into a text parameter field, but if it's not typed exactly as it is in the pre-determined formula it is associated with in Excel, it will return an error in Excel, which is less than desirable - a drop down would reduce/eliminate the margin of error).
Is there any way to accomplish this task? From what I have found online, this is only slightly possible in Family Parameters - I haven't found anything about Shared Parameters.
We have centralized our content for our Revit users. We then customize the ini file to insure the paths look to the network locations.
One of my users has said that the proper and only recommended way to update the shared parameters file is while you are in Revit (I.E. have the path to the shared parameters file look to the network location instead of locally) so it updates on the fly. I didnt want to do that as I do not want to alter the "master" copy of the content we have on the network. I'd prefer that the user updates it locally, then we can just copy the file and overwrite the older file on the network.
I find nothing that says it is, but I prefer to explore all options and avenues first.
Looking at a standard door type, the Internal Concept Single Door, I've noticed that it has some parameters set as a Shared Parameter?
Where is the shared parameters file for this?
I'm setting up an office template for use of these, and losing the default functionality is not wanted, if necessary I'll integrate the defaults into my own shared parameters file.
I have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.
I would like to make a dvd case like the attatched.
I have the art made and just want to know the best way to bend it around the spine.
how to create a CD Case in PhotoShop 7?
View 5 Replies View RelatedUsing : Photoshop 7.0
Alright this is my problem :
I am creating a portfolio DVD with all of my work to make it look really professional with menus and whatnot. I want the cover art to be professional too, so I created a nice case in photoshop using this :
Document Size :
Width : 10.75
Height : 7.125
Resolution : 200
Resample Image: Bicubic
Then I set up my rulers and created my DVD....
Now when I click print, it says clipping will occur. Which I dont see why, cause the document size (in landscape mode) isn't bigger than a sheet of paper. (Which Im using semi-thin cardstock to print on) But it still says clipping. So I click ok, hoping it will work, and set it up for landscape. It prints out, but it clips and doesn't do the whole thing, it cuts off of the left and right side. Yet it still has alot of blank paper it could have used to print on, I checked all my settings to see if there is something I could have missed, but i dont see anything at all that can help me with this matter.