AutoCad 2D :: Customizing Shortcut Keys On Keyboard
May 15, 2012
I'm wondering, to what extent can I customise my shortcut keys on my keyboard? Example, currently AC has "C" set to CIRCLE, and "CO" or "CP" as COPY. Id like to assign "C" to COPY instead as I use it constantly and would work quicker this way. Is it possible?
and not just a brush tool? im looking through the menus and only see keyshortcuts for the tools themselves,
i am (beginner) digital painter, so being able to switch from the different types of brushes by pressing one key on the keyboard would speed up my work flow an unspeakable amount.
Having issue like loosing all of your shortcut keys in max? I have them all assigned in the Customize > Customize User Interface>Keyboard Tab but they are all inactive, forcing me to work like a snail with my left hand in my pocket. I've gone and checked for the shortcut files, done a RESET to max settings, Reloaded the UI, Restarted the computer, can't remember anything else I can to to sort it out.
I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
I have a new computer and the F1 thru F12 shortcut keys for ortho, snap, etc. do not work. Rather these ring up computer functions like speaker volumnet and screen brightness. I would like to find the button that returns the shortcut keys to ACAD mode.
I have just noticed that while in Isometric view I can Pan an item in the window by pressing the arrow keys on a keyboard. One thing however is that to pan to the right side of the screen I have to press left arrow key. It is sort of pressing the "wrong" key to get the model slide to the "right" direction.
I'm running Inventor Pro 2012 (Student's license) via Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro.
I've recently noticed that the function keys (at least F7, F8 and F9) are not working as they used to. I now need to use the fn key and the specific function key in order to execute a command. This doesn't even work in assies so it isn't possible to view the constraints I've applied.
I've tried rebooting and resetting the shortcut keys (had never changed those settings) but nothing has worked.
is their some command set so it will stop doing that double enter? it just started doing it today. I have closed out autocad, restarted, made sure a key isn't stuck on my keyboard.
How do I change the short cut keys in only the right click menu? For example I used to be able to right click then type M for move in 2012. Now in 2013, I have to right click then click V for move. I also used to be able to right click and type O for rotate. Now nothing happens. I have to click again on rotate rather than typing a key. There's a few others I'd like to change.
I have a problem with shortcut keys in inventor 2013.Example:
-In 2012 when pressing "s", it would create sketch.
-In 2013 when pressing "s", it needs enter/spacebar to confirm that sketch creation.
I can't seem to find a setting that changes this, or a thread here on the forums describing anything about this. Only threads about shortcuts suddenly not working anymore, which is not the problem for me at this moment.
How do you change/edit command shortcut keys? For example, I would like to change the keyboard shortcut key for the command COPY to "C" instead of "CO" and CIRCLE to "CR" instead of "C" because I use the COPY command much more than CIRCLE and I'd like to maximize my drafting efficiency. In older versions of AutoCAD, you could open the acad pgp file and edit the info using "wordpad"; however, I have not been able to find that same file for this 2011 version.
My system is:
Gateway AMD Phenom II X4 820 quad-core processor 3 GHz Windows 7 Professional 64-bit os ATI Radeon HD 4250 graphics 640 GB hard drive 6 GB DDR3 memory
why my shortcut keys are not working in PS? In PS7, I find functions like Cntl+Shift+I will not select the inverse. A few other commands do not work. In PS8 almost NO short cuts work....not even Cntl Z!
I notice that some of the shortcuts/hot keys don't work. For example, one basic hot key that does not work is the F7-key. The F7-key opens and closes the layers palette.
Another hot key that does not work is the spacebar. My teacher taught me to hold the spacebar down when you want to move the canvas around. When I am in handtool mode I hold the spacebar down, I then apply pressure on my laptops touchpad, I then slide my finger across my laptops touchpad in order to try and move the canvas, but the canvas does not budge.
Some shortcuts work. For example, tapping the F-key multiple times will expand and reduce the size of Photoshop.
Closing my web browser did not resolve the problem. Updating the software did not resolve the problem.
I want to set up a keyboard shortcut for quickselect. I opened the CUI right clicked to create new temporary shortcut, put the command into the line and selected shift and Q. There some gobbledy **** message about it being also assigned to another command but that it will prioritise the one at the bottom of the tree, and my new shortcut IS at the bottom of the tree so far as I understand the phrase.
Bur when I try to use it, the shift key is not recognised. I press shift and q but all that comes up in the command line is q.
I want to set a keyboard shortcut for toggling the visibility of User Work Planes in 2013. I can't seem to find a way to do it. I am able to find it in 2012. Has this been removed from the customize menu in 2013? See attaced pic
We are working in AutoCAD 2010 and the keyboard shortcut commands are not working for one of our users. we are having difficulty getting it back online for her. we tried a menu load for the acad.pgp file and it isn't working .
For the longest time I've used both the Shape and Pen Tools for drawing vectors in Photoshop, but with CS6 I noticed a lot of weird behaviours. The one that is really getting to me is the lack of 'Shape Mode' shortcut keys when using the Pen Tool. When on the 'Shape Tool', fo example Cirle or Rectange, you can press the Shift to change the Shape Mode to 'Add', Alt to change it to 'Subtract' or both together to get 'Intersect'. This functionality used to exist on the Pen Tool too, but in CS6 I can't seem to get it working.
A collegue suggested to move over to Illustrator for all my Vector needs, and I know that this is good. However the lack of quick/integrated changing between 'Shape Modes' in either product (now) makes drawing things alot slower (for me).
Am I missing something, or is this feature now ommited in Photoshop CS6. If it ii, its possible to script something to allow this kind of behviour in Photoshop or Illustrator?
I have modified one of the toolbars (Text toolbar) with many useful for me commands. Many of them are not visible when this toolbar is "docked" to Corel's interface, that's why I want to view it floating.
But because there is "Object Information" from Status Bar, and it is only one line (very wide indeed, and I cannot find a way to make it in two or more lines of text (?)) this toolbar became very wide and I want to hide and show it with a shortcut. It is annoying to right click on interface, to click on "Text" to open when I need it, and to go to "x" to close it all the time.
Now I am looking to find a way to assign a shortcut to open and close it. Is this possible in CorelDRAW X6?
Almost all of the common shortcut keys stop working when input language is set to Māori. eg. ctrl-n, v, b pretty much everything apart from ctrl, alt and space.