AutoCAD 2010 :: Save Xrefs In Drawing In 2012?

Jun 16, 2011

How do I save xrefs in a drawing in Autocad 2012? 

I´ve been using eTransmit command in previous versions, now that I´ve switched to v2012 there´s no longer support to save all dwg xrefs as dwg references in the eTransmit popup window. My dwg xrefs are instead attached as blocks.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unloaded XREFs Reloading Itself (2012)

Jan 13, 2012

I've come across an action that appears to be a bug to me.  I have a file Xref'd in my drawing that I've unloaded while I do some edting to the main file.  While copying text in paperspace using the Copy & Paste feature from one tab to another, it's causing the unloaded Xref to reload when I activate the Paste feature using the Ctrl-V hot key. How to duplicate this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Keep Blocks / Xrefs From Being Edited / Exploded 2012

Nov 16, 2013

Using ACAD 2012 full version

I need to send a dwg file to someone by e-mail but need to keep them from editting/exploding/etc it. I have tried a test on the method described below and it does not work:

Set XEDIT = 0 in the child drawing(s) and create blocks in the child with "Allow Exploding" unchecked.

Start a new drawing and Attach the child into this new parent drawing as an XREF.

This is all fine and does not allow editting/exploding. However, when I XBind or eTransmit, it undoes all this fancy prevention. Even with XEDIT = 0 in the parent.

I know at one time in like ACAD 2000, it was possible to prevent someone from editting/exploding a drawing e-mailed to them. It's been a while. Maybe we used a LISP routine or some features native to ACAD. I just don't remember.

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AutoCad :: XREFs Disappear When Save Drawing

Oct 4, 2013

I have a blank drawing. I XREF another drawing, it looks good, everything makes sense... Then as soon as I save my drawing, the XREF disappears, and is no longer listed in the XREF manager!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Save Without Including Xrefs?

Jan 4, 2013

I will be working with a company across town on a drawing set.  Let's call my company CompanyA and them CompanyB. We will be colaberating on the drawing together possibly in realtime. What I need to do is to be able to xref their drawing into mine and mine into theirs and I need to be able to still make changes to my drawing and them to theirs.

CompanyA - DrawingA
CompanyB - DrawingB
DrawingA will xref DrawingB
DrawingB will xref DrawingA

When I make changes to my drawing I need to be able to save it without the attched xref so as not to nest the xrefs in a loop.

We will be working together via VPN in realtime.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xrefs Placed Away When Copy / Paste Drawing

Mar 6, 2012

when i copy paste another persons drawing into mine,all the xrefs get placed well away from the the original drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Auto Update List Of Xrefs In Drawing?

May 3, 2012

I have been trying to get a list of xrefs contained within a drawing to auto update by using Rtext.

I have got as far as using the following diesel expression.

Xref's in this file are indicated as - Xref name [Filepath]

$(Images,3,Images in this file: )

This gives me more or less what I want but I dont want to show the file path. What changes to the expression I need to do to achieve this.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xrefs To Stay Attached To A Drawing File / When Using Dropbox As Network?

Mar 11, 2013

Is there a way for xrefs to stay attached to a drawing file when using Dropbox as a network?  All files are saved to the dropbox which is loaded on both computers that need to access the files.  If I do work and save an xref in a file that is then opened by someone else on a different computer, the xref is not loaded and has to be re-routed.  Is there a way to avoid having to reroute xrefs everytime someone different opens the file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Crashing Whenever File Open / Save Or Save As Selected

Jun 27, 2013

I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS.  I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012.  It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears.  AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager.  I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly.  However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations.  I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop.  AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations.  I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Open And Create A Drawing In 2012 From Visual Basic 2010

Jul 1, 2012

I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:

1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.

2. I wrote this in the heading of the form's

- Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
-Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common

3. In the event Click of the Button1 I put this:

    Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application
    AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application
    Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document
    acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2
    'Draw a line
    Dim PT1(2) As Double

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Save As Window Not Showing Up - 2012?

Jun 21, 2012

All of a sudden and out of the blue this window fails to apprear when trying to save a drawing to another location or to a different file name.

AutoCAD 2011 still has this funciton so have had to go back to using the earlier version.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing 1 Does Not Allow To Close Without Selecting Save Or Don't Save

May 15, 2013

I used to be able to open a drawing then close it right away, if it was not the drawing I was looking for, as long as I didn't pan, zoom, or do anything else.  Almost a year ago I had a pop-up with-in AutoCAD that they reccommend I make this selection.  I can't remember what it said really, it was something about a script or lisp loading at each drawing opening.  Well, the result is the 'Drawing 1' does not disappear when I open another drawing and I would like that to stop.  Also as I said it does it to every drawing.  how to stop this?  I tried the 'startup' command and that is not it.  It is not a big thing just something I think is a waste of my time having to close that drawing each time I open AutoCAD.  Not sure it matters but I am using AutoCAD 2012

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Slow To Open And Save Drawings

May 9, 2012

Autocad 2012 was working fine until a week ago when it started taking a long time to open drawings--even search for drawings on our network.  It also takes at least 30 seconds to save files, where it used to take 5 seconds at most. 

I found the AutoCad 2012 and AutoCad LT 2012 SP1 Ribbon Hotfix, which sounded like my problem, but it is for Product Version F.107.0.0 and I have Product Version F.51.0.0.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Circles On Angled Piece In 2012 In 3D?

May 14, 2013

I am trying to draw a circle on an angled face on a valve I made, and am not too sure of the best way to do it.

Here is a front view showing the angle. I need to use the face at the top that is on a 22* angle or so


Here is a top view showing the 10 holes I need to make at the proper angle. The blue lines are showing where each of my holes will need to be with a fitting on it as well


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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 - Turn Off Accudraw That Pops Up When Drawing A Line?

Aug 13, 2013

Just upgraded from 2010 to 2012. How do I turn off this new "accudraw" that pops up when drawing a line?  And can I disable it permanently? (accudraw is the only thing I can equate it to).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hit Don't Save For Drawing - Any Way To Recover

Apr 6, 2012

when i clicked the x I hit don't save for one drawing i did not want to save but i did not want to close the next drawing yet the same message came up so fast i hit don't save again without realising and deleted 3hrs of work that i really do not want to do again so is there any way i can recover it? 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing Message

Oct 2, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2012 and I have an Issue that comes up once in a while. I will save the drawing that I am working in and a dialog box pops up with "AutoCAD Message. It says that it is unable to save to drawing, then lists the string where the drawing is found. Instead of saving as a .dwg, it creates a .tmp of the drawing. If I click the okay in the box it disappears and I can then resave the drawing as a .dwg. Lately it will even go so far as to lock the drawing and allow it to be only opened as a read only file.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing - Accessed By Another Session

Jun 19, 2012

I have a file where I can't save, because it says its being accessed by another session. The problem is no one has it open. I did a save as and tried changing the name of the original file or move the file with no luck. I need to keep the file name for purpose of company file structure.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Sep 28, 2012

We are seeing some issues with some users regarding what looks like a timeout in licensing?Basically our users are opening drawings, making amendments and trying to save, however, when the user or users try to save the drawing. It will state that the drawing is being accessed by another session.

We have removed all instances of the DWL's to see if we can resave but the only option we can use is to save them as *.tmp files.I do know that we have replaced the server in the office that is now experiencing this problem, previously they weren't having any issues.

Any good place to start looking into this as it seems there are too many things to consider and we would like to pinpoint the issue sooner rather than later..I want to be able to quickly identify if AutoCAD is at fault or the server.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Add Xrefs To Drawing

May 21, 2012

I am having an issue with adding xrefs to drawings.  The way I have this setup is the user inputs information and the number of sheets.  This then sets up a sheet set with the information and then for each value for the number of sheets the user gets a dialog askign for a number, name, and description for that sheet.

so if the user puts in 5 as the number of sheets, the user gets that dialog 5 times.

also I have a dialog that asks the user if they are adding xrefs to the sheets, if they answer yes then it adds the xrefs to each sheet that is created (this is where I have an issue).

This works perfect for the first sheet that is added, how ever after you fill in the information and submit for the second sheet autocad gives a fatal exception error and closes. not sure if I am missing on turning something off, closing, or stoping something before the next sheet is created.

here is the code I have at this point:

'checks to see if the dialog was yes
If xrefd.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then 'shows the dialog efd.ShowDialog() 'shows the dialog pfd.ShowDialog() 'runs for each value in total sheets
For i As Integer = 1 To info.TotalSheetNum.Value 'shows the dialog sheetinfo.ShowDialog() 'checks to see if the sheet number is 1 If sheetinfo.SheetNum.Text = "1"
Then 'sets the sheet set default values SetSheetSetDefaults(ssdb, info.NameTxt.Text,


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Enabling Table Breaks Slows Drawing Save To A Crawl

Dec 28, 2010

I have a data-linked table (from an Excel 2007 file, 32-bit) in an Autocad 2010 drawing (64-bit, Windows 7 OS).

If the table is displayed as a single column, with table breaks off, the file will save within seconds.

If I enable table breaks, it will take at least 3-5 minutes for the drawing file to save.

I am unable to find any solution. I've tried using different table styles, different linked files/drawings, saving locally vs. on the network, headers and titles repeating vs not. The slowness is a major productivity killer.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get List Of Xrefs In Current Drawing

Oct 23, 2013

I am new to .net. how to get a list of the xrefs in the current drawing?

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AutoCad :: Xrefs Shown In Drawing Not In Manager?

Feb 8, 2012

Simply, I have Xrefs showing up in my Drawing correctly, but they are not listed in my Xref Manager. ?

If it makes a difference, I did move the Host Job Folder into an Archive. So normally my XRef links are broken but still they show up in my Xref Manager and not in the Drawing until I re-path to the new location. This is because I didn't use Relative Paths, which I am starting to use now.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hide Sub Xrefs

Oct 15, 2013

I am working on a rather big xref setup. The MAIN file has got about 10 OVERVIEW files refferenced in, each of the OVERVIEW files got another 15-20 DRAWING files attached.

Now when i attach OVERVIEW to MAIN it brings in all the DRAWINGS as unique xrefs as well.

Of course i want to see the DRAWNIGS in the MAIN file, but I'd prefer not to see them in the xref-manger  (where i want to see only the OVERVIEW files).

An additional problem is that the DRAWINGS contain pictures on layout-tabs which are also shown in the MAIN file xref manager.

So long story short: is there a possibility to "hide" the sub-xrefs in the xref-manager?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Manage With Xrefs

Jan 22, 2013

Every time I reload the xref, regenerating the drawing or plot my details, I need to wait a long while. I have a plan (dwg) and the details (dwg) where I xrefed the plan 6 times. Everything is purged and audited. i thought this is a good way to work. Some tips how to manage with xrefs.

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AutoCad :: Change Colour To Drawing With Several Viewports And Xrefs?

Apr 17, 2013

I need to change colour to a drawing with several viewports and xrefs. I suggested to my co-worker that I could fix this via plot manager, but he insists that I change all colours in the xref to one and the same, so everyone can plot it black and white and so we don't have to set up new plot styles on every computer. (we've got the drawing file from another company btw).

I've had a look and it seems like I have to do refedit to be able to edit any parts of the xref. Most of the drawing has got the same colour already, but it just say "by layer"... how do I find out what colour it is?

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AutoCad :: Opening Files - XRefs Missing From Drawing

Nov 8, 2012

I was opening files and autocad was telling me that some xrefs were missing from the drawing, did I want to locate the xrefs or ignore (I hit ignore and accidentally checked the always do this to these types of files). Now, when I load a drawing I can not get the building to load into the drawings.

How to turn the locate feature back on for xrefs?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xrefs Not Auto-updating

Feb 21, 2012

Any settings that will automatically check changes to an xref and re-load it instead of just telling you "an xref needs reloading"?  the problem is occuring when i go to publish and i end up with out-dated info because acad doesn't auto-refresh the xrefs.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selection Cycling With XREFs

Jun 14, 2010

When using selection cycling (which I think is brilliant, shame we didn't have it 15 years ago) with an xref attached the application slows right down to the point where moving the mouse results in the cross hairs jumping around and making using anything almost impossible.  Turning the xref off or turning selection cycling off restores performance to how it should be.  If both are on I just cannot use the program at all, shame really as this new feature is neat.  I use x'refs extensively so this fault restricts use of the new feature.

I am running a Quad core 6600 intel processor

4gb Ram
Nvidia Quadro NVS 290
32 bit Windows Vista Business

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Scale In Xrefs

May 30, 2012

Im working on a drawing and im going to have window tags (ones i created with just text and made into a block) with 8" high text in the main drawing. im going to xref that drawing into another drawing but i want all those window tags to be scaled to .5 (giving 4" high text) but nothing else to scale. Is there a way that i can do this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Why Xrefs Are Coming In Dark

Apr 12, 2013

why my xrefs are coming in really dark ? I like to have a black model space so it's really hard to see them. There must be a setting somewhere.

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