AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Scale In Xrefs
May 30, 2012
Im working on a drawing and im going to have window tags (ones i created with just text and made into a block) with 8" high text in the main drawing. im going to xref that drawing into another drawing but i want all those window tags to be scaled to .5 (giving 4" high text) but nothing else to scale. Is there a way that i can do this?
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a base plan. The text scale is set to 1"=40' I xref the base plan into a strucural bridge plan sheet and scale the base map x 12 so that i can work in architetural scale. How do I get the text to scale correctly in the xref'd base map that has been scaled by 12 for a 1/8" scale?
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Nov 7, 2012
I am told there is a way that i can scale a block in on just the Y or X axis. How do i do this?
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Apr 17, 2013
I am attaching my dynamic block that I am having difficulty finalizing. My goal is to be able to stretch or resize the hvac block, based on the size that is provided to me (ala 24x24, 36x36, 48x72, etc) (Stretch Action), I have that figured out, and I have the symbol in the center that stays centered as the block size changes, (Move Action).
Here is my problem, I want the symbol in the center to stay centered and scale based on a ratio as the overall size gets larger. So for example: if my size is a 24"x24" I want the symbol in the center to be approx 12" dia, but if the size gets up to say 60"x60" I want it to scale accordingly (so it could be like 48" dia), specifically maintaining the size based on the x axis, so if the it gets to a 60x72", I'd like it to still be centered but size according to the 60 width, and not stretch and look awkward. I want the center symbol to scale and stay centered in the rectangle as I scale the size.
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Mar 13, 2012
Is it possible to create a 'drawing scale' defined attribute inside my title block when brought into paper space? I tried setting it up using 'plotscale' fieldname with various formats and it keeps coming in as 1" = 1' or 1:1 rather than 1" = 20' because that's what my plot scale is inside paper space but my drawing scale is 20 scale. If I bring the title block in model space, it adjusts, but I don't plot from model space. Surely there's a way to make this automated inside paper space.
Also, I just setup a 'Date' attribute inside my title block today. What's the difference between Date, Saved Date and Plot Date? Will 'Date' update if its in a drawing and opened up a month from now and saved or do i need to take 'Date' out and replace with 'Saved Date' or Plot Date'?.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.
We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.
Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?
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Apr 15, 2011
Our professor provided us with 3 dwg files that we are supposed to use for our title blocks on all construction documents. One is the title block file, one is a file with preloaded client info text and the other is preloaded with project info text. This includes dates(drawing, revisions, etc.), page numbers, sheet names, etc.
He explained how it's easier to xref all of these files into the paper space of our working files, but I don't understand how this is easier when every page has different information on it - in the very least a different page number and sheet/drawing name.
Is this a matter of creating a unique file for each page of our set of plans? This seems much more confusing that just inputting the text manually on each drawing.
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Oct 15, 2013
I am working on a rather big xref setup. The MAIN file has got about 10 OVERVIEW files refferenced in, each of the OVERVIEW files got another 15-20 DRAWING files attached.
Now when i attach OVERVIEW to MAIN it brings in all the DRAWINGS as unique xrefs as well.
Of course i want to see the DRAWNIGS in the MAIN file, but I'd prefer not to see them in the xref-manger (where i want to see only the OVERVIEW files).
An additional problem is that the DRAWINGS contain pictures on layout-tabs which are also shown in the MAIN file xref manager.
So long story short: is there a possibility to "hide" the sub-xrefs in the xref-manager?
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Jan 22, 2013
Every time I reload the xref, regenerating the drawing or plot my details, I need to wait a long while. I have a plan (dwg) and the details (dwg) where I xrefed the plan 6 times. Everything is purged and audited. i thought this is a good way to work. Some tips how to manage with xrefs.
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Feb 21, 2012
Any settings that will automatically check changes to an xref and re-load it instead of just telling you "an xref needs reloading"? the problem is occuring when i go to publish and i end up with out-dated info because acad doesn't auto-refresh the xrefs.
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Jun 14, 2010
When using selection cycling (which I think is brilliant, shame we didn't have it 15 years ago) with an xref attached the application slows right down to the point where moving the mouse results in the cross hairs jumping around and making using anything almost impossible. Turning the xref off or turning selection cycling off restores performance to how it should be. If both are on I just cannot use the program at all, shame really as this new feature is neat. I use x'refs extensively so this fault restricts use of the new feature.
I am running a Quad core 6600 intel processor
4gb Ram
Nvidia Quadro NVS 290
32 bit Windows Vista Business
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Jan 4, 2013
I will be working with a company across town on a drawing set. Let's call my company CompanyA and them CompanyB. We will be colaberating on the drawing together possibly in realtime. What I need to do is to be able to xref their drawing into mine and mine into theirs and I need to be able to still make changes to my drawing and them to theirs.
CompanyA - DrawingA
CompanyB - DrawingB
DrawingA will xref DrawingB
DrawingB will xref DrawingA
When I make changes to my drawing I need to be able to save it without the attched xref so as not to nest the xrefs in a loop.
We will be working together via VPN in realtime.
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Apr 12, 2013
why my xrefs are coming in really dark ? I like to have a black model space so it's really hard to see them. There must be a setting somewhere.
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Jun 27, 2012
We have recently noticed that after printing a PDF of a drawing I plotted from AutoCAD we are coming up with differences when we double check the scale on the printed hardcopy using a carpenter ruler.
For example, there is a dimension labeled on the drawing of 200 ft. However, if I try to scale this out with a carpenter's ruler at the drawing was set to (say for instance it is 1 inch = 100 ft) I am coming up short of the 2 inches it should be (typically come up around an 1-15/16" or around 194 feet, approx 97% of the correct amount).
In the Page Setup Manager in AutoCAD, I have the following options selected (see the print screen as well):
Printer/plotter selected: DWG to PDF.pc3
Paper Size: ANSI full bleed B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)
What to Plot: Layout
I don't have a plot scale scale other than the default 1" = 1'
No plot style selected
Then, on the print menu when I open the PDF that I have exported from AutoCAD, I have the following settings (see the print screens I have attached):
Printer: The printer I use (Konica Minolta c650 Series PCL)
And I have selected the Options "Auto Rotate and Center" and "Choose paper source by PDF page size**"
** Note, that I have tried unselecting the "Choose paper source by PDF page size" option and accordingly changed the paper size in the "Page Setup..." button at the btoom to match the document size (i.e. 11.0 x 17.0in) and it gets the difference to be closer (i.e. I now get 198 ft but some of my border gets cut off). See the print screen below for this a print screen of the print menu and sub-menu of Page Setup showing the paper size selected.
I saw that some people in other forums state that there is no real solution when trying to scale off of PDF's and that there should be a disclaimer saying as much if you are to send the file out to a customer who may rely on doing some in the field scaling from the printed copy of the PDF file. I find it hard to believe there is no solution as we have received some drawings from others whom the scaling works just fine.
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Mar 15, 2011
I work in autocad 2010 and I draw in scale 1:1 . What an annotation scale is, moreover I have never used annotative objects in my drawings.
Nonetheless, when I try to plot a drawing, while I am in the model view, I choose the scale in mm/units, I select the plot area and when I press preview or plot, I get the message THE ANNOTATION SCALE IS NOT EQUAL TO THE PLOT SCALE. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?
I press yes, I print it and the outcome is always a bit smaller than it should be.
When i am in the layout mode and I try to plot, I dont get this message. But I dont know how scaling works in this case. For example I want to plot in a A4 paper, scale 1:100. So I type 1000mm/100units, as I did in the model mode, but the result is wrong.
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Nov 5, 2012
how annotative objects function through xrefs and am running into some trouble.I created a brand new drawing, made an annotative symbol and 2 peices of annotative text, all three have 1"=20' and 1"=40' assigned to them. I can switch my scale back and forth and the objects act as they should.
If creat a second drawing and xref the first one, the only way I can see these xref'd objects is if I set ANNOALLVISIBLE to "1" or if I select one of their xref scales as the current scale 1"=20'_Xref or 1"=40'_Xref.
My goal is to be able to have plans that are annotative that can be xref'd into another annotative drawing and have the objects in both that are the same scale show up.
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Jul 12, 2012
how to turn off transparency display of the xrefs? When i xref drawing A into drawing B, drawing A displays transparency. That autocad default and I want to turn it off.
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Jul 27, 2012
We are Xreffing Images in AutoCAD 2011. The Aspect Ratio is different when the Images show up in the AutoCAD drawing.
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Jan 8, 2013
I have been searching for a solution to better manage xrefs. We work with arch. dwgs and they often contain several nested xrefs. While working in our "base.dwg", I need a method to correct the problem of some layers in the xrefs from displaying in the base.dwg when they're frozen in the xref dwgs. VISRETAIN is at 1. What I'm having to do is click on the problem geometry, identify what xref it's in, open that xref to record the layer state(all the layers that should be frozen or thawed), go back to the base dwg, look in Layer Manager to indentify that xref's layers and freeze the layers I need frozen. However, if I open the xref all those layers that should be frozen ARE frozen, but back in the base dwg they are displayed (not frozen). It's very frustrating...espec. when you've got half a dozen or more xrefs in many of their dwgs; which are all multiplied in the base of course so I've got two dozen or more xrefs to sift thru. It's just such a pain. I guess I need a "tip" on how to properly manage xrefs.
What would be neat is to be able independently manage all the Layer States for the xrefs separate from the base dwg's Layer States--meaning they(the xrefs' states) DON'T affect the other layers in the base(or other xrefs). LS Manager lists all layer states and if you restore one of them, it affects the entire dwg. I don't want that. I want the Layer States to control ONLY those states that apply to the xref it was created in. That way, all I'd need to do is click on the xref in Layer Manager(from the base dwg) and restore that particular xref's layer state and be DONE. That way you could manage all your xref Layer States individually (and independently from) the base dwg. Thus, if you make changes in the xrefs you can easily save/restore those states from within the base.
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Jun 16, 2011
How do I save xrefs in a drawing in Autocad 2012?
I´ve been using eTransmit command in previous versions, now that I´ve switched to v2012 there´s no longer support to save all dwg xrefs as dwg references in the eTransmit popup window. My dwg xrefs are instead attached as blocks.
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Mar 6, 2012
when i copy paste another persons drawing into mine,all the xrefs get placed well away from the the original drawing.
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Jul 26, 2012
I'm trying to reload a bunch of xref's through the project support path that I have setup, Really the project support path should be able to reload all the xref if they are already there. The problem is that the xrefs that im trying to reload ( the staus: says Unfreferenced and the type: Attachment) and when I type in the project name and then reload the xrefs, they should be able to find and link the xref to the drawing, but Im getting a a message saying that the xrefs are Orphaned and the status is Unreferenced. Its as though the system cant seem to find the xrefs with my projectname support path that I have setup.
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Jan 13, 2012
I've come across an action that appears to be a bug to me. I have a file Xref'd in my drawing that I've unloaded while I do some edting to the main file. While copying text in paperspace using the Copy & Paste feature from one tab to another, it's causing the unloaded Xref to reload when I activate the Paste feature using the Ctrl-V hot key. How to duplicate this?
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Apr 22, 2013
i have a large number of drawings that need xrefs detached and re-attached with the latest model xrefs, any way to do them in bulk rather than opening each individual drawing? the problem started a while back, when opening drawings, ACAD is not loading the latest 'saved' model when opening drawings...
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Feb 7, 2013
My scale list has metric list on it as it suppose to have both metric and imperial scale.
Screen shot..
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Jul 2, 2012
I am trying to change my Xrefs from full pathing to relative pathing. If the file i am trying to xref is located at the following location
\hfg.intdepartmentsProduction"6 HA"1 StructuralFabrication EngineeringDrawing OfficePrevious ProjectsA11001
What do i put for the file path for it to be relative pathed?
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Nov 16, 2013
Using ACAD 2012 full version
I need to send a dwg file to someone by e-mail but need to keep them from editting/exploding/etc it. I have tried a test on the method described below and it does not work:
Set XEDIT = 0 in the child drawing(s) and create blocks in the child with "Allow Exploding" unchecked.
Start a new drawing and Attach the child into this new parent drawing as an XREF.
This is all fine and does not allow editting/exploding. However, when I XBind or eTransmit, it undoes all this fancy prevention. Even with XEDIT = 0 in the parent.
I know at one time in like ACAD 2000, it was possible to prevent someone from editting/exploding a drawing e-mailed to them. It's been a while. Maybe we used a LISP routine or some features native to ACAD. I just don't remember.
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Jun 29, 2010
We’re working in AutoCAD 2010 but need to save as 2007 DWG. AutoCAD is set in Options to save to 2007 format, and all files - host and reference - are or should be in that format.
Something is triggering an automatic save of the xrefs. The xrefs are not being edited, in-place or otherwise, but every so often I get a balloon message saying the xref has changed and I need to update it. So I update it, and when I check the file format, I find it’s been saved in 2010 DWG.
Other people on the project are also having this problem. Engineers on this project are using 2009 and keep coming to us and asking where the xrefs are.
This is AutoCAD 2010, "English Version 3" running in XP2 SP3.
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May 3, 2012
I have been trying to get a list of xrefs contained within a drawing to auto update by using Rtext.
I have got as far as using the following diesel expression.
Xref's in this file are indicated as - Xref name [Filepath]
$(Images,3,Images in this file: )
This gives me more or less what I want but I dont want to show the file path. What changes to the expression I need to do to achieve this.
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Aug 28, 2013
I have drawings which are occasionally transmitted to vendors, building officials and other parties. These drawings contain XREFs for the floor plans, roof plans, site plans, etc. Some of these XREFs contain layers with sensitive information the client does not want distributed to third parties.
If I'm just sending a PDF or plotting locally the sensitive layers are turned off or frozen and the PDF is plotted without layers. This is sufficient to protect the sensitive data. But if the third party requests a CAD file then I have a problem.
If I use Send to create a package of dependent files including XREFs they are included whole with all of the sensitive data on frozen layers.
If I Bind the XREF to a copy of the drawing for distribution the sensitive layers are still included as frozen layers.
In either case I am confronted with the task of deleting a large number of layers and we all know what a chore deleting layers with content can be. There has to be a solution to this problem, either an easier way to delete layers or a way to filter them in the binding process. Currently I am removing the XREF and making a block of the essential layers each time I have to make a distribution but these are large and complex drawings making this a chore as well.
Arguably this would be much simpler if AutoCAD had a better method for removing layers such as offering to a. move all contents to layer 0, b. delete all layer contents or c. cancel instead of just telling me I can't delete the layer because there are contents like we're still using R12.
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
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May 23, 2013
I am currently working on quite a large scale project with drawing packages of up to 50 drawings. Each of these drawings are layouts and need to have the same set of xrefs (ie. survey and road design) with the same layer properties. I may have one set of 50 drawings for Road Lghting and another for drainage for example. Each requiring a different set of xrefs and different set of layer properties.
Where I currently work I have a choice between to systems to run the job, both involve the use of scripts to control the layer states. My question is, and i wanted to start a discussion on which option is better, is whether to use Xref templates which nest all the individual xrefs into each of the 50 drawings, or use another script to attach/change the list of xrefs in each of the 50 drawings.
Xref Master/template option..Nest all required xrefs in one master, ie. X_DRAINAGE_MASTER.DWG Use a script to control layer states, ie. DRAINAGE_ LAYERS.SCR I think this has greater control over random mistakes with draw order issues from other draftsmen.Attache individual xrefs option. Individual xrefs in each drawing with a script ready which loads/changes the xrefs as I need. This script also controls draw order Also uses the same DRAINAGE_ LAYERS.SCR to control layer states I think this has a higher likelihood of draftsmen making mistakes with random xrefs and/or draw order problems. Probably takes more time to update all drawings with a respective change as opposed to updating one master xref.Does nesting a whole load (maybe 50-100 xrefs) into a master create slow working drawings?
Worth noting I have the ability to apply any number of script in any order I want through the use of a spreadsheet.
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